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15887533 No.15887533 [Reply] [Original]

>Professor insists you call them by their first name

>> No.15887547

>professor acts like some kind of rules stickler asshole but is obviously fucking a girl in his class and she has top tier grades

>> No.15887556

>MY NAME IS DR. _____ ____

>> No.15887559

>Professor is a homosexual

>> No.15887565

>professor teaches through Zoom
>Ok Zoomer

>> No.15887615
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As a swede I've never understood why you call people by their surname and not the name they have that exists to call people by

>> No.15887641

Because it's weird and excessively personal for someone who's in a position of authority over you, no matter how much they might want to deny it and pretend they're just your buddy. I guess that's part of the problem in general, professors who want to be friends with all their students and be super personal with them. Fuck off, I just want to learn, teach the damn class.

>> No.15887684

i always refused to do this every time lmao

>> No.15887697

must be an anglo thing we never do that in brazil

>> No.15887806

Why not just use he or she? Fuck you retard

>> No.15887828

In Russia, we use first name + patronym for someone in a position of authority/formal, or someone who is much older.

Example: if you a simpleton were to refer to our president, you would just call him Vladimir Vladimirovich

>> No.15887852

My young professors do that which shows that they aren't full of themselves. As for the older ones, they deserve their respect.

>> No.15887865

This. Fuck all these faggots.

>> No.15887870

judging by your footballers, it seems like you don’t even have surnames in brazil

>> No.15887889

Does any one send their lecturers a email by prof. xxxxx or dr. xxxxxx and they reply with:


First Name

Nigga do you not have any self respect?

>> No.15887894

>Calling them nigger instead

>> No.15887897

>the black kids were already calling him Dr. [first name]

>> No.15887942

In sweden nobody ever calls anyone by their surname, at most we refer to their title, like prime Minister or doctor, or just "you". The only one's referred to by their last name are politicians, but this has become a means of insult instead of respect. I haven't watched the media in a while but if a whole family is on the topic then you also use their common name.
But face to face you never use someone's surname if you know they name, not your teacher, not your boss, not a cop, not a politician, and not even the king. Although you call him king obviously most of the time.
What I'm saying is surname and first name have opposite positions here than in US.

>> No.15887990

100% that many who've happened to meet the king have jokingly even used a nickname of his first name like "Kalle".

>> No.15888010

swedish surnames are also just made-up, so it’s not really weird that you have little affection for them

>> No.15888020

What of it? In Sweden we don't use titles, except for monarchy, and almost always call people by their first name.
People are often called by their last name when it's used as a nickname.

>> No.15888021
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>there are sw*des on this board

>> No.15888023

>professor misgenders you

>> No.15888036


I'd refuse. It's humiliating.

>> No.15888043

>professor brings up trump at every fucking chance he gets

>> No.15888050

>lecturer thinks we're friends

>> No.15888051

>swedish surnames are also just made-up
What? All names are made up.
Do you mean they see recently made up?
A few soldier's names like "Kvick" or "Snäll" are just a few hundred years old but other than that most surnames are old.

>> No.15888061

For who?

>> No.15888106

don’t be autistic, kalle. what i meant was a lot of swedish surnames seem like place names (ljungberg, södergren, nyberg etc) but are just made up names combining two elements of nature or whatever

>> No.15888126

I am an autist so it's difficult for me to not be autistic.

>> No.15888209

it’s all in your head bro

>> No.15888367

Because the singular "they" existed before contemporary tranny bullshit, and is useful for referring to hypothetical people who could be men or women, without having to use the awkward and clunky "he or she".

>> No.15888441


>> No.15888493
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>professor drinks from the same mate as the students
>he doesn't even bring his own

>> No.15888511
File: 81 KB, 719x960, 1591032403166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guaranteed to be a total authoritarian with unclear expectations but brutally clear punishments for surpassing or failing to meet them. Better to keep boundaries and expectations clear from the start. Sounds more hardline and shit but actually allows people to relax and know where to focus their efforts, giving them the chance to feel secure and maybe excel in their individual way.
Organization is underrated. Good signal is going by "Dr. Lastname"

>> No.15888526

>failing to recognize pseudonyms

>> No.15888546

Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA

>> No.15888602

we do. from two to 5 or more. my cousin has like 7 or 8 surnames. all from actual family lineages

>> No.15888630

>he doesn't realize there are professors at top universities currently using they/them pronouns

>> No.15888641

how many do pass on to your kids?

