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15887363 No.15887363 [Reply] [Original]

>knows the fate of all people
>creates them and throws them into hell anyways
Yeah I’m thinking he a b-b-based sadist

>> No.15887530

He knows but doesnt will that people go to hell

t. augustine

>> No.15887576

>Knows about Jesus Christ
>Has a copy of bible
>Has 40 years to get with the program
>Decides to shitpost and take the piss out of God instead

Yeah i'm thinking you are a legume masochist.

If you still end in hell, God is not a sadist. To all appearances you seem to want your ticket punched.

>> No.15887578

He also created the universe knowing what would happen when he did though? Don't see how that's compatible with free will. Sounds like he's the puppet master.

>> No.15887601

knowledge =/= direct control.

>> No.15887616

I know that I will one day die, but I do not will it. God knows who is the elect and who will go to hell, but he doesnt will that people sin and that people go to hell, thats humans free will ever since Adam

>> No.15887665

damned people condemned themselves.

once they meet God face to face they'll see how unholy they are and based on necessity go somewhere where there is no hope. hell = place of no hope. why would someone who lived without hope be hopeful afterwards, when the book of life has closed?

>> No.15887670

>Knowing Man will fall
>Knowing Christ needs to die to save Man
>Knowing (You) will not accept
>Lets you not accept

Where is it not free will?

>> No.15888501

he is everything. hell including.

>> No.15888525
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Doesn't sound like elect talk to me.

>> No.15888751

It's not free will if I can't choose otherwise. Or are you saying that God is a compatibilist like Hume?

>> No.15888827

You won't get a decent answer out of them because their larping Catholics who don't understand the bible. Human will exists but it is incapable of turning toward God because of the fall. God predestines some to be filled with the Spirit and those are saved through faith. That's all there is to it. We don't know who God picks or why, but it has nothing to do with a person's qualities or receptivity to grace. We know that the rationale, when revealed, will be good because God is good.

Free will doesn't solve the problem either. God is still letting people go to hell either way. Their way may actually be worse because God is deliberately choosing not to save people. From a Reformed perspective we all deserve hell but some are saved for an unknowable reason. That's it

>> No.15888861

Please God I don't wanna go to hell. Thank you

>> No.15888912

That's a pretty depressing worldview desu, but it's at least logically consistent and I can respect that much.

>> No.15889002

>It's not free will if I can't choose otherwise.
Is it? If you don't know what the future holds, how can you say that you were forced to do it? we base our actions on what we know in the past and the present, not the future. Likewise, even if God knows what we will do in the future, our lack of knowledge makes our wills free to choose from good and evil in the here and now. God knows where we will end up when we die and judges us by our actions and our faith, but in the present is when we have the power to humble ourselves before Him or reject him (until we die). That's literally the most common sense understanding of free will that I can give. Even the Stoics had a somewhat similar view of predestination: even if a person is predestined to be born, his mother and father have to have intercourse at some present moment in order for that to occur.

>You won't get a decent answer out of them because their larping Catholics who don't understand the bible.
Calvinists understand the Bible even less. It's not a mistake that most of today's modern ills, like social justice warriors, New Atheism and the like are outgrowths of the Calvinist faith. Literally, Calvinism is the most theologically bankrupt of all the branches of Christianity (probably having to do with it undermining human reason (a gift from God no less which while darkened by the taint of original sin, is still present in man) to it basically becoming blind fideism).

>> No.15889049

Did you want to actually say anything of substance? You read like a Catholic Answers shill with all of that conjecture idiocy. Evangelical Presbyterians are some of the most charitable, conservative, faithful Christians in the US, whereas a majority of Catholics believe in gay marriage.

Moreover Calvinism literally just follows what the bible says: 28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,[h] for those who are called according to his purpose. 29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30 And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.

Call Paul an idiot too. Call the word of God an idiot. Blaspheme the holy spirit and see if I care. It's unforgivable sin, but you sound like you're halfway there anyway with your pelagian obsession if using human intellect to change the meaning of the bible.

