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15871253 No.15871253 [Reply] [Original]

>"you must CHIMP"
>opportunity comes to actually go out and chimp and dominate owned space
>"a-actually g-guys let's just s-stay inside and tweet some more. h-heh the f-feds want us to retaliate so instead let's just post more anime memes and verbose threads about how this obscure plant organism found in Sweden proves Hyperborea was real"
and that's what all of these books are. just elaborate fantasies and posturing by sub-Nietzschean fanboys who flunked out of legitimate academia

>> No.15871274

He needs to disavow having a male submission fetish before I can take him seriously.

>> No.15871277
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pretty much. But anon, what is existance good for if it isn't about a constant stream of unaccesable desires?

>> No.15871282


>> No.15871295

Hahahaha, i heard he fucks kids too.

>> No.15871324

there were plenty of white guys doing what you suggested, though. they went to jail. why would you assume that partaking in something that the system wants you to do would be beneficial for you?

>> No.15871375

Because thats one of the books main messages you dolt.

>> No.15871398

>doing what the system wants is the main message
no, it isnt. why hold a view on a book you havent read?

>> No.15871432

His message is to dominate space, you can't do that if you get jailed

I agree that whenever the riots started he was very quiet all of a sudden, would have thought this was exactly what he was proposing, but he seems to be more focused on telling people to get themselves and their friends in positions of power to weather the coming leftist era

I always suspected he ran the 2CB account as well, he seems to be moving closer to that mindset

>> No.15871444

He had ties to Israel and US government.

>> No.15871478

yeah hes also peter thiels masseuse and is working with the soros and the bogdanovs as we speak whats your point?

the riots are a display of holiness and piety by the system. they are entirely in line with the goals of the system. partaking in them will get you NOTHING if you are a dissident. if you try to take action, you will be jailed at best, raped and murdered at worst. throwing a brick through a window will fix nothing. these riots happened because the system allowed them, and if the system wanted them to stop (it did several times, when the riots got too near system-important territory) it would make them stop (it did this several times).

there was NOTHING to be gained from dissidents by partaking in the riots. it'd be charlottesville 2.0: a worthless display with zero gains.

>> No.15871488


>> No.15871490

BAP was always incredibly moderate when it comes to political action. he advocates for growing personally strong, and joining existing institutions to get into positions of power. he wasnt calling for legions of swole blackshirts to battle in the street.

>> No.15871500

based and redpilled.

>> No.15871509

riots might have been fun but you should question for a second why those riots were allowed to happen(and are still happening even though it's not reported much, Portland is fucked).

>> No.15871545

You just made it.

>> No.15871591

Second city bureaucrat, now deleted person of the BAP, 2CB, and zero hp lovecraft twitter holy trinity.

>> No.15871640

>"you must CHIMP"
This is literally the opposite of what the book says you stupid niggers, he almost outright tells you to insert yourself into the military, intelligence, and hard natural resource apparatuses to prepare for a soviet-style collapse.

>> No.15871642

do you think BAP is costin?

>> No.15871656

Never once did he say “chimp out”, especially not only for the sake of doing being a goon. Large part of the disconnect comes from his use of the word pirate. In Greek sense this was a more honorable profession, most were privateers and it was considered a legitimate business to work for a state to wage naval warfare on rivals. Far different from burning down a small business for shits and giggles. Further, as has already been noted, the boogaloo boys are proof that if anyone to the right of BLM tried this the entire media and fed establishment will collectively loose their minds and immediately declare that they are the “real villains” of the protests or whatever. His instinct to keep his followers out of the riots was a smart one. This is not the time and the optics would be terrible. His advice at the end of the book is to make memes, infiltrate places of power, and get strong. At no point does he advocate large scale gay protests/riots. BAP message has always been that leftoids will force government hand to instate martial law and victory comes by being better entrenched in the coming power than making a new one.

>> No.15871661
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>opportunity comes to actually go out and chimp and dominate owned space
>"a-actually g-guys let's just s-stay inside and tweet some more. h-heh the f-feds want us to retaliate so instead let's just post more anime memes and verbose threads about how this obscure plant organism found in Sweden proves Hyperborea was real"
It's a state-sponsored riot, though. Do you really think these things happen spontaneously, in a year divisible by 4? Why are the only people getting in trouble normies who defended themselves from rioters?

All the money donated to BLM from gullible affluent whites is going straight to the Biden campaign.

>> No.15871664

50/50 most damning evidence I see is that he dropped off the internet around the time BAM was posted.

>> No.15871698

almost certain that 2cb is MCP diaspora where BAP was TRS but i might have no idea what im talking about

>> No.15871724

Neither do I what do those acronyms mean

>> No.15871729

I think that was the worst part of the book for this very reason. The rest of the book is quite good, especially his discussion on europeans vs the chinese.

>> No.15871733

I take it you meant MPC? Does anyone have an account there since it went private, id be curious what they're saying about recent events

>> No.15871740

my posting career / the right stuff, various offshoots of offshoots of SA

>> No.15871784

correct. i lurked it for a long time but no, haven't read it since they went private. looks like they've changed domains now too so I don't even know what the current addy is

>> No.15872016

wtf is TRS?

>> No.15872032

Bronze Age Straussian.
Bronze Age Zionist.

>> No.15872053
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>my ancestor

>> No.15872083

Everyone with half a brain on the dissident right realizes that now is not the time to chimp out or do anything stupid. BLM protests are allowed to happen and endorsed by the current regime. They are not a true chimp out, society is not actually collapsing. Parts of society appear to be collapsing because it's an election year. When society actually starts falling it will be obvious to all of us and then we'll see if the BAM readers are larpers or not.

>> No.15872515

Zero HP is great

>> No.15872522

Whats MPC?

>> No.15872534

I don't think BAP was TRS, he seems to have been active for like a decade

I remember the Liftwaffe crowd wanted him to take part in their lifting threads and he politely told them to fuck off

>> No.15872542

Either that or they know each other very well irl and share opinions

>> No.15873121

BAP is from The Phora and later salo forum. He's acknowledged having been on The Phora with Justin Murphy and it's thought he posted on the name Hyperion.

>> No.15873219

he's right about the "protests"
have fun with your corporation/democrat mandated election year jacquerie

>> No.15873379

>He's acknowledged having been on The Phora with Justin Murphy

>> No.15873422

Murphy says it on the episode of his podcast when BAP is on

>> No.15873449

which episode and time tho?

>> No.15873460

the only episode where BAP was on, I don't fucking know the time and episode number just google Justin Murphy Podcast Bronze Age Pervert if you want to listen to it

>> No.15873492

multiple hits, what is the precise title

>> No.15873500

bronze age pervert, not bap...

>> No.15873518

oh yes. i meant salo rather than trs. had a stroke

>> No.15873537

BAP is absolutely from salo. I'm absolutely convinced costin is him because if you look back a decade ago at his days on phora he was an unironic neocon with a fetish for antiquity but when he went over to salo and grew out of it into what he is now

>> No.15873546

you lie, all jm pods mentioning bap are about him, but do not have him on directly.

