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File: 515 KB, 1916x1006, Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 03.57.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15882875 No.15882875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I didn't want to have to do this, I think this book is fucking wank, but the cretin that wrote this tripe keeps spamming the board. Problem being, that when people criticise his piece of shit book, the cretin then deletes his thread. So here it is, a thread where this Romanian copper stealing scum of the earth can't delete criticism.

Contain the bullshit here. If this thread goes and the other Horia bullshit threads stay up, then you know it's a mod that wrote this garbage.


>> No.15882882
File: 2.62 MB, 338x600, 1593897535272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody who uses my name after this post is an impostor and a fake

>> No.15882885

I don't know what is going on with this book, can someone explain? Clearly?

>> No.15882887

He hasn't posted here since. He's probably killed himself or is on the verge.

>> No.15882899


>> No.15882907

Someone, who is quite likely 'Horia', is spamming the board with threads about this utter trash. The author made a thread about this book when he released it. The problem is, the person making these threads, deletes them if the thread becomes critical.

Dude who knows, but it's fucking annoying if you try to discuss the book, and the thread vanishes while the other 3 stay up. It's obviously a self deletion to nuke people having fun at the expense of this trash.

>> No.15882911

Unironically considering buying a book that is probably full of bs. Are you ever going to make it, anon?

>> No.15882926

No, there are a bunch of threads full of samefagging and schizoposting. It's fucking weird. Either Horia's gone off the deep end, or we have trannies with too much free time on this board.

>> No.15882935

>It's fucking weird. Either Horia's gone off the deep end, or we have trannies with too much free time on this board.
Yeah, no clue which, it's more the fact they keep deleting the threads when people start shitting on the book. People should be able to shit on this book freely, hence the containment thread, one I don't plan to delete.

... I posted that picture to disambiguate this from the other threads. I have no intention of buying it.

>> No.15882938

Okay, thanks. I will continue to keep away then...

>> No.15882948
File: 715 KB, 1220x1882, Screenshot 2020-07-10 at 21.59.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting if you want to delve into the mind of someone that thinks a teaspoon is deep.

>> No.15882959
File: 59 KB, 433x433, 1594797481834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if the threads are deleted when they become critical. What seems to be the case is that the threads die, some samefag keeps bumping them, and they get reported or pruned. Another common theme is that there are only a few posters, as seen in this thread (5). Wonder which one of you is the tranny

>> No.15882975

Well, the others are still up.. so.. I'm going to go ahead and assume it's self pruning.

Are all me.

>> No.15882993
File: 708 KB, 1220x1882, 1594955381885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it has a hole in it, then it is deep

>> No.15883012

Don't waste your money, you can find it for free here: https://files.catbox.moe/enkzck.pdf
It's a mess. I've been reading it, out of pitty. The last thread was extremely sad, like I stated before, it's like looking at a one legged retarded puppy trying to climb a sofa. you can't help but look and feel bad

>> No.15883030
File: 373 KB, 1802x770, Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 04.17.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice post.

>Tfw Horia never left, and now defends himself in third person

>> No.15883050
File: 129 KB, 1804x402, Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 04.20.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go Anon, I salvaged your post. Gonna post another review too.

>> No.15883064
File: 230 KB, 1796x494, Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 04.21.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15883102

Good riddance anon, expose that faggot

>> No.15883116
File: 391 KB, 1802x822, Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 04.28.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I still have the last thread open isn't it?

>> No.15883136

Only one of the threads criticizing him even got deleted. None of the criticisms are even substantive, unless they regard specific details, and that's from the position of one who hasn't even read the book.

>> No.15883138

can you salvage the one where an anon talks about his analisys of the mass shoters manifestos?

>> No.15883148

This isnt old man.

>> No.15883151

see >>15882882

>> No.15883164
File: 609 KB, 1530x1344, Screenshot 2020-06-29 at 05.24.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me. Sure thing though, flattered you asked for it; wasn't going to repost my own comments.

">Not as something serious, more like reading the manifesto of someone before they go out to kill a bunch of people.
I wrote a linguistic analysis of mass murderer manifestos for my degree; approached it from a variety of different angles. The only pattern I could identify was that killers decreased in readability index scores (i.e., more syllables per word) when they talked about committing an attack, or the intended targets of their attack.

Not suggesting you count the syllables like I did for a 500 page book, but if you notice he's talking about a specific group of people and becomes rather passionate...

Pic related." Re-uploaded the image for you too.

