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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15880056 No.15880056 [Reply] [Original]

>went for an over 3 mile joggerino last night but bought junk food and ate some soon afterwards and felt so far at night
>wake up before 8 am
>browse internet on phone in bed
>for once I go back to sleep; get woken up by alarm for an early morning meeting (9.45 am)
>have many meetings; barely did any work because of meetings
>have a break, eat food
>have more meetings
>finish work
>drink coffee, browse internet, leave flat at 7.45 pm for a walk
>currently sitting down in a famous park after walking in the sun, listening to CumTown (episode 101)
>walk doesn't feel sad like Tuesday because it's almost the weekend and tomorrow is a relaxed day

I unironically have nostalgia about the great long video game I was playing a few months ago. I'm playing one of its predecessors right now and it fills the emotional hole at a shallow level.

I'll go jogging when I go back home, although not for over 3 miles today.

I did well at work today but it would best be described as doing impressive gymnastics by the standards of someone at the bottom of a pile of bureaucracy.

Not going to lie, coronavirus has been very kino. My bank account has ballooned because of less expenses.

>> No.15880065
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>> No.15880093

What do these meetings consist of? What's your salary? Why haven't you revolted against the modern world?

>> No.15880114
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>My bank account has ballooned because of less expenses.
you still missed out on investing in stinky linkies