>> No.15888644

You don't get a job at a top university without being opportunistic. The chance to adopt a marginalized identity while sacrificing nothing (class position, relationship status, ability to engage with mainstream social events) is too good to pass on. It's like all the kids you remember being slightly tan white people suddenly rediscovering their blackness (via the one grandparent) in time for college applications.

>> No.15888662

Class, call me Ishmael!

>> No.15888676

usually two, one from each parent, but people can have more. my sister has 5

>> No.15888691

is that because they’re not sure who the father is?

>> No.15888704


I have only ever seen people currently in university drink this bullshit.

>> No.15888722

>Professor calls you by your first name
Hey, I'm not your friend dumbass. JFC

>> No.15888875

Its an honorific of sorts to call someone by their title and surname, left over from Anglo culture i guess. Do you call your parents by their first names?

>> No.15888914

The best signal is "you can call me Dr. Lastname or just Firstname, whatever you feel more comfortable with"

>> No.15888975

>Now, I technically can't get political buuuuuuut doesn't this kinda remind you of somebody??? hahaha
Every class since 2016

>> No.15889003

shoulda gon stem nigga

>> No.15889096

>call them by their last name anyway

>> No.15889157

Is this really a common thing?
t. blue collar

>> No.15889200

>young professor who really wants to be taken seriously
>professor in a suit who wants you to know how cool he is
>professor who low key wants you to affirm his ideological/theological/political position and will grade on that basis

>> No.15889255


Most college professors are faggots (many quite literally), but I've always found the idea of calling someone by their first name in a professional setting to be weird and degenrate, especially if they're supposed to be a superior.

>> No.15889343
File: 30 KB, 564x564, A E S N E K T I C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't /lit/-related, but I taught a few semesters at a university and my students never even knew my first name. I was in my late 20s and knew it wasn't to anyone's advantage that they think I was any more relatable or on their level than other professors. Young professors who go by their first names do so because they resent the concept of authority/hierarchy and feel guilty participating in it. This is inherently bad. On the very rare occasion a professor in his 60s or 70s asks you to use his first name, I'm fine with that because it's essentially the social version of wearing sweatpants around everywhere because fuck you, I've earned it.

>> No.15889363

>anglos being bootlickers
nothing new under the sun

>> No.15889446

Decently common I would say, you can't fire a tenured professor for fucking a consenting "adult". It's not something literally every professor does, but there are plenty of teachers that bang students

>> No.15889600


my female friend is dating a lecturer 20 years older than her

>> No.15889933


>> No.15889946

Bruh do you know how hard it is to remember everybody’s names, and guess who likes to be called what? If you’ve got a problem then speak up bucko, they’ll call you what you want.

>> No.15889963

Nigger test

>> No.15890011

>professor tries to use "fun" audience participation in their lectures
one professor tried to illustrate foucaults concept of biopolitics by making us walk laps around the lecture hall while shouting out random instructions like "walk faster, turn around, walk slower!"

>> No.15891182

Sounds based

>> No.15891190

nigga you just got disciplined

>> No.15891203

2016 was insufferable

>> No.15891230


>> No.15891246
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For my whole life, saying peoples names has been weird to me and I basically don't do it. I usually get their attention some other way and never call them by their name.
What's wrong with me?

>> No.15891254

You're just being respectful.

>> No.15891299

That shit made me so fucking mad.
You're not my friend, shut the fuck up.

>> No.15891311

In New Zealand the default is that you call everyone by their first name, no matter their position of authority. Professors, teachers, doctors, politicians, the prime minister. It's considered pretentious to insist on being called Professor X, Doctor X, etc.

>> No.15891367

>It's considered pretentious to insist on being called Professor X, Doctor X, etc.
well, because it is

>> No.15891413
File: 174 KB, 1228x1150, pepe annoyed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professor insists upon himself

>> No.15892044

Prof insists you call them Dr. ____ even though they aren't in any way a medical doctor