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15898596 No.15898596 [Reply] [Original]

Why you cannot learn a new language

- You're too dumb and lazy.
- You're a failed nomie, see above.
- You're too poor, and either commitments eat your time, or you can't get tutelage.
- It's fundamentally impossible: The essence of a language can only be at its geographical roots. But even if you moved, your own biases would block integral contexts.
- Important meanings cannot be detected, cannot be explained, cannot be translated, cannot be taught, cannot be learned.
- A whole lifetime will stop mistakes from exposing you as a stupid second-language speaker.
- With dead languages, it's even more impossible. Those translations from top universities? Pseud shit from hacks doing guesswork most of the time.
- Glove anon nigger is smarter than you, despite being shit at English, and a mediocre multiglot.
- Corona quarantine has not stopped your dumb, lazy ass from making excuses, and here you are, still proving me right.

>> No.15898644

the absolute state of animefags

>> No.15898697


>> No.15898700

>Being this salty about not learning jap for your weebshit

120 million Japanese natives, 20 million 4channers, but only 1 million secondary speakers. The difference is resounding and self explanatory.

>> No.15898715
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>120 million Japanese natives, 20 million 4channers, but only 1 million secondary speakers. The difference is resounding and self explanatory.

>> No.15898736

The best way to learn japanese is to watch their cinema without subtitles, also their travel vlogs. After a few hundred hours you'll start to think like an Japanese

>> No.15898756

I don't think this is enough. Japanese media is pretty dishonest and doesn't address their social problems, or even ordinary life, authentically.

Travel vlogs are stupid shit made by idiots suffering from tourism disease.

It was more possible to learn Japanese during the 1960s when only privileged people could bridge the gap. These days the middle class ruin the chance to absorb the Japanese soul.

>> No.15898765
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this manlet can do it. how genetically deficient are you?

>> No.15898776

I saw these videos of these Japanese guys giving Africans free stuff, pretty awesome

>> No.15898799

If you've seen his other stuff, or other multiglots, he admits he's never known or met anyone who has learnt a second language who doesn't eventually make a mistake exposing themselves.

You're the degenerate dumb faggot.

>> No.15898819
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so mad

>> No.15898866

My point there was to keep lurkers sober, you're a filthy monoglot beyond help.

Learning second languages is basically impossible.

>> No.15898888

nah you're just dumb.

>> No.15898896

t monoglot faggot

>> No.15898906

I'm sorry that you grew up in a monolingual household.

>> No.15898908

keep coping brainlet

>> No.15898917


>> No.15899054

Kek, glad seeing someone else copying my shitpost

>> No.15899153

>no russians to speak to
>no resources to practice my conlang

>> No.15899167

arent there a bunch of russian discords

>> No.15899179

there are apps you can use anon like lingbe

>> No.15900075

OP's right, I'm still a monoglot angloid

>> No.15900581

Sometimes I want to learn Japanese, but I also don't want to be a weeb loser at some point.

>> No.15901171

Oh btw OP I should have asked this before, but, were you the one who posted the copy and paste of my thread?

>> No.15901373

Not me but I got the idea from it.

>> No.15901613

Not entirely sure what you mean. I’ve been living in Japan for 4 years and have gotten to conversational level during that time. Can you define what you mean by “Japanese soul”? Also I was a poorfag when I moved here but am now upper middle class so I’d like to know how I’ve ruined it exactly

>> No.15901635

Does teaching English really pay that much? I'm going to do the same thing desu

>> No.15901641

>After a few hundred hours you'll start to think like an Japanese

I've learned Japanese to a decent degree, and I used to try to embrace the mentality of "Thinking like a Japanese". Ultimately my conclusion is that unless if you actually are Japanese, you don't want to think like a Japanese. It will turn you into an NPC

>> No.15901823

Not entry level but if you’re smart and get a decent network, have decent Japanese and have the necessary qualifications (TEFL is an easy one that doesn’t take long to obtain but can get you a job of 300,000 yen a month with some experience) you can make some decent money. My wife comes from quite a wealthy family so we both have decent money and built a humble house in an affluent area. Best decision I made was to come here but don’t be a fag who expects everything to be handed to him

>> No.15902527 [DELETED] 

I actually need a mentor for learning welsh. Self learning is possible, but a mentor would help me understand why a language is spoken and all of other question that usually asked when learning language.

I'm learning welsh btw.

>> No.15902553

>- Important meanings cannot be detected, cannot be explained, cannot be translated, cannot be taught, cannot be learned.
This is the kind of shit that weebs say when they talk about how their porn games are literary masterpieces. Oh you read it in translation and thought it was a piece of shit? That's because it's not translatable, idiot. If you could read it in Japanese you would understand it's better than Shakespeare.

>> No.15903273


can u elaborate what u mean by this?

