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15888047 No.15888047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

whats some leftist kino books?

>> No.15888062

The Blank Slate

>> No.15888174

Based. Insisting that humans have no evolutionary basis is the smartest thing the critical theory people have come up with.

>> No.15888362

I thank god every day and night for not being born in USA in the 21st century and forced to engage or even involve myself with these stupid discourse on race that's getting more comical by day. What is wrong with you people for real.

>> No.15888395
File: 550 KB, 1707x2560, ethical_slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been recommended to me by some cool peeps I met campaigning for bernie.

>> No.15888411

It's happening across the west anon. I assume you live in one of the third world eastern European countries like Bulgaria. Bulgaria has great cheese and yogurt I hear. And an even harsher and uglier version of Russian.

>> No.15888471

>Reni Eddo-Lodge
Americans have some funny names.

>> No.15888492

glad I stopped being a leftist desu, read quite a bit of kant then soma theologica, and then scrutton, made me reevaluate myself and I realised how much I was an insufferable pent up autistic blaming the world for my failures.

I wish there wasn't a left right devide since I still like left wing ideas, I just wish rightwinger could "help" leftists overcome their personal issues, rather than mocking them.

>> No.15888500

damn, i wish we would stop talking about race

>> No.15888512

Shut the fuck up, brainlet. Who do you even think you are? No I'm not from eastern Europe.

>> No.15888523

I have a feeling that title is a lie, but I really hope she means it

>> No.15888538

Shut the FUCK up, retard. You don't know shit about anything.

>> No.15888541

degeneracy walks as fast as economic progress.
There's not a single country in a situation as bad as the US when it comes to race/gender issues/politically correctness/general letftist ideas

>> No.15888559

If it's about race it's not leftist. Leftism is about class.

>> No.15888571

>I wish there wasn't a left right devide since I still like left wing ideas, I just wish rightwinger could "help" leftists overcome their personal issues, rather than mocking them.

It has been pointed out many times that the right sees the left as misguided while the left sees the right as evil. Mockery is more common than it might be if only because that's one of the more effective counters to insane ideas.

The big hurdle is perception bias; left-leaning bias increases proportionally with the level of educational attainment (i.e. a college educated leftist will have a more skewed vision of the right than a high school leftist). However, on the right, the level of perception bias is actually inversely proportional to educational attainment (i.e. a right leaning person will usually have a better understanding of the leftist position than a leftist understanding a right wing position). Neither idea is exactly surprising given the prevalence of left-wing ideas in academia.

>> No.15888573

Britain seems pretty bad, since they are jailing children over racist tweets now

>> No.15888581
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Entering this thread full well knowing its weak bait by some /pol/ mong

>> No.15888601

The fact that you or anyone else actually considers this Leftist makes me despair for the future of the movement.

>> No.15888624

yeah uni is how I became a leftist, god I still cringe thinking back to it, used to think reddit was the best etc etc.

but yeah the left does and I did have a massive superiority complex, thinking I was morally righteous and able to see the truth of matters.

maybe the soviet union really did infiltrate acadamia, or just that leftists gravitate towards positions of power, but lacking the capacity for staining real power (CEOs, etc.)

>> No.15888636

>reddit now hates BLM.
this is your brain on leftism, there is no reality.
UK is very shit, a bunch of working class white girls were raped and arrested for being raped, for the sake of diveristy, as one MP put it.
USA can at least look forward to the nation balkanizing, so cali can fuck of and smeer shit on it's walls byitself. the UK has to live with it's shit state.

>> No.15888651

The weirdest thing is seeing the media side against a stupid child but then try their best to humanized a teenage girl that left Britain to COMMIT GENOCIDE.
Racist insults: Unforgivable
Actual complicit in genocide: She was just a poor girl!!! British racism radicalized her!!

>> No.15888677

the UK is very class based, along with the normal anti-white leftist shit.
so if you are working class and white, you are subhuman, leftists hate your soul, right wingers look down on you.

it's a shit situation, I can only hope for fascism, or leninism.

>> No.15888721

the two facing is asonishing. people have this idea of a out and out villenous person being the big evil. but i can at least respect a barbarian to be honest about smashing my skull in because they want to. what eeally grinds my gears is people who purpatuate a system to make others look evil and them look good. you then even take their fucking dignity. you import migrants for no real benifit than admonish people for the logical consequence of diversity? that being victimization? its fucking insidious.

>> No.15888724

sources? I'm interested in this as it's also slowly happening on the internet here

>> No.15888727

Bulgarian is actually a lot easier to learn than Russian for Anglos since it doesn't have cases but yeah it's not a pretty sounding as Russian.

>> No.15888734

I just want rich and upper middle class faggots, and large corporations especially to have the shit taxed out of them to fund an extensive welfare state, could you stop talking about dicks, pussies and skin color please?

>> No.15888737

>Eastern Europe
>Third World
Anon are you familiar with what comes after first and before third?

>> No.15888743

I'm probably the only person in this thread who's actually read this book, and it's actually very good desu, obviously I disagree with a lot but it's got a lot for you to chew on.

>> No.15888770

then you are a natsoc, read the vampire economy.

>> No.15888776

I'm happy to live in central europe desu. whatever comes next i'll be thankful for the good years i've had here.

>> No.15888784

>central europe
lol nice eastern europe cope

>> No.15888785

Do you know where I might buy a pair of sunglasses that actually PROTECT me from the spectacle?

>> No.15888786

Eastern blok is third world anon. They have donkey carts and stolen mercades.

>> No.15888804

Based not disclosing I'm a hue hue anon. I love how the most obsessed are afraid to admit where they're from but people in first world countries like Germany have no problem as they shoulder the weight of the entire EU.

>> No.15888913

How about you tell us what points the book makes and why you agree/disagree with them, instead of writing a bunch words with no substance?

>> No.15888936

>glad i stopped falling for some spooks so i can fall for some more spooks

stop being leftist and rightist and be extreme libertarian

>> No.15888972

I'm an antitechological tribalist

>> No.15888982

hello fellow anprim brother

>> No.15888984

nah, eastern yurop is fucked because of hardcore socialism turned oligarchy.

>> No.15888985

This. OP's book is just standard neolib insanity.

>> No.15889155

it's a spook to categorically avoid spooks

>> No.15889171

No, I just like the Nordic Model.

>> No.15889236

the Nordic model is based on the vampire economy you retard.
How can you say you like it when you don't even understand it you utter retard, this post makes me legit angry, some retarded reddit basedbrain spastic you are.

>> No.15889257

Easy on the autism lad, and no, you are wrong, it is not.

>> No.15889260

Redpill me on the vampire economy. I haven't read twilight.

>> No.15889298

yes it very much is you spastic, I studied economic history for 2 fucking years. why do you reddit basedbrain freaks live like this, never willing to read into what you enjoy/like such a fucking shallow exsistance.
read it yourself, it's very short and to the point, this isn't the only book examning the subject, there is also "Social Policy and Economic Development in the Nordic Countries"