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/lit/ - Literature

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15864775 No.15864775 [Reply] [Original]

"Magic Systems are fucking gay" Edition
How emotionally involved do you become with what you """read?"""
Previous thread:
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>> No.15864828

Is there another author that weaves together a tale like TBotNS? I figured I'll get into the rest of the Solar Cycle, but I'd like something else once I do. I very much enjoyed this first third of the series. I don't want extravagant magic systems or 50 species that I have to learn or 50 volumes of bullshit like Wheel of Time.

>> No.15864896
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Started reading this because it just somehow ended up in my recommended reading list.
I am about halfway through and its really enjoyable so far. The original is written in German but the the English version is professionally translated and that is the one i am reading. Its more and the comedy side then lets say a Dresden Files or Demon Accords is but i find its not detrimental at all since its not cringe forced humor but rather situational comedy or outlandish things that everyone just kinda rolls with.
Can't say if it keeps staying good since i am on on book 1 of 7 but so far its written in a fun way. Anyone else read this?

>> No.15864908
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/lit/ urban or modern fantasy?

>> No.15864995

why do you have to choose? read both

>> No.15865083

sounds like you should go to the kids section and pick out a new readers chapter book

>> No.15865103

everytime i want to start reading urban fantasy i remember capeshit comics exist and i read that instead

>> No.15865183
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>getting this mad i took a shit on your retarded litrpg fandom

>> No.15865266

but im the dresden files anon, not the litrpg autist

>> No.15865303
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Help me decide what to read next.

>> No.15865328

New Peter Watts when?

Literally my favourite sf modern author.

>> No.15865332

Everyone go read The Wizard Knight.

>> No.15865349
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>> No.15865359

i liked bonea, and hope she gets more page time

>> No.15865369

Bonea is a stupid name and I don't know if it's pronounced like Bone-ee or Bawn-ee-uh

>> No.15865394

its bonnie, bonea is just her nickname cause shes a skull

>> No.15865413

I'm asking for recommendations for both.

>> No.15865491

What a massive fucking letdown this was.

>> No.15865498

it was inevitable as soon as it became a two-parter and Butcher suddenly had to pad it out a little.

>> No.15865505
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>dresden files

>> No.15865510
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You couldn't have used something better?

>> No.15865518
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no, your shit's trash. consider suicide, retard coomer.

>> No.15865524

could be worse

could be Mike Carey's British knockoff Dresden Files

>> No.15865535
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Oh it's the resident chronic masturbator turned Internet puritan.
How's /fit these days?

>> No.15865545


>> No.15865597

>gets called out for being a retarded coomer posting his cartoon porn
>N-NO YOU!!!

>> No.15865598

if that was the wizard who could see into the future and ran a magic item shop, im right there with you, what a pile of garbage

>> No.15865609

it was literally Dresden Files only the guy was at exorcist instead of a wizard

or something, I don't remember it too well despite only reading it like a year ago. I do remember it made a specific point of talking about his big coat all the time.

>> No.15865611 [DELETED] 
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Are you still squatting with a buttplug?

>> No.15865620

talk about books, shit-for-brains

>> No.15865627


>> No.15865635

ive been on /lit/ for about 3 days and i already hate you. but you thrive on attention, so i guess this will be the last time i (you) you, so enjoy. ta ta

>> No.15866100

Give me some good recent hard scifi

>> No.15866177

just finished peace talks. if any of you guys are waiting to read it, i would recommend just waiting until September and read it right before the next one is out, because its really just the first half of a book, very disappointing

>> No.15866180


>> No.15866203
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Alright lads. I'm looking for a scifi book I read as a teenager so roughly 15 years ago.
It was about murders taking place in a human society on earth where teleportation technology exists. Your original body gets destroyed and an exact replica appears at the destination. Someone hijacked that system to create another copy somewhere which then gets brutally murdered and tortured. So it is a crime story following some police guy trying to figure it out I believe.

>> No.15866298

Thinking of releasing my novelette as a free blog, but with a link to purchase the physical copy attached if people like it. Thoughts?

>> No.15866322
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>I'm about to visit my Godmother's house tomorrow after a year of not talking to her

Any /sffg/ books for this feel?

>> No.15866341


harry dresden goes to his godmothers home for the first time in many years in that book

>> No.15866388
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I began to read wheel of time while back and I am currently on book 5.
Does the female characters get any better in the future because currently their pov chapters just make me want to stop reading the series.
In my opinion with few exceptions pretty much every single important female character in this series is just a horrible creature.
It´s not really the misandry because I can see where it might come in this universe. Tho I would like that main characters we are following would show less of it. But how they act when they are with other females that really show how horrible they are.
Pretty much every single female in this series thus far is arrogant, self-centered, petty and cruel.
This really shows when two or more females with any power or authority meet at the first time it is like race who can demean and belittle the other more so it would be clear what the pecking order is.
For me it is really tiring to constantly read "Wise ones" or "Elders" or any supposedly intelligent characters demonstrate their authority not by doing anything good or wise but by tearing down, bullying, insulting and belittling others.

>> No.15866395

It reads like a bad fanfiction. Massive disappointment.

>> No.15866419
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They say Malazan is too convoluted and shit
They say Wheel of Time is too long and shit
They say Kingkiller is too Gary Stu and shit
They say Lord of the Rings is too outdated and shit
They say First Law is too memeworthy and shit
They say ASOIAF is too subverting and shit
They say Stormlight is too hacky and shit

Is there ANY Fantasy series that people here can unanimously agree is kino?

>> No.15866452

for the most part the women in wot are terrible. nynaeve gets better, moraine and verin are the only aes sedai i cared about. aviendah and min are alright also. and theres a queen who rapes mat later, shes alright. the rest are cunts

>> No.15866460

>mfw i like all of those
gentlmen bastards is pretty cool too. also licanius trilogy i enjoyed, especially the last half of the last book

>> No.15866490

Well, just finished the Dragonbone Chair and what a fucking slog.
- pretty comfy with a little intrigue
- probably better for a young teen to read
- I can see what GRRM took from Williams (white walkers = norns, Arthur Dayne = Camaris, etc) but Williams also took from TH White
- Characterisation is pretty poor except for a few main ones
- POVs are all over the place and sometimes seem pointless
- Hard to remember who is who
- I can see he had a plan to continue throughout the series but couldn't fit it into one book
- OVERLY descriptive, becomes almost unbearable near the end
- Not a great story, seems to meander all over the place but again, seems to be part of a bigger picture
- Quite PG so not as intriguing as GRRM's shit
Don't know how I'm gonna get through Stone of Farewell, seems like a chore right now but I kind of want to see this through.
Anyway, not a bad read for a traditional hero's journey fantasy.

>> No.15866512

they get better as they go, once you start getting into the undead elf king and the weird bugs in the swamps and what not. also you get better characters like josua lackhand and his knights

>> No.15866591
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>having a publisher that makes you cut your book in half
Too bad Stormlight won't be done for another 20 years.

>> No.15866625

So far, I'm 0/2 with urban fantasy.