>> No.15889062

knows the fate of all people based on their decisions, toughts and actions

>> No.15889083

For free will to be meaningful, you have to be able to choose other than you did as a matter of fact. Your state of knowledge, your level of ignorance, has no effect regarding whether you will in fact act one way or another. When God created the universe, he knew what sort of disposition I'd have that I couldn't choose to have and what environment I'd be raised in that I couldn't choose to be raised in, and he'd know precisely the outcome of those factors and more. God set up the dominos to fall a certain way, forming a certain image. Then he flicked. So where does our free will come into the picture? If I actually had free will, God could arrange the universe in such a way as to make it so that I wouldn't do what I needed to do to be saved, then I would do it anyway. But if my actions are purely a function of what he predestined them to be, free will is a lie. The fact that God could have chosen to construct the universe otherwise has serious implications.

>> No.15889107

>For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30 And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.
Yikes so the Catholics are wrong after all. How do they get around this?
>but muh intellect

>> No.15889156

Dude the other guy just quoted the bible saying you're wrong lol

>> No.15889240

Will I go to heaven if I'm not religious, but live a virtuous life?

>> No.15889293

>Catholic Answers
>Long blogpost about Romans 8 about how predestines appears in verse 28-30 and that justifies your dumb beliefs, without any thoughtful exegesis or actual scriptural investigation
>Putting words in my mouth I didn't even fucking say nor imply based on your faulty exegesis
>Think all Catholics are liberal, New York, "I only go to Church on Easter and Christmas" type Catholics
Yep, you're a Calvinist alright. Go act like a babbling idiot somewhere else. I hope you know I don't read your mental breakdowns.

>For free will to be meaningful, you have to be able to choose other than you did as a matter of fact.

Why? Don't you make your own decisions to some extent? We have the mental capacity to assess and react to our situation along, with no influences to the outside world at all.

>Your state of knowledge, your level of ignorance, has no effect regarding whether you will in fact act one way or another.
I blatantly disagree here. It does because you have no way of knowing the future when making a decision and choosing or not choosing to do something. I can't choose something based off of something that is either not apparent at all nor very vague or if something hampers my reason, which is a limitation that actively hampers my free will since I can't exercise the mental faculties to properly exercise a crucial component of man's soul. Just because God has set the universe up a certain way and just because the dominoes have fallen a certain way doesn't negate the reality of free will. It really is in the present that free will exists because the past is fixed and the future is indeterminable, thus unable to be changed. I think Epictetus used the example of actors in a play to describe how free will works: we have certain roles in life that were determined outside of our will, like who we were born to. However, we do choose to either the role that God gave us, or to disobey: God actively aiding in the former and permitting the latter. That's why we ought to conform our wills to God's Will: because that's the only way to assuredly go to Heaven. If we disobey and go against His Will, He permitted us to do so in life but the punishment is eternal death. You can't live your life off of hypotheticals and potential realities because the truth is we live in a sea of infinite potentialities. You have to accept and confront the reality right here in front of you right now and make sure you live in accordance with God's Reason.

>> No.15889300

Man I've been tanning for 40 minutes in like 107 degree heat and I'm hot as fuck. Sweat pouring. A multithousand degree oven for eternity would SUCK brahs

>> No.15889328

He gives us free will to choose for ourself

>> No.15889333

So God is actually the devil?

>> No.15889346

He's not. But he's more evil.

>> No.15889362

>mentally ill Catholic starts raging when disagreed with
Are Catholics dangerous in the jihad sense?

>> No.15889372

>thoughtful exegesis means predestined doesn't mean predestination
Christians are retarded. I'll pass.

>> No.15889373

No. You have to be baptized

>> No.15889408

why not?

>> No.15889421

That's stupid. What's the point in worshiping a God that would send a good man to hell?

>> No.15889441
File: 152 KB, 540x562, Dr Plato, I'm CIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks the Koine Greek (which includes cultural idioms that are hard to translate into modern English let alone even to it's contemporary Latin) translates exactly into English
>He thinks language translation is a 1-1 correspondence of terms and everything is perfectly preserved instead of the best fit for the term
Sorry for assuming you weren't a brainlet. I'll keep it on easy mode next time.