>> No.15903328

Always gives me a chuckle when I see people talking about how they're going to learn Ancient Greek on their own. Babby's first literary LARP, the desire to be associated with a vaunted culture, but not understanding it's been dead for thousands of years and they'd be reading the same few works forever.

>> No.15903346

Boils down to have a reason to, OP. Everything else follows it.

>> No.15903457

lmao no faggot

if anons on 4chan, a weeb site, cant even learn jap for the weebshit they claim they love, theres no chance for any so called "reasons"

>> No.15903776

I thought I was going to be able to learn Italian for Corona, but damn, OP was right.

>> No.15904492 [DELETED] 


Why are you being such a bastard?

>> No.15904512


You damn shithead, why are you being such a fucking bastard?

>> No.15905156


>> No.15906374

whats this suppsoed to prove

>> No.15907334

I'm sorry Anon, but if you want to learn Japanese you are probably a retarded weeb already. Learn Latin and/or Ancient Greek (using LLPSI/Athenaze).

>> No.15907488

>learned english at 12
>learned spanish at 15
>Tried learning japanese 4 times and always end up giving up

>> No.15907713

t. pseud giving advice but actually someone like >>15907488

>> No.15907823

>It's fundamentally impossible: The essence of a language can only be at its geographical roots. But even if you moved, your own biases would block integral contexts.
If that was true, a person from Canada wouldn't understand an Aussie.
All people share the same experiences and utilize the same concepts and notions. We learn a language not to speak it without mistakes which is impossible even with your own language but to have immediate access to a certain discourse.
So there is no excuse for being a lazy anime-watching faggot like you are.

>> No.15908009

Nope, human communication is fundamentally impossible. You might think you're communicating thoughts to each other, but you're actually only delivering secondary impressions. Things are made from atoms, but we now know that even atoms don't have real existence. Everything you communicate is just one person's flimsy idea of a word which will be completely different, by form and association, in another person's mind.

You'd have known this if you watched anime as a patrician like me does.

>> No.15908019

>You're too dumb and lazy.
Didn't even read the rest of the post kek

>> No.15908049

Thank you for being among the honest anons itt.

>> No.15908144

>You might think you're communicating thoughts to each other, but you're actually only delivering secondary impressions.
That is, like, the core concept of language.
>Everything you communicate is just one person's flimsy idea of a word which will be completely different, by form and association, in another
This difference is neglected by the common understanding of the word and it's context. When I say '4chan' you think of this place immediately in spite of having different experience with it. So, go learn some semiotics and don't start dumbass threads anymore.

>> No.15908162


Holy fuck imagine being this retarded. If the impressions are close enough that we are able to pursue a goal together, or that I'm able to make it clear to you what I want from you or vice versa then, I'm not even going to finish this post you fucking troll fuck you

>> No.15908182
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>imagine being this retarded
*imagines it*

>> No.15908191

get a loli russian gf

>> No.15908239

I'm not OP but I'll gladly put you guys in your place.

You're only proving my point shitlords. You say it's a core concept of language, but there's no reason to assume such a core concept, or claims to common understanding, should mean anything to anyone. And when you really think about it, they don't. Meaning is an illusion, and can't be deferred to.

If language is so fluent, why can't you persuade someone as gracious and open minded as me to pursue any so called common goals together? I promise it's easier than you trolls make it out to be.

>> No.15908281

>anyone who has learnt a second language who doesn't eventually make a mistake exposing themselves.
>tfw raised by crazy autist parents in multilingual households
>they hired fake relatives from rare local languages to make us learn more
>technically ESL
>nobody thinks I'm ESL because too many big words for people to think I'm not college educated
>anytime I say something ESL English first language speakers assume I'm using smart people grammar or just a regular English speaking stroke
>anyone from other languages I speak recognise me as local adoptee with fake auntie/nona
>they all think I'm retarded because my parents were insane people so when I say stupid shit they give me sweets
Nobody speaks any language completely fluently.

>> No.15908309

Yes! Someone gets it!

>> No.15908346

If meaning is an illsuion then what is the point of this thread? What kind of non-existing meaning are you trying to convey to us? How that's possible that I even understand you? Idiot.

>> No.15908353

I don't think it's completely impossible for learners to master a second language, but short of people living to 120, and living two childhoods, there hasn't been hard evidence of any single person perfectly mastering 2 or more languages. Polyglots have at most mastered only 1.

>> No.15908363

Funny thing about this is ESLs who speak English do give themselves away by using more formal grammar such as relative pronouns that are often omitted by English native speakers.

>> No.15908376

>there hasn't been hard evidence of any single person perfectly mastering 2 or more languages.
Switzerland exists. It's pretty common to have three languages in a lot of developing countries. The only countries that think a second language is impossible are usually English speaking.

>> No.15908381

Rarely the point of learning a language is to master it.