>> No.15866640

Read it like a comedy. Their pettiness is funny when you stop taking it so seriously.

>> No.15866899

>Is there ANY Fantasy series that people here can unanimously agree is kino?

No. Because "series" are never for the reader's enjoyment, they're for self-stroking and making money.
Single entry, and at most planned trilogies are almost always better.

>> No.15866910

I could answer with something like discworld but then some cunt would show up to immediately insist it is worthless.
Most of those series' aren't fantastic but this site doesn't lend itself to unanimous praise well.

>> No.15866913
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>Magic Systems are fucking gay
and cape shit.

>> No.15866919

>Magic Systems
>Cape Shit

Add quippy or """"""witty"""""" dialogue too.

>> No.15866932
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It's a common model for webcomics so it seems to work. They mostly sell themed mugs and shirts instead of prints though.
Ask Kazerad, who does the Prequel webcomic. He has a very longwinded way of speaking but he's always happy to help people and seems to know a lot about buying, selling and moving related merch.

>> No.15866988


>> No.15866997
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What are some tropes in fantasy writing that you love/ hate?

>> No.15867003

Just bought the entire Chathrand Voyage quadrilogy on a whim, what am I in for?

>> No.15867033

Etherial Hebrews.

>> No.15867038


>> No.15867066
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What's the fantasy book equivalent of this album?

>> No.15867115

writer's block isn't real

>> No.15867153
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>> No.15867169


>> No.15867299
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Wait is there really not a writing general?

>> No.15867387

A lot of Vorkosigan is just people reconnecting with family members.

>> No.15867404

It's someone beating you with the metal-bound omnibus edition of Conan for listening to that garbagr.

>> No.15867443


>> No.15867449

Opinions are like assholes.

>> No.15867463

They stink but taste good?

>> No.15867472

Any fantasy that’s gentle on my ADHD brain?

>> No.15867489

magical kingdom of landover for sale

>> No.15867532

Shit. All of them.
Except wizard knight and earthsea

>> No.15867684


>> No.15867852

Continuity errors
Cringe self-insert
Big bad worf moment out of nowhere (killing Marcone would be much more appropriate thematically imo)
Inconsistent powers (able to lift a pickup in one scene - can't drag himself up while carrying an emaciated body)
A lot of badly presented exposition
Characters miscommunicating like in a bad romcom
Horny description of everything remotely female (I guess WK mantle is 1% anger 99% ex)
340 pages prologue cashgrab with dangling plot threads

Butcher finally went full jew.

>> No.15867894

Not really. They have their fun moments, but you can tell that the biggest influences for book 2 and 3 where Pirates of the Caribbean and House of Cards. Which makes absolutely no sense if you remember the starting premise.

>> No.15867935

He recently did a short story for a free anthology


>> No.15868010
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Get the Wizardrous ebook for free from July 15-19! Looking for a laugh-out-loud adventure? Come meet the maddest wizard in the kingdom formerly known as Camelot!

>> No.15868130

No one writes on /lit.

>> No.15868205

Gtfo this board coomer

>> No.15868206
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>I love Starship Troopers!
>huh? No, I’ve never read the book, how are the battles?

>> No.15868219

The Iron Dragon's Daughter by Michael Swanwick

>> No.15868271

The Revelation Space series by Alastair Reynolds. Or perhaps Seveneves by Neal Stephenson, although that is a good deal too "hard" for my taste. It reads like he did a lot of research for that book and then he couldnt bear the thought of letting all that effort go to waste so he crammed all those facts and ideas into the book and down the reader's gullet.

>> No.15868284

Think like a Dinosaur by James Patrick Kelly? The Prestige by Christopher Priest?

>> No.15868312

Shadowmarch serie by Tad Williams, at least as long as you manage to keep track of all the names of all the gods in every laguage. WHich is a pain in the ass. The ending is absolutely, undoubtedly kino though.

>> No.15868399

>The Warp In The West
(Elder Scrolls:Daggerfall has a multiple choice ending. Because of time bullshit, all of them happened- even the contradictory ones.)
I love the idea that a plot hole happened, and now the rest of the world just has to deal w/ it.
I like the idea that the Empire was formed by Deus Ex Machina and the army conquered every province simultaneously, but now the magic's gone and they actually have to have to hold it conventionally.

Their entire narrative function is to be a paper tiger. There are no god-kings worth the hype.

>> No.15868564

>Horny description of everything remotely female
that's just Dresden Files, though

>> No.15868631
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>Their entire narrative function is to be a paper tiger. There are no god-kings worth the hype.
*blocks your path*

>> No.15868636

I assume anon meant solely in fantasy

>> No.15868664

It's got to the point where it became really annoying and tiresome.

>> No.15868678

it was really bad for the first several books, but he did tone it down after a while, you're right

>> No.15868690

>bought the way of kings as my first fantasy book in years
Did I fuck up?

>> No.15868714

Fuck you and your shit tastes conanfag.

>> No.15868735

D E L T A V's

>> No.15868802
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>> No.15868806

>>Their entire narrative function is to be a paper tiger.
Night Angel Trilogy

>> No.15868818

Why did you post a picture of yourself?
Do research and write a magical engineering book and I will read it, buy it, and shill it to everywhere (if it's good).

>> No.15868822
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Why does it always have to be a reaction image posting tard bashing the classics?

>> No.15868896

I've read the first 4 earthsea books and they almost put me to sleep every time, especially 2 & 4.

>> No.15868904

I remember reading a sci fi story last summer about a species of swarm-like aliens which have the ability to "envelope" humans; this process brings both beings lots of pleasure.
The FBI or some government equivalent experiments on people who have been through this process.
The aliens are a foreign entity on Earth who have been allowed to stay in their own territories after war with them proved futile.
Can anyone tell me what story I'm looking for? Can't find it anywhere...

>> No.15868959

Afraid those arent the one. Thanks though. Wish I could remember more details. Been driving me crazy.

>> No.15868965

please respond it arrives tomorrow i can still cancel it and get something else

>> No.15868979
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WoK is long form YA disguised as fantasy given BranSan's penchant for half-baked worldbuilding.
My biggest complaint is that there is literally zero narrator prose. It sucks - for comparison and in the vein of >>15867153 being correct, the opening lines of Tower of the Elephant are far better at visually describing a worldbuilding element than literal chapters (the interludes) of WoK's Worldbuilding.
But it's solidly alright, I don't think it or it's author deserving of the hype both get.

His stan will scream at you if you say it's bad though, be wary.

>> No.15869017

I also didn't like the magic system he uses in the world. Also, naming shit like "fearspren" and such just makes me want to throw the book in a fire, it's just so cheesy.

>> No.15869040
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Any Kaiju kino books?

>> No.15869055
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Any fantasy like this?

>> No.15869058

Fuck, I totally forgot about that.

It's so inconsistent - painspren, gloryspren and and rotspren were all used in the same chapter.
And yeah, it definitely felt like David Lynch talking to George Lucas for sure.

>> No.15869264
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How are the Star Trek New Frontier novels?
GR shows the average of the series is about 3.8, so they must be half decent, right?