>> No.15883172
File: 2.54 MB, 1185x923, thankyouscience4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that guys the impostor. The real Old Man posts pictures like pic related, not tranny flag burnings

>> No.15883190

Why are you referring to yourself in the third person? You forgot to take off your (fake) trip to respond.

>> No.15883204

There is no reason to feel bad for this guy. From what I can tell, he's a normie that fell into the Trump memes during the election and stumbled upon Bronze Age Mindset... which Changed His Life. And now he's Changing Lives with his pdf.

>> No.15883208

Horia, man, please stop.

>> No.15883213

Like the cunt using my trip to bump the other threads about this book? The threads you say have been deleted, even though the only one that's been deleted is the one you're posting screenshots from. Perhaps you made them all, samefag

>> No.15883246
File: 105 KB, 1804x378, Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 04.44.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the OP. <3

>> No.15883282
File: 168 KB, 819x271, Capture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here the author pines for the era before sex, though those who practice it have a clear advantage.

>> No.15883293

and he can't delete it. feels nice.

>> No.15883297

I have no idea what you are talking about. Stop babbling and misdirecting when I have exposed you stealing the other guys trip in blind light.

>> No.15883301
File: 2.96 MB, 1148x924, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point still stands.

He's referring to asexual vs sexual reproduction, though it was poorly said. He phrased it as "sexual vs cloning reproduction."

>> No.15883314

Horia, man, please stop.

>> No.15883317
File: 304 KB, 878x465, Capture 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presented without comment

>> No.15883320

You can't even prove I stole the other guy's trip, or that he stole mine. What threads have been deleted? There are four up right now:


>> No.15883326

Be quiet while we make fun of your memoir.

>> No.15883335

The one that had a shit load of criticism in it that I've been reposting in this thread, that's the one that's gone; the others are full of 'bump's and little else. But as I made this one, the faggots responsible for the four threads you linked can't delete it.

>> No.15883341

I'm not Horia, you're wasting your time. He's just a Romanian, like me.

>> No.15883342

It's alright, horia. maybe you should just take a break from the internet?

>> No.15883370

>Problem being, that when people criticise his piece of shit book, the cretin then deletes his thread.

We have a bunch of those authors here. I personally find some satisfaction that I triggered them so much they had to delete their own advertisement.

>> No.15883374
File: 204 KB, 812x317, Capture 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is amazing.

>> No.15883375

Are you these guys:


"Problem being, that when people criticise his piece of shit book, the cretin then deletes his thread" And you only have one thread as an example, whose OP you have no way to prove is or is not Horia. You can't prove I'm Horia, or you're Horia, or anyone is Horia.

>> No.15883392

You're stepping back into schizo territory bud. Told you, the other threads aren't full of scathing criticism.

Seems he doesn't take criticism too well. The highlighted bit is funny, but below it gets better.

>> No.15883406

How can you prove he made the deleted thread? And you're accusing me of being a schizo?

>> No.15883411

please do provide!

>> No.15883412

>How can you prove he made the deleted thread?
Yes, yes I am accusing you of being a schizo. Also, Romanians are fucking scum.

>> No.15883419

I mean it's in there.

"My parents even bought me a keyboard for my birthday once. I played it for five minutes, I got criticized, and I never touched it again."

>> No.15883428
File: 106 KB, 844x186, Capture 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can ctr f "genius" for a laugh. It's safe to say Horia is an only child.

>> No.15883430

Kek, now I have you. You have no evidence, so your only tactic is to deflect and provoke a different attack.

>> No.15883451

Jesus Christ.. Got any others?

So you're saying, that because I made a thread to avoid criticism getting deleted (as it just had been), I must have made the other threads, in which criticism would be readily deleted when the author disliked where the thread was going?

You're legitimately riding schizo territory.

>> No.15883456
File: 188 KB, 831x289, Capture 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15883468

that page is fucking bad, but your corrections are even worse

>> No.15883472
File: 472 KB, 1322x1116, Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 05.11.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you're right, 'genius' is a gold mine.

>> No.15883480

No, but you have no evidence Horia Belcea somehow returned to 4chan to make the thread, see the criticism it accumulated, and delete it in a flustered fit of rage. Besides, what you're proposing wouldn't be too far from possibility; judging by how obsessed you are with this Belcea character, I wouldn't put it past you.

>> No.15883490

>You're legitimately riding schizo territory.
He isn't schizophrenic. He's trying to defend his internet handle of Horia Belcea—try putting it as your username—and to defend his book.