>> No.15889455
File: 1.20 MB, 943x963, behold one like the son of man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's irrelevant, because he knowingly willed them to exist, freely and happily. Every soul is freely created, thus no soul exists necessarily, thus there's nor moral reason why Satan or any eternally damned soul should be created.
Conclusion: The Abrahamic God is evil.

>> No.15889461
File: 42 KB, 600x331, Iiwia2V5IjoidXBsb2Fkcy9hcnRpY2xlL2hlcm9faW1hZ2UvMjY0Ni9KRVNVU19BTE1PU1RfQ0VSVEFJTkxZX1VTRURfQ0FOTkFCSVNfV0lERS5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjYwMCwiaGVpZ2h0IjozMzEsImZpdCI6ImNvdmVyIn19fQ==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is one. there's no devil, satan, whatever. One encompasses all qualities at once. So you can say that God is bad stupid faggot, devil, evil, moron, dumbfuck, degenerate, poor creator, idiot, and you are still right. To betion. good is to compare yourself, God cannot compare himself with anything since he is One, nothingness, nonexistence cannot have qualities. God is power, fire in void. Is Sun evil? It gives light and energy to all life, to "good" people and to "evil", to men and to bacteria. Satan is invention of priests, to control population.

>> No.15889466
File: 2.38 MB, 320x180, generative anthropology.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Romans 2

>> No.15889490

He always could have not made people destined to go to hell, brainlet. He is all-powerful and all-knowing, remember?

>> No.15889496

The Greek says the same thing. You keep dancing around this by implying there's some secret interpretation only you are privy to, but there's not. And you have never studied ancient Greek

So go ahead, explain how the Greek term for predestination doesn't mean predestination. You'll also have to prove that foreknowledge means something different.

Go ahead. Put up or shut up.

>> No.15889504

Yahweh is a minor-league demon at best, Jewlover. Open your eyes.

>> No.15889562
File: 481 KB, 1003x909, John 1:1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Greek says the same thing.
Can you actually post the Greek and translate it for me then? You made the claim, you prove it.

>And you have never studied ancient Greek
Who's to say I haven't?

>So go ahead, explain how the Greek term for predestination doesn't mean predestination.
Or better yet explain why what you are saying is true in the affirmative. I can't prove a negative since a false consequent always has a true implication.

You have a big mouth for an idiot.

>> No.15889572

Norse and likely other Germanics believed they had a specific predestined time to die but the actual death and events leading to it could be, well, anything. That is their reasoning for not shying from fighting and other dangerous activities. Cowardice or courage brings death all the same, so you are free to be virtuous and ready to die should it be your fate. Prophecy can help predict the time a man will die but not the way he will die, so instead of making a mess of it and having a shit death, you aim to have a glorious and beautiful one. This is just one aspect of aesthetic veneration in their culture.

>> No.15889575

For >>15889496

>> No.15889576
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Uh oh everyone. That one autistic Catholic who screeches in every religion thread is here. Pack it up and move to the next one. The thread is dead.

Don't forget to report.

>> No.15889583
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So you couldn't back up your claim. About what I thought. Calvinism wins again!

>> No.15889652

>Literally dodging the question
>Ad hominems
>Using the pictures you used in 30 other threads (and probably more seeing as I know you are that unhinged)
So this is the power of Calvinist apologetics....

That's a bit similar to what I'm saying. Not quite exactly, but it still has the fundamental truth that as human beings we do have agency and the ability to direct the flow of our own lives. God respects out agency so much that He is even willing to give us the graces to increase them and if we reject them, He respects and permits our own refusal our refusal of Him, even if it means we eternally separate ourselves from Him eternally.

>> No.15889724

But you have free will, it's just that God knows the outcome of everything you can and will choose.

God didn't set anything up, He just knew what would happen and allowed it to happen. He didn't predestine anything, He just knows what will happen. How many times must I keep repeating this?

That man wasn't good to begin with, if he is not godly. Keep to your utilitarianism.

