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/lit/ - Literature

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15904511 No.15904511 [Reply] [Original]

what did he say?

>> No.15904520

brothers karamazov

>> No.15904540

Infinite Jest , L’Etranger, The Brothers Karamazov, Blood Meridian, Lolita, Moby Dick, Gravity’s Rainbow, Don Quixote, The Trial, Journey to the End of the Night, Ficciones, Ulysses, Crime and Punishment, Catch 22, 2666, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Catcher in the Rye, The Sound and The Fury, 1984, The Great Gatsby, Hamlet, Invisible Cities, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Slaughterhouse Five, Mason and Dixon, Notes from the Underground, Siddhartha, Anna Karenina, Dune, V, The Odyssey, The Divine Comedy, The Waves, The Master and Margarita, The Plague, War and Peace, White Noise, Stoner, Wuthering Heights, Dubliners, The Book of Disquiet, Heart of Darkness, In Search of Lost Time, A Farewell to Arms, The Crying of Lot 49, As I Lay Dying, The Metamorphosis, American Psycho, The Sun Also Rises, Leaves of Grass, A Clockwork Orange, The Grapes of Wrath, On The Road, The Temple of the Golden Pavillion, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Ubik, Solaris, The Savage Detectives, The Holy Bible, Faust, Lord of the Flies, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Pale King, Light in August, Dead Souls, Hunger, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Suttree, To The Lighthouse, Malone Dies, Dandelion Wine, Valis, Absalom, Absalom, The Wasp Factory, Pale Fire, Animal Farm, East of Eden, Roadside Picnic, Hopscotch, Fight Club, Franny & Zooey, Walden, The Fall, A Tale of Two Cities, Steppenwolf, The Iliad, The Good Earth, The Old Man and The Sea, Paradise Lost, I Am a Cat, The Count of Monte Cristo, Illuminatus, The Book of the New Sun, A Confederacy of Dunces, Les Miserables, If on a Winter’s Night, a Traveler, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Madame Bovary, No Longer Human, The Recognitions, The Idiot, Siren of Titan, Watership Down, Brave New World, Kafka on the Shore, The Magic Mountain, A Hero of our Time, Fahrenheit 451, Cannery Row, The Remains of the Day, The Name of the Rose, Of Mice and Men, The Tropic of Cancer, The Aleph, The Flowers of Evil, Ada, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, A Scanner Darkly, The Canterbury Tales, Finnegans Wake, Naked Luch, Bottom’s Dream, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shady, The Death of Ivan Ilych, King Lear, The Tunnel, JR, The Man Without Qualities, Middlemarch, Under the Volcano, The Aeneid, Mrs Dalloway, Nausea, Oblomov, The Castle, The Waste Land, The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas, Against Nature, Molloy, The Road, The Gulag Archipelago, The Anatomy of Melancholy, Pan, Rings of Saturn, Candide, Metamorphoses, The Faerie Queene, 60 Stories, Neuromancer, Cryptonomicon, Correction, Essays, The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Sometiems a Great Notion, The Glass Bead Game, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Life and Fate, Storm of Steel, The Red & The Black, Atomized, The Leopard, Kokoro, Demons, Growth of the Soil, The Bhagavad Gita, Confessions of a Mask, The Golden Bowl, Frankenstein and The Quran

>> No.15904548

"...nothing of value, ever, but I'm rich".

>> No.15904597

Stirner, my dear property

>> No.15904641

What is it with autists and making lists?

>> No.15904656

It brings order to a chaotic universe.

>> No.15904659

The Holy Bible

>> No.15904667

they think it's cute and dandy.

>> No.15905308
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i'm sorry you got hurt dear anon.

>> No.15905314
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>> No.15905351

Holy cringe

>> No.15905399

Thanks anon, you are cute too

>> No.15905836

/lit/ btfo
he said he reads lovecraft and guenon

>> No.15905870

he didn't say anything, only top 10% of men have regular sex these days and they don't have to say anything to get laid, their physical appearance does all the talking for them

>> No.15905907
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>> No.15906736
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>he didn't say anything
>"I read __________________________"

>> No.15906791


>> No.15906844

The absolute state of humans

>> No.15906868


>Omg why are guys who don't spend their entire day on the internet the only ones getting laid.

>> No.15907264

The Synthesis of the Objective and Subjective

>> No.15907354

what did he mean by this?

>> No.15908609


>> No.15908710
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>lovecraft and guenon

>> No.15909210

Jesus man, just get a girlfriend who likes to screw.

>> No.15910370


>> No.15910377


>> No.15910382

Anything, he's a chad

>> No.15910400

go back to pol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15910418

Rupi Kaur

>> No.15910434


>> No.15910543


>> No.15910560

nothing at all.

>> No.15910568

based bitter incel

>> No.15910589

It's a copy pasta

>> No.15910592
File: 63 KB, 1152x860, B7A8B5E1-7849-45C9-A332-5690E14C3F91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbass. 72% of men and 82% of women are having regular sex. That means if there were 100 men and 100 women, 90 men would get 100 women, and 10 men like you would get nothing.

>> No.15910599

Stick to fiction, maths clearly isn't your strong suit.

Besides, we all know the other 18% of women are having super fucked up kinky sex, as opposed to "regular" sex.

>> No.15910601

Guenon's The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times (pbuh)

>> No.15910605

Nothing I said was wrong you fucking imbecile.

>> No.15910620


>> No.15910632

/lit/ bros, we had a good run...

>> No.15910996

Unironically this.

>> No.15911028

Why isn't the guy black? That's racist.

>> No.15911091

Have sex

>> No.15911409

Wow, no one has ever said I was in the top 10% of men before, thanks anon.

>> No.15911452

"Ada by Vladimir Nabokov"

>> No.15911679

Schopenhaurs masterpiece On Women

>> No.15911742

Imo this has a lot more to do with having to work and study longer hours nowadays, not getting your own place till later, obesity, low test and porn/technology addiction than anything incels come up with.
t. 5'5'' man who has fucked 8 women and could've had more if he wasn't a complete autist.

>> No.15912057

The bigger question is why The Stranger is in its native language why La Peste from the very same author is not

>> No.15912190

"Industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for human race"

>> No.15912216

Wtf happened in 2008 for vaginas to dry up that fast?

>> No.15912224

I meant the opposite my bad, wtf happened in 2008 for vaginas to become raining fountains?

>> No.15912272

The only right answer.

>> No.15912293

everything is better in English

>> No.15912343

The global recession?

>> No.15912464

Does anyone else notice that there's more sex during times of economic recession and less during prosperity in this chart?

>> No.15912605

I don't think your math is right

>> No.15912622

Harry Potter

>> No.15912645

Cataclysmic energies of loss and despair vs. Abundance energies stabilized by growth. One could say the utopian enegies of the mid-20th century west lead to the sexual revolution.

I'm just kidding. I have no idea.

>> No.15912659
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>> No.15912705

That's a very funny answer, but in reality the last panel would never happen in real life if a guy says these things, just the second one.