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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 468 KB, 1080x1281, Ogilvy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15877875 No.15877875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15877906
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Dumb Amerimutt thread? Dumb Amerimutt thread.

>> No.15877914
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>> No.15877937
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>> No.15877945
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>> No.15877950


All crisis actors

>> No.15877957

>he thinks the Outer Party has an obligation to be honest with him

>> No.15877972
File: 2.92 MB, 384x848, Anti Mask BTFO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take schizo meds

>> No.15877974

>sees burning house
>"this house is not on fire"
>walks into it

>> No.15877981
File: 211 KB, 1486x991, Cuck in Chief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow your leader retards

>> No.15877983

>calls others schizos
You hate to see it

>> No.15877989
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>> No.15877994

>Suddenly there sprang into his mind, ready made as it were, the image of a certain Comrade Ogilvy, who had recently died in battle, in heroic circumstances. There were occasions when Big Brother devoted his Order for the Day to commemorating some humble, rank and-file Party member whose life and death he held up as an example worthy to be followed. Today he should commemorate Comrade Ogilvy. It was true that there was no such person as Comrade Ogilvy, but a few lines of print and a couple of faked photographs would soon bring him into existence.

>> No.15877996
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This is probably a statistically weak study if I had to guess but still lmao @ u

>> No.15878006
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>> No.15878015
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>it's just a little cold pussies you'll be fine if you're young and healthy did you know that masks cause hypoxia???

>> No.15878023
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>> No.15878025

looks more like dad.

>> No.15878045

Imagine sitting with a folder of these in case anyone questions your fear porn addiction.
DIAGNOSIS: cućkronavirus

>> No.15878057
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>> No.15878058

Imagine being on par in terms of intelligence with this loq IQ cow over here>>15877914

I pity you lol. The USA has basically degenerated into peak clown world and become the laughing stock of the world.

>> No.15878068
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What species is this?

>> No.15878075

I hope you are social distancing from your wife and her boyfriend

>> No.15878083

I bet you guys think Epstein committed suicide too.

>> No.15878091
File: 229 KB, 1298x1658, Modern American Husband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that's your people's specialty. After all, the USA is the world leading consumer of cuckold pornography.
No lol Epstein was definitely assassinated.

>> No.15878100

hey i'm practically s dumb as dory in finding nemo and i was following every social distancing rule since the beginning

>> No.15878108

Do retard white people really think corona is some /pol/ hoax that isn’t real?

>> No.15878124

El goblina

>> No.15878141

Pretty aesthetic mask desu

>> No.15878145

desu i kinda respect dumb americans autistic obsession with liberty. even if its the kind of liberty a 60 iq has.

>> No.15878150

My good man, watch this video and find out the answer for yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=offPZ26SObs&t=4s

This is what Swift meant by Yahoos in Gullivrs Travels. In fact they are worse than the Yahoos. Luckily obesity is a major comorbidity and your odds of surviving covid with obesity are much lower. So hopefully their own arrogance will result in them being culled.

>> No.15878163


>> No.15878172

>I believe that's your people's specialty. After all, the USA is the world leading consumer of cuckold pornography.
This sounds like an affirmative answer of one familar with cuckoldry. Good goy.

>> No.15878177

Sandnigger semen must be a good protection against covid if European cases are going down.

>> No.15878196

>No lol Epstein was definitely assassinated.
>Trusts the news about magic COVID virus, of which anything is a potential symptom and everyone not tested is asymptomatic
>Doesn't trust the news when they say Epstein definitely killed himself
Talk about a schizo

>> No.15878207
File: 95 KB, 620x684, pornhub cuckold porn habits in the US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope just someone who pays attention to statistics on porn habit consumption although to be fully honest with you I am a bit of a degenerate in the sense that most women I have sexual relations with are married and cheating. Makes muh dik hard as fuck.

>> No.15878209
File: 155 KB, 500x842, 1560353749018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even feed your sneed at all
Americans will never be funny.

>> No.15878221

No, I trust the hundreds of medical studies conducted by independent scientists in a wide variety of countries. It's not difficult to interpret journal articles.

>> No.15878224

>everyone’s healthcare is their own decisions
>her morbid obesity is probably being funded by my taxes
I hate it here

>> No.15878228

Well good luck to you, your wife, and her Arab boyfriend when you go for your vaccinations. You ARE getting vaccinated, aren't you?

>> No.15878230
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lmaooooo based as fuck

>> No.15878272
File: 66 KB, 1162x219, Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 9.54.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast. I refuse to accept a vaccine developed in under a year when the normal timeline for vaccine development is 5-10 years, sometimes even more. I will wait and see what happens. Let others be the guinea pigs. Just because I believe in covid and medical research does not mean I am going to blindly accept everything pushed upon me. Unfortunately for your kind though it is an "all or nothing" type of deal and you are incapable of basic logic. Herd mentality.
I don't blame you lol. I feel for the normal Americans who are suffering cause of the idiocy of maybe 40-50% of the population. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Second wave is imminent.

