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File: 306 KB, 484x824, Ec--b9ZXsAscbIc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15871830 No.15871830[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books where I can learn about white culture?

>> No.15871851
File: 44 KB, 409x409, 1591156072156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get comfy lads, this thread will become excellently delicious

>> No.15871853

Yes, from books. Nonwhites have twitter and pulling off eachothers weaves.

>> No.15871862

According to this, everything that has ever been good is white culture.

So read anything good I guess.
Time is white culture, goddamn.

>> No.15871871

Why do you think that whites all have the same culture, or that they own the concepts described in the image? That’s kind of stupid.

>> No.15871874
File: 788 KB, 1246x1412, Ec90PpjWAAE61s2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You going to post the rest OP?

>> No.15871881

i'm here for the irish and norwegian leftyanons to arrive to tell me how whiteness doesn't exist but it's toxic and needs to be fought anyway.

>> No.15871886
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>> No.15871890
File: 25 KB, 132x153, pawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what the fuck is going on over there in America. The """PoC""" seem to have massive inferiority complexes towards white culture and white people.

>> No.15871905
File: 871 KB, 882x1374, PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white culture
>no deviation from single god concept
Absolutely cucked.

>> No.15871909

because this picture series was in all likelihood written by an affluent White woman, for the National Museum of African-American history, and thus represents an extremely provincial worldview typical of the White American Liberal. When they say that "white" is a colonial identity they aren't kidding. Identifying the values of your own group, with the insinuation that exhibiting those values aren't very nice to brown people, is a manifestation of pure Whiteness (Anglo-Protestantism).

>> No.15871910
File: 16 KB, 643x136, Larkin_Armstrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending white culture exists in a post-jazz world.

>> No.15871916

>Data Source: Judith H. Katz, from back in 1990.
Because everything is the same as it was back then amirite

>> No.15871938


>> No.15871953

I honestly can’t wait until all pagans burn in hellfire. Literally the only thing I’m looking forward to

>> No.15871962

This is a complete flanderizarion of American culture
I wonder what ridiculous historical revisionism will happen once whites become less than 20 percent of the American population
Maybe George Washington was always black, we don't have any photos of him, right who can tell?
Roosevelt was a spic of course, don't mind the white skin it's an edited photo.
Of course Andrew Jackson will still be white

>> No.15871986


>> No.15872014
File: 108 KB, 400x381, aaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Jew working at a museum dedicated to nigger culture is given the authority to tell everyone what defines "white" culture.

>> No.15872018

>"This is what Whiteness is"
"Okay? Seems good to me..."
>"Racist! Let's see what your employer thinks about that!"

>> No.15872021

Learn what you can from jews. They're putting us in a position of being a stateless minority just like they used to be. We're gonna need to remember our history, AND theirs, practice high in group preference, and enact eugenic policies to stay afloat.

>> No.15872036

Liberal whites are causing just as much of a problem, if not a bigger one. If Jewish people are acting out of group interest or resentment, white liberals see normie whites as impeding the development of the Global Child they've adopted. After all in their worldview brown people have no moral agency and they, the Anointed, are incapable of errors. Who does that leave to blame?

>> No.15872045

Sorry dude, I'm mestizo
I'd bleach myself if I could, but desu we're on the upswing.
Don't worry we'll keep the torch lit, might even annex Mexico.

>> No.15872052

>christcuck couldn't wait for his fairy tail to come true
>helps kikes create hell on earth
Bravo, traitor.

>> No.15872081

Whites are just first in line. If the machine isn't destroyed it'll come for the next lightest shade of non-jew.

>hate your own people
Fuck off, kike. White liberals are a white problem, just as conservacucks are. Not discussing it with you.

>> No.15872922

Stop larping.

>> No.15872936

just like
any book
any book will get you there

>> No.15872975
File: 23 KB, 750x222, 68FF65EE-DAF1-42E9-BA1F-65EB348974EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid white people and their productive rationality and empiricism
>it’s much better to be irrational
Maybe they are self aware after all

>> No.15873007

this cant be real. this has to be a /pol/ false flag

>> No.15873160

White Americans are the genetic trash from Europe. They have no creativity, empathy, or spirit. They only bow to niggers out of some kind of Protestant self-flagellation since it makes them feel better. I bet a lot of these "based" far-right Amerimutts go bow to niggers a few months later. I feel bad for Europe, but America got what it deserved.

>> No.15873177

I bet I cant even point your shithole out on a map retard.

>> No.15873190

>not knowing geography
>proud of this

>> No.15873208

Says the the non-semite following a desert semite religion.

