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/lit/ - Literature

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15879762 No.15879762 [Reply] [Original]

Post literature that live up to its hype

>> No.15879770

you start

>> No.15879780

Infinite Jest , L’Etranger, The Brothers Karamazov, Blood Meridian, Lolita, Moby Dick, Gravity’s Rainbow, Don Quixote, The Trial, Journey to the End of the Night, Ficciones, Ulysses, Crime and Punishment, Catch 22, 2666, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Catcher in the Rye, The Sound and The Fury, 1984, The Great Gatsby, Hamlet, Invisible Cities, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Slaughterhouse Five, Mason and Dixon, Notes from the Underground, Siddhartha, Anna Karenina, Dune, V, The Odyssey, The Divine Comedy, The Waves, The Master and Margarita, The Plague, War and Peace, White Noise, Stoner, Wuthering Heights, Dubliners, The Book of Disquiet, Heart of Darkness, In Search of Lost Time, A Farewell to Arms, The Crying of Lot 49, As I Lay Dying, The Metamorphosis, American Psycho, The Sun Also Rises, Leaves of Grass, A Clockwork Orange, The Grapes of Wrath, On The Road, The Temple of the Golden Pavillion, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Ubik, Solaris, The Savage Detectives, The Holy Bible, Faust, Lord of the Flies, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Pale King, Light in August, Dead Souls, Hunger, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Suttree, To The Lighthouse, Malone Dies, Dandelion Wine, Valis, Absalom, Absalom, The Wasp Factory, Pale Fire, Animal Farm, East of Eden, Roadside Picnic, Hopscotch, Fight Club, Franny & Zooey, Walden, The Fall, A Tale of Two Cities, Steppenwolf, The Iliad, The Good Earth, The Old Man and The Sea, Paradise Lost, I Am a Cat, The Count of Monte Cristo, Illuminatus, The Book of the New Sun, A Confederacy of Dunces, Les Miserables, If on a Winter’s Night, a Traveler, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Madame Bovary, No Longer Human, The Recognitions, The Idiot, Siren of Titan, Watership Down, Brave New World, Kafka on the Shore, The Magic Mountain, A Hero of our Time, Fahrenheit 451, Cannery Row, The Remains of the Day, The Name of the Rose, Of Mice and Men, The Tropic of Cancer, The Aleph, The Flowers of Evil, Ada, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, A Scanner Darkly, The Canterbury Tales, Finnegans Wake, Naked Luch, Bottom’s Dream, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shady, The Death of Ivan Ilych, King Lear, The Tunnel, JR, The Man Without Qualities, Middlemarch, Under the Volcano, The Aeneid, Mrs Dalloway, Nausea, Oblomov, The Castle, The Waste Land, The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas, Against Nature, Molloy, The Road, The Gulag Archipelago, The Anatomy of Melancholy, Pan, Rings of Saturn, Candide, Metamorphoses, The Faerie Queene, 60 Stories, Neuromancer, Cryptonomicon, Correction, Essays, The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Sometiems a Great Notion, The Glass Bead Game, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Life and Fate, Storm of Steel, The Red & The Black, Atomized, The Leopard, Kokoro, Demons, Growth of the Soil, The Bhagavad Gita, Confessions of a Mask, The Golden Bowl, Frankenstein and The Quran

>> No.15879786

You had this saved in a word document, didn't you anon

>> No.15879834

My diary

>> No.15879921

American psycho is pulp trash

>> No.15879933


>> No.15880232


>> No.15880341

Meme books

>> No.15880401

Moby Dick and JR are the two that surpassed the hype for me

>> No.15880761

Javitys rainbow?

>> No.15880782
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>> No.15880802
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This is epic in the original sense of the word

>> No.15880813

Self promoting faggot, go to /x/ with that trash writing

>> No.15880820

But there is no hype for your diary

>> No.15880841


>> No.15881344
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can't believe that this board went from worshipping Gaddis to not even knowing who he is

>> No.15881364

Hey man I'm partway through Chapter 10, does it get better? It feels like a bunch of shit just keeps almost but not quite happening and all the characters feel very lukewarm with the exception of the monk who just feels like a caricature stand in for a character nobody remembered to actually write.

>> No.15881373

Everyone knows who he was, they just realized he wrote meme books

>> No.15881458

Children of Hurin

>> No.15881522
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>> No.15881562
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>> No.15881590

fuck you buddy, Pynchon is fucking family guy compared to Gaddis

>> No.15881604

If you're expecting a great work of literature then it's the wrong book for you. Chapters were published weekly in the newspaper. The whole book is a build-up to Musashi's final duel which is pure kino, and a tour through medieval Japan at a critical moment in its history. Musashi travels around the country challenging great swordsmen and developing his philosophy through his life experiences. It also has themes about morality and masculinity, compare the development of Musashi with Matahachi, who took the "path of darkness" (according to the monk).

>> No.15881679

>If you're expecting a great work of literature then it's the wrong book for you.
I'm honestly not a big fiction person, which is why I asked, in case there was just something I was missing. But this shit's long as fuck, is it worth it?

>> No.15881710

It's the fastest 1000 pages I've ever read, and I know many others on /lit/ have said the same. No one is forcing you to finish it if you're not enjoying it, just read something else instead, we all enjoy different things. But the story of Musashi definitely changed my approach to life because he represents a kind of masculine ideal

>> No.15881922

Among the classic novels I've read, these lived up to the hype:

Anna Karenina
Fathers and Sons
Independent People
Les Misérables
Madame Bovary
Moby Dick
My Ántonia
Robinson Crusoe
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
The Good Soldier
The Magic Mountain
The Trial
Tom Jones
Tristram Shandy
Vanity Fair
War and Peace

>> No.15883700

Based and saved

>> No.15883961

Crime and Punishment, The New York Trilogy, Faust, and Don Quixote.

>> No.15883974
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Based Megheads