>> No.15873605

nigger it's like the third or fourth result on google areyou retarded

>> No.15873621

>I always suspected he ran the 2CB account as well
there's no way one person could be tweeting this much lol

>> No.15873662

There is a poster called Bronze Age Pervert there that appears to have been called Hyperion before, see this conversation from 2008 where BAP makes a very ham-fisted argument that Christianity doesn't approve of marriage or something


I wonder how old BAP is. This seems like the kind of thing you'd post when you were 20-23

>> No.15873713

He was definitely on the chans in the early 00s so I'd guess mid 30s maybe. I think the Costin guy that people suppose him to be is around that age

>> No.15873746

His vocab definitely reflects early chanspeak. I started posting in 2009, when it was just beginning to shift to normal speech, and words like sex0rz were still pretty common, which BAP says constantly

So you could be right, mid-30s maybe

It says here that he also posted under the name Beachstud2000


>> No.15873752

I'm not sure if BAP has a job so it's possible

>> No.15873791

There was a time when people knew these sorts of things were manufactured bullshit, now you get banned for saying so. Doesn't matter if you spam a lie in half the world's media because the revealing of that lie won't reach even 1% as many people.

>> No.15873795

false and false

>> No.15873839

doubt it they have a different voice

>> No.15873853

How's the weather in Virginia?

>> No.15873860

fucking retard, it's literally the 5th result if you google justing murphy bronze age pervert. learn how to research information you useless sack of shit

>> No.15873867

Yeah I started going to /b/ in like 2008 and the way he uses -fag at the end of every word is a dead give away

>> No.15873900

wrong murphy bro

>> No.15873923

damn how can I get on the forum poster-author-twitter personality-podcaster-patreon pipeline
fuck working

>> No.15873943

they're both potato spawn of the clan murphy the fuck do you care jack john jim patrick just shut up and listen to it nigger

>> No.15874031

That's jack murphy you fuck

>> No.15874043

>go on twitter
>start account with a gimmick (e.g. Wrath of Gnon does traditional architecture, SCB larps as a bureaucrat and posts about politics)
>post threads of interesting content and start fights with people
>amass following
>go on podcasts and write articles
>write amazon book
>shill to followers

That's pretty much it

>> No.15874046

U wot

When did the Bureaucrat reveal his voice?

>> No.15874078

Hurr durr, yes what a zionist neocon, you are exactly right anon https://theamericansun.com/2019/08/01/bap-on-israels-problem/

>> No.15874356

Yes of course you should go out and get ganged up on, it's the only way to prove your beliefs.

>> No.15874366

Yeah I still am in, but I haven't checked in a while. They just were too sycophantic w/r/t Trump and the shitpost/quality ratio was waining. Still good stuff on there but damn.
Can't remember why he switched domains.

>> No.15874749

>>opportunity comes to actually go out and chimp and dominate owned space

lmao is that what you think the George Floyd nigger riots are? Are you fucking retarded? Were you dropped on the head as a baby?

>> No.15874807

Bro, he's literally funded by JINSA

>> No.15874821

?! Is this about the supposed dox? The allegation is that one of his college advisors was connected to JINSA, because it's impossible to do anything in academia without bumping into Zionists. That's very different than being "funded by JINSA" lmao

>> No.15874836

>shitting on BAP
>promoting debunked dox
>supporting George Floyd riots
Yeah I'm thinking you-know-who is in this thread

>> No.15874840

Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you, i just had a brain fart and mixed up salo and trs in my head, i never read either of them much.

>> No.15874900

I'm too intelligent and intellectually honest for this, I'd have to fake it and play into their game. It's not really worth it and eventually you'll become what you faked. Look at fucking Molyneux. What a shell of a man. Genuine subhuman. I don't think it's possible to be serious and popular because it's hard to market and inaccessible.

>> No.15874913

>I'd have to fake it and play into their game.
The whole point is that you can develop your own audience. Why would you build an audience around a fake version of yourself?

>> No.15874925

You can just do what kantbot did, pretend to be something you're not for ages, then when people find out you can't read German switch to "I'm really a pseud" as one's last ironic double-bluff.

>> No.15874973

Don't shoot for being as big as Molyneux then. The bigger your base the more diluted your content. The key is to make stuff for them that has the potential of appealing to the rest -- this is what BAP did with book i believe

>> No.15875013

KB's recent descent into a never-ending meltdown is so bizarre to watch. it seemed to start with his conflict with BAP's followers but there has to be more to it than that. the guy who had a movie made about him and is (or at least was) incontestably one of the biggest influences on a highly influential twitter subculture is getting in 15 tweet fights with randos calling him a fat faggot on a daily basis. It's like there's some deep distrustful anti-social instinct in him that doesn't believe in the size of his following - like forty thousand people couldn't POSSIBLY like him for who he is - so he has to alienate them by relentlessly counter-signalling the right-wing audience he spent years building until he returns to being the bullied pariah he was growing up

>> No.15875019

I haven't been perceiving it as a meltdown. He has a lot of audience who have no idea what he's currently talking about, because he decided to foray into territory completely outside the NRx/altright/BAPboys/paleos/tradcaths/etc. But his message has been very consistent during the process

>> No.15875053

>I haven't been perceiving it as a meltdown.

what do you call a 45k follower account chasing the last word with a 2k follower groyper account calling the former a fat loser for like 20 tweets? this exact situation happened a few days ago, it's embarassing to watch. I never thought of this guy as a big deal to begin with but given recent antics I'll never be able to take him seriously again

>> No.15875121

>He has a lot of audience who have no idea what he's currently talking about,
KB himself has no idea what he is talking about. The guy is very definition of a pseud. Ulysse, while a pedo, was 100% right about Kantbot. I don't know why people here continue to defend this fucking idiot. Him and logo likely astroturfed this place with their books and podcasts for quite a few years, yet he continues to get a pass. He illustrates what /lit/ has hated on for years in terms of being a pseud and an enormous grifter shill. If it was any other eceleb (like Benzoson or Molymeme), you people would be up in arms.

>> No.15875323


Sometimes the key is not mass appeal, but niche appeal - people want to be part of the club

>> No.15875328

Lel which one?

I know he went after that bap clone Tidus a while back

>> No.15875462
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>incontestably one of the biggest influences on a highly influential twitter subculture

>> No.15875520

>what do you call a 45k follower account chasing the last word with a 2k follower groyper account calling the former a fat loser for like 20 tweets?
Who cares? That's not a meltdown that's posting
His recent journeys through critical theory have been great and are definitely alienating a lot of rightoids like yourself who can't keep up. I won't defend logo however, that guy writes really annoying to try and be unique, and the first page of his book sucked dick.

>> No.15875934

>I don't think it's possible to be serious and popular because it's hard to market and inaccessible.

