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File: 271 KB, 1080x830, cyber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15866411 No.15866411 [Reply] [Original]

Was he right or wrong? Is the whole Cyberpunk genre an inherently leftist by-product means of escapism/rebellion against the global corporate machine?

>> No.15866425

Yes, he's correct that Cyberpunk is inherently leftist in its values. Aside from that, his caricature of right-wing thought is asinine. Judging from his comment, I'm going to assume that he's in support of a cyberpunk-esque society. Just another immature retard. Worse than Twitter screenshots, btw, so all fields. Also he's a nigger, so opinion immediately discarded.

>> No.15866426

who cares what some social media faggot thinks, i'm not reading that gay shit

>> No.15866468

This entirely misses both the core of cyberpunk as well as the core of so-called 'right wing' thought.
Disgraceful post, faceberg/twatter posters should be executed by firing squad.

>> No.15866483

>well you see If I define all rightwingers as capitalist slaves and all leftists as badass haxx0rs, my point becomes self-evident!
>btw when is the next Product coming out?

>> No.15866484

You can spot a retard when he partakes in the left/right-wing dichotomy

>> No.15866499
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Completely wrong. Technoaccelerationism is inherently right-wing.

>> No.15866505

In the current year the nationalist right are deviants and defiants while the left promotes indoctrination and conformity for the benefit of the global corporate machine.

>> No.15866517

Name literally one right-winger who is not about sucking the sweaty cock of capital.

>> No.15866525


>> No.15866526

>You're not conforming to the left/right dichotomy, and you cannot be a right-winger without sucking the sweaty cock of capital.
Jamal, what are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.15866541

Cool. Give me the quick rundown of your right-wing values.
>You're not conforming to the left/right dichotomy, and you cannot be a right-winger without sucking the sweaty cock of capital.
I can't even parse this. What the fuck are you trying to say? That you reject the right/left dichotomy while simultaneously being right wing? What?

>> No.15866544

>every corporation is leftist
>every politician is leftist or "neutral" (leftist)
>every social platform is dominated by leftists and bans right-wing opinions on the spot
>every product of culture is leftist, every rightwing product of culture is either retconned, banned, or dragged through the mud and erased from history
>history rewritten to fit leftist worldview


>> No.15866565

>every corporation is leftist
Leftism centers on class. You're conflating leftism with liberalism. I don't see any corporations lobbying for increased minimum wage or better working conditions or increased labor organization.
>every politician is leftist or "neutral" (leftist)
Liberal again, not leftist.
>every social platform is dominated by leftists and bans right-wing opinions on the spot
Liberals again. Tranny rights are primarily liberalism, not leftism.
>every product of culture is leftist, every rightwing product of culture is either retconned, banned, or dragged through the mud and erased from history
Same. Liberals aint leftists, bucko.

>> No.15866574

why do leftists so often have this overly rigid sense of catagorization? is it due to midwit leftists who are leftists because it sounds good (as apposed to those who see the nuance in understanding and ultimately comet o a leftist conclusion) having a horrible understanding of dialectic materialism? i see takes like this a lot from them. necromunda is pretty cyberpunk and a large part of it is that there is no right and you just choose what corprate overlords to follow. i think the cery creator of cyberpunk2077 said specifically that is a sensation and mood rather than a specific political viewpoint, people having their own various goals and trying to get them.

anyways, isnt it largely an aesthetic? like steampunk? is steampunk or any genere inherently leftist?

>> No.15866576
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>Liberals again. Tranny rights are primarily liberalism, not leftism.

>> No.15866581
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>> No.15866585

.... did we not having this conversation yesterday you bull headed faggot, the term leftist is fluid and didnt even mean anti-capital when it was first introduced

>> No.15866586

You're all ignoramuses.
The entire leftist agenda is designed to spread globalism -- no nations, cheap workers everywhere, companies relocating to asia, no family, degenerate materialism -- all of it serves the capitalist machine. Why do you think so much money has been poured into leftist propaganda?
It's not that difficult to see.