>> No.15869321

I really liked The Second Apocalypse series and Malazan.
Where do I go from this?

>> No.15869339

Darth Vader

>> No.15869399
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>> No.15869419

loads. https://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/kaiju

>> No.15869467

You have just listed the most famous ones.

>> No.15869481

How does one, when writing a fantasy book, get across the mythology of the setting, without resorting to expo dumps? The only solution I've seen, properly done, is you just outright ignore it and produce a secondary book to assist.

>> No.15869646

I don't really think you can go any lower, so any way is up I guess.

>> No.15869684

Expose the reader to bits and pieces of over time instead of big exposition. For example through dialog and the introduction of things from the narration. Chop it up in little bits that eventually all connect to a bigger picture.

>> No.15869697

Try The Traitor Son Cycle series.

>> No.15869770

I thought these turned to shit. The first one was alright

>> No.15869820

Yeah, thought of that too. But there are many Gods and wasn't sure how to cover all of their 'mythology'. Like, in video games (easiest example, forgive me), you might know the God of the Dead is called Thon who collects the souls in a big basket and carries them home to his cave and sorts them out into good and bad one by one. But you won't know about why he lives in the cave, why he collects souls in his basket, why he's all alone and all that jazz unless you go read 'exposition dump: the book' which you picked up in Ruined Library #5 and you ignore your Journal Updated! lore page.

In other words, rather limited in how many situations can have the character drop little bits and bobs about, lets say, a dozen Gods without the reader being bored. Where I thought maybe it'd just be outright easier to do a story with minor coverage on such things and then a 'mythology' book which went into more detail. Also, doubt most people read all the extra stuff in video games anyway...

Like, Greek Gods, we know, roughly, who are the Gods of what. Zeus is the big cheese and likes lightning and thunder. Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love. Hermes is the Messenger of the Gods. Ares is the God of War. Hades is the God of Death. That's fine. But you don't know that Zeus did all that weird sexual shit or that Hermes was also considered a God of the Underworld, his mother was Maia, his father was Zeus and he had a son/daughter called Hermaphroditus with Aphrodite.Same issue with my idea. Hard to get across any interesting stories (not that they'd ever be as interesting as Greek Gods or any Pantheonic religions come to that) with tit bits when it isn't really the majority of the story. So, perhaps I should just forget that kind of stuff and just do what you said.

Thanks anon.

>> No.15869844

don't think of writing books like a video game, you just end up with a shitty book. The gods don't need their full and complete backstories laid out in painstaking detail, unless the story is specifically about them as characters.

Gods and the mythology surrounding them are background details, not cornerstones of worldbuilding.

>> No.15869853

So Gavriel Kay writes his books in different settings like Spain, Constantinople, Italy etc. in certain time periods. Do I have to know anything about those periods beforehand? Because I don't know much history.

>> No.15869864
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>How emotionally involved do you become with what you """read?"""
I read all three books during my week off work and realized book 4 will not be released until late august or september. It hit me pretty hard.

>> No.15869872
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Thoughts on pic-related? Got it as a gift from an old friend who knows fuck all about books and I'm hesitant to read it because

>> No.15869874

It's probably best as a first fantasy in years
A lot of it's deficiencies are hidden with genre unfamiliarity

>> No.15869937

The Long Ships is technically his fic but it rules anyway

>> No.15869953
File: 249 KB, 500x835, 13f0dcdf-73e1-4fcc-867f-337171362b7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go with the patrician option

>> No.15869967

Filtered bugman

>> No.15869991

Explain what's so great about them then faggot, or else stop simping for Le Guin's shitty books

>> No.15870006

I eat that brand of pickles every day

>> No.15870099

>bitching about other people liking a book
this is why you people got bullied in high school

>> No.15870130

I seem to recall a book like that but I dunno what it’s called

>> No.15870142

I've read the first and liked it. Le Guin's prose is both very terse and rich in details, and has an effortless way of making you feel the spatial makeup of a scene without stopping the rhythm of the narration. This little paragraph from the first page is a good example

>He was born in a lonely village called Ten Alders, high on the mountain at the head of the Northward Vale. Below the village the pastures and plow lands of the Vale slope downward level below level towards the sea, and other towns lie on the bends of the River Ar; above the village only forest rises ridge behind ridge to the stone and snow of the heights.

She also makes the magic feel properly magical

>The lady smiled at what he said and the opals shone in her black hair, radiant. Then, the Masters nodding benign consent, Jasper worked an illusion-charm for her. A white tree he made spring up from the stone floor. Its branches touched the high roofbeams of the hall, and on every twig of every branch a golden apple shone, each a sun, for it was the Year-Tree. A bird flew among the branches suddenly, all white with a tail like a fall of snow, and the golden apples dimming turned to seeds, each one a drop of crystal. These falling from the tree with a sound like rain, all at once there came a sweet fragrance, while the tree, swaying, put forth leaves of rosy fire and white flowers like stars. So the illusion faded. The Lady of O cried out with pleasure, and bent her shining head to the young sorcerer in praise of his mastery. "Come with us, live with us in O-tokne -can he not come, my lord?" she asked, childlike, of her stern husband. But Jasper said only, "When I have learned skills worthy of my Masters here and worthy of your praise, my lady, then I will gladly come, and serve you ever gladly."

>> No.15870161

>will not be released until late august or september.
The audiobook for #2 isn't released until September.

>> No.15870192

Nobody cares about audiobooks, faggot.

>> No.15870196

I care you bitch boi.
kys waste of space

>> No.15870200


Have the hero come from another world / time so you can info dump during dialoges.

>> No.15870244

Read Smiler's Fair

I'm not far into it but it's a pretty unique setting and they get the info across well, most of it sort of mentioned matter of factly as stuff that's relevant to what the characters are doing.
You can tell you're being explained to but it isn't too obvious

>> No.15870276

Are you the guy who was high on it in the last thread? Did you finish?

>> No.15870282

My problem with the first book isn't the prose really, it's the plot. I get that Le Guin was going for a more "intellectual" approach to the story by highlighting how great power can cause great fuckups if you're not mature enough to use them. That would have impressed me if I read the book when I was 15 or something but reading it in 2018 it just felt boring as fuck and pointless. Book 2 was even worse, the first half was LITERALLY useless and only got interesting once Ged turned up.

>> No.15870352

At least the first is more about Ged's individuation, though Le Guin claimed she hadn't read Jung while writing it and just happened to use some of the same metaphors


And for what it's worth, I think Ged's emotional development and some of the more tense scenes are very well-realized. I can't speak for the sequels since I haven't read them

>> No.15871073

Is it true that fantasy is dead?

>> No.15871145


>> No.15871261
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Anon, I...
I picked it up wanting to hate it, but sadly enjoyed the fuck out of it. It's just so easy to read, I felt like I was a child again, reading Harry Potter for the first time. I finished it and Words of Radiance in less than a week. Granted, it is bloated as fuck, but then again, which fantasy series isn't?
This anon >>15868979 is completly spot on, by the way.
The last time I was this eager to read was when I read The Three-Body Problem trilogy.