>> No.15876006

>His recent journeys through critical theory have been great and are definitely alienating a lot of rightoids like yourself who can't keep up
Ah yes, I can't keep up with the guy who pretends to know about hermeneutics, but can't understand the hermeneutic problem of interpreting German-to-English translations of philosophy and poetry -- because he can't read German -- that in turn have to be interpreted by the translator on top of that. If indeed Kantbot had picked up some hermeneutical chops in his reading, which he obviously hasn't, he'd realize the audacity of him pretending to have a deep understanding of this stuff over the last few years (while making consistent jabs at academics, yet being a pale comparison of them). You're likely some 18 year old midwit who is very impressed with his namedropping, because you don't actually read and think that much (probably why you're also impressed with critical theory. Since you love namedropping, he's a protip: read Gadamer). You're also likely some faggot newcomer to this board, since not a few years ago most people here would be pissed off with someone being both a deceptive grifter and a pseud on top of it.

>> No.15876108

there is an interview with jack murphy not justin murphy

>> No.15876616

He didn't. I meant that bap & 2cb write in a different "voice"

>> No.15876640


>> No.15877387
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>> No.15877828

Perhaps I'm paranoid, but I honestly don't see it as a meltdown, not because he's not being a cringe retard, but rather, because this was always what he wanted. He wants to make money off of this, and he's said as much. He realized he could make more money off of the #WOKE trannissary crowd than by peddling "German Idealism" (what the fuck does that mean in the context that KB uses it? Nothing) to Right wingers, and he's frankly right if the trannies on patreon are any indication of the gobs of cash Lefties will throw at anyone who reifies their delusions. So, he has to change audiences which is why he gets in fights with @hitlerdidnothingwrong1488, and tells fashy mommies that their kids deserve to be raped for being White, to distance himself from them.

He's a Jew chasing money, nothing more.

>> No.15877902

yeah, these verbose rightoid retards are exactly the type spazzing out because kantbot is reading books on their blacklist. kb triggering these spastics is awesome. it's not him having the metldown, boys.

>> No.15878031

t. Fat jew

>> No.15878069
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the world is passing you by.

>> No.15878078

you cant call people spastic when you're morbidly obese and have the posture of a hentai viewer

>> No.15878569
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Just because Kantbot doxxed BAP doesn't make him relevant to these threads, sure he may be an incel who falls in love with the lefty podcasters he pays to dom him, but that doesn't make him relevant. Just someone who's jealous of BAP, nothing more, hate that he always gets brought up

>> No.15879348


i don't think he's a pseud, or a bad guy in general, but he's having some sort of gay meltdown. doxxing bap is cowardly as fuck.

i also made a tweet referencing him without @'ing him (and doesn't follow me) and he replied to it. he's literally searching his name up and replying to nobodies to start shit.

>> No.15879547

>Bronze Age Straussian.
Fucking based im buying a copy right now

>> No.15879576


>> No.15879612

He's just decided to bend over for progressives, there's nothing intellectual about it.

>> No.15879665

give one fucking example retard

>> No.15879878
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>> No.15879903

despite being a gay LARPing shitposter, BAP has come out of this all rather well while Kantbot is sinks further and further in everyone's estimations with every tweet.

>> No.15879931

I saw him saying HBD is dumb. The only reason anybody thinks this is because they're afraid of what progressives will do to them if they don't think it. It is on the face a ludicrous assertion with no evidence that all human populations are identical in every relevant cognitive metric. All evidence we have, and there is a lot of it, points in the opposite direction.

>> No.15879941

no did you even read the argument for why its dumb

its not to put it into retarded twitterterms "racism bad"

>> No.15879961

Seethe more you gorrila faggot.

>> No.15879985

It impossible to be intellectually honest and look at the current set of relevant evidence and come out on the antiracist side. At most you could decide to be radically skeptical and refuse to choose either side, but this would force you be this rigorous on all other questions too, which practically nobody is. Even if you do this you still can't honestly assert that the HBD side are dumb without pointing out that by the same standard for rigor antiracists are even dumber. Havent seen him do anything of the sort.

>> No.15879990

bro im serious i get that he tweeted about it i saw that tweet but that was past the fact since the dox was out last year and nothing absolutley nothing point towards that it was him

>> No.15879999

so you are saying that you dont care what he thinks you just want him to denounce libs

>> No.15880041

I'm saying that he's afraid of being honest about race so he's attacking open racists, distancing himself from them. This is a sign of submission to progressives, it can be nothing else. If he were just dunking on people he thinks are dumb then he'd include antiracists as well as racists, since the former are clearly much dumber.

tweeting about how capitalism or the CIA or whatever are evil carries precisely 0 threat, he can do as much of that as he wants. He knows that tweeting anything but the progressive line about race and racists does carry a very serious threat so he submits.

>> No.15880066

to be honest dude has he ever been an #HBD autist? no. and thats not his appeal and to be frank the history of neoliberalism and how it was designed is more interesting than tweeting about how black people commit crime or something everyone already knows

>> No.15880095

It's disingenuous to pretend that race is just some question and he just happens to dislike racists. It is literally the most important question in social discourse right now, as evidenced by the fact that tweeting about neoliberalism will never get him in trouble or make him face any consequences. He chose to publicly attack racists, this carries significant and obvious signals about which side of the political debate he is on. Pretending that race doesnt matter because it's all actually the neoliberal system and CIA is ridiculous, even supposing he were right race is of utmost importance within the larger system.

There is a difference between keeping quiet about race(perfectly understandable) and openly signalling your side in a debate, which is what he's doing, even if it's in an idiosyncratic fashion.

>> No.15880134

>it is literally the most important question in social discourse right now,

this is where you disagree, and the fight is literally engineered take a "side" if you want to but it will get you nowhere

>> No.15880174

If it doesn't matter then have him tweet something about antiracism being dumb, couldn't harm him right? oh but he just happens to not feel like doing that of course. Across the country governments from municipal to federal are having what are practically struggle sessions about 'white privilege' and 'white supremacy' and so on, it clearly matters. If you want to claim it matters less than some other larger issue then ok, but you can't claim it or isnt important.

>> No.15880191

https://twitter.com/KBULTRA0/status/1280761886846398464 Definitely a mentally stable genius

>> No.15880228

it only matters because of its utility, no one wants to save black people everyone wants to further their careers and remove those unable to bow their heads to whatever todays big thing is

>> No.15880275

Then why's he picking a side? If hes above it why is he attacking HBD, why is he defending people who shit on whites, etc? It doesn't seem very much like he's above or outside it, it seems like he chose the progressive side very clearly. I don't know what point there is in pretending this isn't true.

I have seen this behavior many times, he's just another example of it.

>> No.15880276

>reading books

>> No.15880284

They're grasping at any handhold they can find because they want a reason to justify their hate of him. The real reason is because he's reading authors they consider verboten and questioning their ideology.

>> No.15880290

There's a post on /pol/ from 2019 saying that BAP is Costin. Falstaffe alerted Kantbot of this. Whether you believe this or not is irrelevant, because that's what it is.

