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15896200 No.15896200 [Reply] [Original]

Ryuji didn't deserve that. Can we talk about this book?

>> No.15896256

dropped the book five pages in because ive been trying to read more nip authors but theyve all been about wanting to fuck their mom, fucking sick of this shit

>> No.15896303

Can you give me a list of these deplorable novels?

>> No.15896319
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Yeah I found that pretty funny. Two nip authored books before, I had read Kafka on the Shore, so to be assaulted less than 5 pages in by mother son incest was pretty jarring.

Also my vintage classics copy had two typos in it -- one being an inoffensive "1" instead of an "!" but the other was celebrated spelled "cdebrated". What the fuck?

>> No.15896360
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He absolutely deserved that because he willingly became a father (the worst thing to be in this world) and not only that! he forsook the life of glory to become a father. Ryuji's death was the only way to him to gain any shred of honor left.

>> No.15896386

***Ryuji's death was the only way to reconcile him with the glory that every man should strive for

>> No.15896411

>t. chief
I don't deny that the reasoning existed nor do I disagree with the conclusion that reasoning would beget, I disagree with the reasoning. The chief was a nihilist faggot whose reasoning was flawed and Noboru was a sperg.

>> No.15896470

I don't blame chief personally, I was a cult-like leader of a group of my own very similar to the one in the book at 12-14 but luckily I had no passionate personal philosophies to force upon people. When your parents largely ignore you and you grow up in a largely irreligious place it becomes easier to sympathize with the group

>> No.15897170

I think whether the actions of the impressed are of fault of their own or their upbringing an entirely different issue. A serial killer who was abused can still be condemned -- the chief's actions were not equal to his suffering. You don't poison a man because he stopped being a sailor, regardless of your hair brained philosophy. A man is free to be his own prophet and sculpture

>> No.15898675

I've yet to see any incest in Japanese literature. I think you guys are selecting for it, if you get what I mean.

>> No.15899096

Neither the group or Ryuji were honourable: the group symbolised this naive desire for a corrupted, hedonistic 'masculinity,' and Ryuji was a coward from the start.

>> No.15899219

yup he deserved it
passive nihilism BTFOd
i'd take it further to say that the group idolised the simulacra of the true Masculinity that Ryuji lived through but then rejected in his cowardice

>> No.15899491

What a coincidence I just finished this, I think it is a wonderful book. Mishima doesn’t attempt to mask his complexes at all when he writes or portray his characters as being morally praiseworthy, they are there to precisely express certain concepts and the brutality of the characters is a means to achieving that. I adore the central principle of the book, that is the Grand Cause, that ineffable, irrational, intuited heroism that doesn’t have its seat in anything worldly or mechanistic but is glimpsed just barely and imperfectly in a reflection for a moment and so entirely captures and enthralls Ryuji (and Noboru). The love and reverence that both characters have for this is sublimely expressed in this book; though parts were unpleasant and disturbing, there was a perpetual thread of nobility underlying all the imperfection. For example the total life philosophy of the boys is marred by the chiefs complexes and insanity, as well as the immaturity of the boys yes does always contain elements of profound truth.

Also did anyone catch Fusakos last line to Ryuji? She said she was worried he might leave her on the Rakuyo again, nice bit of symbolism there