>> No.15908388

lol you have no idea how pissed off ESL speakers who come to anglophone countries for immersion are that nobody says "how do you do?" or answers a telephone "this is s/he"

>> No.15908475

only if you unironically consider posting on weeb boards a prerequisite for speaking Japanese; go outside

>> No.15908506

kek, I found this out myself when I went to France and learned that people don't say "oui" (yes) but "ouais" (yeah) and they omit the "ne" in their negative constructions (j'ai pas faim).

>> No.15908516

Didn't read. In my case it's because I have a high sex drive and masturbate many times a day. There isn't any point of learning a language anyways.

>> No.15908608

Learning languages is easy, your brain is extremly good at detecting patterns.
get your feet on the door with some grammaet guide,read/watch at some point a ton of shit, and you'll master the language eventually (in comprehension, not in prodution, for production you need to write/speak a ton).
you shouldnt consider the time needed for progress, only the number of lines.
Also, if you plan to be a polyglot, be smart about the order of the languages you plan to learn (starting with latin and lingua latina is always smart for exemple).

>> No.15908621

Can confirm, mastered english by making bait threads on /lit/

>> No.15908626
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>> No.15908646

That is not a good reason, anon. It would be if there were a scarcity of stuff on their language.

>> No.15908934

You have a depressed sex drive and overcompensate. If you were high t you'd have a girl and fuck her.

>Having a hard on for a low t faggot
You're a scrawny low t wimp too aren't you

>> No.15909395

I don't get the point of this thread. It's obviously possible to learn a foreign language to the point of naitives thinking you're not a foreigner; I, as an esl, have experienced that on nunerous occasions(in writing at least). The hardest part is the accent and the word choice though, which admittedly, I have cared little enough for to usually be identified as a foreigner very quickly. Not even naitives have mastered their langauge fully.

>> No.15909513

>The hardest part is the accent and the word choice though, which admittedly, I have cared little enough for to usually be identified as a foreigner very quickly.

Haha retard.

Natives can master their language, but the max anyone can master has been only one.

>> No.15909538

It’s a certificate you can get that essentially teaches you the basics of teaching a foreign language to someone. You can get it online after 120 hours of study, I think I finished in less than 100. Took me a little over a month and I got a higher paying job pretty quickly afterwards. If anything is unclear just google it. It’s really basic but most people don’t bother getting it which is why they remain at 220,000 yen a month after a decade working here

>> No.15910289

But you're still making chump change.

>> No.15910293

Yeah well you cant lose your virginity because you are an acne ridden sperg with a repugnant personality

>> No.15910301

TEFL is useless and is not accepted by any institution as a legitimate qualification - it's essentially a nice to have extra for shit-tier english teachers abroad.

>> No.15910384

The autism in this post is off the charts

>> No.15910402

I don't hear a proper rebuttal. You can't prove what I said wrong. The other anon tried, but didn't continue. From where does meaning derive? Is it truly substantial and coherent beyond our requirements? Particles and energy don't seem to support the case for their existence.

The best arguments derive from a God concept, but that's another beast to wrestle with.

>> No.15910470

read later Wittgenstein you retard

>> No.15910494

You read updates to latter Wittgenstein idiot. You think he had the final say? Guess again. Science and philosophy shifted since.

>> No.15910512

Again, all I see are meme arguments. Linguistics 101 rebuttal. "Read Wittgenstein, who I only read the wiki on" rebuttal. I don't consider myself particularly learned on these topics but I know there are some actual readers out there.

>> No.15910652

They're not giving you detailed responses because you're clearly out to be an insufferably faggot.

>> No.15910688

Depends on your perspective. As I said I was a poorfag before coming here. Surviving on social subsidies was not fun. Now I’m comfy middle class
I have no idea what institutions this guy is referring to considering we are literally talking about teaching English abroad in Japan but the only thing more prestigious is CELTA and that generally isn’t looked for, or even separated from, TEFL. CELTA will also only teach you how to teach adults for 10x the price. It is much more in-depth though

>> No.15912137

you really are a pseud, mate
your conception of meaning is flawed, I'll tell you that

>> No.15913455

>i blindly say your understanding is flawed
>im too pseud to dismantle your views but i will assume im right

Come back when you've actually read, and when you can give a poignant, detailed response.

>> No.15914956

>a poignant, detailed response
not worth it
you are talking about 'the essence of language' in 2020 ffs, your problem is not related to language at all, your problem is that you got brain damage from watching too much anime

>> No.15914984


>> No.15915039

im not him, how does the logic expand so that that weeb's autism is shown to be wrong?

please respond, even if it has to be in another thread.

>> No.15915931

> human communication is fundamentally impossible.
says he, while communicating his retarded views to other anons

>> No.15916881

That just means it's moving sounds and images around, communication and meaning are immaterial concepts and are impossible.