>> No.15871356
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Just finished the first book in this series, and here is my review: Feeeeeminism

That's pretty much it. Hey, did you guys ever hear of this thing called toxic masculinity? Well get ready for 832 pages of it. Or if you're listening to the audiobook: 35 hours 20 minutes and 21 seconds of it. That damn patriarchy! Taking away the rights of women! Making them feel small!

So basically it goes like this:
Kyle Haven = Misogyny, Toxic masculinity and oppressive patriarchy.
Althea = Brave gender defying sexually liberated career woman.
Vivacia = Literally objectified woman, with no will of her own.
Malta = Internalized misogyny.
Keffria = Sort of like her daughter Malta, except she recovers as soon as the big bad oppressor Kyle leaves the scene, and she's free to assume the role of matriarch.
Ronica = The actaly matriarch, who is capable of denying Kyle to his face.
Ronica, Keffria, and Malta show how quickly toxic masculinity affects women over generations. How much can change from mother to daughter to granddaughter.
Wintrow = The opposite of Kyle. Defies conventional masculinity.(He's pretty fucking cool though)
Brasshen = A pro-feminist ally.
Kennit = I don't know if there is a feminist term for this. But he's kind of like a machismo kind of guy. But he's incredibly insecure and OCD, and struggles to empathize with others like some kind of sociopath.

The book is still ok. Not as good as The Farseer Trilogy. I actually don't mind all the overt feminist stuff. But what really bothers me, is that the story doesn't feel like it arcs. It feels like everyone's on a steady declining path. Their situation just gets worse and worse and worse, and then the last couple chapters are spent setting up the playing board for the next book.
And the Paragon's story didn't go anywhere. I wanted Althea, Brashen and Amber to sail the Paragon, and then somehow be at odds with Kyle, Wintrow, and Vivacia. But instead, I got the slow and steady decline of the Vestrit family. Which again, it's bad, but not as good as it could have been.

Kennit's chapters were funny, because he barely understands people, and yet somehow manages to manipulate him to his will. It reads like a comedy.

This book is far worse. "Muh ship, muh ship!" Skip 100 pages. "Muh ship, muh ship!"

>> No.15871518
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>> No.15871561

>Book one of the Liveship Traders

What a terrible name for a series lol.

>> No.15871577

Redpill me on the Moorcock.

>> No.15871645
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he was subverting fantasy tropes 40 years before everyone else

>> No.15871654
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You think so? Doesn't sound bad to me. Sounds pirate-y and vaguely magical at the same time.
The book is about ships that come to life. And their figureheads speak and feel and move.

>> No.15871658
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I finally posted on Royal Road, pending admission. If anyone cares, here's a synopsis, will post link as soon as it's approved by the site.


Ssyba is a turbulent figure: ruled by hunger and animal fear, ancestor to a prehistoric specie of apex predators, in the present day disgraced to mere pets and curiosities but still very much swayed by an instinctual will. During a night chase she is poisoned, assaulted from the cover of darkness and left dying in the streets. As consciousness streams from the head wound, she is met with a destiny that she can't deny.
The setting presents an Earth burned and rendered sterile. Societies bundle together on the edge of planet-wide deserts. And under the tormenting photon-shower of the sun, a dour plot is struck in order to bring again an ancient dynasty.

>> No.15871727

how much catgirl we talkin?

>> No.15871786


>> No.15871797

Yeah, and churning out dozens of shitty books of each of his "subversions".

>> No.15871806

He wasn't subverting shit. He was an outer /lit/ wannabe who thought genre fiction should be Literature, but who's pleb taste and skills demonstrated why the two should not mix.

>> No.15871860

First time reading Asimov with the Foundation series. Did anyone else find the end of Foundation and Empire to be really lackluster? I enjoyed the first book but not looking forward to Second Foundation

>> No.15871934

If you don't like the ending to Second Foundation you're hopeless.

>> No.15872010

I didn't read Second Foundation yet. I said "not looking forward". The issue for me is that around the time the Mule starts to invade the Foundation and attack the Traders, the ending becomes really drawn out and predictable. To be honest, I didn't find the whole Mule story to be that captivating. The interactions between Bayta and Magnifico seemed too contrived. If Second Foundation is really that good I'll read it and probably will buy the 4th book whenever I go out the house next.

>> No.15872061

I read your post correctly and attempted to fortify you. Now, I have no hope.

>> No.15872073

Also, it's a three book series. The author did late-life add-ons for cash. They're not horrific, but not on the fat of the bat, either.

>> No.15872084

Huutista :DDD

>> No.15872093

Oh I misunderstood what you posted
Thanks for the tip

>> No.15872136
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>the "world" - the word always makes me think of a tortoise and elephants tirelessly supporting a gigantic disc. The elephants have no knowledge of the tortoise's role, the tortoise unable to see what what the elephants are doing. And neither is the least aware of the world on their backs
Isn't that Discworld? Just what the hell is going on here?

>> No.15872195

Any comfy magic books that aren't Harry Potter?

>> No.15872219

>but not on the fat of the bat
>eating bat fat
Yall fucks put us in this pandemic

>> No.15872222

Fantasy belongs in books, science fiction belongs on series and film. There, I said it, I'd say it again if I had to.

>> No.15872231

Who published first? That would show who is copying from whom.

>> No.15872242

there's records of a World Turtle supporting World Elephants dating back to the 16th century. And there's records of World Elephants in Hinduism dating as far back as the 5th century.

>> No.15872313

All you had to do was type
>female author
And you could have saved the time of posting all that. All female authors do this shit

>> No.15872321

Maybe I'm just blind to it, but I don't really recall anything like that in the Broken Earth books

>> No.15872340

And hybrids?

>> No.15872354

No they don't. The Farseer Trilogy was written by the same author, and it didn't hit you over the head with feminist stuff. I've read a number of female authors, and they're not all like this. In fact, this is the first book I've encountered that has so much overt feminist messaging.

Wew, lad. You were paying attention then. The Broken Earth isn't overtly about men oppressing women, but it has a ton of casual woke shit in it.

>> No.15872361

the "worst" I noticed was the three-way relationship the mom got involved in

and I guess women being competent and/or magically powerful

>> No.15872429

>All female authors do this shit
Read Animorphs, you giant faggot.

>> No.15872488

>never read Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

>> No.15872493

ok, it's been a while since I "read" that book, and by read, I mean listen to the audio, so please excuse me for forgetting all the lingo and character names.
But the book was pretty much a giant allegory for black slavery and oppression. Alabaster being like this Malcolm X, "by any means necessary" type figure. He would do anything to free the slaves of this systemic problem.

Then you have the smart one. I forget her name. Or HIS name rather. The book takes the time to let you know that he's trans.

I really feel like I'm forgetting something crucial, but the memory of that book is already pretty faded. Hang on, wasn't there a couple of lesbians managing a hidden city?

>> No.15872514

It's been long enough that I don't remember it too keenly, but fantasy slavery metaphors aren't exactly treading new ground, and certainly aren't restricted solely to "SJW" writers

and I don't remember the trans or the lesbians but I'll take your word for them existing.

