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15882058 No.15882058[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15882061


>> No.15882067

One of the best breakdowns of modern philosophy i've ever read

>> No.15882072

bumping for interest

>> No.15882074

My thoughts? Well, BUMP of course lol BUMP BUMP

Thoughts? What else but a BUMP BUMP

*shakes hips in slow, bumping matter* *says BUMP every time my hip reaches the end of a bump*

*pokes OP's nose* My thoughts? BUMP BUMP BUMP

>> No.15882077


>> No.15882080
File: 20 KB, 787x233, review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's had great reviews

>> No.15882081

Maybe you should read a philosophy book before trying to write one. I don't even need to explain what's wrong with it, look at the free preview and see if you can keep yourself from laughing.

>> No.15882092

The bad reweiws aren'[t verified purchasers, so how can they review something they haven't read?

>> No.15882097

I like that he name drops philosophers, says he never read them, then talks about them all in the same sentence

>> No.15882099
File: 201 KB, 1920x862, shitbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15882119

The 5 star review makes me sad.

Did the author write it? Did he have a friend write it?

I've read the book (really (I needed a break from actual reading)) and it's so bad that it's shocking. And I'm not being hyperbolic. It is shockingly terrible. Which makes the 5 star review somehow sadder.

Also per details in the book, the author is in his fucking 30s.

>> No.15882128

friends? this guy? it was probably an alt acount. He must be desperate now, he's been shilling it fow a while now. I must say, it's not worth 8 bucks. It's not even worth the time spent downloading it for free

>> No.15882131
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>> No.15882137

That review isn't by a verified purchaser retard Meaning he didn't read it

>> No.15882144

itt discord zoomers

>> No.15882150

yeah, like if anyone was going to spend any money on that pile of shit. The free download is not even worth the time.

>> No.15882152
File: 161 KB, 878x333, 1594776505863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to assume this person is having a crisis. A 500 page book that's so bad no one can tell if it's a parody? Imagine getting so jacked up on yourself that you essentially write a memoir—one which includes no one but yourself, literally no other humans come into play—and everyone just derides it, unless they read it, then they openly mock you while waving around excerpts... And you're like 32...

>> No.15882163

>I have to assume this person is having a crisis.
Where should we look for you in the news Horia?

>> No.15882177

Oh and we're in the pandemic so he's home and alone 24/7. I just hope he doesn't take anyone with him.

>> No.15882187

yes, it has to be some sort of schitzo long term crisis, he's shilling it nonstop, bumping and bumping things no one will read, kind of like screaming at a wall

>> No.15882189

Lonely losers on discord lolz

>> No.15882194

>I just hope he doesn't take anyone with him.
Nah, he seems like the kind that would neck a bottle of pills and phone an ambulance for himself.

>> No.15882203

I just hope the mods realize what's going on and stop this nonsense

>> No.15882208


this guy isn't a zoomer he's 30+

>> No.15882225

I kinda get his effort now. Imagine, being 30+, probably ruining your life by writing 500+ pages of nonsense, just to get called out the minute you expose what mess you have done. It's easier to just block out the reality of the shit you've made and call it a work of "genius"

>> No.15882248

>probably ruining your life by writing 500+ pages of nonsense,
I don't understand, why didn't he just write fiction? At least with fiction you can claim some form of detachment from the work: "Haha yeah this is the concept I was aiming for, but maybe I missed the mark." What can he even do to defend this? Claim it's a troll? Defend it to his death? It would take a strong man to step forward and say: "This is my philosophy, and it is wanting."

>> No.15882267

Is the summation of the entire 500 pages (and what the book is named after) at the very end of the memoir. :^|

It's not out of context. This is the big idea. This is why he gave us a 500 page memoir. This idea drove him to format it into a pdf and upload to a libgen mirror and amazon.


>> No.15882274

post more excerpts please

>> No.15882280

Look at this:

>> No.15882290

>haha it was just a troll I'm glad you like it
Pretty sure this is a larper.