>> No.15873217

We dont need to. The united states is the entire world and the entire world is comprised of future US states. I'll learn where shit is when we eventually overthrow your shithole government and replace it with good ol american made kike-capitalism.

>> No.15873220


>> No.15873229

Doesn't this imply that non-whites lack objective, rational thinking? Seems like something I'd read in a white supremacist infographic.

>> No.15873239
File: 155 KB, 960x960, 1572719803893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The united states is the entire world
I think you mean Jewnited States of Americongo, mutt.

>> No.15873266

The Western Canon by Harold Bloom is probably the absolute best starting place.

>> No.15873267

Did a hotep write this? Most non-white people in the USA are Christians.

>> No.15873276

It's real:

>> No.15873292
File: 222 KB, 1213x1200, theundeniabletruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But humanity does evolve its way into the GodHood by following Christ's example. Christianity and the position on the right are not exclusive; man is fallen, but he rises as well. We shall "copy the conditions that allowed Humanity to rise above the animals in the first place"- that is, follow Christ's example.

Furthermore, your precious future will never come to pass. This world is going straight to shit, but it is our duty to fight "against the dying of the light." What use is a Hyperborea, beyond a few kitschy buildings and a nice vista? Your Heaven is on earth, which is why it's a farce.

>The world is rotten and in a constant state of decay. We shall try to keep our institutions working like they used to
That's not necessary. We can endorse radical change, as well.

>Earth is bad
We don't believe that

>Destruction of this sinful world
So that sin may not remain eternal

Strip your movement of all its paint and dress and you'll find a used-up whore, like the rest of them. Another utopia you'll never see.

>> No.15873306
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>> No.15873311
File: 106 KB, 612x491, 1527644956720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I didn't see this being first hand posted on the museum website I would have 100% been convinced this is /pol/ satire. The clown world has no breaks

>> No.15873316

>Your Heaven is on earth
Yeah, here in reality. Exactly why Christians are fucking useless. They care not for the world they live in.

>> No.15873324

I don't think you understand woke people. They don't like Jews or Israel. The Republican concept of "Judeo-Christian values" to justify dumping billions into Zionism fuels this.

>> No.15873334

god, what fucking retarded image. Voltaire has more to do with the left side and there should be hegel there instead. not to mention the christians actually usally really liked aristotle. and what the fuck is darwin doing there? not exactly a philosopher, more a discoverer of a theory of scientific representation.

THis is absolute aids. Suited for /pol/ at beast. Read the western canon again.

>> No.15873344

Try a book on how to dance a waltz

>> No.15873356

>the christians
You mean other white people who read Aristotle and found deep resonance in spite of having been indoctrinated into a desert cult after hundreds of years of conquest.

>> No.15873371

This is absolutely hilarious. I don't mean that in the vindictive "Look at those leftie losers who think this is what white people are like". They're very right about much of this. They just don't realize that things are like this because THEY are the ones who have insisted on annihilating white culture and shaming white people for self-expression. Of course if you brainwash an entire ethnic group into thinking their historical culture is bad they will resort to behaviors that are, by-and-large, materialistic and self-serving. But they now complain about the consequences of the actions THEY took.
The entire conclusion of this infographic isn't some kind of bizarre plan for what white people should do, there isn't even a conclusion at all. The solutions to this problem are ones they've already rejected. These people are basically those kinds of children or especially immature adults who are mad and don't fully understand why, but no matter what you do to try to fix it they get even more angry, and you can only come to the conclusion that they're completely irrational and really have zero ability to understand or express their own feelings.

>> No.15873381

Sure, whatever floats your boat pal. just disregard Aquinas or Pascal or whatever. play some weird idiosyncratic language game without regard to contingency.

>> No.15873393

I don't understand. Do they think that southern black ladies will stop being homphobic Christians if black people have enough institutional power?

>> No.15873407

>delusional christcuck thinks it's notable that white people like other white people

>> No.15873438

They're intersectionalists, so yes.

>> No.15873457

The left pivot from "I fucking love science!" secular materialism to new agey romantic spirituality is very strange.

>> No.15873470

Nothing makes my dick as hard as seeing wh*teoids go extinct.

>> No.15873479

Yes, its because they're white. not because they iterated on the ideas of the past in influential way.

>> No.15873480

Nah, wokies will keep pushing hotep history where the ancient Greeks and Egyptians were actually black alongside 1619 project-esque historical views of pre-civil rights USA.

>> No.15873504

Anything from Dickens. The whole lot of it.

>> No.15873513

that's only a*glos tho

>> No.15873525

Pretty much any of the literature canon that is worth reading, since it is all from whites.