>> No.15872584

I'm pretty sure there were a couple of lesbians, one was like the brains, and the other the brawn, and they linked their power and kept the hidden city in order the best they could.

The trans one was Tonkee. Super geeky and smelly with uncertain loyalties. The book casually states that Tonkee keeps up feminine appearances, and that later when times are tougher, Tonkee isn't able to keep it up, and starts growing masculine body hair.

>> No.15872613

very reddit post

>> No.15872617

Broken Earth had a token appearance by every "oppressed" sexual deviancy. You obviously weren't paying attention.

>> No.15872636

if they were so token that I didn't notice, they clearly didn't matter much to the overall plot. I know Alabaster was gay-ish.

>> No.15872687

That's why I said token. There was no point in it. And Alabaster wasn't gay-ish, he was very gay. I don't include him in my "token" comment because his predilections actually have reason to be brought up.

>> No.15872765

Not him, but I agree, and that's why I said the wokeness in the book was casual. It was like "oh btw, this character is a gay sub boy" and "by the by, this character happens to be trans. and "Damn, slavery sucks, yo." And "Single black mothers do be pretty strong, huh?" All very casual-like.

Also, there's some kind of symbolism in someone so dark that they're described as blue, being named "Alabaster". Which is like a pure white color. I just haven't been able to piece that one together.

Oh yeah, and I'm reading Alabaster's wiki entry, and it reminded me that the people with powers were being selectively bred like animals. That goes back to the whole slavery thing.

>> No.15872795

alright, you guys are right. Like I said, haven't read in a while.

but I will stand by fantasy slave metaphors not being particularly unique to "woke" writers or stories.

>> No.15872894
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True, however having a "slaves bad" narrative, isn't exactly the same as a story where those with the greatest power and of the best stock are darker skinned. And the strongest of them all, is the darkest of them all.

Oh my god, I just remembered Schaffa! He was the guardian to child Essun. Described as very germanic in features. Very white skin, pale icy eyes and blonde hair. He was pretty much a slaver. Very interesting choice to make the whitest man in the book responsible for abusing and oppressing the slave race.

>> No.15872904

Wait, correction, his hair was black. But other than that, he was still notable for his light skin and eyes.

>> No.15872928
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Found this fanart.

>> No.15873033

ASOIAF has issues but i think the way GRRM does this is actually pretty good, a mix of decently natural dialog expositions (characters referencing mythology because its pertinent), and mythological side notes accompanying descriptions of locales

>> No.15873474

It's not unique, but this book wasn't just a metaphor. The whole thing was dripping with "repressed minority" anger and resentment. The MC wondering why normals hated and feared her, then going on a killing spree, associating with mass murderers, planning mass murder, deciding civilization was so terrible that the whole planet and everyone on it needed to be slaughtered. Almost humorous.

>> No.15873533

/sffg/, I need to write tonight but I just feel so empty inside I'm not sure if I can

>> No.15873567

Will you push yourself? Or will you perish like a dog?

>> No.15873776
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Little Fuzzy - H. Beam Piper, Fuzzy Sapiens #1 (1962) ~180-200 pages. Science fiction.

Jack Holloway, an aged loner who is an sunstone prospector on a frontier planet, has a being he names Little Fuzzy, see image, stumble into his life. Halloway takes them under his protection and learns the true value of having a family and being with others. However, the planetary corporation has a vested interest in assuring that the little fuzzies are never made known to others. Thus begins the trial to determine whether or not the little fuzzies are sapient or not.
The collections I saw didn't have acceptable formatting. I'm going with the individual books.
5/5, what great fun.

>> No.15873785

Oops, oh well, no need to delete and repost just because I forgot the tripcode.

>> No.15873942

Your desire for attention impedes your drive to write.

Think on that.

>> No.15874121

Real throwback right there, I remember loving that shit when I was a kid.

>> No.15874278

Can someone recommend me a fantasy book or series with top notch world building?

>> No.15874294
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This general sometimes, man.

>> No.15874330

There are too many faggots and trannies on /lit/. This board is as bad as /tv/

>> No.15874335

>female protag
I’ll skip np

>> No.15874344

Xianxia let’s them spend thousands of pages on world building

>> No.15874507

I saw Battleground coming a few months later and figured this was the case. Felt odd in places but I'll chalk it up to the long layoff and hope the second half is better.

>> No.15874512

Originality is going to be a big problem with my writing. I want a large emphasis placed on describing a colorful, magical world with the proper balance between the whimsical and the dark and violent. That I can do. It’s the narrative and the characters that are the problem.

>> No.15874619
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see >>15873942

Some Xianxia is great - those that are better fall closer to Wuxia territory, with focus on antagonistic groups/entities more than other aspects of the world, at least of what I've noticed.
Most Xianxia is awfully derivative with their worlds, either Gamerbrain in full swing or 'X done it well so here's my version of it'.
A lot of the more trash Xianxia might work better in comic books.

>> No.15874692
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She's the main character but the story itself is not focused on her being a cat girl. She's animalistic and predatory, but the one truth is that I always wanted to write a story with a cat/humanoid cat or otherwise beast race as a main character.
As for why she's a girl? Well why are you a guy? Who knows, it just felt right that the main character I envisioned for my story is a woman (she's not really a "girl", she's well into adulthood).
Just give it a try. You might very well like it. Ssyba the protagonist is not a bubbly airhead girl or a stronk woman lesbian protagonist.
I'd say she's fairly well rounded as an individual character, and being inhuman can allow me to explore some distinctly inhuman characteristics of her being.

>> No.15874745

thanks, will try continue

>> No.15874848
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I've been reading "The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction " and so far, going through 1/3 of the stories, I'm surprised that most of the main characters are females, even though only one writer is a woman (so far.) Out of twelve stories, only the first one was written by a female (and it sucked ass) and only four stories have a male protagonist.

If I go to older collections, the amount of female writers is the same, but most of the main characters are guys. What the fuck happened? Is it easier to publish female-centered stories? Has this genre also fallen into the politically correctness?

>> No.15874893

Female protagonists are the current trend. You have a much easier time getting published if you can boast a 'strong female protagonist' as your lead. Trust me, as someone who's working on getting published it's something people have been trying to get me to do to increase my chances.

>> No.15874958

who summoned the cornerhounds?
why did harry need molly to bring him a magic armor dress suit, leahnsidhe has done that for him before because of her obligation. i understand he needed the ring, but the suit?
kincaid? mac? toot and his celery eating girlfriend?
when the fuck are they going to just give bob back, im sick of butters having him

>> No.15875021

>who summoned the cornerhounds?
probably the Fomor, like duh. But that whole scene was just padding because Butcher suddenly needed to turn the first half of a book into a whole book.
he trusts Molly more, and going into a meeting filled with people who hate him with more armor than usual is never a bad idea
>kincaid? mac? toot and his celery eating girlfriend?
I imagine at least Toot will show up in Battle Grounds since Molly mentioned the Winter pixies, but Mac is probably already running to ground with the rest of the Paranet. Kincaid's absence was specifically noted so it'll probably be relevant
>when the fuck are they going to just give bob back, im sick of butters having him
never/when Harry is freed from Winter

>> No.15875032

Yeah, I get it. But my problem is that most of the "strong female protagonists" are just guys with tits. Why would editors force a bad choice?