>> No.15878293
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>> No.15878322

The funny thing is Germany would totally be Millhouse too lol

>> No.15878397

>refuse to accept a vaccine developed in under a year
Lmao and you uncritically accepted a swab put out there with zero oversight after a few days
Cuck a doodle doo

>> No.15878415

>Lmao and you uncritically accepted a swab put out there with zero oversight after a few days
I'm not sure what sort of delusional fantasies you have in your mind but if you are talking about faulty test kits I recognize the issues with false positives/negatives. More reliable tests have been developed since then. There are more than 1 kind retard.

>> No.15878420

A reminder that some corona truthers may not be just trolling for edginess. They can actually be grateful for all the governmental abuse and actually volunteer for the additional abuse.

>> No.15878428

>Denying medical science makes me intelligent!
>It's a conspiracy to get rid of Trump!
This is what 50% of Americans unironically believe.

>> No.15878452

Just let the nature run it course then! Don't leave the home and wear the mask 24/7. All the boomer Trump supporters will die from the corona and then you will go out and enjoy the clean new world.

>> No.15878465

Why don't you trust the doctors and their vaccine? We've got an anti-vaxxer here!

>> No.15878471

Thankfully my country is doing well, hardly any new cases here. It's entertaiing to watch society tear itself apart though not going to lie

>> No.15878479

>dies decades later

>> No.15878483

A 100% effective vaccine for this class of virus is highly unlikely. 60-75%% is the best you can hope for. Within a year though there will be better treatments at least. Grow up you misinformed retard.

>> No.15878489

Looks like the recipe for doing great is just to ignore the coronavirus altogether. Vietnam managed it the best, Japan is doing it great too.

>> No.15878491

>the normal timeline for vaccine development is 5-10 years,
How the fuck do they have flu shots for every year if they take 5 years to develop each lmao

>> No.15878505

Quiet goy, take your shots

>> No.15878510

No it's having a normal population and government that considers the health of the population more important than the economy. Without a healthy population, there can't be an a thriving economy. Idiot.

>> No.15878528

You're obviously not familiar with basic biology. The flu vaccine only needs to be mildly tweaked from time to time. Coming up with a completely new vaccine for a novel virus (especially one that we do not even know the long term health consequences of) takes years.

>> No.15878533

Idk I've ignored all covid precautions and I haven't caught it
Probably because it isn't real

>> No.15878547

The state which puts all citizens under arrest due to a minor disease doesn't value their health, doesn't value economy and most of all doesn't value their freedom (a funny word, right?). But if you are not larping, then you are punishing yourself - imagine not going out and wearing mask everywhere because the government said so.

>> No.15878561

Flu shots aftermath is no better than the actual flu. Had an awful experience with that once, since then did no flu shot ever.

>> No.15878578

I don't wear a mask because the government said so. I wear a mask because.....

1) My doctor said so. My doctor (who trained at one of the best medical schools in the world and did his residency at the Mayo Clinic) is much more knowledgeable about these matters than you, my politicians or myself. I trust his expertise.

2) I care about others in my society especially the elderly.

You should honestly go into the woods and never return. Modern society would be better off without you.

>> No.15878581

Sounds like you hate science

>> No.15878603
File: 190 KB, 630x384, cd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't wear a mask because the government said so. I wear a mask because.....
>1) My doctor said so. My doctor (who trained at one of the best medical schools in the world and did his residency at the Mayo Clinic) is much more knowledgeable about these matters than you, my politicians or myself. I trust his expertise.
>2) I care about others in my society especially the elderly.
>You should honestly go into the woods and never return. Modern society would be better off without you.

>> No.15878610

Now I'm absolutely not sure if it's sarcasm, or you are spewing this shit while being fully serious. Is it called the Poe's law?

>> No.15878613


>> No.15878618

>/lit/ - It's actually /pol/-lite

>The flu vaccine only needs to be mildly tweaked from time to time.
You mean yearly and your definition of "mildly" is probably dishonest.
Didn't the H1N1 vaccine appear less than a year after the epidemic?

>> No.15878637

I'll go from my home to the woods, then to the city and then back. But you should permanently stay at your home. No corona, no flu, no traffic - basically a paradise! You will also avoid meeting me, and I will avoid meeting you - double profit.

>> No.15878641

The fastest vaccine ever developed was for mumps (and that took 4 years). This is common knowledge.

>> No.15878669

I used to mock these people, but after WHO released that "Quarantine is still go unless you want to go to the protests" shit, I can understand them thinking it's fake. It's easier to process than "The World Health Organization is prefers to let you die than to feel racist for a second."