Why would He do that? The greater good is to allow those who go to Hell to go to Hell. You don't want them to, just as a father will let his son leave the home, but that doesn't mean the father wants the son to do anything.

>> No.15889751

There's no such thing as 'fate', you dumb NPC.

Also, hell is the absence of God. You're already in hell, hombre.

>> No.15889756

just smoke weed

>> No.15889764

>Why would He do that? The greater good is to allow those who go to Hell to go to Hell. You don't want them to, just as a father will let his son leave the home, but that doesn't mean the father wants the son to do anything.
None of that is correct. God isn't an ordinary human father. He is all-knowing and all-powerful. The reason he specifically designs people destined for Hell is because he enjoys watching them suffer.

>> No.15889779

>There's no such thing as 'fate'
There's no such thing as "the present". To God, all of time -- "past, present and future" -- has an equal metaphysical status, and is equally fixed. What you regard as "the future" is already written.

>> No.15889784

apparently fate is. and absence of god is oxymoron. study reality, faggot.

>> No.15889810
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He specifically designed them? Then what were all these years lived for? The atheist- the eternal blame-shifter and fatalist

>> No.15889814

>You are objectively immoral if you're not Christian
Thanks, that was all the convincing I needed that arguing with Christians is useless. I should've known, before I even posed the question, that it would be an exercise in futility.

>> No.15889821

the further you stray from God the more it makes sense to hate him. I was an atheist as a teen, but the proof in one way or the other does not exist.

If you wholeheartedly believe in the big bang you've got as much faith or more than any religious person.

I have no proof God exists, but I have the same amount of proof that he does not.

>> No.15889828

>Then what were all these years lived for?
Exactly the point, brainlet.

>> No.15889829

>What you regard as "the future" is already written.
God sees all possible timelines. That doesn't mean "the future" is already written, because "the future" is something we create with our free will.

> and absence of god is oxymoron.
Certainly not. See above.

>> No.15889838

What is "moral" or "immoral?" If God exists, He is the standard for morality, not some arbitrary human philosophy. To be godly is to have eternal life.

>> No.15889842

Free will is incompatible with the existence of an all-knowing, all-powerful god.

>> No.15889845

certainly yes. see above.

>> No.15889848

>Their way may actually be worse because God is deliberately choosing not to save people.
God doesn't choose to save people, only people can do that, by choosing to rejoin with God.

Certainly you don't expect God to force you to love him when you hate him so much?

>> No.15889852

Hopefully you'll learn not to prematurely celebrate anymore. My point is that all of the years we lived on this earth are what destined us for Hell, not God.

>> No.15889854

>Free will is incompatible with the existence of an all-knowing, all-powerful god.
No. God sees all possible timelines, but lets us choose the one we want.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? This isn't exactly complicated stuff.

>> No.15889858

who makes decisions for you? you or God?

>> No.15889859

Depends on what you think free will is. Do we not have free will because we cannot choose to kill ourselves, travel to Heaven, and kill God? If that's what free will is, then we don't have free will. You're still culpable for your actions on earth

>> No.15889868

who was your teacher of logic? mom?

>> No.15889876

why don't we have free will to manifest into reality food, alcohol and young girls with big tits and fat asses by using our imagination.

>> No.15889900

Why do we have the free will to shitpost on 4chan instead of only reading books and discussing them with friends? Are we too weak, perhaps, to apply that free will?

>> No.15889979

Because willpower is a finite resource, just like stamina. It takes years of discipline to be able to study all day long, effectively.

>> No.15890200

Did God not create the universe? Did God not have an infinite array of possible universes he could have created? For each universe he could have created, would he not know exactly what would have happened as a function of the universe he decided to create? And would this not include the supposed decisions we make? Yes? Then there is no free will, because all that implies that we can not do other than what we have in fact done, and that the reason is because of a decision God made long ago.

Get this through your head. All these conditions together (you can cherry pick the part where he merely knows what I will do, but that's not the point,) implies that there's no free will, because people can't do otherwise than what God predicted would happen before he decided to create the universe. But do explain how it's both possible for me to do other than I in fact do while all these things are true. If God creates the universe knowing that I will sin too much and go to hell, will it ever happen that I choose instead not to sin too much?