>> No.15875191
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>character in sci-fi or fantasy wants to say "Holy fuck!" or "Jesus Christ!"
>instead uses universe-appropriate equivalent

>> No.15875217

>Why would editors force a bad choice?
For marketability, money, ego. Take your pick. In my experience its been a money thing so far, but some ideologues working in the industry put their personal politics above all else and think that 'more female MCs = good for the whole world!'
Absolute dreck. I hate this. Obviously you can't use Jesus Christ in a fantasy setting where he does not exist, but sci-fi has no excuse and in fantasy, fake swears are worse than any F-bomb you could possibly drop.

>> No.15875253

I found simple responses like 'Pah!' to be far better than 'Ah storm it, storm you, stormfather'.

>> No.15875303

so were the fomor going to be something different until he wrote peace talks? he made such a big deal about them kidnapping humans all over for the last few books and then it turns out they literally have no reason to do that since they have the titan on their side

>> No.15875332

I don't *think* so, he generally seems to have an idea of what the plot is going to be moving forward, and probably has for a while now. Harry did say in Peace Talks that the Fomor guards are altered humans, so it's not impossible to believe that the kidnapped magical humans are being used for a similar purpose, if not just sacrifices to Ethniu/the Eye of Balor

>> No.15875348
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Yes but also no.

>> No.15876103

I just watched Good Hunting and Zima Blue. What are some good Sci-Fi/Fantasy that deal with transformation?

>> No.15876135
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Malazan is good as long as you don't have ADHD and can read very long books.
Kingkiller is very well written but the plot has obvious holes. Enjoy it instead of criticizing it.
Lord of the Rings is a masterpiece and has influenced everything hence, but you can't be woke if you like it.
ASOIAF is shit.
Sanderson's novels are the harlequin novels of fantasy. If you like it read it, but don't try to make it look good.
Anon's have already mentioned many good series. Also John Carter.

>> No.15876170

God-Emperor of Dune

>> No.15876221

My characters say something along the lines of "lord of the river" when exclaiming oh my God, or "burning sun above"

>> No.15876293
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Chapter 1

Title: Blood-queen Ssyba
Genre: High fantasy
Synopsis: Ssyba is a turbulent figure: ruled by hunger and animal fear, ancestor to a prehistoric specie of apex predators, in the present day disgraced to mere pets and curiosities but still very much swayed by an instinctual will. During a night chase she is poisoned, assaulted from the cover of darkness and left dying in the streets. As consciousness streams from the head wound, she is met with a destiny that she can't deny.
The setting presents an Earth burned and rendered sterile. Societies bundle together on the edge of planet-wide deserts. And under the tormenting photon-shower of the sun, a dour plot is struck in order to bring again an ancient dynasty.

>> No.15876801

The Forever War > Starship Troopers

>> No.15876816

I've never heard of it, thank you for bringing it to my attention.

>> No.15876885

Cheers fellas that voted. Went for Forever War, enjoying it so far. I'll have a go at Shadow next.

>> No.15876929

why did i read all three prince of nothing books? i hate kellhus

>> No.15877033

>they don't even kill a god at the end
>it was all probably a dream

>> No.15877067

>a book had themes so it was bad

>> No.15877278

>Has this genre also fallen into the politically correctness?
>Why would editors force a bad choice?
Have you been dead for 20 years?

>> No.15877318

I will read your catgirl book. What does it mean unfinished though? Is it a complete book with a sequel planned or is it just part of a book? I don't know how these sites work.

>> No.15877421

Oh, is not a book. Is couple paragraph.

>> No.15877621

I dropped that shit after the first book. God that was bad.

>> No.15877675

>Any comfy magic books that aren't Harry Potter?
Try "The Flying Sorcerers" by David Gerrold and Larry Niven. Genuinely funny scifi with "magic"

>> No.15877688

>a fantasy book or series with top notch world building?
The Shadowmarch series by Tad Williams.

>> No.15877698

>I've never heard of it, thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Dont miss "Armor" by John Steakley either

>> No.15877793

Is audio any book good? I might listen to it just to hear arrogan cursing.

>> No.15877831

Aaaand it the trash it goes.

For fucks sake, can't you just pick a normal male character and write a story about him? An adventure, possibly in fantasy setting, or just good a story with no social justice issues and no dumb feminists?

>> No.15877885

Is there sex and romance in the book? The book is about strong female so surely it will probably be full of sex scenes?

>> No.15877891

Being that this isn't published I assume they're writing what they wish to.

>> No.15877894

>it's something (((people))) have been trying to get me to do to increase my chances.

>> No.15877897

Any boons where the hero gets a dragoness gf?

>> No.15877911
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Depends on how you look at it.

>> No.15877913

>they're writing what they wish to.
I pity those people who WANT to write about sjw nonsense.

>> No.15877925

The other stuff you mentioned might fall into that category, but merely having a female MC does not.

>> No.15877953

>Societies bundle together on the edge of planet-wide deserts.
Maybe it's my esl again, but where exactly is the edge of a planet-wide desert?

>> No.15878071

That book was just depressing. I've since heard that the author mostly writes depressive stories.

>> No.15878084

I will post chapter 2 tomorrow. Chapter 3 after a few more days. I will post gradually as I go, but it's 1 complete book. I don't have sequels planned, and if they're sequels they're only within the universe but not tied to this plot.
This one will be a standalone.

There is nothing sjw about and trust me I hate the sjw crowd as much as everyone else. But why is it a female lead? Well why are you a guy? Who knows, you were born that way. It felt right to have a woman as the main character for the story I'm writing. The story goes much further than what the surface holds.

There will be light romance but no blatant raw sex scenes. I don't like that. I've never read a sex scdns in a book and thought "wow this is so well written". It was mostly cringe
Nobody here is writing sjw nonsense,.relax.

The foothills on the base of a mountain range for example.

>> No.15878085

Space my dear boy.

>> No.15878170

Thanks, I don't trust goodreads lists so I'm unaware of a lot of classic books. Is scalzi any good?

>> No.15878388

>I hate Kellhus.
You’re supposed to.

>> No.15878400


I'm nearing the end of the first book so far I like Conphas and Cnair most.

>> No.15878499
File: 20 KB, 243x399, 4129w2xd9aL._SX241_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By God I'm 200 pages in and still this fucking comet hasn't landed yet, tell me it gets better because thus far it's fucking BORING

>> No.15878532

Oh no, two hundred pages, that's like... a day of reading?

>> No.15878538

Is this good (writing wise)?
I'm reading a dystopia/allegorical fantasy book right now so I'm not sure I'll follow it up with another one.

>> No.15878541

Niven and Pournelle suck
Convinced they only ever got traction because of their connections

>> No.15878560

I liked it.

>> No.15878580

It's not the 200 pages per se, it's the fact that it's 200 pages of hollywood parties and tv interviews IN A POST APOCALYPTIC BOOK
Eh, I liked Integral Trees
Does it get any better?