>> No.15880296

Dunking on retards in the mentions is how twitter works. You're here on another site beating off to the idea of him having a meltdown because he questioned your worldview, lol. He's going cosmic brain while you stay in the cuckshed

>> No.15880302

to be honest dude i dont see what you see at all

yes i understand that but im just trying to understand if they have any reasoning at all

so this meant kantbot doxxed BAP how? i just dont see it

>> No.15880318

Because Kantbot is the one who sperged out about this. Kantbot throwing a fit about BAP calling him out for being a fat jew grifter is why you even know the name Costin Romaniangibberish.

>> No.15880331

there is no evidence for that only vague rumors and a horde of people with bad intentions WANTING it to be true

>> No.15880346

No one was "in his mentions" retard, the tweet didn't tag Kantbot, he searched his name like a sperg and flipped out. Compare to how BAP hasn't even publicly addressed the dox attempt. Big difference in frame. I mean what the fuck is this shit even
>I will not post anymore about this secret topic we all are enslaved by, if I am left alone. If people wish to protect their master, then they are best served by silence. But attacks instigated against me in recent weeks have gone too far. End it. And nothing more will be said
Oooookay Kantbot

>> No.15880349

Certainly, some retard saying BAP is some Romanian dude isn't evidence of BAP actually being some Romanian dude, especially given that he's been doxxed like four other times. That doesn't change the fact that Falstaffe and Kant spread knowledge of this /pol/ shitpost as a means of trying to make BAP look bad.

The fact that this was a stupid idea on their part (oh no, BAP is an Eastern European man who reads books, that's... exactly what he says he is on his podcast) doesn't change that.

>> No.15880357

Then you're wilfully ignoring it. I just checked his account and he's defending Nick Cannon, who recently went on spiel about whites being subhuman. Yeah it's clearly trolling, but he's never going trollingly defend the other side of the debate, some white guy making jokes about blacks being dumb or whatever. That is what Im trying to point out to you, the asymmetry in what he will choose to mock always aligns with a generally Prog view, in this case the Cannon statements about whites are the subtext, not the Jewish statements.

Again this a more significant pattern than merely one guy's twitter account, if you don't recognize what he's doing then you fail to understand the power dynamics and social groups that are at play. Since the Civil Rights Era progressives have focused on making racism heresy so that they can push through whatever they want by claiming that those that oppose it are racist.

>> No.15880382

>I just checked his account and he's defending Nick Cannon, who recently went on spiel about whites being subhuman.
This is really the only reason you're mad, because he refuses to be on your simple little skin colored side. Your basic 2D worldview is not capable of engaging with new concepts.

>> No.15880393

>new concepts

>> No.15880394

how did they spread "knowledge" of this lmao

i saw one doxx live and that was from some academic who went to the same school as BAP

you are having a breakdown calm down

>> No.15880400

Im asking you to notice that he will defend only one side. He is taking the same 'simple little skin coloured side' by doing this. He can't claim to be not doing that when he always comes down on the progressive side.

He's doing this, Im noticing that he does it, and the you're claiming that my noticing it is the phenomenon in question rather than his decision to choose one side.

>> No.15880404

Ask yourself that question. If you would think through why he's "defending" Nick Cannon, you might actually have some intellectual development. Instead you see him as Supporting Ooga Booga so your mind closes down.

>> No.15880414

What the fuck are you talking about and what the fuck does that have to do with BAPbook

>> No.15880413

i dont care about some fat jew grifter, i want to know what "new concepts" you're talking about.

if you're referring to the fact that nick cannon is an anti-semite then that's not new, that goes back to rockwell at the latest.

>> No.15880437

what you are seeing is something like an HR-representative going around the office demanding people denounce their racism

>> No.15880444

These guys are trying to imply KB doxed BAP because they're mad that KB is calling their ideology manufactured, fake, and gay due to him reading back through critical theory.

>> No.15880454

this thread was never about BAPbook dude. if you've read it, you know there's nothing to discuss. if you haven't read it, you haven't read it, so your opinion doesn't matter.

>> No.15880459

That's precisely it, he has chosen to denounce racism. That's fine, but it means he's submitting to progressives.

Getting angry at me for pointing this out and trying to pretend he is just totally above something he has clearly chosen a side on is just childish. The sides exist, you can't pretend they don't and that they don't matter, and then simultaneously always happen to endorse one of them, and expect anyone to not see what you're doing.

>> No.15880463

you telling me an ideology i got from some yale-graduate thinktanker is manufactured

>what you are seeing is something like an HR-representative going around the office demanding people denounce their racism

bro this is you

>> No.15880492

Yes I know you were referring to me, because I am, like the HR guy, pointing out that a debate exists and there are two sides and asking an opinion.

Kantbot has given his opinion repeatedly on the subject, you are still trying to pretend he hasn't done this, that he hasn't chosen one of the sides. Why are you doing this?

>> No.15880497

Oh lmao KB definitely doxed BAP, have you not been paying attention at all? Where do you think the ironybros got the dox?

This is pretty well-known in DM groups, idk which ones you're in but you're not going to see the receipts posted in public on Twitter

>> No.15880498




>> No.15880508

No FUCK you, I'm in the only DM groups that matter and I know it's not fucking true. Do you really think I wouldn't know? Dumb fucking "esoteric bodybuilder".

>> No.15880509

>This is pretty well-known in DM groups


>> No.15880514

buddy Im not asking him to do it. Im telling you he clearly already has, and showing you the evidence. You can't mock the idea of picking a side when you obviously have.

>> No.15880519

1. Grifters obsessing over cleaning their reputations so they can hang with cool lefty women
2. People who don't like grifters

Easy as that

>> No.15880529

you need to chill bro. you're not as as cool as you think you are. why would you expect a literal jew-grifter to keep you in the loop?

>> No.15880530

I knew that fatcunt had no morals based on his physiognomy

>> No.15880534

>Do you really think I wouldn't know?
Gee whizz anon, you OF ALL PEOPLE should know, of course!

I'm not in any bodybuilder groups.

>> No.15880544

no wonder he feels persecuted lmao, threads like these are like moving a rock and seeing all the crawlies

>> No.15880551

He did it to himself by destroying his integrity to chase a leftcath egirl

>> No.15880553

Logo, go fuck your ugly wife.

>> No.15880568

keep seeing this but all the reasoning behind it is fucking retarded how and where

pretty sure its just not true

>> No.15880576

her roommate said it that's how and where lmao

>> No.15880584

what a good source

>> No.15880616
File: 177 KB, 800x1025, BAP wins again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15880619

What do you want, screenshots of their texts? Go ask the Twitter hacker, maybe he'll leak you some DMs. I'm certainly not going to

>> No.15880623

If I were logo there would have been 12 dashes and ampersands in that post

>> No.15880660

>to chase a leftcath egirl
Funny way of doing it, trolling her directly during an interview on his podcast.

>> No.15880666

This isn't about Kantbot to me, I barely know who he is, it's about guys who were vaguely associated with 'right wing' stuff of whatever variety signalling adherence to Progressive doctrine.