The problem with defending it is we're just going to keep posting excerpts. These are indefensible. Particularly on /lit/. I don't know what hugbox spawned this, but I imagine someone gave this encouragement. Could Horia have been trolled by internet buddies?

>> No.15883495

go back to bumpin your lonesome threads

>> No.15883503

He posted a bunch using his verified tripcode, you idiot. He even posted his inspirations for the book.

>> No.15883508
File: 204 KB, 1342x462, Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 05.15.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Horia you dirty Romanian gypo. Go back to stealing copper lmao

>The problem with defending it is we're just going to keep posting excerpts.
They're just so god damn funny.

>> No.15883514
File: 194 KB, 812x316, Capture 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if there is a better one than pic related

>> No.15883521

Go back to making those threads and using my trip to bump them

>> No.15883533

Psst kid, wanna buy some synthesis? It's the good stuff, objective AND subjective..

Just, how does this book exist.

>> No.15883540

have you ever considered seeing a psychiatrist? you seem to have a pathologically disproprtionate perception of yourself and the world.

>> No.15883544

That's not even close to evidence. Any cunt can make a tripcode and name himself "Horia Belcea" and say what he wants about the book's inspirations. I think the only real Belcea was the one in the original thread, where we first learned about the book. Everyone else was just some LARPer citing "My Twisted World" as their inspiration, and you guys lap it up, or pretend to.

Prove that you're not Horia

>> No.15883545

notice how he ignores his shitty writing except if he wants to correct something he thinks is correctable. Fuck off already.

>> No.15883549

Why the hell is this book being recommended for me on Amazon and goodreads?

>> No.15883554

there is no way this is real

>> No.15883569

What did he discover?

>> No.15883573

Yeah, because that's the first real excerpt in the thread and the only one I opened up. Your comment about "he pines for a world before sex" caught my eye. The others are just "presented without comment," so what would there even be to respond to?

>> No.15883580

Sadly, it's in there.

>make a thread to allow people to shit on the garbage book
>prove you're not horia
Think the burden is more on you, mate, you have that same dopey writing style that finishes on infinitives and prepositions.

>> No.15883581

schitzo fag

>> No.15883583
File: 741 KB, 1080x2005, Screenshot_20200717-002158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read the chapter where he describes his league of legends game (in full)?

>> No.15883591

didn't that one guy write Moby Dick when he was 32?

>> No.15883605

>you have that same dopey writing style that finishes on infinitives and prepositions
There's a difference between your writing style when you're writing a ~390 page book and your style when conversing with anons. What's your point?

>make a thread to allow people to shit on the garbage book
>prove you're not Horia
Perhaps you're trying to draw attention to the book through reverse psychology. Once again, there's no way to prove anything.

>> No.15883609
File: 579 KB, 745x497, mfw reading this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the whole book =( pic related

>> No.15883614

>League of Legends is mentioned in 3 separate chapters

I dunno. I just reposted another user's comment.

>There's a difference between your writing style when you're writing a ~390 page book and your style when conversing with anons. What's your point?
You're assuming the book has a writing style, which this one doesn't, because it's stream of consciousness garbage.

>> No.15883615

>can't even spell "disdain"
>publishing your diary desu with glaring spelling mistakes

>> No.15883633

"Stream of consciousness" is a writing style. Unless you want to engage in a 200 IQ analysis on my 4chan writing style and Horia's book "stream of consciousness" to point out the similarities. Surely there's no difference between casual banter and the writing in the excerpts you presented

>> No.15883635
File: 163 KB, 935x797, Capture 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads. Old Man is Horia Belcea. Apparently he is unaware of warosu. Pic related.

Apparently he is a wizard =\

>> No.15883636

Reading through this and knowing the autistic fuck that made it tried to be serious just makes this 10x as funnier

>> No.15883655

Yikes. Yeah it's pretty obvious, he's trying really hard to convince people I'm - as the OP - Horia. Nobody believes Horia would make a self deprecating thread inviting people to shit on his own work; the pseud took himself so fucking seriously he posted his diaries as a philosophy.

It's absolutely impressive how blissfully ignorant the author is of his own stilted and awkward writing. Could you imagine a conversation with this retard? I could genuinely imagine him telling me everything in the room, and whether it was a masculine or feminine concept.

>> No.15883659

I am aware of warosu, and those posts are me. Unfortunately, you are not aware that "virgin with rage" is a CWC meme, something that's corroborated by the attached picture. Digging through post histories is a patently reddit thing

>> No.15883670

go back to League you total retard

>> No.15883680
File: 2.62 MB, 1198x915, manofthefuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to searching for excerpts

>> No.15883688

>Horia never left
Holy seethe

What are you gonna do copper snatcher? Can't delete this thread can you?