>> No.15866588
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>> No.15866594

>Give me the quick rundown of your right-wing values.
It would take too long and I'm at work, and I don't look at 4chan when I'm at home. I also have it on reasonable authority that whatever I say wouldn't be read in good faith due to failures of language, both in my own expression and an interlocutor's interpretation (which I ultimately boil down to the idea of the spirit of the word versus the letter of the law, and there are too many "letterbugs" hyperfocused on winning imaginary arguments infesting the Internet anymore), and I feel no need or even a desire to dance like a monkey for strangers on the Internet. I'm sorry I can't humor you.

>> No.15866598

This is mental illness

>> No.15866600
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>> No.15866666
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He seems to think Cyberpunk wasn't almost always dystopian, and if it wasn't, Conservative values were remaining.

>> No.15866679
File: 17 KB, 480x360, LoGH season 3 intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well, I think you're based.

>> No.15866693

>imagine prematurely ejaculating your entire painstakingly collected /pol/folder when someone points out something incredibly simple
Trannies with girl-dicks are living in your head rent-free.

I sure didn't, you fucking loser. But if you think it's a good idea to take the term leftist, make it the same as the term liberal, and then have no term for the ones on the """left""", then by all means, be a dumb faggot who levels language. And yes, the terms are fluid, we can agree on that. But then riddle me this: what's the difference between a leftist and a liberal?

You're an unreflected retard, got it.
(nice save with the "bad faith" excuse in advance tho)

>> No.15866727
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>mentally handicapped tranny yet again is cornered with no arguments to defend himself with, and so he immediately lashes out with ad hominems and muh /pol/ boogeyman

In other news, the sky is blue

>> No.15866728

>I sure didn't, you fucking loser
Nah, I agree with the other anon, it's definitely 100% you from the same thread as last night. Same cyberpunk thread, same insane moron who responds to everyone with red herrings and misreadings.

>> No.15866738

Nicholas J. Fuentes
Tucker Carlson
Pat Buchanan

>> No.15866744

Poor trannies. Even Butterfly realised it was a fool's errand.

>> No.15866745
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>Nicholas J. Fuentes

Based groyperbro

>> No.15866747

I wonder if the irony is intentional

>> No.15866751

Checked. Nice digits.

>> No.15866752

It's not, but does it matter? If you agree with the other anon that there is no conflation of leftists and liberals in the views espoused so far, how about you answer my question with facts, reason and logic instead?
What's the difference between a liberal and a leftist?
And go ahead and point out one instance of a red herring and one instance of a misreading.

>> No.15866756

>Tucker Carlson
I'm pretty sure he might just be a trustfund egoist who has found a market to make money off, as I can't find any private interviews where he seems really caring about the American people. He called his anchor career "just a phase" and that he could rest easy for the rest of his life just being a trustfund baby.

>> No.15866762
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Fuck, I didn't evens see them. Is no one noticing this??

>> No.15866765


>> No.15866767
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This, I doubt most people even know where that dichotomy comes from.

>> No.15866771

>right wing thought is about conformity/indoctrination
Why did no one inform Stalin of this??

>> No.15866859

>but does it matter?
It matters, because you're not debating in good faith, as was obvious in the last thread. It was obvious last night that there is something mentally off about you.
>how about you answer my question with facts, reason and logic
How about you follow your own advice in posts like these: >>15866565 assertions aren't justified arguments.
>And go ahead and point out one instance of a red herring and one instance of a misreading.
Given the context I was talking about (the last thread), the most obvious one was how you said the SPD were the same as the weimar conservative revolution.

>> No.15867142

>he thinks spewing slogans are the same as believing in that politics

>> No.15867147

Wait what the fuck this niggas contradicts himself like 3 times within one sentence
>free markets/capitalist oppression
If capital is allowed to be oppressive (plutocracy) then the markets are no longer considered free.
>defending national values/globalization
Aren't these two at odds? If you're against both nationalism AND globalization, what the fuck you're even about?
>promise of technology/abuse of technology
The fuck does it even mean? Is he a tedfag? I thought leftists believe that science is fucking awesome (unless it says things about IQ, race, and gender)

>> No.15867175


>> No.15867199


Who has apple tattoos? Liberals or conservatives?
Who has starbucks tattoos? Liberals or conservatives?
Who owns twitter and reddit? Liberals or conservatives?
Picture the most liberal girl you can in liberal arts school, is her hair dye and glasses and fashion the result of rebelling from what's acceptable and normal?