This race question has absolutely fucked conservatives for decades now and arguably causes problems to socialists as well. It is significant what somebody chooses about it, and it should hardly have to be mentioned that everyone has been obsessing over it the past couple months in accelerated fashion.

>> No.15880729

Ahh yes, trolling, the direct opposite of courting, especially in obese men who never learned how to interact with women

>> No.15880754

Just look at his Twitter, he's completely contrarian, he'll go along with because it's good for his reputation or funny to troll his followers or something

>In cast you haven't figured it out after ten years, the secret of Neoreaction is that it's guys who transitioned from XKCD to blogging about political theory, except they didn't bother reading anything about the subject so they just say everything works exactly like Evolution.
After Moldbug has been on his show 5 times, citing historical figures Kb had never heard of every time

>How many normal people are actually being canceled? There’s been 30 this year? 50? You have roughly the same chances of being canceled as you do of being struck and killed by lightning. There are ten times as many killings by police each year. Shut up. You’re not being canceled.
Hurr durr

Can't believe there are people who defend this shit as intellectualism or something

>> No.15880860

`? ok thats it?

>> No.15880867


>> No.15880889

no its posted to get a rise out of people

>> No.15880900

>on the chans

Go back, go back, go back to Merditt.

>> No.15880916

and the right kind of people. which it has done

>> No.15881252

>Great thread, but what does this have to do with literature?

>> No.15881370

I will not post anymore about this secret topic we all are enslaved by, if I am left alone. If people wish to protect their master, then they are best served by silence. But attacks instigated against me in recent weeks have gone too far. End it. And nothing more will be said.

>> No.15881429

I had a several small twitter accounts with fewer than 50 followers. Kantbot dmed me in one and and Told me bap was costin. I played dumb, and he well into full manipulation mode. It was clear he wanted me to do his dirty work for him.

>> No.15881446

knew he was a snake

>> No.15881475

Everyone's focusing on the dox, when the femdom thing is just sitting on the table for the taking. This is how we know KB is a fake.

>> No.15881914

>Everyone with half a brain on the dissident right realizes that now is not the time to chimp out or do anything stupid.

It's never the right time for people like you.

>When society actually starts falling

Society has been falling for decades, but it doesn't happen the way it's depicted in movies, so you haven't realized it.

>> No.15882046

When the balkanization starts, with california most likely, that is the time

>> No.15882175

He literally says for verbatim: "U MUST CHIMP"

>> No.15882295

Where in the book does he say this? Tell me the passage and I will check. The idea of taking direct action (outside of sneakiness and pranks) is antithetical to Part 4's entire message

>> No.15882311

t.BAP sycophant #650

Let me guess is it serpentmound? Or was it Bronze age Pirate? Or was it Bronze Brah...or Bornze Warlord epic sauce Faustian man?

Keep coping you roping subhuman spic. You are not white and no, you are not a "spiritual aryan" or whatever those Vedic Dharma emoji faggots say. You are not some sort of epic warlord because you lift weights 5x a week. You are a total mediocrity and were unpopular in high school so you cope with lifting weights and your LARP ideology. Imagine calling other people "dorks" and calling yourself some sort of bronze chad despite being a fag who spends all his time shitposting on twitter. You are no better than the "ConSOOOOMER" (haha get it xD) marvel fans that you seem to rail on so much

>> No.15882324

>Society has been falling for decades, but it doesn't happen the way it's depicted in movies, so you haven't realized it.
The Dissident Right has been saying this for almost a decade, anon.

>> No.15882332

To anyone who misunderstands BAP, read this article of his if you are too lazy to read a book. Very explicit

>> No.15882340

no wonder you got bullied in high school lmfao fag

you're implying he read it and didn't get filtered by the KAVEMAN SPEEK.

>> No.15882344

>n-no u!

>> No.15882351

BAP (real name: Costin Alamariu) is a Zionist, Straussian and homosexual. He is part of the controlled dialectic just like the groypers

>> No.15882363

ok kantbot

>> No.15882364

Yeah go recommend your epic bronze age twitter followers to read books about stoicism or whatever the fuck. Oh and make sure to include a picture of some Frank Frazetta painting in your tweet too, homo

It's laughable how you LARP as "le estoeric" thought leaders but are essentially just prescribing basic bitch instagram advice with some generic right wing book you'd see on some red pill subreddit

>> No.15882372

>N-no you don't get it bro! I may be a spic but I'm spiritually aryan bro! But my vedic twitter friends said so! DUDE! But I'm esoteric!!!!!
You are a joke

>> No.15882393

Kantbot and Logo are one of the only genuine people on that side of autistic politics. All the others; groypers, Spencer acolytes, BAP fags are just trying to groom you into their ideology which is ultimately part of the controlled dialectic. What Kantbot and Logo ultimately want is for you to being blinded by meme twitter ideologies

>> No.15882407

ok kantbot

>> No.15882410
File: 4 KB, 225x225, Costin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The physiognomy of pic related tells me he's a massive homo and zionist. Also look at that pencil neck LMAO!!

>> No.15882427

Not him but I honestly think he's one of the only notable figures on the dissident right who isn't a megalomaniac and narcissist like Fuentes, Spencer and others

>> No.15882434

Isn't that Ashley a lesbo tranny?

>> No.15882452
File: 60 KB, 682x645, crazy-andre-rieu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a narcissist

>> No.15882491

Does BAP admit race differences and/or Jewish influence?

>> No.15882518

He's not. He's just intellectually superior so it appears that way, but in reality he's just a well read shitposter

>> No.15882541

he is much better looking than I expected

>> No.15882546

Anyone who literally searches for his name to detect when someone is saying stuff about him is a textbook narcissist. I'm sorry you fell for the grift.

>> No.15882726

No you just have mentall illness and lash out when anyone questions your meme ideology. White Nationalism is a complete joke and Kantbot is absolutely in the right for trashing it

>> No.15882754

he's not bashing white nationalism, he's adopting antiracism, which is an actual absolute meme ideology that the entire system he constantly criticize is obsessed with and for which there is absolutely no evidence.

White nationalists are practically calm and rational in comparison to antiracists

>> No.15882772

>he thinks you have to be a white nationalist to think Kantbot's a self obsessed pseud.

>> No.15882784

>not tormenting people based on the color of their skin is a meme ideology
You are truly mentally ill. Seek help.

>> No.15882791

>White nationalists are practically calm and rational in comparison to antiracists
Yeah smuckling like Sargon and saying: "but what about the jews" is not what I'd consider "rational" or good debate

>> No.15882797

>well read
lmao you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.15882808

Out of everyone on "right wing twitter" he and logo are the only ones who seem to have read a book

>> No.15882856

antiracism is the hysterical religious dogma that every group is on average the same. There is literally no evidence for this, and plenty to the contrary.

To bash 'mainstream ideology the system is feeding you' and then be a fucking antiracist is genuinely hilarious. It is THE biggest ideology fed to people, and the one for which there are the biggest consequences for dissenting, even by mildly pointing out the extremely obvious mountain of evidence against it.