>> No.15882291


>> No.15882307

Daily reminder to start with the Romanians:
>Gabriel Vacariu
>Costin Alamariu
>Horia Belcea

>> No.15882313
File: 108 KB, 581x1027, C1CD00E8-B747-4519-8CB3-8D3EE3A3B7F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based goodreads users

>> No.15882329
File: 13 KB, 360x450, Franklin_Turtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Franklin came to review it, holy based.....

>> No.15882334
File: 188 KB, 817x284, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It unfortunately lines up with the book...

Pic related is a sample from a philosophical tract called The Synthesis of the Objective and the Subjective.

Elsewhere we have this gem:

"I have no patience for someone describing an idea in two full pages—or ten pages—when it could be explained in a single paragraph."

>> No.15882335

I love how the duality is not at all comparable to the appolinian and dionysian distinction other than it being another duality by a philosopher, and the pseud just needs to drop it in his review.

>> No.15882341

pbuh is for the dead, you moron

>> No.15882345

Do we even have jannies? Jfc

>> No.15882346

Perhaps he should claim this as more of an autobiography, it works a lot better that way I think. At the minimum it's an interesting look into one man's experiences and how they have shaped his ideas. Perhaps 50 years from now or so people will appreciate it for that reason alone, a glimpse into the psyche of an ordinary man. The philosophy though could use a great deal of refinement, more reading, more research, etc. At least this guy had the nerve to not only finish but publish his own work, which is a lot more than can be said for most of us...

>> No.15882362
File: 30 KB, 475x477, 1443313893725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I've actually now read this mess. It's a diary with commentary and it is shockingly shockingly bad.

If it's a parody, the beginning isn't very funny or bizarre, but oh boy does it pick up as it goes on.

There are some strange moments such as:

>>One moment, everyone might trust a company, and the next moment, the company could be seen as leprous simply because of some regulatory violation that no one knew of. Volkswagen, for example, went from being admired for making great cars to being crooks who lied to every government in order to make their diesel engines look better performing than they really were.

...where the author really shines in his ignorance. "In my 20s, I had a career in economics"—but doesn't know what happened with Volkswagen?

From biographical details, the author is about 32 years old. And this is what his mind has to offer us:

>>The emotions were real, and in the professional competitive scene the money was real too; many pros made a living out of playing the game.

>>I had quit the game by 2016 because I had gotten quite good at it. And more than playing the game, what I had always wanted out of it was some type of intellectual, or mental, growth. I had learned much about the psychology of the warrior while playing it, and I had also understood a key part of the masculine thinker, which was that the masculine thinker had to simplify his thoughts. This game "League of Legends" was perhaps the most useful game I had ever played because it was more than entertainment...

>> No.15882376

Frankly, this is extremely sad. All the self made reviews, all of the effort to distort what the endgame of the 500+ pages really was. It makes me want to read the book. Not as something serious, more like reading the manifesto of someone before they go out to kill a bunch of people. It's just sad, it's like looking at a retarded one legged puppy trying to get on to a sofa. You just can't help but looking and feeling sorry for it

>> No.15882378
File: 715 KB, 1220x1882, Screenshot 2020-07-10 at 21.59.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I have no patience for someone describing an idea in two full pages—or ten pages—when it could be explained in a single paragraph."
I think that's in the introduction, I annotated a page of it showing the obvious issues with his intentions and outset.

>> No.15882388

>12 posters
>43 replies
Do you really think people can't see you are one hater samefagging for the last hour. Seethe jealous fag

>> No.15882400
File: 609 KB, 1530x1344, Screenshot 2020-06-29 at 05.24.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not as something serious, more like reading the manifesto of someone before they go out to kill a bunch of people.
I wrote a linguistic analysis of mass murderer manifestos for my degree; approached it from a variety of different angles. The only pattern I could identify was that killers decreased in readability index scores (i.e., more syllables per word) when they talked about committing an attack, or the intended targets of their attack.

Not suggesting you count the syllables like I did for a 500 page book, but if you notice he's talking about a specific group of people and becomes rather passionate...