>> No.15878676

Hopefully, you die soon

>> No.15878685

>heat will reduce virus survivability and transmission
>uh actually no we changed our mind. It's, uh, new research. Trust science
>protests don't carry any risk if you wear a thin piece of cloth

>> No.15878697

Wow you cuckrona victims are some sick and twisted nutjobs

>> No.15878701

Then it's a deal: we go out, don't wear muzzles and risk dying, you sit in your kennel with a muzzle on and get very safe. To each his own.

>> No.15878711


>> No.15878737
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Answering in a manner such as this wreaks of "acthuallyyy"

You got a bad case of being a little bitch. I'm prescribing a heavy dose of man the fuck up

>> No.15878741

the thread

doesn't surprise me, lit has been moderated to be an authoritarian retard board
the average lit user is retarded cave man that thinks "reading" some book gives them status, when, if you look at the actual discussions here, they are all illiterate and got absolutley nothing out of it

>> No.15878752

dude just appeal to authority lmao

>> No.15878754
File: 215 KB, 600x857, 1583719308551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking health advice from politicians and documented liars
>Not listening to medical researchers
I think you got a bad case of being a fuckin retard

>> No.15878772

>medical researchers
What makes these guys beyond reproach and incorruptable again? Aren't these the same people who said prescribing oxycontin to everyone was safe?

>> No.15878783

The fact that thousands of different medical researchers in multiple different countries are coming to similar conclusions in their research. There is no financial incentive to lie like those pharamteutical company funded scientistis in the USA who helped fuel the opioid epidemic. You are a small minded fucking retard.

>> No.15878790

How do I know that these researchers are a)competent b)non-malignant and have no agenda? Since it's you who demands the significant effort from me, the heavy burden of proof is on you.

>> No.15878804

>nebulous thousands of researchers
>all of which are moral paragons
Cite your sources

>> No.15878820

No, that was the people making oxycontin and the practicing physicians (not medical researchers) paid by the people making oxycontin.

>> No.15878837

>the people making oxycontin
You can just say 'Jews'

>> No.15878849

Fair questions. The best thing to do is look into their affiliations, credentials, and possible financial conflicts of interest. Researchers are required to declare anything like that and if they are caught lying their research is typically invalidated and they lose credibility. There are thousands of research studies on covid now being published in by scientistis in universities in Taiwan, Germany, Sweden, Canada, the US, Australia, China, you name it. It would not be practical for every single one of these people to be in cahoots with one another like some suggest. I implore you just use logic.

>> No.15878865

>It would not be practical for every single one of these people to be in cahoots with one another like some suggest
You're right, that's why they only need to have funding from the same sources

>> No.15878877

Mods, please ban everyone who has posted in this thread, including myself.

>> No.15878915

Jesus Christ it's always some stupid fat white bitch regurgitating the nonsense she heard on the Alex Jones show. Fucking retarded mutts.

>> No.15878922

If researchers go against some specific controversial topic, they can be cancelled and defunded. That's a good reason to avoid wrongthink.

>> No.15878958
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>> No.15878960

No. Not everywhere at least, and certainly not if they back up their claims with verifiable data that can be replicated (this is key). I'm not saying you are 100% wrong because there has certainly been many cases in the US where scientists who went against a certain narrative were discredited, but you are assuming that the political climate in other countries is like the USA. This is blatantly untrue. Look into the medical research being published in Taiwan, Italy, South Korea, etc. I find this to be the most reputable.

>> No.15878968

you need to look up what "soft money" is
you are a naive and stupid child

>> No.15878996
File: 184 KB, 818x635, pol in real life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol almost forgot about this turbocuck

>> No.15879001


>> No.15879009

Coming from a guy who probably believes masks are ineffective I will take that as a compliment

>> No.15879027

>viruses can't pass through masks
>i heckin love science!

>> No.15879034


At this point I've come to the conclusion that COVID-19 is just common cold 2019 (a reasonable conclusion, actually) and this was all a stunt to get people to take disease seriously and make wearing masks socially acceptable in more countries.

But then aliens also released some strange bioweapon and COVID19 is the cover for the real worry.

>> No.15879044

>A 100% effective vaccine for this class of virus is highly unlikely

Does a 100% vaccine exist for anything?

Most flu shots that they push for profit are like 30%...

>> No.15879068

When did I claim that? Cloth facemasks are not 100% going to protect you but overall they are effective at preventing you from transmitting viral droplets. As pointed out here nonmedical facemasks are effective at reducing viral transmission by 40%. N95 masks on the other hand are much more effective. In medical settings, it is a common procedure to put a surgical mask over the N95 in order to keep it clean. I really don't understand how people like you exist. It's like a low IQ ape impregnated a disabled girl and you're the product.

>> No.15879090

See >>15878741

>> No.15879116

Is the median age of the dead still around 80?