>> No.15890211

>No. God sees all possible timelines, but lets us choose the one we want.
False. God created the entire universe. That means *all* of spacetime, not just some random snapshot at a single point of time.

>> No.15890232

Why wouldn't God let his creation go its merry way?

>> No.15890270
File: 148 KB, 448x1000, 4f6a930f0b73a9308c3726ddf7655d10d31faa26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Every man makes his own Fate; and nothing is truer than the saying that "Character is Destiny. For that which in one existence is Will, becomes in the next Fate. By the hands of men themselves, then, are their natal lines cast, whether in pleasant and virtuous, or in painful and vicious paths. For in what manner soever an ego conducts itself in one existence, by that conduct, by that order of thought and habit it builds for itself its destiny in a future existence"
The Virgin of the World, trans. by Anna Kingsford, pp. 142–43

"Each man is his own absolute law-giver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself; the decree of his life, his reward, his punishment."
Excerpted from bk. 2, ch. 8 of The Idyll of the White Lotus by Mabel Collins.

>> No.15890272

The Catholic poster is a fucking retard and needs a ban. He is in every thread about Christianity and he's always spewing his mental illness and derailing threads.

He is on this board literally, and I mean literally 24 hours a day.

>> No.15890285

The word "go" implies a process, which implies time. Time for God is just another dimension of spacetime, which he created in one fell swoop.

>> No.15890293
File: 333 KB, 1065x740, 55031a1f40d2e357e51ee63b68e85b2a5cefc269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the excellent foppery of the world, that when we are sick in fortune (often the surfeits of our own behaviour) we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and stars: as if we were villains on necessity; fools by heavenly compulsion; knaves, thieves, and treacherous by spherical predominance; drunkards, liars, and adulterers by an enforced obedience of planetary influence; and all that we are evil in, by a divine thrusting on. An admirable evasion of whoremaster man, to lay his goatish disposition on the charge of a star! Shakespeare, King Lear, Act 1, Scene 2

>> No.15890337

Just because God is in eternity (there is no time "before" its creation by God) doesn't mean he necessarily determines being-in-time (creation) beforehand

If God just created everything in one fell swoop then there wouldn't be any purpose for Genesis or any divine intervention

>> No.15890472

There's no such thing as an objective "now" any more than there is an objective "here". An event in my present can be in your past, and vice versa. This is basic special relativity. Time is metaphysically the same as a spatial dimension.

>> No.15890484

>Priest throw bible in the face of a pagan and calls him a faggot
>Now that pagan is damned forever

>> No.15890497

Eternal torment is objectivly sadistic when he could just extinguish the soul.

>> No.15890544

exactly. did you read books about truth or all you know is a scam bible shit? damn you are old retard, all you know is what you have read, but not what you have seen. pathetic, hiding behind the books. read reality before your eyes, blind pederast.

>> No.15890913

>Abraham cucks himself and lets Pharao fuck his wife for fame and fortune
>God punishes the Pharao
What did god mean by this?

>> No.15891089
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes exactly, which is why the ex nihilo doctrine is impossible to hold without leading to Gnosticism (Calvinism is Gnosticism except you love the Yaldabaoth).
Thus, to reject Gnostic metaphysics one must reject ex nihilo doctrine, and to reject this is to reject parts of the bible and the church (either catholic, orthodox, or oriental), and if you deny the church you cannot be christian because the logic of either of these being true following the bible is necessary to believe in Christ as he is in he Bible and the whole Bible itself, only faith in the church can legitimize the bible. Reject the church an it is impossible to determine which books of the bible are legit, and thus we become historically ignorant of who Christ is and you're forced into agnosticism about it, for you have nothing concrete about him.

TL;DR: You can't justify the bible without justifying the church, which means you have to justify ex nihilo doctrine, which means you have to justify God's evil actions in freely creating all damned souls >>15890200 and that's not even mentioning every other irrationally cruel moment in the bible.