>> No.15882865

>pretend to be experts on foreign lit
>can only speak one language
>hide behind irony when called out
If you weren't an outsider to /lit/ you'd realize how pathetic this looks. Fuck off back to twitter.

>> No.15882897

there was a post not 48 hours ago of several people dumping on logo (with evidence) because he hadn't read schmitt and was trying to pretend that he had

>> No.15882906

Please direct, I need a laugh.

>> No.15882949
File: 565 KB, 680x588, unshaken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I stopped bothering with twitter eceleb drama and took the /clearpill/
Imagine caring so much about some fucking humanities neet's hot opinions that you dissect them in a thread for five hours. These people are /lit/ posters who lucked into amassing a large following, then consider themselves genuine philosophers and worldbuilders. At the end of the day you're another (fringe position) poster working 9 to 5 spamming your faggotry on social media.
I've come to respect abject shitposters who get banned monthly far more than any "political" accounts.
Imagine caring about this shit. Imagine thinking you or your e-friend are "this generation's next philosopher". Imagine thinking your Medium articles are going to inform policy or influence popular discourse. Imagine investing your valuable youth, unable to ever be regained, into skimming the news and letting the world know how outraged you are.
Fuck these people. I say this as someone who used to be deep into the scene. You are not a prophet. You are not wise. Your agony will inspire nothing.

>> No.15882968

Good post

>> No.15883008

No one on right wing twitter actually reads. Certainly not those Dharma emojis and Bronze Age homos

>> No.15883052

BAP, for all his retarded faggotry, is pretty well read in his wheelhouse.

>> No.15883095

It's literally on the receipt for his podcast

BAP doxxed himself

>> No.15883121

This is barely intellible but I guess the point is that cuckbot is a degenerate into sissie shit?

One photo of him would surely strongly suggest this anyway, it's hardly news. One thing the BAP crowd tend to be right about is that body reflects mind in more ways than you'd think

>> No.15883127

BAP is pretty widely read in ancients and continentals as well as geopolitics

>> No.15883134

Moldbug is the way to go. I think BAP is also crypto-clearpilled.

>> No.15883175

no, BAP is.
- "mantis" is a reference to the preying mantis, a species in which the female kills and eats the male during copulation. This has come to signify devotees of the femdom fetish
- He has tweeted repeatedly about liking assertive latinas, amazons, etc. Many such examples on his timeline
- He has also spoken derisively of this very fetish on his podcast, claiming it reflects badly on one's character.
Can't take seriously until he addresses this

>> No.15883214

intensely fucking butthurt

did some guy that benches more than you fuck your crush

>> No.15883288

>"mantis" is a reference to the preying mantis
A mantis is an Ancient Greek seer/prophet (often mad). You would know this if you read the Greeks, Kantbot/Logo.

>> No.15883380

not in context it isn't

>> No.15883524

What makes a person this hateful and delusional to the point of dismissing millions of scientists and experts as stupid for not confirming to his beliefs?

>> No.15883541

you actually cannot point to a single study saying that all groups have the same average abilities and intelligence because it does not exist.

>> No.15883602

The context implies the exact opposite of whatever imaginary unexplained context you have in your head that you are too lazy to explain because you are either trolling or stupid. The word has to do with mad seers. That's what he is larping as on the internet. It's clear to anyone that's not a poorly-read pseud (like Logo and Kantbot) what "mantis" means in his name.


Don't you have some translated ebook to screenshot to your twitter followers so you can pretend you've done your half-assed reading for the day?

>> No.15883726

Genuinely hilarious how off-base this is. Bronze Brah, genius detective work there man

>> No.15883743

>posted 1 minute apart
really makes you think

>> No.15883750

Ever wonder why these threads always happen on /lit/ where there are no poster IDs? I'll give you a hint
>223 replies
>46 posters

>> No.15883832

Tbh makes sense that to "dominate space" you should seek power.
Going out into the streets to vandilize shopping centers isnt really the most efficient way of going about it.

>> No.15883882

The incredibly obvious point was that if anyone even vaguely associated with the Right wing goes out and starts rioting they will be assfucked by the Feds into oblivion. Go try to set up a white identitarian compound in downtown Seattle and see what happens to you.

Any individual can go out and join the Prog riots sure, because those riots are sanctioned by the governments of those cities, the cops are told to stand down, there aren't arrested for what they do. That's literally a taxpayer-funded carnival of destruction for a combination of bourgeois 'antifas' and braindead blacks who just want to loot Nikes.

These faggots who think the riots are great also all start crying, every single last faggot of them, if it starts impacting the place they themselves live, even a little bit.

The ultimate point here is something Moldbug wrote about 13 years ago, which you'd think everyone in this entire conversation would understand, since they all say they read him. The point is that progressive mob violence is permitted by the state while right wing violence isn't. because the progressives took over control of the state through various means a long time ago.

>> No.15883921

That's what contemporary Antiracism in the sense of Robin DiAngelo or Ibram X. Kendi is though. It's literally affulent whites tormenting other affluent whites for showing insufficient concern for perceived victims.

>> No.15883976


>> No.15883989

>legitimate academia
This post reeks of gefilta fish

>> No.15884000

jesus fuck, the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.15884096

>dominate owned space
Yeah the power structure is starting to crack for sure.

>> No.15885495

he's just trying to get rid of his old audience to break into the new york podcast scene after realizing red scare makes 30K a month

>> No.15885540

Post @

>> No.15885569
File: 416 KB, 600x800, 1566008741515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inside sources in my DM groups are telling me this is BAP

>> No.15885892

catty little schoolgirls. all of you.

>> No.15885910

BAP is not American and basically advocates enjoying the Dalmatian coast while fucking Russian whores

>> No.15886089

wonder how many times someone tweeted this exact line in the thread maybe you got memed on son ever think of that

>> No.15887243

why does he say to become Alcibiades even tho Alci was a moron who led a expedition which eventually kill him, why doesn´t he say to become Alexander the Great or at least someone admirable? why does he pick Alcibiades?

>> No.15887256
File: 181 KB, 490x427, 1509713217334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2cb is MCP diaspora where BAP was TRS

>> No.15887441

BAP is a hipster and alexander is overdone
a more apt comparison is his admiration of Timoleon, whose achievements he has explicitly said were greater than Alexander's

>> No.15887841

>whose achievements he has explicitly said were greater than Alexander's

what were his achievements?

>> No.15888223

Doesn't change the fact that he's just trying to get rid of his old audience to break into the new york podcast scene after realizing red scare makes 30K a month

>> No.15888795

>Not immediately judging people by their skin colour and judging them by the actions of the individual is akshully a jewish plot to destroy the huwhite race
Meds. Take them.

>> No.15888806

>BAP's endgame is for amerimutt spics who think they're bronze age warlords because they got 6 months of noob games to mutt up white women

Woah...so this is the power of the Bronze Age Mindset™

>> No.15888845

There is no evidence whatsoever that every group has the same average intelligence. All available evidence indicates that groups differ significantly on average. Antiracism is a religious doctrine, its followers can't even conceive of the question empirically.

