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/lit/ - Literature

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15895272 No.15895272 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything better than garage sales where books are 5 for a dollar?

Just scooped this up, what am I in for?

Also, /recent acquisitions thread/

>> No.15895288

Rest of the world : works from home, wears masks, avoid contact.

Americans : Look at dis here second hand book that is basically a breeding ground for germs. I got er fer only five bucks.

>> No.15895297

Evidently you are unable to read. Stand still while I coof on you.

>> No.15895308


you can find used books online at garage sale prices. Though....admittedly it seems like prices have gone up since the virus.

>> No.15895326

>Is there anything better than garage sales where books are 5 for a dollar?
The dump. I got a world Atlas, a pristine copy of Thomas Cahill's "How the Irish Saved Civilization", "Notes From Underground" by Dostevsky, and some others I can't remember.

>> No.15895342
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>a pristine copy of Thomas Cahill's "How the Irish Saved Civilization"

Must be an ironic title.

>> No.15895357
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>believing in contagious disease

>> No.15895368


>> No.15895513


>> No.15895615

The library
Shits free yo

>> No.15895628

A couple of weeks ago I bought sound of waves by Mishima for 1€ on eBay

>> No.15895663

I live in a town with a big public university that pretty regularly has library sales. They give you a paper bag and you can just fill it to the brim for $8. I go whenever they have them and basically just pick up anything I've ever even considered reading.

>> No.15895682

Damn, I gotta see if the university near me does that.

>> No.15895706

I've tried reading this 2 times now and can't get past page 3. I love history but it's so fuckng boring I can't give it a chance

Also bought it for like 25 cents

>> No.15896008
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I stopped using those cunts since they sent me "Bladerunner" when I ordered Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep with a pic of the normal cover, not the movie cover

>> No.15896117
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back to r3ddit

>> No.15896429
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I also got a bunch of other titles at the yardsale, any of these good:

(((Catcher in the Rye))) by (((Salinger)))
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Railway Man by Eric Lomax
Lend-Lease: Weapon for Victory by E.R. Stettinus Jr.
Four Past Midnight by Stephen King
Misery by Stephen King
Cujo by Stephen King
East of Eden by (((Steinbeck)))
Walden by Thoreau
Great Gatsby by FSF
Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond
Martin Luther's Table Talk
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Hitchhiker's Guide by Douglas Adams
Mary Chesnut Diary
Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Really

>> No.15896448

It’s a good book that outlines the first battles of the Revolution in a very understandable style of writing, my favorite part is when they carry the cannons through the mountains of New York.

>> No.15896497
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Is this a good book?

>> No.15896506


I've heard it's intensely based. I'd like to buy it.

>> No.15896781

it was a good read, but unremarkable.