>> No.15891134

The only way to be a Protestant is to abandon reason.
The only way to be a real Christian, and thus believe in the Church and all its doctrines, is to abandon morality.
Being neither I can't say which of the three possible true churches is the real one.

>> No.15891297

>No. God sees all possible timelines, but lets us choose the one we want.
It doesn't say this anywhere in the bible. It just says God predestines some people for heaven

>> No.15891348

If God creates a universe in which He knows what will happen, then why is what transpires unjust, or evil? Why is it evil, or bad that you go to Hell for sinning too much? You were the one who sinned too much, not your fate, your predestination, or anything. Sure, there is no free will of the sort you propose. However, you are still culpable, as you sinning too much was determined, and you going to Hell as a result was also pre-determined.

Yes, to abandon a man-made morality.

>> No.15891355

fr tho people are reading pop science into the Bible. Timelines? Literally a TV Tropes topic

>> No.15891375

>The only way to be a Protestant is to abandon reason.
Bullshit Catholic spin. As you can see from this thread, the Catholic notion of "reason" is creating universes of fanfic totally divorced from, and even contrary to, the Bible and its words. Do you see all the horseshit in this thread that involves holding illogical, impossible viewpoints simultaneously? And why? Free will is not the subject of the Gospel. The clear teaching, directly from Scripture, is predestination. Period. So why would a Christian religion decide to ignore that and force a contradiction?

And the Catholics admit this too. They'll falsely claim their church invented the Bible and so they have the right to ignore it. Conveniently forgetting that this isn't true, and that even if it were, the popes declared Scripture to be infallible and inerrant, so they STILL can't contradict it without contradicting their own authority.

Catholicism is not the religion of reason. It is the religion of Kafka-esque postmodern cognitive dissonance.

>> No.15891394

>he knew what sort of disposition I'd have that I couldn't choose to have and what environment I'd be raised in that I couldn't choose to be raised in, and he'd know precisely the outcome of those factors and more.
Someone knowing your choices before you do doesn't mean you don't have free will. If it did, any newb playing a chess master would cease to have free will

>> No.15891417

>Someone knowing your choices before you do doesn't mean you don't have free will
it explicitly does. it means time is a flat circle, and if the universe were repeated the same thing would happen again. also, the bible doesn't talk about free will.

>> No.15891508

all you're doing is assuming determination. you can't look at the 'scientifically'-interpreted world of causes and effects and expect to find anything else.

same thing. you're not something that's just plopped into a ready-made world, per the hypothesis you're not understanding.

if this is how calvinists think it shows that they're spiritless bugpeople. don't @ me with christposting, I'm not a christian

>> No.15891620

I'll pray for you

>> No.15891773

>Bullshit Catholic spin.
No it's not. Even philosophers raised as Protestants like Hume (Calvinist) and Kant (Lutheran) fundamentally realized this because Protestantism abandoned any real rationale for morality. It's the whole reason Hume says you can't derive ought from is (because if you say so that's an appeal to faith) and Kant's morality revolves around the rationality of the categorical imperative. It's not even Catholics that pointed that out. It's mostly secularized Protestant Northern European Enlightenment society that laid out what was already clear after the Reformation: If you don't have any real central justification for morality, you wither have to cling to it just by faith alone and lacking reason in the sense of things that can be discovered through nature, or you have to use reason to do so. That's basically what I got from reading After Virtue on that topic.

Honestly, the way you act isn't reasonable at all. You assumed that guy was Catholic even though he essentially attacked Catholics by insulting Christians.

>> No.15891784

Also, he literally states he's not a Christian so there's that.

>> No.15891802

excuses for bible sky daddy:

cruel version: it's the laws of nature, kid

good version: uh.. well you see, we are so muuuch dumber than god we wouldn't understand what's good and evil really, you just, uhm, just smile! smile through it all!

>> No.15891885

Why does Christ need to die to save man?