>> No.15888871

And not all white people have the same IQ either, dipshit. The point is to judge people based on their actions

>> No.15888956

Antiracism is the assertion that all groups have the same average, and that therefore any inequalities in outcomes in life are due to white racism, justifying anger towards whites and various political projects meant to correct the white racism.

>> No.15888973
File: 638 KB, 651x651, vaush2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti racism is not hating people based on unchangeable and ultimately arbitrary characteristics. Ultimately race is just phenotypical and all other attributes can be attributed to nutrition

>> No.15888996

No it is the assertion of group equality in intelligence and other metrics. There is no evidence for this assertion at all. Zero.

>> No.15889015

this is flagrantly false

>> No.15889022

That's not what "anti-racism" means champ. People who are anti-racist acknowledge group differences, it's just that they don't immediately think:
> "well the IQ is a bit different! A ha! It's because of their skull sizes! They truly are inferior and therefore must deport them all!"

>> No.15889032

Correct, which is why we should judge Blacks based on the fact that 13 do 50.

>> No.15889064

The IQ is significantly different and explains much of outcome disparity. The antiracist either doesn't admit that IQ matters in the first place, or they say that the IQ disparity is due to environmental differences, another statement for which there is no evidence. No study has ever managed to find parity between all groups by controlling for environmental factors. The majority of intelligence researchers believe that the difference in IQ between populations is partially explained by genetics.

>> No.15889264

>reddit spacing

>> No.15889404

Getting rid of all men would drop the crime way more than getting rid of all blacks

>> No.15889418

Funny how /pol/cels blame "muh jooish nepotism" when there are jews and minorities doing better than him but then turns around and say "IT'S MY SUPERIOR IQ WHICH IS WHY I'M RICHER" to blacks and minorities doing worse than him

>> No.15889430

strong jaw
good hairline
autistic stare

honestly pretty hndsome

>> No.15889469

>subhuman orbitals
>literally no brow ridge
>shit tier upper lip
>lips too narrow
>narrow palate
>subhuman level IPD
>that upper eyelid exposure

>> No.15889506

you have convinced me, I no longer want him to mpregnate my loins

on topic, I really do enjoy BAP. He actually seems well read, and bapspeak effectively stops you from perceiving him as pretentious. Most of all, he has a great sense of humour, and isn't afraid of being the butt of his own jokes

>> No.15889507

you don't appear to have said anything relevant to my post. This is common for the antiracist because he knows on some level he doesn't have any argument to make since there is no evidence of group equality.

>> No.15889534

I just said that no one denies group differences, retard. It's what conclusions you make from those group differences. For instance, /pol/tard think that those group differences warrant deporting minorities from their countries

>> No.15889549

It is blatantly untrue that nobody denies them. Refer to my post where I said that people either don't admit that IQ matters, or attribute the differences to differences in environment. In discussions about disparities in outcomes antiracists have successfully made it taboo to explain the situation by referring to innate group differences.

>> No.15889559

> or attribute the differences to differences in environment
that's not denying group differences

>> No.15889569

In fact neither of the things you mentioned actually denies group IQ differences

>> No.15889570

Yes it is, you are playing word games. There is again, no evidence that the differences are environmental in origin, and the majority of intelligence researchers believe they are partly explained by genetics.

>> No.15889634

>There is again, no evidence that the differences are environmental in origin
Oh sweaty...

Also do you really not believe that if a child is born from malnourished parents who also were malnourished growing up and drank water and ate food poisoned with heavy chemicals, would not in some way affect their cognitive capacity, you are either purposely being dishonest or just stupid

>> No.15889654

I never denied environment affecting cognitive capacity, I said there is zero evidence that all groups have the same average intelligence, the study you linked literally starts with the sentence
>A child's intelligence quotient (IQ) is determined by both genetic and environmental factors that start from the prenatal period itself
This is true of the gaps between group averages as well.

>> No.15889673

BAM has a sentence or two discouraging getting into weirdo cliques cuz they're feds, he's consistent with that.

>> No.15889674

>There is again, no evidence that the differences are environmental in origin

>> No.15889688

>>A child's intelligence quotient (IQ) is determined by both genetic and environmental factors that start from the prenatal period itself
>This is true of the gaps between group averages as well.
You do realize that white people have different IQ's from each other too right?

>> No.15889705

Groups have different average IQs. There is no evidence that the gaps between group averages are explained by environment, genetics play a role as well. The same holds for differences between individuals.

>> No.15889709

It mostly comes down to the amount of Neanderthal admixture. They were much smarter than modern humans, but apparently our population exploded and swamped them, but not before interbreeding.

>> No.15889733

and what do you propose you should be done about these "group differences" if anything at all?

>> No.15889745

I propose that political measures aiming at equal outcomes should be abandoned, as well as the culture of hatred towards whites for their imagined role in oppressing minorities into having worse average outcomes.

This is a separate discussion though.

>> No.15889847

> hatred towards whites
You mean the same culture where the most valued men in the dating market is white men and the mot valued woman is also white? The same culture that bombards the media with attractive whites and thus creates the image of whites being the best race?
>imagined role in oppressing minorities
Yeah slavery and the british empire never happened amiright xD

>> No.15889907

If what it takes to be handsome is to live up to your autistic, envious expectations, I'll gladly be ugly.

>> No.15889921

Kantbot is annoying and fat

>> No.15889984

>I'll gladly be ugly
At least you accepted your reality

>> No.15891126

>You mean the same culture where the most valued men in the dating market is white men and the mot valued woman is also white? The same culture that bombards the media with attractive whites and thus creates the image of whites being the best race?
That's why Calvin Klien has some fat transnigger as a cover model?
>Yeah slavery and the british empire never happened amiright xD
Jews got treated like shit and have great life outcomes, Ethiopia didn't get colonized yet is just as bad as the rest of Africa, the common denominator is IQ. These copes are tired as fuck.

>> No.15891382

>That's why Calvin Klien has some fat transnigger as a cover model?
Look at every previous model besides you one cherrypicked picture. Or most stars in old hollywood and even current hollywood. They're all caucasians

>> No.15891393

You would be dishonest to say that most models and hollywood actors are not caucasian

>> No.15891671

Worth noting most of the country is white, and was even whiter in the past. In any event, this is pretty besides the point - that IQ is the causative factor in most of the politically salient outcome gaps, not oppression. The main point wasn't even addressed.

>> No.15891710

Zero hp was great until some woman criticized Lovecraft (the author not the twitter personality) and he sperged about the woman instead of actually refuting the bad take (and I think it was a bad take) or just ignoring someone’s different opinion. Made him look like an idiot and definitely revealed he’s probably on the spectrum to a degree.

>> No.15892372

Ok so you lost that argument so now you backpedal. Fine, back to IQ. Here's a study proving the massive environmental influence on children's styles of responding to standardized intelligence tests and on their test achievement.:
No one is denying that there is a genetic component to IQ heritability. There is. Much like how two white people raised in the same enviroment can also differ in IQ.