>> No.15878627
File: 324 KB, 1200x1200, song-of-the-sirin-the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pretty good. Deep characters no magic bs systems no bs power fantasy, autous inspirations are Tolkien C S Lewis and Dosto.
I just hope the autour releases the rest of the series on audiobook.

>> No.15878655

Does /lit/ ever do feedback and critiques of user-made works? I wrote a short fantasy story, meant as a prologue to the first Zelda game, and I'd like thoughts on it.

>> No.15878680

Are there are any magazines putting out sf/fantasy short stories and novellas that are actually worth reading these days?

>> No.15878881

>video game fanfic
fuck off

>> No.15878921

this saddens me but okay anon

>> No.15878981

I know there's a writing thread on tg, should check over there

>> No.15879152

>I found it a very relevant book that explores many issues people face today without being preachy or offering pat answers. The issues it explores are deep and are explored deeply on many different levels.
This from some reviewer from good reads.
Is this book some sjw trash?

>> No.15879195

nope, the characters actually have some issues to overcome. But its Christian in the sense Tolkien is christian, so that is probably what the comment is about, it has pretty clear good vs evil story so far.

>> No.15879197

big thanks, anon

>> No.15879221

Sounds good, I will probably read it.

>> No.15879294

>Book One

>> No.15879369

>Pretty much every single female in this series thus far is arrogant, self-centered, petty and cruel
So I see the author was going for a realistic depiction of women?

>> No.15879569

>I'm unaware of a lot of classic books. Is scalzi any good?
The first couple of books in David Weber's "Honor Harrington" series are pretty good too, unfortunately they get progressively worse.

Some other military series that is at least bearable is the Star F.I.S.T series by Dan Cragg. Very US Space Marine moto gung ho jingoistic though.

Dunno about Scalzi, I have never read anything from him.

>> No.15879766

>For me it is really tiring to constantly read "Wise ones" or "Elders" or any supposedly intelligent characters demonstrate their authority not by doing anything good or wise but by tearing down, bullying, insulting and belittling others.
Yeah that's kind of the point. The women have been in charge for 3000 years and the world just got worse and worse. You're not supposed to think these are wise and magnanimous leaders. The women are used to being in charge and so act with the arrogance of people who expect to be taken seriously. There's lots of examples of men acting this way in our own world, in particularly chauvinistic societies. Jordan's not really subtle about gender relations, so everything is turned up to 11.

As for the characters, some of them never really get better. Egwene and Elayne are terrible the whole way through. Nynaeve, Min, and Aviendha are better though. Min is generally great, Aviendha is great once her tsundere phase is over. But Nynaeve is a real gem. She seems like a horrible cunt like most of the women act, but it's mostly bluster. This isn't obvious until much later in the series when you see what she's really like with her defenses down around Lan. And then on rereading, you realize how much of what she does and says is just her putting up a tough front.

Also she has the honor of being basically the only Aes Sedai Rand trusts throughout the entire story. Because she never stopped being loyal to Rand, never stopped taking his side, despite everything, never doubted him or worked against him. Which is why he ultimately trusts Nynaeve like he trusts no other Aes Sedai.

>> No.15879793

Seconding this >>15877688
Tad Williams is pretty great at world building in general but I think he really shines best in Shadowmarch.

>> No.15879797

Black Magician Trilogy. Don't bother with the sequel series.

>> No.15879820

QRD on this series? Looks comfy. Would you recommend it?

>> No.15879924
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Got some money for my birthday and bought some books on a whim, which of these should I read first?
>The Written (Ben Galley)
>The Prince's Errand (Dan and Robert Zangari)
>Outriders (Jay Posey)
>Oblivion (Andy Blinston)
>Sol Shall Rise (G.P Hudson)

>> No.15879955

I didn't say it was bad. Are you retarded?

>> No.15879986
File: 56 KB, 230x400, Hyperion_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this book so unbearably bad? I struggled through everything but the Priests Story, the Benjamin Button story was okay too.
How can people derive any joy from reading sci fi fight scenes?

>> No.15879997

Shut the fuck up you tasteless shit

>> No.15880005

I'm getting filtered by lotr
It's soo fucking boring

>> No.15880021
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>> No.15880028

yes, shut the fuck up. Read some Dr. Seuss. Those books have nice colourful pictures, designed to waken and hold the interest of people like you.

>> No.15880033

I was thinking of buying this actually, what's so bad about it anon ? The premise sounds cool as fuck

>> No.15880044

the only part of LOTR where it's acceptable to get filtered is the second half of Two Towers

>> No.15880054

It's Canterbury Tales in spaaaaaace and it's great, he's a tasteless shit.

>> No.15880074

It's a fucking relic stop with the wanking.

>> No.15880142

>Reading hobb
Why would you do this?

>> No.15880155


>> No.15880198

It's extremely boring, the character's have ZERO depth, the dialogue is fucking dull and lifeless as are the descriptions of environments and the fight scenes.

" he ducked, and kicked a guy in the ribs, then he got shot by a laser, his steel armor was fused to his body, i jumped, then i made love to him"

Shut the fuck upppp, this book is fucking terrible, if this is peak sci fi the entire genre can go into the fucking trash.

>> No.15880245

Are there any books where it's a grimdark world but the protagonist is a happy go lucky type just having fun.

Don't know if it could even be pulled off but it seems like a good setup for comic spec fic

>> No.15880314

Oh shit Manning, really liked his Embers of Illeniel series.

>> No.15880337

An anon keeps shilling choice of magic here but I'm so desperate for something easy to read I might finally bite

>> No.15880344

How? I tried reading blacksmith's son and it felt like it was written by a 10 year old, Embers of Illeniel is like the 3rd book in the series.

>> No.15880383

>if this is peak sci fi
It isn't.
>the entire genre can go into the fucking trash.
You sound extremely butthurt. It's either because you're from outer lit, but this bit
>the descriptions of environments and the fight scenes.
betrays someone quite plebeian, it actually suggests you're a fucking tourist from /tv/ or /v/ or some other cesspool of ignorant fucks who asked for recommendations and feels sad he invested some time in something he didn't automatically loved.

The fight scenes are kinda dull though. The writing isn't particularly vivid. It's not a particularly happy time for any of the characters and the writing reflects that in its tone.

>> No.15880405

Time for new thread!!!!

>> No.15880415

Read it then post a review on /lit/.

>> No.15880420

It's almost peak what-the-fuck-are-you-doing sf and that is good enough. Simmons never wrote something better than Song of kali.

>> No.15880434

His prose is dogshit, no life.

>> No.15880435

I'm probably gonna, just trying to find literally anything else that I want to add to ereader when I plug it into the pc

>> No.15880466

Talking bollocks m8

>> No.15880489

Literally coming out this year

>> No.15880516

Haven't read his earlier books actually. I read somewhere that he improved after them on Embers of Illeniel for example. It's a prequel too didn't feel like I missed anything.

>> No.15880630

I really enjoy the series, but goddamn, this NEVER fails to be annoying.