Liberals are the fucking cheerleaders for homoglobo corporate machines. There's nothing deviant or defiant about them. They have nothing to be "against" so they create imaginary things to rebel from like "micro aggressions" and "rape culture" and "hate speech."

>> No.15867209


>> No.15867250

An other debate the left and right of political economy.

>> No.15867254

I think youre thinking of me, brainlet, and I'm glad I have printed myself into your tiny cuckbrain forever.
Neoliberalism is not "leftism", its a centrist stance everywhere except fucking conservative as shit USA.
Cyberpunk is literally a dystopia created from a guy with leftist opinions, to show how late stage capitalism will evolve into an unstoppable dystopia, or what ancaps would call an utopia. Everything is literally privately funded and its anarchist to the max, with mega corps freely using their power to fuck everyone in the ass.
The education system has failed you, if you think somehow that liberalism in any form can be leftist. Look up social democrats, socialism, communism and anarchism you fucking mouth breather.

>> No.15867276

Hello I am an actual leftist and I agree, liberals are fucking disgusting. So are conservacucks also, in fact even more degenerate and sucking the cock of capitalists who shits on their "judeo christian values". You think the guys funding the republicans give a fuck about "muh trad wife" while also supporting fucking Donald Trump, a literal whoring billionaire?

>> No.15867285

Liberals aren't left. The one thing that real leftists and conservatives will agree on is that liberals are corporate whores.

>> No.15867292

>n-no that's not what right-wing means!!!
shut the fuck up, the overwhelming right-wing modern thought is associated with free market capitalism, you think the left started out as commies? right/left dichotomy is not a constant, it varies depending on time, the left and right seats of the French revolution are not the same as the modern ones.

>> No.15867296

Every single King of England before the Civil War.

>> No.15867304

>implying conservatives aren't corporate whores
all across the globe, tax cuts and de-regulation is a conservative policy

>> No.15867305

Punk was originally a nazi and skinhead subculture

>> No.15867309

>what's the difference between a leftist and a liberal?
their modes of control and implementation, the political end is exactly the same.

>> No.15867311

pushing against the BLM narrative as hard as he does is directly deleterious to his well being. People legitimately become targets when they say anything about the pet monkeys of the Democrat party. Calling Tucker Carlson a 'trustfund egoist' is a shallow attempt at smearing a man who clearly believes in what he preaches. Quite literally risking his life to speak the way he does.

And by the way, wtf are you talking about with this trust fund baby shit and private interviews and caring about American people? Are you a retard or something? How many politicians in America say that? How many of them say they care about Americans and giving them jobs, better pay, better housing and turn around to give amnesty to a million illegal immigrants and increase immigration?
Immigrants are figuratively scabs. Any time Americans try to unionize for better pay for ACTUAL pay that represents their ACTUAL work, they get outsourced to China or replaced with immigrants. Blacks have had every economic opportunity in the lower class-middle class jobs taken from them by immigrants legal and illegal.

You cannot care about Americans when you have to import your votes. Blacks and Hispanics are just too stupid to realize that when whitey isn't on top (or as prevalent, WASPs and jews will always be relevant) and they start getting what they want the political and economic elites in this country will replace them as they have replaced us. Communists are controlled opposition for the most part and national socialism or traditionalism is the only way to protect the average American.

>> No.15867312

There aren't any 'real' leftists left.
Cthulhu has swum to the left and left (haha) you lot behind.

>> No.15867318

If you knew jack shit about what you are talking about you would know that skinhead culture originally had nothing to do with nazism

>> No.15867319

same with "real" right-wingers, all that's left are flavors of liberalism

>> No.15867321

Nothing of the sort was implied, take your meds.

>> No.15867327

There's nothing more defiant than being a fascist or a reactionary in this day and age.

>> No.15867334

Yes cyberpunk is inteherently leftist. You could however plausible make traditionalist/ non-capitalist conservative cyberpunk, though I dont know if It's been done.

>> No.15867338
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>it’s ok to use an extremely reductive political analysis outlook because other people do it and our society is trapped within that reduction
Get some standards nigga

>> No.15867341

>pet monkeys
Youre a retarded racist, who tries to justify "muh white skin superior, muh black people bad".
What do you actually have in common with a guy like Donald Trump, except white skin? Do you think he cares about you? Do you think any of the racist representatives actually care about you? Or do you think they trick racist retards like you to vote for their own tax cuts, by promising to do something about the negro that you fear so much.
Youre literally a mental slave to those people who convinces you theyre your friend from their million dollar golf resorts, meanwhile they dont actually give a flying fuck about any degenerate aryan brotherhood of inbreds, they just want tax cuts to keep fucking your ass with their multi million dollar corporation.