>> No.15883693

>you seem to have a pathologically disproportionate perception of yourself and the world
Anyone who earnestly writes a philosophy book attempting to unify the entire field despite evident lack of education has NPD.

>> No.15883698

This is self-published, right?

>> No.15883699

You can tell he doesn't talk to many people in real life.

Still here Horia? In all honesty I didn't think you were a redditor... this is why you don't namefag...

>> No.15883715

will do, faggot, It's a great work of autistic unintended comedy

>> No.15883734

Horia please stop this

>> No.15883739

the faggot actually went and bumped his other threads, with the same tripfag name, lmao

>> No.15883753

I-it's not Horia though!

Do you think his parents have read his '''book'''?

>> No.15883777

apart from this retard, i think that filling some writing with general, self-indulgent and utimately meaningless figures like "nature does this or that" , "the objective center" , "life" , the "ultimate reality" is
1. the foremost mark of dilettantism.
2. a mark of a coarse taste.
the first thing they teach you in high school is : be specific. historical and theoretical precision is not some optional in a high school level essay, at least where i live.
also, this goes beyond this abmormous psychiatric document. it applies to hegel and heidegger, for instance.

>> No.15883779

they probably disavowed that crazy faggot a long time ago. I haven't reached that part of his diary yet, tho

>> No.15883783

It appears my book has caused some controversy. I'll monitor this thread just in case there are any questions. Verify my trip if you think this is a LARP.

>> No.15883785
File: 46 KB, 786x183, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15883790

fucking kek

>> No.15883797

Hahahahahahahahaha how is this real

>> No.15883798

this cow just keeps on giving

>> No.15883804

holy shit nice

>> No.15883807

no questions, if you did write this shit, your work speaks for you, flaming autistic faggot.

>> No.15883810

god I wish this was satire so I could call it brilliant comedy

>> No.15883811
File: 1.49 MB, 948x1126, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop laughing

>> No.15883812

proving God is actually really easy
>good exists
>really no other reason than God for things to ever feel good
there you go

>> No.15883817

Look you gotta lead with something big, and in this case, he proved god in his introduction. Quite why he wrote the rest when god sort of seems like an end-game to prove, but you know, he did us all the grace of writing about a game of league of legends as warfare.

You know the pics of dads looking disappointed with tranny sons? I'm just picturing that look, but holding this book.

>> No.15883826

>It appears
Fuck off dude, you've already 'appeared' with tripcode and all in other threads, so it doesn't just 'appear,' you don't have to pretend some kind of dumbfoundedness as if you didn't know, you know. Just gives everyone reason to believe you're behind the forced memeing when you can't even lie well.

>> No.15883838

it's like tristram shandy if tristram was a dick

As the only person to have read the whole thing (I dont think horia even read it, he just wrote it), I will say he definitely isn't autistic. He's an extreme level normie. The only deviation is his BAP exposure, which clearly gave him the idea for this hilariously titled book.

>> No.15883846
File: 59 KB, 816x368, lol2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The book literally reads like a 400 page ironic copy pasta. I recommend the Atheism and God chapter, it's fucking gold so far.

>> No.15883852

>As the only person to have read the whole thing (I dont think horia even read it, he just wrote it), I will say he definitely isn't autistic.
How did you get through the whole thing? I don't know if I would have stopped from laughing, or disgust at his sheer idiocy.

>> No.15883859

I literally can't stand to read this nonsense anymore. Just seeing excerpts of it is starting to make me ill.

>> No.15883860

>Stares unbearably smugly into the depths of his own asshole
Surprised he doesn't just come out and say "I invented philosophy"

>> No.15883861

...Are you sure he's not autistic? >>15883846
He seems to think paralinguistics are voodoo black magic.

>> No.15883866
File: 189 KB, 500x775, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have swore I dreamt that part...

The thing that truly bothers me is that he's 32.

>> No.15883867

I'm pretty sure by now everyone is 100% convinced that he's autistic-- just not the smart kind of autistic.

>> No.15883870

roger that

>> No.15883871

I don't get it did he write this book to tell people how smart he is? What is the point of this book?

>> No.15883894
File: 91 KB, 1082x702, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 pages of text made to state some bleak and dumb trifecta

>> No.15883900

I quote Horia, in his legendary introduction:

« I do not strive to bring a new ideology totally divorced from the historical reality of our civilization; I aim to extend truth, to extend knowledge. What you will read is the foundation for the next stage of Western civilization. »

>> No.15883909

what is the point of drinking your own piss from your shoes? do you think this ill person didn't send this trash to all the existing editors?