>> No.15873527

>if black people have enough institutional power?
They will never have enough to matter once we are all atomized. Everyone will be a minority. No one will have adequate representation. We will all be at each others throats forever, clawing for power.

>> No.15873528

It's all a power play.
Attacking science and rationality is necessary for their ideas to survive, because from those points of view, very little of what they say makes any sense. Instead they opted to cling to a Foucault-esque view of society in which truth is entirely subjective and all that exists are power struggles between those subjective truths, and by that logic, science can be explained away as a tool of oppression. The net result is that they don't actually have to speak the truth themselves and can't be held to scrutiny. This is also why their discourse is so full of manipulative rhetorical devices (the bestseller White Fragility is essentially kafkatrap: the book).

And don't think this still has anything to do with the traditional left in the marxist sense. The only real connection I see is that they're against capitalism (at least, they claim to be) and conceptualize everything as class struggle, but they seem to give zero shits about poor people and they elevated complaining about oppression to a bourgeois hobby of privileged kids in expensive universities. Economic class barely gets mentioned in their circles.

>> No.15873531

You keep saying that word but. don't think you know what it means.

>> No.15873535

Sounds pretty based. I think I'll enjoy the ride.

>> No.15873554

True enough, but I think that I am the first poster to contribute regarding literature.

>> No.15873576


For fucks sake retard, unless you are a Hindu or some random brown living in the 3rd world, your variety of paganism has been dead for 1500 - 1000 years. It really has nothing to do with being Christian or not. It has everything to do with pretending you can even understand a pre-literate mindset (or otherwise poorly documented set of rituals and beliefs) that was very much local and not universal and has been dead for hundreds of years. Even atheists manage to be less larpy and more level-headed than pagans, which says something about pagans more than it does anything else.

>> No.15873583

>unless you are a Hindu or some random brown living in the 3rd world

Or a chink. They still have paganism. But white people pretty much don't have any variety of paganism.

>> No.15873633
File: 480 KB, 1280x989, 8BE79236-E35E-4C29-B161-982D0C4740C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dismantle the pyramid!

>> No.15873668

Frankly, if your people are as self-hating and weak as the American Caucasian, they deserve whatever happens to them. I have very little sympathy for those who turn on themselves to please outsiders.

>> No.15873674

Wow, literally all of these philosophers and ideologies are just quoted flat out fucking wrongly, not to mention the amount of strawmanning. /pol/ really fucking rots your brain and makes you a retard. I'm actually surprised people believe this shit unironically and don't see how pathetic this is.

>> No.15874062

blessed post

>> No.15874086

Jazz and Rock are death and the only White music is ironically classical.

>> No.15874088

All Christians are sociopaths.

>> No.15874095

>/pol/ is the problem
>not the overwhelming cult of neo-marxism

>> No.15874149
File: 116 KB, 750x542, Natural Law vs Man's Law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your variety of paganism
Desperate attempt to pigeonhole me. You give me attributes you can attack in a pathetic attempt to cope.

>white people pretty much don't have any variety of paganism.
All races have a persistent racial expression that arises on its own. There aren't any fucking written doctrines you have to follow. Merely observe and respect the laws of nature, and love you and your people.

>> No.15874206

>it's just a coincidence that white people say things that white people agree with

>> No.15874243

Be sure to click on the link that takes you to their justification for re-segregation:
>"Why Diversity Matters: 5 Things We Know About How Black Students Benefit From Having Black Teachers."

>> No.15874273

They also disagreed with other white people you stupid fuck. Are you actually retarded?

>> No.15874351
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, basedmanlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made by a Jew
Knew it as soon as i opened OP

>> No.15874365
File: 27 KB, 230x252, Clifford Crypsis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest. You knew it the moment you saw the thumbnail.

>> No.15874373
File: 215 KB, 700x505, the kinjutsu that saved hi no kuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they wonder why they're so hated

>> No.15874379

Glad it says white culture "IN THE UNITED STATES" since this is the most cucked Protestant capitalist shit I've ever seen...

>> No.15874400

The schizo who made that image should be hospitalized for retardation.

>> No.15874472

Are you?

>> No.15874558
File: 147 KB, 798x512, ignatiev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a white person who is upset about the OP image just imagine how it feels to be a black person who comes to 4chan and gets constantly lectured on 'black culture' by retarded teenage poltards

>> No.15874589

Why are americans such hyper-emotionel, self-hating children?
Yeah ok, now go back nigger.

>> No.15874601
File: 99 KB, 750x923, how will they ever recover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care.