Pic related.

>> No.15882406
File: 214 KB, 1536x471, 349B3F61-BCFF-4108-B3AA-143767FC9583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be a parody lmfao

>> No.15882408
File: 381 KB, 823x623, Capture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't feel sorry for this guy.

Pic very related.

>> No.15882415

Would you really be happy to have this book stuck to your name? It would be a massive embarrassment, and you would live in regret for many years after writhing in self-hatred that you could've ever been so stupid, and that you could've ever been such a bad writer, and that you could've been so fundamentally deluded as to consider it not only worthy of publishing, but as one of the best books of all time. After an event like that, you would live in permanent self-doubt, and would probably never release a book again. The mere sight of a book would bring up that original event, and you would have a sting of conscience that would leave you in pain for hours and probably ruin your day. You would feel sick to your stomach.

Then again, that is implying somebody capable of publishing a book this horrible and considering it one of the best ever would even be capable of self-reflection on that level. I have little pity for him if he is capable, because bad books are intellectual poison. This book, with its writing and narcissism, was so bad it actually ruined my day a few days ago. Now I cant even read a sentence. It's like watching someone beautiful vomit or seeing a hot girl in a bikini making out with a rotting corpse: not only is it bad, but it also poisons the things you love.

>> No.15882421

Especially with the title in mind...

>> No.15882461

Will keep in mind anon, thanks. If I manage to get past the stuff other anons have already posted (which already show how shitty of an experience reading this will be) I will pay attention to what you have written here

>> No.15882470

Hi horia

>> No.15882477

What? He's a real human bean

>> No.15882484

God speed anon, I don't think I could bring myself to read this tripe. I fear if I partook, I might find myself held hostage, and his stupidity might begin to make sense.

>> No.15882485

This is accurate. Imagine finding out someone you know or work with or works for you wrote this. I don't know how I'd feel or what I'd do... or what I should do?

I do find it interesting that someone could possibly have these frighteningly shallow thoughts and then write them down. And then call it philosophy. The more I consider it, the more I think it's a troll... but a 500 page troll?

>> No.15882507

I agree wholeheartedly. It's fine to share your thoughts sometimes, not everything needs to be a "sage on the mountaintop" nugget of wisdom, or some overly-formal piece of fart-huffing philosophy. Music is the relationship between a musician and his instrument, music theory only rigidifies that relationship (look at gypsy musicians and their relative lack of formal training)

>> No.15882521

Holy shit, this is fucking hilarious. Well said anon, well said.

>> No.15882523

>I do find it interesting that someone could possibly have these frighteningly shallow thoughts and then write them down.
I've spoken with people that found the idea of having a perpetual voice in my head frightening; I told them that sometimes it comments on things around me, things I should do, things I could or should or shan't say. They seemed perturbed to learn that I would hear this voice whisper ideas, give me guidance, and form how I act.

I learned that day, that some people are frightened of having thoughts.

>> No.15882529

this person is horia btw

>> No.15882537
File: 2.67 MB, 1387x919, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've written and had less than stellar things published, but those works not perched on my shoulders like little demons. They're in the past, and if Horia's work is really that awful, he'll leave it in the past as well.

>> No.15882542

Great synthesis going on here

>> No.15882556
File: 98 KB, 786x824, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horia left after he posted the first thread on his book. Every "Horia" after that is an impostor or the imaginings of some tranny/redditor. Pic related

>> No.15882557
File: 211 KB, 1280x856, friday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats exactly my point. Admittedly it isn't very well written, and the insights aren't the deepest or most enlightening, but you can tell it has been written sincerely. That's the point. Rarely do we get to experience events as readers from the point of view of some average young man. Not from literary character but from a real person; sincere, unpolished views. This alone gives it some value as a work documenting our time. Even the philosophy can be valuble. This isn't the philosophy of some university educated philosopher, but of some average guy just trying to make sense of it all. Perspectives like that are somewhat rare in published literature. Overall what I'm saying is that even though this isn't really a work of serious philosophy yet (the ideas need much more refining), this work still has literary value.

