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/lit/ - Literature

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15884278 No.15884278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is it about this site and retarded white girls with horrible fucking taste in books?

>> No.15884288

They're the most plugged in people.

>> No.15884298

that's what social media is like unless it's an anonymous imageboard where clout doesn't matter

>> No.15884316

Women degrade community standards and turn every community in a henhouse for their petty social bullshit everywhere they go, the only way to stop them is anonymity so their pussy doesn't matter. They naturally avoid communities where they have to be anonymous. Except a rare few who are already depressed about being objects for male lust by virtue of existing.

>> No.15884344

Because this is the demographic that buys the most books. This is the demographic that is more interested in expanding their bookshelves than actually reading and understanding anything or exploring new ideas. Even if they knew how to download books for free, or knew where to get used books for cheap, they probably wouldn't want to, because for them, it's more about the rush of buying something new. Adolescent upper-middle class girls are easily the most marketed demographic in the world per capita.

>> No.15884347

Oh fuck off with this bullshit. Women exist on anonymous forums, this isn't your secret club.

>> No.15884351

i cant even begin to comprehend how one could enjoy a single YA novel let alone thousands. every time i look at some wh*te g*rl's goodreads account, its YA romcoms and hipster trash graphic novels. You honestly get way more out of playing Fortnite than reading any of this filth.

>> No.15884358

>Women exist on anonymous forums
they're irrelevant, anonymity brings everyone down to the same level which is why girls tend to dislike these places

>> No.15884373

Prove it.

>> No.15884392

>anonymity brings everyone down to the same level
and yet women somehow bring it even lower

>> No.15884396

the community aside, the site is quite good for choosing your next books, and saving recommendations from friends for the future.

>> No.15884411

Maybe girls dislike this goddamn Mongolian basket weaving forum because of the misogyny every two seconds.

What kind of argument is this? Prove that only men frequent these type of forums. Prove that dogs with keyboards frequent these type of forums.

>> No.15884416


>> No.15884421

>no u prove it

>> No.15884455

>Maybe girls dislike this goddamn Mongolian basket weaving forum because of the misogyny every two seconds
Almost everything written on /lit/ is done tongue-in-cheek. If you lurked more, you would realize that almost everyone on this board is a larper.

>> No.15884456

Retarded white girls are the foundation of the publishing industry.
>Maybe girls dislike this goddamn Mongolian basket weaving forum because of the misogyny every two seconds.
We really should aim for higher standards. Misanthropy every second is the only way we're going to attract any meritorious anons of any gender. We need to redouble our efforts and then try twice as hard.

>> No.15884478

fuck off you pseudo-misogynist, I legit hate women

>> No.15884495

>daily reminder the majority of misogynistic comments on the internet are written by females

>> No.15884529

/lit/ used to have a decent GR group and it was an easy way to share book recommendations and get a snapshot of someone's taste for the former. I also had a lot of fun seeing my end of the year reading statistics and comparing those insights with others. I fell off the internet for a while so I don't know if any of those people are still around.

>begin to comprehend how one could enjoy a single YA novel
This speaks volumes to your own shortcomings more than it speaks against people's lackluster taste. I'm not a fan of YA novels but come on, you really can't understand why someone would enjoy mindless "fun"? It's no different than binge watching netflix.

>misogyny every two seconds
Don't worry, no one actually cares. My home board is predominantly female and we're notorious for being particularly nasty to one another. These petty comments hardly compare to the things girls regularly say about each other.

>> No.15884558
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>> No.15884578

Deny at your own peril the truth I have told you. It will save you much grief in the future.

>> No.15884601

proving all the misogynists right sweetie, they were actually saying something nice about female anons if you read carefully

my guess is you're a tranny and a northern european. north european autistic sanctimony, tranny "I SPEAK FOR WOMEN WHEN I SAY..." even though nobody asked. makes too much sense.