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File: 226 KB, 1024x1469, Reproduction-cover-edition-The-Catcher-in-the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15896158 No.15896158 [Reply] [Original]

For Chrissake, this book is so goddam boring!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15896161

I was crying within ten pages

>> No.15896163

It's also pretty stupid.

>> No.15896170

t. Soulless npc

>> No.15896274

You need to read it at least 3 times to get it. It's like a collage made out of newspaper and it's very contextual - filled with pointless details and it's main point of yearning and searching for something authentic is "meta" - you see it at the end after a few readings.

>> No.15896287

It's the kind of book that reflects the spectator. You have outed yourself

>> No.15896295

I (OP) am 6 chapters in
really goddam boring so far

>> No.15896307

It reads like a John Hughes movie.

>> No.15896310


There is no meta. Catcher is just kike Salinger's schizopost.

>> No.15896339

"Meta" in a sense that there is basically no explicit plot, no "event", nothing happens - it's one boring pointless thing after another; the entire point of the book is not obvious at first look. I like it, but yes, it is basically schizo-arty-farty-post.

>> No.15896344


First read Holden was literally me. Then when I grew older I thought Holden was a little faggot. Then, just a year ago I couldn't stop laughing . One of the few books to make me genuinely laugh out loud many times. Took 3 readings to get there. I'll try again after I have kids.

>> No.15896382

It's a disease related to Judaism. They pump out all kinds of books like this.

>> No.15896388
File: 6 KB, 250x147, download (4).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catcher in the rye!

>> No.15896481

It's pretty funny. Holden's a little shit, his musings are sometimes enjoyable in and of themselves but they're enjoyable because of who he is as a character. It didn't bore me, it's a good portayal of the contradicting and immature feelings of a teen growing up. The crackpot who thought it should be taught in schools should be fired.

>> No.15896494

>The crackpot who thought it should be taught in schools should be fired.

The teachers who brought it into the schools were Jewish.

>> No.15896596 [DELETED] 

>t. Soulless npc
But the book is read by the masses and just repeat to everyone else "book is gud"
If anything you are the NPC for liking this trash presented at the front of every retail book store.

>> No.15896603

>t. Soulless npc
But the book is read by the masses and the masses that read it just repeat to everyone else "book is gud"
If anything you are the NPC for liking this trash presented at the front of every retail book store.

>> No.15896777

Don't be a phony.

>> No.15896842

NPCs cannot perceive the presence of soul. Whatever they like, they like for their own soulless NPC reasons. If you cannot detect the presence of soul in this book, you are in this way fundamentally similar to the NPC, and only superficially different as that you have not hopped on the bandwagon with the rest of them. Real individuals, still in possession of their souls, feel a deep connection with the book, quite unlike the NPC, and so are fundamentally different. They are only superficially similar in that their real connection is expressed in identical terms as is the NPC's eagerness to conform.

>> No.15896886

>it's main point of yearning and searching for something authentic is "meta"
Because there's nothing to be found in this piece of shit book.

>> No.15896943
File: 27 KB, 746x425, HoldenCatcherIntheRye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the kind of book that reflects the spectator.
This true. If you are a kid and too close to Holden, it doesn't work.

>> No.15897069

spoken like a true NPC

>> No.15897204

That killed me

>> No.15897258

why did he rape his sister?

>> No.15897809

I thought his style was NPC too, but your retort was even more NPC. I am the only ensouled being. CHIM here I come!

>> No.15898791


>> No.15898909

the book is pretty much a parody of teenagers. it's a good book but gets overhyped so a bunch of people expecting more are dissappointed

>> No.15900140

It’s not “meta” at all fag

>> No.15900146

I doubt it, Salinger had pretty genuine feelings about childhood innocence or whatever, it’s part of the vast majority of his writings

>> No.15900150
File: 2 KB, 103x124, 1553083316173s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trips checked and stop being a phony

>> No.15900163

It really did

>> No.15900166
File: 509 KB, 876x1200, 21184EA9-1CF0-4592-904F-A47A7AA63547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead, read Olivia, by Dorothy Bussy

>> No.15901466

Oh, mighty edgelord, may I point you to the post where I explained what I meant? -- >>15896339

>> No.15901539

did you actually need to read it multiple times to pick up on that? The book isnt that complex, the themes are kind pf thrust in your face in an obvious way.

>> No.15901765

It's basically one long schizo post. First of all he's writing it from an insane asylum after his mental breakdown for molesting his sister Phoebe. His self hatred and hypocrisy were his undoing. He rants against phonies because he is one. He claims he wants to save the children because he knows people like him exist.

>> No.15902337

Salinger was an infamous cowardly pedo

>> No.15902499

it was pretty cringe desu, but maybe that's because i hate myself

>> No.15902580

bussy haha

>> No.15903451

If you're a teen and you're forced to read it for class and you find it very boring... yes, you need to read it multiple times to "get it".

>> No.15903566

Not him, but it's definitely a book that one should go back to. I thought it was okay I'm highschool, but I reread it 10 years later and now I think Salinger created one of the most unique and powerful voice/character in all of literature. It isn't the best book, but any reader worth their shit will walk away knowing that Salinger was scratching away at some almost unexplainable part of the human experience/condition and at some level, Salinger 'got' it.

>> No.15903573

If you don't like Catcher you're fake and gay aka a phony