>> No.15891916

>The holy spirit guides a false institution to save and correctly collect out of hundreds gospels and letters that forms the bible but won't preserve this institution from corruption like he has the bible, an institution the bible says the devil will never prevail against.
I, a non-christian, even agree the Oriental and/or Orthodox have a stronger claim than the Catholic church.
Protestantism is the freedom to cherry pick whatever interpretation you wish out of the bible, for example: that the literal interpretation is the correct interpretation is itself an interpretation. Thus any one can claim to be the true church and it is impossible without circular logic to justify yourself. It is the peak of egotistical arrogance on par with Salafism or Baháʼí bullshit.

>> No.15891941

>A just God would not create a world where sin runs rampant, unpunished
>A just God would not create a world where sinful men are born just to punished for their nature
>We fell from grace
>Jesus is now required to bear the punishment of our sin, acting as a sacrificial lamb

>> No.15891948
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>Yes, to abandon a man-made morality.
For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without the law. As many as have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it isn't the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified (for when Gentiles who don't have the law do by nature the things of the law, these, not having the law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience testifying with them, and their thoughts among themselves accusing or else excusing them) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men, according to my Good News, by Jesus Christ.

And my conscience screams against God creating souls that will hate him no matter how much he suppsedly "loves them" and tries to redeem them. If he truly loved them he'd choose to never create them, THAT would be mercy.

>> No.15891957

And why did we fall from grace you'll ask? Maybe that's the price for evolving beyond dumb animals
>was it worth it? why do we exist?
only God knows

>> No.15891965

Why would they want to kill God? Or Jesus?
It's like they are asking for divine punishment.

>> No.15892066

People should make sacrifices for their own sins. Since when committing more crime (murder) abolishes sins? No logic. You get what you deserve, suffering for your sins.

>> No.15892107

He knows all the possible paths and has full potential to divert them or redesign them. Let's you choose which one to follow.

He has created the map, let's you roam freely, until you find the exit.

God transcends questions of free will. If he did not, you would question his free-will as well (if he has infinite predictive capabilities does he predict what he will do? thus absurdly negating his free will?)

God is infinite potential, not absurd manifestation of said potential in all directions. The latter is meta-hylism with a different name. There is personhood in God.

>> No.15892110

Only someone sinless can pay the price for sin in full so as to redeem everyone. It wasn’t the murder of Christ, but the manner in which he died as a willing sacrifice that pays for your sins.

>> No.15892547

>Why would He do that
why would he torture people for eternity? for what purpose?

>> No.15892553

>We don't know who God picks or why
but somehow you know for sure he does pick some people based on ___________.

>> No.15892573

I'm thinking you're a hu-hu-huge faggot.

>> No.15892599

>If he did not, you would question his free-will as well (if he has infinite predictive capabilities does he predict what he will do? thus absurdly negating his free will?)
no it doesn't, for he is beyond time and can thus nor predict his future choices because there are no posterior or anterior choices, they are all simultaneous. Each of them is first, and all of them are last.

Of course this refutes the possibility of the hypostatic union being an even that usher in a new mode of being for the Logos. But they don't talk about that.

>> No.15892618

>God punishes me for an enternity because I happened to not worship Him at the end of my life
>A loving God sends me to hell forever over His ego
It's all so fucked. You can't apply man's logic to God I guess but it does seem sadistic.

>Can't kill Himself

>> No.15892668
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Imagine making such a reasonable point in the first half of your post then such a retarded point in the other half.

>> No.15892709

Sorry anon. It's something my very religious theology professor brought up once. He wrote a lot of books about Judaism/talmudism.

>> No.15892715

this religion has so many holes it could be used as a god damn sieve
how has christianity lasted this long?

>> No.15892752

people are trapped in these holes. and bring their children with them.

>> No.15892767

to demonstrate mortality of everything. even god is mortal. when light goes out there will be absolutely nothing. trust me, even Sun will eventually blow up.

>> No.15892946

>creates shitty people just to punish them for being shitty
I honestly can't think of anything more based

>> No.15892954

The answer is in David Bentley Hart's work.

You're welcome.

>> No.15892957

My beliefs aside, Roman Catholicism is more of a financial organisation than a spiritual, hence why.

>> No.15893195
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>David Bentley Hart