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15865423 No.15865423 [Reply] [Original]

what is your ideal setting for reading? At home, in bed, or at the library, at a desk? Paper or kindle? At a cafe with a steaming cup of joe maybe?

>> No.15865441

In bed with the heat up and underneath my heavy comforter with a cup of coffee or broth. Physical books are best for this. This is winter mode.

Summer is best for a kindle in a park bench, cafe or woods. Ice water is blessed, bubble tea is a rare treat.

>> No.15865458

/lit/ is gonna hate me for saying this but my favorite way to read is to do so while walking or running around my town or the forest preserve near my house. I've never met another person who does this mostly because everyone who sees me doing this says that they find it impossible to walk/run and read at the same time.

>> No.15865543

>he’s figured out how to be /fit/ and /lit/ at the same time

Please share your secrets, Master

>> No.15865562

I definitely can't run and read at the same time but i get my best thoughts while exercising. going for a long run after reading let's me digest my thoughts better. Think nieztsche would sign off on you mr. fitlit.

>> No.15865642

I like reading in bed too
Recliners are also comfy

>> No.15866305

you would be a good candidate for an aztec human sacrifice

>> No.15866438

read? do you mean listen to audio books?
i can't focus on the audiobook while working out

>> No.15867009

no i mean read a physical book, i hate audiobooks

>> No.15867013

i value having a variety of places to read
i'll switch between in bed, at my desk, other places around the home, walking or sitting outside in various places, and at the library.

>> No.15867042

I have a reasonably sized study, which has a comfortable desk chair and a cosy day bed. It tends to be where I reside most of the time when at home.

>> No.15867065

I've done this to optimize my very brief leisure time while going to school. Not running though, just walking.

>> No.15867121

>no i mean read a physical book
How the fuck

>> No.15867148

>he's never duck taped a book to the oly bar

>> No.15867154

I don't believe in buying books, but then again I also don't like pirating them and reading them on a screen/e-reader. Doing this acts as a barrier that prevents complete absorption of the text.

My technique is this, I first download the pdf and print it myself with the machine I have at home. I meditate while doing this, and notice my breath as each page comes out of the machine. Once this is done, I bind it and hand paint the cover of the book myself so as to completely assert ownership over the text.

I meditate for about 30 mins before reading, and I always bathe and shave as well, for being clean allows the processing of the text to not be clouded by an unclean presence of body and soul. When it comes to the actual reading, I sit on the teak wood desk that my grandfather bought back in 1956. I always ensure that I take my time and read up to a maximum of only 50 pages a day. Along with this, I take notes after each chapter with my fountain pen.

Also, I try not to eat anything about 3 hours before reading as having food/drink in your stomach distracts one's soul from the text.

Once I am done, I meditate for another 30 mins and take a walk so as to completely internalize what I've read.

>> No.15867191

>Only meditates, never writes

>> No.15867740

This, and also reading on the bus. I have weird reading habits.

It's pretty difficult with a big book or hardback, but doable. I suggested starting out with small paperbacks (under 400 pages) and then working your way up from there.

>> No.15867778

At my school's coffee shop.

>> No.15867983

Ideally library, but when I have to read at home, I have this nice green velvet chair from Ikea and a stereo next to it that can play CDs and cassettes and also connected to a record player and also I usually make tea.

>> No.15868754

at a cafe with a streaming cup of joe is pretty pretentious.

in ben lying down is best.

>> No.15868801
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When I'm at my gate at the airport 3 hours early, have picked a good spot to people watch, and have a bottle of water and maybe some snacks

>> No.15868895

nice I like reading during my workouts
mainly during isolated workouts since I am able to free up on hand. ie single bicep curls
not so much during compound movements

>> No.15868952

How do you read with your arms behind your back?

>> No.15869039

On the porch of a house in the mountains/woods during autumn, when it’s nice and cool.

>> No.15869217

you're going to have to make up your mind between joe and ben eventually

>> No.15869230

i like reading at airports. especially if i'm in the business class lounge and my flight gets delayed. comfy times.

>> No.15869753

Lying down in a comfy spot either on the couch or bed with a physical book and some iced tea or something to sip on.

>> No.15869790

At home in the early morning. Only time there's no distraction from construction noise, EDM thumping through walls, or weedsmoke wafting up from below. I'd use libraries way more but they're homeless shelters now so they have the same distraction issue.

>> No.15869792
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I wish I had a study with antique looking decorations and a comfortable chair, and dim but viable lighting

>> No.15870005
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>> No.15870011

When it;s warm out I like to read in my hammock outside. I Typically do this in the evening since it's cooler out.

>> No.15870031

in my tent, at some exotic locale with a beautiful view after a hard days hike.
in my bed, the rain pounding outside, the cat on my lap, water and tea in reach.

>> No.15870044

What flavor is your cat?

>> No.15870054 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15870081
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cookies and cream

>> No.15870797

Am I the only one who can't read in bed? I find it very uncomfortable

>> No.15870864

One of my best memories is, like 7 years ago, reading in the park near my home. I studied then I used to read a book by Gibson that really hit me somehow. I remember I had my "loci amoeni" that were peak comfyness, expecially when the sun started to dawn

>> No.15870912

On my front porch on a sunny day surrounded by my yard and garden and trees with a nice cold beverage on my side table

>> No.15870997

While i'm driving

My insurance is $1300/month

>> No.15871015

i'm glad you made it anon, to own a house with a comfy porch to read on is my one ambition in life
based, i eat full course meals and play online backgammon while i drive.

>> No.15871100
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I hope you make it too bro, it's comfy and when the weather sucks and I have to read on the couch it's just not the same

>> No.15871445

based marx and mike's poster

>> No.15871630

me too

>> No.15871663

do you get bugs? i tried outside reading lifestyle in new hampshire and they made it miserable

>> No.15871676

I'd kill for something like that.

>> No.15871694

I live near a marsh but I rarely get bugs or mosquitoes, there are occasionally spiders that like to hang out on my chair but they tend to scamper away when I'm there

>> No.15872178

Nice Japanese maple

>> No.15872181

on my mom's lap. i'm 49.

>> No.15872234

Thanks, I have a broad leaf maple in the pot next to it but that one's not doing so great. I repotted it earlier this summer with the idea of putting it along the front of my house but the direct sun was too much for it so I've left it in the more shady part of the deck for now