>> No.15867359

No, it's ok to represent the dominant politics instead of fringe larpers on obscure imageboards.
The dominant right-wing today will certainly reject your anti-capitalist views, so are your positions still considered right-wing positions if they are not shared by the majority of the people on the spectrum?

>> No.15867362

It's a completely false dichotomy.
Really far left, and moderate left propped up as left and right.
Politics is simply a waste of time at this point.
Just join a commune or something.

>> No.15867382

This is a pretty ridiculous conversation, but all that really matters here is "are leftists punks?" Punks in the sense that they are against the status quo. Leftists are the status quo. They've been policing and dictating the media, movies, video games, the publishing industry, the education system, the internet, and even 4chan itself with all its DISGUSTING TRANNY JANNIES.

Leftists are not punks, they are institutionalized. Punks today are young white men without tattoos who listen to classical music and insist Beethoven was white.

>> No.15867390

>Punks today are young white men without tattoos who listen to classical music and insist Beethoven was white.
This is what /pol/ does to your brain

>> No.15867394

Is the majority of the world communist, socialist or anarchist?
Seriously, answer me this you fucking pea brained imbecile.

>> No.15867402

The dominant left-wing today rejects ML style nationalism, this does not make the few people unironically believing in it not leftist. Are you unironically saying that Mussolini or the spanish Falange would not be considered right wing today? All this shows is that the left-right dicotomy is retarded and overly simple, though if you want to use ut you can't deny that rightist non-capaitalists are in fact on the right.

>> No.15867424

Left and right are just bullshit terms, the real divide is between liberals and anti-liberals

>> No.15867459

There’s more to it than that, but it’s a decent start. This thread is good evidence of left and right wing outdated terms used only by journalists and hacks to clamour together vague tribal ties rather than a coherent political philosophy.

>> No.15867474

Most modern neocons in USA doesnt have a coherent philosophy, they just want to "own the libs". Thats literally their entire stance, and why you see so much overlap between libertarians and conservatives.

>> No.15867484

My point is to not to argue how the positions were historically conceived, but merely to point out that the context we live in is what matters.
You can describe yourself by any fringe historically accurate depiction of fascism or right-wing thought you believe, but it does not matter because those views are not reflected in the zeitgeist of the political right, it's not different than enjoying indie music or reading obscure occult books, you're no more than an outcast of the dominant movement and your views are constantly rejected by the people you associate yourself with.
>Are you unironically saying that Mussolini or the spanish Falange would not be considered right wing today?
The term used to describe them today is far-right, in order to differentiate them as the outcasts they are to contemporary politics, the funniest part is that there are actual efforts on the American right to label fascists as leftists in order to further dissociate from your positions.

>> No.15867516
File: 254 KB, 500x369, Local man gets dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based quints.

>> No.15867546

Checked. Based LoGH poster.

>> No.15867567

Reminder that every single leftist in this thread might disagree with the economic side of liberalism, but they are 100% down with the social side of it no matter how much they blame "capitalism" for it.

>> No.15867613

Yes, of course we do? Do you think being a racist, homophobe or any other brainlet opinion is founded on logic? Nationalism is fucking cringe and its cope for boomers to rationalize stupid shit and war crimes.
The reason liberals are hated is because they dont understand that material conditions play a large role in determining all these factors and just want to virtuesignal. They're essentially status quo people who suddenly felt bad about having it too nice, and now want to fight evil as long as it doesnt affect their economic way of life what so ever.

>> No.15867631

>Do you think being a racist, homophobe or any other brainlet opinion is founded on logic?
Of course, being racist or homophobic is eminently grounded in logic.

>> No.15867634

Thats the paradox, makes me wonder why trannies (peak liberalism) subscribes themselves as some sort of hyper collectivist burglary ideology.

>> No.15867638

explain the logic behind them. I guarantee you dont know what "logic" is.

>> No.15867648

>you're mentally ill and also the same anon I was debating with yesterday, and that's where you made all those moves which I am now criticizing you for - also, you're in bad faith
You cannot make this shit up.