>> No.15880662

it's starting to get fucking creepy too, moreso than when Molly was lusting after Harry, like when he mentioned how adolescence was good to Molly's younger sister whose name I forget

>> No.15880664

You simpering shitbags just won’t let it the fuck go, will you?
If we apply the same logic many of you assholes call things like Mass Effect a rip off of Star Control 2then not only would the Witcher be considered plagiarism but plagiarism of the lowest fucking order.

Face facts dipshits. If some assmunch waddled up to you and said “Hey bro. try my new game Bonan the Barbarian” with a buff black haired barbarian from Kimmeria on the cover, you’d take no more than four seconds to call that shit out for the ripoff that it truly is

And what would you only have to go on? A name. And an appearance.
You wouldn’t be breaking each story point down, plot point by plot point, puffs of invisible smoke billowing from the end of your imaginary faux intellectual hipster pipe. Yet for some earth shattering convenient reason, the Witcher is a special case for you aspies. No, the name and appearance aren’t enough in this case. Let’s break down each individual story beat. Let’s parse each ass pounding paragraph for exact sentences lifted from the Elric series.
Absent whole chapters quoted wholecloth from Elric, we must acquit the Witcher from the court of public opinion.

No motherfucker.
How’s about we hold the Witcher to the same standards you hold everything the fuck else.
How’s about you stop making excuses for a series just because you like a set of soaping wet tities in your RPG? How’s about that you witless sacks of wasted flesh and organs.
Witcher fanboys thank you for lending personification to the phrase. “The public is an ASS”.

Hell, the similarities aren’t even the actual issue. Even Elric was borrowing heavily from other novels and fantasy literature of its day. The difference? Michael Moorcock has been more than forthcoming with that fact and even PUBLISHED stories of his inspirations.? Andrzej Sapkowski? Has never even admitted for a moment to even being inspired by Elric which is FUCKING BULLSHIT.

>> No.15880671

Really, really, really, REALLY not even remotely as good as people make it out to be.
Rather bad, actually.

Seriously, every fantasy writer who thinks he can shittalk Tolkien can be safely ignored. Their stuff never holds up to their promises.

>> No.15880684

>what is Poppy War

>> No.15880685
File: 33 KB, 308x475, 52383258._SX318_SY475_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This is not the story you think it is. These are not the characters you think they are. This is not the book you are expecting."
Turns out it's another urban fantasy detective novel/holmes tribute in a victorian setting and thus is exactly what I was expecting
Really was hoping this might be something unique from the buzz but nope.
Also please ban yanks from writing about England, it never turns out well for them and there's so many other societies to take inspiration from

>> No.15880701
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And his best friend is a Minotaur

>> No.15880716

Absolutely love it when it happens for the "Jesus Christ"-case, absolutely detest it when it happens for the "Holy fuck"-case. No idea why.

>> No.15880717


>> No.15880719

Chill out no one read that shit here.

>> No.15880740

>lacking empathy to a level were you cannot imagine that another person would WANT to write from a female perspective.

...fucking spergs.

>> No.15880742
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>> No.15880743

some youtuber retard made a thread on /co/ to promote his meme vid and went ballistic when people disagreed


>> No.15880749

he's been spamming it on /v/ for months now

>> No.15880760


>> No.15880771
File: 133 KB, 955x1400, piotr-jablonski-Elric of Melnibone1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no power here Razorfist
Go jack off to latina porn or something

>> No.15880774

Yeah, I´ll probably never get why Butcher does it. He seems to be a clever guy and his writing is good, he HAS to realize that this shit really drags his works down...

>> No.15880784
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>> No.15880791

The fact that you two spend time on /co/and /v/is worse than some autist sperging about some inane bullshit

>> No.15880806

Gotta read my Batman.

>> No.15880817

board elitism is tiresome and sometimes I just want to talk about video games or post in a thread and get a response in less than 6 hours

>> No.15880819

I watch films too but I don't go to /tv/or some other hellhole

>> No.15880827

I read a shitload of Dragonlance in my youth, it's still garbage

>> No.15880832

And you think spending your time with /v/ermin is worth it?

>> No.15880834

literally every thread in /co/ is about complaining about those damn sjws or faggots making threads about wanting to fuck cartoon children.

>> No.15880846

no time spent on 4chan is worth it

>> No.15880850

Iunno, it's pretty good so far.

>> No.15880854

Why video games? If you like books how can you enjoy games?

>> No.15880857

Let us not forget that one containment board /co/ spawned. I bet the crossover between the 2 is huge

>> No.15880874

I'm 2012 /co/ gen, Mostly browse it for news nowadays. /co/ used to have some gold, the franco-belgian general even had it's own scanlators, and people were really into digging for old shit and independents / historically relevant stuff. Not so much today. The comics side is pretty much dead, if it's not getting tweeted it doesn't get threads.

Nope. Dead franchise. Pastel Horse boards is really just for house whatever remains of their community

>> No.15880878
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because I am a complex person with varied interests and there are experiences to be found in video games that cannot effectively be conveyed in books.

>> No.15880881

I don't know man, I'm literally only posting on this board and in this general and have done so for a long while. Got a lot of good recs here.

>> No.15880931

muh niggers

>> No.15880969


>> No.15880988

imagine getting uppity about video games in a fucking sci-fi/fantasy thread

>> No.15881037

I place my chip on you.

>> No.15881052

I'm not >>15880854
I just find attempts at story in /v/ media to be rather sad and boring compared to just reading. I don't mind some good gameplay on occasion.

>> No.15881069


>> No.15881072

that's why I said "experiences" instead of "stories"

>> No.15881184

Hey I recommended Hyperion to my mom and she loved it.

>> No.15881238

No surprise there. Its a book for middle aged white women.

>> No.15881334
File: 102 KB, 800x1011, 1586090151526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and the second chapter has been posted. It delves deeper into the story, into the themes and the main characters.


I would appreciate if you would at least give it a chance. If you can read and enjoy these 2 chapters, then you'll have a good idea of how I'm writing and where I'm at in terms of prose / story / dialogue.
If you liked it, you'll definitely like whatever is coming next for Ssyba. If you didn't like it, well not much is going to change. One thing I'm proud of is that I'm awfully consistent with my writing.

>> No.15881623

The most violent of men is pretty great for a faggot.

>> No.15881628

Bold claims for a weeper faggot

>> No.15881804

Having read this recently, i tought the comet strike really underwhelming, especially compared to the moon crashing in Seveneves, (what with the sky burning and earth becoming a hellhole and all). Also,i tought the mass destruction scenes were over pretty quick...was expecting a brutal nuclear/long winter but it never came, the way its described it just seemed like a season shift of sorts

>> No.15881861

it's a power fantasy, the comet is just an excuse to have the suburban ubermensch stuff happen

>> No.15881876

This. If you don't dream of the world ending so your kind can thrive, this is not the book for you.

>> No.15882019

Oh yeah, the part where the astronaut CHADS descend to a bunch of starving rednecks was glorious. I think they're referred as looking like gods in some chapters too.

>> No.15882083

New thread.