>> No.15879153

>so much social engineering going on, and elites are so overpowered and alienated from their own people, that people suspect even a pandemic of being a crowd control social engineering project
>millions of elite-supported useful idiots ignore pandemic quarantine rules and riot over what is obviously nonsense (with full "two plus two makes five" reality-bending support from elite-controlled press organs, as usual)
>millions of literally retarded and illiterate pets of the elite (urban blacks) die because the elites prefer to keep them as welfare-suckling minstrel show jiggaboo slaves for eternity, yet more social engineering and stagnation
>some rural americans who suspect elite intentions die of pandemic
>elites on elite-controlled and thought-policed social media: "Hahahaha lmaooo LOSER peasants fuckin dying XDDD lmaoo look at this peasant he didn't trust us this time and he got sick haha lmao die old man die!!! That'll teach you not to listen to us haha bet u want to listen to us more in the future fuckin pathetic dying old man lmaoo"

When will he come back


>> No.15879199

Name the last 5 books you've read.

>> No.15879268

Not him but you should definitely go first while we wait

>> No.15879297

Not him but I am trying to turn this thread into a /lit/ thread for the good of the board.
>The Vegetarian - Han Kang
>The Possibility of an Island - Michel Houellebecq
>Down the Great Unknown: John Wesley Powell's 1869 Journey of Discovery and Tragedy through the Grand Canyon - Edward Dolnick
>God's Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan - Jonathan Spence
>Zeit und Sein - Martin Heidegger

>> No.15879314

Surgical/cotton masks also don't have the ability to stop airborne viruses...

That town was probably also more cautious in general (distancing, hand-washing, etc.). Also confounding factors like pop. density & average age. Correlation does not equal causation. At least link to the actual study or cite it in the filename.

I can't blame people for being skeptical of gov. given all the corruption and lies we see from them, MSM & big tech on a regular basis. Epidemiological predictions were also way off, deaths are over-attributed, conflicting recommendations from experts (oh public protests are ok). Shocker: People stop believing authorities when their trust is abused.

>> No.15879341

>Surgical/cotton masks also don't have the ability to stop airborne viruses...


>> No.15879362

Counterpoint: fan death

>> No.15879375

>Yeah, dude, just act like the soulless insectoid foreigners with no sense of agency. Everything will turn out ok

>> No.15879379

Yeah, I'm sure it was covid itself and not the 40 years of abuse she's put her body through.

>> No.15879394

They've done well because they shut down travel hard and early.

Ask your brilliant doctor how a surgical mask is supposed to stop sub-micron viral particles.

>> No.15879395

>everyone wears masks
>99% of the people don't have the virus
>the one person that does have the virus doesn't wear a mask
>everyone is contaminated anyway
Not to mention that people have to take their masks off at some point. That mask that a contaminated person is using will be contaminated by the virus I'd imagine. The biggest problem with the virus right now is that it apparently takes forever to show any symptoms. So someone may think they don't have it but actually do. I suppose that's why people are advocating for everyone wearing masks, but requiring everyone to wear masks does reek of government misconduct, and the US especially is very mistrustful of the government, and for good reasons.

>> No.15879444
File: 70 KB, 580x418, UOEH_A_684582_F0002_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facemasks are effective at reducing viral transmission by 40%
If you're going off this >>15877989
then you're full of shit. There are other studies showing that surgical/cotton masks do extremely little to stop virus-carrying aeorsols (and may even increase risk of infection). It's also worth noting that the majority of particles in a cough aerosol are in the sub-micron range (surgical/cotton aren't effective against anything smaller than 5 microns).

>> No.15879499

This shouldn't be a thread on /lit/

>> No.15879522

Is Comrade Ogilvy not a literary figure?

>> No.15879525


>> No.15879549

Why are there /pol/ posters on /lit/? republicans don't read

>> No.15879550
File: 343 KB, 1474x803, pepe suit janny hazmat pinned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice literature thread you there, kid.

>> No.15879562

It is pretty cool that the virus knew not to be racist and kill black people

>> No.15879582
File: 210 KB, 598x711, reddittouristwithapussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WEAR THE MASK!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15879598

>le scary wary news articles about memeflu

>> No.15879608

That's funny, because there was a South Korean study showing that such masks do pratcially nothing to stop viral transmission. Admittedly a minor study, but still: https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/85814

>> No.15879615
File: 79 KB, 708x800, pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh NOES not thy neighbor!!

>> No.15879620

>Surgical/cotton masks also don't have the ability to stop airborne viruses
right, and this virus isn't airborne. the water droplets that transmit the virus are far larger than the holes in most cloth masks. end of story. keep being a schizo about it until your family gets sick

>> No.15879654

>right, and this virus isn't airborne.
Citation needed.

This isn't bacteria, a virus is small enough to be carried in decent numbers by even very small aerosolized particles (which are the majority), see >>15879444