>> No.15867650

Do you think most trannies are liberals, because the right fucking hates them and actively sends them death threats? Its the same with mexicans coming to USA, the majority in Mexico is conservative, but they fucking hate republicans because all they talk about is how much they hate mexicans. Therefore they vote democrat. How hard is this to understand, that hating someone means they will vote against you?

>> No.15867652

>Do you think being a racist, homophobe or any other brainlet opinion is founded on logic
>being racist or homophobic is eminently grounded in logic.
Nice samefagging.

>> No.15867658
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>Yes, of course we do? Do you think being a racist, homophobe or any other brainlet opinion is founded on logic? Nationalism is fucking cringe and its cope for boomers to rationalize stupid shit and war crimes.
The reason liberals are hated is because they dont understand that material conditions play a large role in determining all these factors and just want to virtuesignal. They're essentially status quo people who suddenly felt bad about having it too nice, and now want to fight evil as long as it doesnt affect their economic way of life what so ever.

>> No.15867667


>> No.15867668
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>Yes, of course we do? Do you think being a racist, homophobe or any other brainlet opinion is founded on logic? Nationalism is fucking cringe and its cope for boomers to rationalize stupid shit and war crimes.
>The reason liberals are hated is because they dont understand that material conditions play a large role in determining all these factors and just want to virtuesignal. They're essentially status quo people who suddenly felt bad about having it too nice, and now want to fight evil as long as it doesnt affect their economic way of life what so ever.

>> No.15867670
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>> No.15867680

>"social liberalism, radlib, idpol, and sjws are a capitalist plot to divide and conquer!"
>"but it's also good!"

>> No.15867681

>not an argument

>> No.15867682

look up his cspan interview

>> No.15867685

Leftist here.
In general, no. I'm not in favor of dissolving the family, I'm not in favor of abolishing borders, I'm not in favor of woke culture, etc. Go ahead and ask with regards to any social issue you figure I must support because I am leftist. To get it out of the way, I profoundly do not give a fuck about trans people. They should have rights like everyone else, but there are literally more construction workers than there are trans people, and political energy is much better spent elsewhere than thinking about genitalia.

>> No.15867695

No its not a capitalist plot, but a stance thought of as radical, while being very much status fucking quo. Everywhere else in the world a neoliberal would be considered in the fucking center, but only in USA is "dont be racist" a radical political stance.

>> No.15867700
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>not an argument

>> No.15867708

>How hard is this to understand, that hating someone means they will vote against you?
First prize to the most ideologically unaware poster in this thread.

>> No.15867709
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>> No.15867715

Politics is a waste of time and you’re all idiots for engaging in it which only strengthens the hold it has on us.

>> No.15867719

Nobody really like trannies, they are bio product of the statues quo and infiltrate and miss direct every movement ever. Their abomination of an existence can only be supported by hyper metropolitan anonymity and government mandated support. They are a net drain to society, consuming subsidized drugs that they cannot afford, excessive amounts of makeup daily that would make a clown think twice, and living entirely to keep up an outward image, against all that is natural. Never once has the tranny pondered how they could survive with nothing but the sweat of its brow and the earth beneath them. They have never once considered a life lived for themselves and by themselves. And to lay claim to an image of simplicity, without need nor want for societies approval, is wholly alien to their existence. That is the paradox of the tranny, they are a domesticated animal and now they wish to live in the wild, they won’t last long.

Their liberals and leftists because they are egoists who identify their materialist body as the center of the universe which can make them a bit nutty. I assume they want to live in communes with other trannies to create a real life discord server, by growing corn or creating their own HTR (lol)

>> No.15867730

>"it's status quo!"
>"but it's also good!"

>> No.15867732

So because 5 homosexual couples does one weird thing, you hate all homosexuals?
Do you also have the same fury against pedophiles, child abusers and the catholic church for fucking with kids?
Or do you use this example to justify your illogical biases towards gays, and make the argument "all gays are sexual deviants". Because if so I could just as easily make the argument that all conservatives are pedophiles and pull one example of it out and use it to judge all conservatives.

>> No.15867736

>Mexico is conservative, but they fucking hate republicans because all they talk about is how much they hate mexicans
Is that how you view everything?

