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/lit/ - Literature

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15880411 No.15880411 [Reply] [Original]


What you liked.

What you didn't like.

>> No.15880433

it was a pile of shit, no insight to be found. not funny at all.
It fails in every single aspect
And it's just not well writen.
It looks like a shitpost made by a 15yo

>> No.15880439

And what didn't you like?

>> No.15880442

Someone got filtered hard

>> No.15880473


>> No.15880478
File: 55 KB, 500x303, SYNTHESIS_OF_THE_OBJECTIVE_and_SUBJECTIVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horia here once again and just wanted to say ahahahahahaahhaa I trolled you hahhahahahaahaha you see I trolled you hahaha you hear me ahahahahah I trolled all of you
it was just a joke bahahahah you ahahahahah actually hahahaha thought it was a real peice of literature bahahahaha
you got trolled ahahahahah you midwits LOOOL with my 300+ page writtings HAHAHAHA how dumb ahahahahahaha can you even be bahahahahah i spent so much time writing it hahahahaha and i fucking trolled u ahahahahahahahaha

>> No.15880560

horia doesnt talk like this

>> No.15880589

No, that is Horia, >>15880478 resembles the book in a great way

>> No.15880776

Is the whole thing like this?

>> No.15880903

More or less

>> No.15881680


>> No.15881687

Holy fuck. dude. get a fucking grip. no one thinks your writing is good. lt this shit die. go to reddit, they might like your shitty skills over there. stop it whit this bumping.

>> No.15881758


>> No.15881802

>shits out utter garbage and calls it satire to save face
bravo horia

>> No.15881841

Go cry to your JIDF masters, shill.

>> No.15881873


>> No.15881918


>> No.15882813


>> No.15882841
File: 1.97 MB, 1214x806, thankyouscience6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Called you out again, impostor-fag
>5 posters
>17 replies
Your facade is transparent

>> No.15882859

Are you ok?

>> No.15882876
File: 2.07 MB, 1048x800, thankyouscience5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 posters after I posted
Which one of the shills are you?

>> No.15882921

He's posting as me again. I bet you're so fucking green with envy right now. I'm literally smirking so hard.

>> No.15882965


>> No.15883003

Rent free

>> No.15883059

Bump to save western civ

>> No.15883069


>> No.15883075

This is getting pathetic. For a minute you had conned a number of anons into your garbage, but this bumping is to obvious. Please man, get help.

>> No.15883086

ignore this moron


>> No.15883122

Bump for interest!!

>> No.15883745


>> No.15883829

Thirded !!

>> No.15884100

For me, it's The Foundation of Exploration

>> No.15884187

for once we agree

>> No.15884207

Is this book like the SICP meme of /g/?

>> No.15884420

It's less entertaining to spectate.

>> No.15884469

I wish. It's actually just some Romanian professor who likes shilling his own book here.

>> No.15884488

It's a mod. There's no way any of the spastic mods on this board are professors.

>> No.15884501

What I liked:
>The Subjective
>The Objective
What I disliked:
>Their Synthesis

>> No.15884612

My favorite part was when the writer was a janitor on 4chan who can't handle criticism.

>> No.15884624

wonder how much greasy /lit/ money this fool has got so far

>> No.15884650

I think he's gotten something like $25 out of it lol

That's what his reputation was worth to him

>> No.15884662

Why pay? He's provided it for free.

>> No.15884669
File: 590 KB, 500x775, 1594468476799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 deletion

>> No.15884714

>the 30 year old authoor
>the 29 year old self boomper

>> No.15884880
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>> No.15884897
File: 151 KB, 352x530, FaceApp_1593282944245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna coom in Ernestina Junger

>> No.15885289
File: 152 KB, 500x564, pepe-shitting-on-tranny-jannies-72110166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean it up Jannies! Love from /pol/. Your book is gay.

>> No.15885298

Here it is

>> No.15885306
File: 297 KB, 1110x1239, 1594783350791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't read so good, why the title be the way it be ?

>> No.15885345

>you don't like what I like therefore you stupid
Give up, Horia.

>> No.15885374
File: 259 KB, 650x637, E2B944EA-DDD7-483B-AF83-C74E4F5648DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it up HORTA, you TRANNY JANNY

>> No.15885432

Horia, esti cancer smm. Da-ti foc.

>> No.15885708


>> No.15886396


>> No.15886414

Is Horia literally the only fucking janitor on this shitty board? Do your goddamn job you useless idiots— remove this faggot’s shill threads.

>> No.15886430

Green with envy I see. Know this: I am smirking with rage.

>> No.15886913
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you got yourself shilled. What's the next step in your master plan?

>> No.15887259

Horia sign my copy?

>> No.15887278

The print version hasn't been purchased yet.