As a side note you guys really should be less needlessly cruel. This guy actually wrote and published a book which is more than most of you will ever do. Even though it wasn't the best quality, it isn't some terrible offence against all of literature. You don't need to call him a shitzophrenic or joke about him commiting suicide just cause he published a shitty book. That's completely uncalled for and reflects worse on you guys than it does on him anyway. He's only 32, perhaps he could improve if he read enough and studied enough. But first he needs to admit that this book isn't the pinnacle of world literature and instead get to work studying. Best of luck to him.

>> No.15882573

I find it strange that you don't identify the voice as your self.

>> No.15882578

I really wonder what would drive someone to samefag so pathetically, just to insult some poor guy at least trying to be a writer.

>> No.15882599

Shut up horiafag.

>> No.15882613

>This guy actually wrote and published a book which is more than most of you will ever do.
I could copy and paste some stories found on DeviantArt or InkBunny or whatever onto Amazon and publish it too. Self publishing is not a feat.

>it isn't some terrible offence against all of literature.
It's an offence against human nature, and brings to light the uncomfortable truth of the stupidity of modern man.

>You don't need to call him a shitzophrenic or joke about him commiting suicide just cause he published a shitty book.
He seems deranged. We aren't joking.

>He's only 32, perhaps he could improve if he read enough and studied enough.
There's nothing to improve upon. He's wholly demonstrated he lacks anything of valuable enough substance to improve. We're not talking about a diamond in the rough, we're talking about polishing turds.

>> No.15882621

Yes, perhaps he should stop spamming the board.

>> No.15882625


Oh fuck, the depressive stage is coming up next Horia.

>> No.15882637

>I find it strange that you don't identify the voice as your self.
It was quite deliberate. It is myself. I found it difficult to process that people could find having an inner voice, or thoughts as they were once called, scary. If you didn't identify it was clearly 'thoughts', then I worry for you too.

>> No.15882648

Being sincerely retarted doesn't make you any less of a retard

>> No.15882673

I skimmed it. Unironically, it does terrify me that I see a lot of myself in it. I remember growing up and developing some of the same interests that he did. I flirted with supporting Trump in college because of frustration with the political monoculture (“SJWs”) at American universities. I was aggressively pseudo intellectual, and probably still am to some degree, and spent a lot of time stuck in my own head.

I think Horia’s meltdown over the course of these 500 pages is a more extreme version of what many young men in the Western world are experiencing. He’s thirty and has let his twenties slip by as he’s daydreamed about success, and this is his reaction to the banality of the bureaucratic society that he’s now waking up to. He’s quixotically raging against a narcissistic culture of which he’s a product.

I haven’t read the whole thing, but I think he may have unintentionally written a god-tier satire.

>> No.15882688

and this is how we know you're horia or a friend of his

>Rarely do we get to experience events as readers from the point of view of some average young man
yes we do... you're not knowing this means you're shilling...

>this work still has literary value
In no way does it. At all. Zero. None.

>and published a book
This isn't 'published'

>it isn't some terrible offence against all of literature
Actually, this is EXACTLY what it is. Which is why I'm discussing it here. I'm outraged. Other people have self shilled philosophy on here and I've taken time to read them—some have said interesting things—which is why I read your book. It offered nothing. It is OUTRAGEOUSLY bad.

>You don't need to call him a shitzophrenic
No one would seriously attribute schizophrenia to Horia. There is nothing remotely surprising about his thinking.

>Best of luck to him.
I guarantee he will only find folly and loneliness. But at least this has to be hitting rock bottom. Self publishing a pdf of your memoirs on 4chan. Holy hell.

>perhaps he could improve if he read enough and studied enough
If I've learned anything about this guy from his memoir, he will not.

>or joke about him commiting suicide
Spell it right, fuckface: COMMITTING

One more thing... there's a fucking typo in the book title.

>> No.15882705

Not that anon but tou are a literal retard kys