>> No.15883910
File: 563 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure. I've dealt with autistic people irl.

Kek. Honestly, picturing this guy as Romanian sort of explains a lot. Add in that he's over 30 and kissless. I start to get a bit bummed when imagining what he is like irl, but then I remember this God damned psychotic 500 page piece of wet burning hot shit.

>> No.15883933

yes, his self promoting is too normie and too stupid/bad faithed for an autistic person to take part in. He's just your normal, unoriginal, and unimportant Retard

>> No.15883951

I'm really sorry, OP. But I've decided to read and study this book. In about a month I will comeback and start threads about Horianism and try to interface the sheer grandeur of his system with the mere mortals at /lit/.

>> No.15883968

Getting bored of bumping your other threads, Horia?

>> No.15883981

Horia is the kind of guy whose favorite movie is a tie between Point Break 2 and The Prestige

>> No.15883988

Is everyone in here the same person except me?

>> No.15883995

>I'm sure. I've dealt with autistic people irl.
Could still be on the spectrum though, couldn't he; will never forget Louis Theroux with the autistic kid that showed him his book. Comedy gold. Dragon Lua baby.

Read it if you want, I'm just here to stop criticism being silenced through thread deletion. Whoever is making the other threads, clearly has a very fragile ego.

>> No.15883996

im a medicine studend and provided it's impossible to diagnose autism from such writings, i'd say he has
1. a narcisistic personality disorder
2. either autism or even paranoid schizophrenia
he should go and see a psychiatrist URGENTLY if he ever had intrusive thoughts.

>> No.15884006
File: 200 KB, 750x918, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did this guy think was going to happen by shilling his book here? The absolute best case scenario would have been if no one read any of it. I'm honestly confused. He was gambling that someone would order it off Amazon?

>> No.15884018

400 pages and all he got was $25 and a new low in life.

>paranoid schizophrenia
I don't see schizophrenia, his writing is retarded, but it's not erratic enough.

>> No.15884032
File: 1018 KB, 596x821, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least people with NPD are interesting and know how to SPIN their life stories. I don't want to say it's the you-know-what effect in action, but has there ever been a better example?

>> No.15884036

Evidently he thought he had written something truly special and that /lit/ would suck his dick after reading it.

>> No.15884050

He certainly wrote something I've never seen before nor imagined possible. And now that I know the pdf's contents, the shill threads are 100x more bizarre...

>> No.15884061

saying 1) he has proved the existence of god, in the specific way he puts it (i. e. not realizing that if he did it the feed back of his interactions wpuld be different) - 2) he "reads in the mind" of others by understanding their tone and accent - and lost of insight could be symptomatic of a psychotic disorder. in autism there is no loss of insight generally.

>> No.15884074

friendly reminder to never buy this mess.
you can acces it for free from this link https://files.catbox.moe/enkzck.pdf

>> No.15884080

I read these as a self help guru's self delusion

>> No.15884107

I want a signed copy, damn it

>> No.15884109

>he has proved the existence of god, in the specific way he puts it
That's true, whenever I've seen delusions it hasn't been so.. small. It's usually stuff like 'the egg of the serpent is in me' or 'god speaks to me' or something... bigger.

>2) he "reads in the mind" of others by understanding their tone and accent - and lost of insight could be symptomatic of a psychotic disorder.
Ah I wouldn't know about that. I'm going by what I've seen linguistically; schizophrenia is usually characterised by things like, disordered thinking/repetition, incidental rhyme, and bizarre patterns in syntax (long/short sentences).

>> No.15884113
File: 70 KB, 778x295, lol3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From chapter § 39. Challenging all intellectual authorities

>> No.15884115

And he's in his thirties. Which supports the mental illness theory.

>> No.15884121

he's just a sad normie that lost his way and tried to get famous on /lit/ but didn't have the mental capacities to realize his writing was cringe shit, nor the abilities to self-promote without being a fucking annoying faggot

>> No.15884128
File: 705 KB, 1649x1682, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's stuff like this that makes me really womder if it's all a parody

>> No.15884133

self help gurus have not that anamnesis generally (32 yo with no job, social isolation, probably video-dipendence, based on the fact he says he spent many hours a day playing video games)

>> No.15884134

>I fear no man, except my dad and my mum, without them I would not get nuggies