>> No.15887296

Horia told me

>> No.15887399

Granted, I’ve only skimmed it. But I think he may have unintentionally written a brilliant satire.

It’s incredibly bloated and unhinged, but it terrifies me that I identified with Horia. I remember growing up and developing some similar interests, being similarly narcissistic and pseudo-intellectual, considering supporting Trump in college because of frustration with the political monoculture (i.e., “SJWs” as Horia says).

He is sort of satirizing the tendency of young men in the West today to gravitate toward self-importance and banal reactionary politics. Somewhere in his early thirties, the banality of life in industrial civilization has set in and he’s cobbled together an incoherent 500 pages trying quixotically to address whatever psychological crisis he’s experiencing. He’s raging against a culture of narcissism of which he’s a product.

The book has no self-awareness and is atrocious, but there may be value in critical interpretation.

>> No.15887499
File: 106 KB, 720x900, 1593723725983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the fake Old Man. The real Old Man knows Romanian; asi vrea ca bulangiul asta de transexual care incearca sa va insele sa vorbeasca in Romana. Poate ca o-sa foloseasca Google Translate, dar cuvinte traduce de obicei par ciudate

>> No.15887542

>says nothing about the objective-center and subjective-periphery metaphysics
Sounds like you got filtered

>> No.15887632
File: 281 KB, 797x415, Capture 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I skimmed it
No, you didn't. You wrote it. IDing your writing style is something I unfortunately picked up after 500 pages.

>it does terrifies me that I identified with Horia.
Of course you do :D

>developing some similar interests
Of course you did :D

>tendency of young men in the West
No, it isn't. At all. In fact, the funny thing is, if he (you) were a /lit/fag, this pdf never would have happened and he'd have found some meaning in life. Instead he reads BAP and listens to Kant in 90 Minutes.

> Somewhere in his early thirties, the banality of life in industrial civilization has set in
Got inside info here? :D

>this is his reaction to the banality of the bureaucratic society
To have his ego fucking explode so far out of proportion that he thinks he's made a contribution to the world of philosophy? PIC RELATED

>trying quixotically to address whatever psychological crisis he’s experiencing
No, he isn't. He's charging people to read his normie-tier diary. There is nothing special here. Except uncommon idiocy.

>but there may be value in critical interpretation
No, there isn't. Laughing at it isn't criticism.

>> No.15887661

Holy shit, I’m not the author bro. Horia has won when we see him under every bed.

>> No.15887677

We only see him in strangely specific posts calling him "Horia" and praising him while talking about details that aren't in the book, but were extrapolated...

Red handed, idiot.

>> No.15887706

You’re simply projecting. Regardless, you’re response to my analysis is purely ad hominem. Horia has really written a brilliant satire of modern life.

>> No.15887716

Your misuse of ad hominum just makes everyone more certain you're Horia LOL

>> No.15887737

He is attacking the credibility of the poster (regardless, I am not Horia) rather than the analysis of the text. That’s ad hominem, because he can’t meaningfully critique the work itself.

>> No.15887752

I hope you're not serious. btw Belcea did post on /lit/ before. I dunno if he is actually on the board a lot but I remember a thread 3 or 4 months ago in which Anon said something along the lines of
>tfw I think I've come up with a revolutionary idea and want to write a book
people of course asked him what was up and tried to humble him and get him to articulate his ideas. I remember critiquing the whole masculine/feminine thing personally. Never thought about it again till he posted the other day and I realized the madman actually did it. You can probably find it in the archive.

Btw I am not >>15887399 but I like his analysis.

>> No.15887756

The memoir has been entirely deconstructed on 3 separate and deleted threads. The poster's credibility is zero, since he clearly didn't read the book. Only one or two posters have. The rest have read the impossibly cringe screenshots. What's the issue again?

>> No.15887767

Horia posted with his trip explaining it's a parody where the fake author "Horia" created a modern nightmare vision. He has never posted anything serious about this book. It is indeed all on the archive. Was it a LARP?

>> No.15887776

Has anyone made sense of his proof of god yet? I have an autistic interest in proofs and disproofs of god. I want to assume there is something to his but I really don't get it. Not that there is some kind of logical misstep, I just really don't see any logical steps at all. Maybe I haven't looked at the right texts? It seems absolutely retarded.

>> No.15887799

I saw a couple posts with the trip. It just seemed like trolling to me. Hard to believe someone would write that much for a larp. and the instance I am talking about was several months ago and the poster didn't use a tripcode and certainly didn't give his name. I don't think it's an intentional satire.

>> No.15887825

Nope. It matches the book perfectly. It was 110% the author. The book is a troll of purposefully bad philosophizing.

>>Has anyone made sense of his proof of god yet?
Read the author's own posts. There is no proof. It's all a prank. It should be obvious from the pdf, but luckily the author came out and explained himself and his 500 page shitpost.