However, unlike /pol/tards instead of jumping to the conclusion "THEREFORE ALL THE BLAX NEED TO BE DEPORTED!!!!!!!!" we should try to improve the enviroment so everyone can reach there max cognitive capability. Also if we take the /pol/tard's views on IQ to it's logical conclusion, that means Jews and asians are better than whites so I guess whites should be deported too.

>> No.15892390

There is no evidence that if you control for environmental factors the IQs of different groups reach parity. You linked a study that shows there is an environmental effect, nobody disputes that.

>> No.15892398

What the hell does CHIMP stand for?

>> No.15892428

No one said parity, dipshit. Just that the differences can be heavily mitigated through proper enviroment and rearing

Jews will always be higher than whites and I suppose blacks will always be a bit lower than whites but this difference can be shrunk significantly

>> No.15892455

Also that anon is not me, I stopped posting when you changed the discussion to policy, because it is a different and much more ambiguous subject, and I honestly don't think you or I would benefit much from talking about it. I can point out instances of hatred towards whites supported by our culture, for example in this thread Nick Cannon was mentioned, he called whites evil subhuman monsters, he was not reprimanded for this, he did not apologize, and many people publicly agreed with him, also without consequences. But I can't show hard evidence for this the way I can for group differences, and I don't think you're interested in hearing about it, so it's a pointless discussion.

I was talking purely about the genetic component to group differences, which is the thing antiracism as an ideology denies.
You are correct that Jews are higher than whites, but it is by an amount that is smaller than the amount between most whites and blacks(numbers differ quite a bit between various subpopulations). Jews are also a tiny population, not really comparable to whites or blacks, they are more like a sub-ethnicity, half-white, half-middle eastern.

East Asians are a better example. They are a very large population, larger than whites, and their average IQ is almost certainly higher. Their crime rates in their countries and elsewhere, their educational achievement and income in white countries, etc. all indicate this.

>> No.15892972

>You are correct that Jews are higher than whites, but it is by an amount that is smaller than the amount between most whites and blacks
>Jews: 115
>Black (in america): 85
So the difference is 15, same for both
>Jews are also a tiny population, not really comparable to whites or blacks, they are more like a sub-ethnicity, half-white, half-middle eastern.
Why does that matter? /pol/tards obviously treat them as a separate race

>> No.15892982

The average IQ tests for Jews are between 110-115, many averages are at 112 or so.
Black american average are around 85, which makes them on average a greater gap.

There are many African nations which are much lower, around 70 IQ, making a way larger gap.

It matters that Jews are a small population because you can find White subpopulations larger than Jews with higher average IQ, it is a very different situation than eg. East Asians, where it's a whole population of a comparable scale.

>> No.15893007

black americans also have European DNA which raises their IQ scores as every single study about the subject has shown

>> No.15893015

>he called whites evil subhuman monsters, he was not reprimanded for this, he did not apologize, and many people publicly agreed with him, also without consequences
Lmao what do you mean he faced no consequences? He got fired from ViacomCBS and has apologized to the white and jewish community (if you actually bothered to look this up) and his talk show is pushed idefinitely

You have concocted a victim to push your victim narrative. Meanwhile there is evidence of the exact opposite. For instance, in Brazil the vice president openly talked about "whitening the race" and obvious white supremacist rhetoric:
and in america:
>Former chief strategist Steve Bannon saying they're the "platform for the alt right"
>Trump's obvious racist rhetoric. Even if you deny it's explicitly racist, it's implicitly calling about dissident right and white nat energies even if you may argue that it's ultimately cynical and a ploy to churn out more GOP voters

and of course you also have one of the most comprehensive studies proving that employers are more likely gonna hire you if they think you're white and much less likely if you're black:

>> No.15893021

You cannot quote Nick Cannon apologizing for what he said about Whites, only what he said about Jews.

>> No.15893023

>There are many African nations which are much lower, around 70 IQ, making a way larger gap.
Huh. Must be because of their skull shapes and lack of EVROPEAN genes! Clean drinking water? Nah. Nutrition? Nah. Education? Nah.

>> No.15893034

Do you have any evidence it's because of drinking water and nutrition and education? A study showing that when you account for those factors the differences disappear? No of course you don't. Any such study shows that the differences don't disappear hence the effort to outlaw the studies.

>> No.15893046

Because whites aren't as cohesive as an ethnic group as the jews are. Because like you or the other person said above:
>Jews are also a tiny population
with a specific religion. I'm sure if Nick Cannon said something specifically about Italians or Germans he'd apologize to that specific group.

>> No.15893056

This is what's called a cope. You couldn't find Cannon apologizing about Whites so you now pretend the category doesn't even exist to save face, while the category obviously does exist because he called them subhuman savages.

you're a little faggot

>> No.15893062

air pollution
water. And this is only for arsenic and fluoride, not even worse things that could be plaguing water in African communities

>> No.15893069

again no evidence whatsoever that controlling for environmental factors shows group parity in outcomes

you're such a fucking coward it is actually hilarious

keep sucking that dick and then feel the shock when you get murdered anyway because nobody cares, you're just a fucking pawn to them

>> No.15893070

because "white" isn't a cohesive group like "jews" dipshit. White has always been the standard in the america. "White" just means normal.

That's why you don't need a "white lives matter" group, because you are the majority and the standard. And again, you didn't mention my study here:
One of the most comprehensive studies which shows undoubtedly that blacks are less likely to be hired than whites when everything else is controlled for except that their name is either "black sounding" or "white sounding"

>> No.15893076

I never said parity, dipshit. Again back up here: >>15892428
I acknowledged that there is a difference but there is also a difference between jews and whites as well as blacks and whites. Therefore, I don't believe the /pol/tard prescription that all blacks should be kicked out and we need a white ethnostate or whatever dumb shit /pol/cels talk about

>> No.15893082

That's not a study showing group parity after controlling for environmental factors lmao.

And you still can't deny the fact that a famous person is allowed to spew hatred about whites while the opposite can't happen.

you're a cowardly piece of human shit and you'll rot forever. you'll probably be killed by your own people after you make wherever you exist resemble the shithole you came from when the whites are gone

form the bottom of my heart you are fucking scum and you deserve what's coming to you

>> No.15893093

Lmao I showed you proof of institutional bias against blacks in one of the most comprehensive studies but you still want to cry about some literal who talk shit about whites on twitter (that he later apologized for).


>> No.15893097

every single black city on earth is shit

>> No.15893099

Not an argument.

>> No.15893102

every single example of a black population in the entire world is fucking garbage

>> No.15893197

Not an argument.

>> No.15893224

what the fuck are any of you fuckers talkin about

>> No.15893233

ur mom xD

>> No.15893264

1. Twitter drama
2. Race and IQ

>> No.15893545

>Ulysse, while a pedo

>> No.15894109

Why is that a particularly conspicuous time for him to go offline? I'm guessing you're thinking that it's because BAP blew up once BAM was published, but is that true? He was already pretty big..

>> No.15894152

The book made him much more popular. It was the closest that side of twitter ever got to the mainstream.