>> No.15887830

Stop selling your book on 4chan.
I read only few paragraphs and I find your book horrible.
Why did you want to publish your cringe self-jerking diary? Do something productive next.
Ps. your mother was probably right.

>> No.15887853


>> No.15887862

You'd have to be mentally challenged to think the trip is related to the author

>> No.15887877

Thanks, at least someone does. Unironically, I’m not Horia. But I do think it has value of sort of an unintentional parody of, for example, Jordan Peterson fans, and is a more extreme form of the delusions and spiritual crises affecting large swathes of young men in the developed world.

I feel like The Synthesis of the Objective and Subjective is to Petersonheads what My Twisted World is to incels, so I think it’s worth looking at as a cultural artifact, in that it articulates and satirizes a cultural phenomenon beyond just its author.

>> No.15887882

Where? Not in the first thread. I found it archived and there's nothing like that.

>> No.15887895
File: 204 KB, 812x317, Capture 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I checked the archives. Horia definitely deconstructed his book for those who were interested. It's a parody of Bronze Age Pervert and the like. Pic related.

I have to admit I lolled a lot while looking through this...

>> No.15887896

There is absolutely nothing anyone can say to convince me that he didn’t write this piece of shit with the intention of it being a revolutionary piece of work. The fact that he deletes threads that make fun of it, shills it shamelessly, endlessly bumps his own threads, and responds to criticism with things like “go back to r/depression” and “filtered” is proof enough that he did not expect this type or backlash and has been trying desperately to save face. Ironically, his efforts to cope with this humiliation have only made things worse for him. Now he’s gone from being a shitty pseud to a literal crybaby who can’t handle the truth about himself.

>> No.15887901

Yeah I saw the posts as well. Pretty fucking funny.

>> No.15887916

This is a strong possibility. The shitposts under his name were funny as hell though. Is it possible someone unintentionally wrote and promoted something this fucking ridiculous and bad? A MEMOIR with the title of a philosophical treatise? And then ~7 threads trying to pass off a wave of genuine interest in it? It's mind blowing.

>> No.15887921

This isn't the the thread I was talking about. He doesn't talk about the details. There was one a few months before where he did and did so without a tripcode. I haven't found it yet. But the way this fizzled out is some proof that he is genuine. Same file as the OP in the image from a few days ago when he announced it.

>> No.15887931

This isn't it. He posted with a tripcode the other day and broke down the purpose and influences. The link you posted obviously isn't him lol.

>> No.15887933

Post 'em.

>> No.15887948

This is a fake shitpost bro. Why would someone smear him like this?

>> No.15887956
File: 206 KB, 828x342, Capture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15887970

It uses the same file as the thread (>>/lit/thread/15824974)) where he announced it initially. It's from May. Why don't you think it's him?

>> No.15887973
File: 108 KB, 581x1027, 3C9C4A0E-32F9-4D50-BE0B-32F291EEDAB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it was a joke he wouldn’t be posting this kind of stuff on goodreads

>> No.15887979

>Is it possible someone unintentionally wrote and promoted something this fucking ridiculous and bad?

It absolutely is— it literally happens all the time. It’s no coincidence that there is an ocean of terrible media compared to the few truly remarkable works of art. People like Horia are a dime a dozen; completely lacking any talent and yet fancying themselves to be goddamn geniuses.

>> No.15887981

unless he’s much smarter than the book suggests he is and playing some kind of multi-year ARG

>> No.15887989

That’s what I’m saying— it’s not a joke. He meant for it to be taken seriously. It’s just so pathetic that you can’t help but try to give him the benefit of the doubt even if it defies common sense.

>> No.15887993

This is really, really sad.

Pbuh is for the dead. How fucking dumb is he? Is this some Andy Kaufman thing? Everything connected with this guy's name is a joke. Every last thing.

>> No.15888001

for newfags: horia never used a trip

>> No.15888007

Yes he did. It's all over warosu and it goes back years on the same topics. Stop lying.

>> No.15888016

Yeah I looked it up, he legit uses a trip to fight against meme philosophy bullshit.

>> No.15888017

post links

>> No.15888022
File: 12 KB, 228x221, 1594569465032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can clearly see you're the same person dumbass

>> No.15888024

I think his long ass garbage book is a giant inb4 of every dumb thing anyone could possibly say

>> No.15888032
File: 188 KB, 831x289, Capture 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

>> No.15888056

So this is the power of a true genius...

>> No.15888088

Lol yeah, the whole book is just spaz outs like this

>> No.15888710

At least he's humble

>> No.15888905

Ar trebui să-ți exersezi româna. Dai rateuri.

>> No.15889067

Lol yes. For someone this intelligent, I'm surprised. I'm looking forward to his Joe Rogan interview. I'm not kidding.

>> No.15889361

how can one man be this clueless?