>> No.15867747

Why do you think a fucking trans person would vote against conservatives? Do you think its because liberals try and protect and acknowledge their existence, or because neocons actually talks about killing them?

>> No.15867756

Liberalism is not good because theyre not anticapitalist. Is this hard to understand, mouth breather?

>> No.15867776

Nobody really like neocons, they are bio product of the statues quo and infiltrate and miss direct every movement ever. Their abomination of an existence can only be supported by hyper nationalist idiocy and government mandated support. They are a net drain to society, consuming subsidized drugs that they cannot afford, excessive amounts of ideology daily that would make a sane person think twice, and living entirely to keep up an outward image, against all that is natural. Never once has the neocon pondered how they could survive with nothing but the sweat of its brow and the earth beneath them. They have never once considered a life lived for themselves and by themselves. And to lay claim to an image of simplicity, without need nor want for societies approval, is wholly alien to their existence. That is the paradox of the neocon, they are a domesticated animal and now they wish to live in the wild, they won’t last long.

Their bootlickers and fascists because they are egoists who identify their materialist body as the center of the universe which can make them a bit nutty. I assume they want to live in communes with other neocons to create a real life discord server, by growing corn or creating their own trad wife (lol)

>> No.15867787

What do you mean by this? The republican candidate actively describes mexicans as rapists. Do you think a mexican would be turned off by this rhetoric?

>> No.15867791

So because 5 homosexual couples does one weird thing, you hate all homosexuals?
>5 homosexual couples
I hate those homosexuals who feel the constant need of shoving their sexual orientation and fetishes at everyone's faces, all the time. Also, using children on such events should be punishable by prison

>Do you also have the same fury against pedophiles, child abusers and the catholic church for fucking with kids?
Yes. That's why I no longer have faith in religious institutions (at least the big ones like the Vatican)

>Or do you use this example to justify your illogical biases towards gays, and make the argument "all gays are sexual deviants". Because if so I could just as easily make the argument that all conservatives are pedophiles and pull one example of it out and use it to judge all conservatives.
Doubtless there are gays who aren't that degenerate and could otherwise be called 'normal gays', but alas they're becoming rarity and most of the time it is the pedophile trannies that are fuelling the hatred towards homosexuals.

>> No.15867825

So your issue is not with gays, but the behavior of people abusing children. Great, we can agree.
And what do you mean by shoving their sexual orientation in your face? Is attending Pride shoving something in anyones face? How is it different from any other mass celebration like a carnival or anything else. You also say "normal gays" are a rarity, how do you know? Is it your bias that tells you that "almost all gays are bad"?

>> No.15867855

I think they would know exactly know what they are speaking of considering the cartels brutality (ms-13) and the illegal immigrants that make them look bad. Why not say not all but some? don’t know why I have to defend a strawman based upon your own delusion, I just had a cartel related death here in my town, young kid too.

In my option thereis nothing more cringe than some white “guy” speaking for a group desu.

>> No.15867856
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>imagine still thinking political aliments are on a spectrum of left and right

>> No.15867874

>Comparing Idpol shit to a Carnival
Last time I checked carnivals aren’t political and aren’t funded by power people for their own political reasons. What dumb fuck comparison.

>> No.15867878

I conceive of it as being on the autism spectrum personally.

>> No.15867890

This, honestly it’s like the new astrology now.

>> No.15867897

>Their abomination of an existence can only be supported by hyper nationalist idiocy and government mandated support.
Damn I wish.

>> No.15867909

Why do you keep spamming this?

>> No.15867920

How on earth, can being gay be a political stance? Jesus fucking christ, you right wingers are so delusional you think "not wanting to be genocided by the authorities" is a political stance.
Theyre a celebration of gay life. Many corporations try and use this to gain good will from the public, this is peak neoliberalism.

>> No.15867924

>So your issue is not with gays, but the behavior of people abusing children.
My issue is that the media doesn't objectively portray the bad sides of the whole LGBTQ movement, which, by the way, are overwhelmingly numerous - prevalent AIDS transmission, pedophilic tendencies amongst its members, as well as brainwashing children from an early age by bringing them to these parades where they become witnesses of all sorts of degeneracy (the pics I posted above; an no, those are not just 1-2 cases as you said - it's happening almost all the time and I can show you more material if you like)

>And what do you mean by shoving their sexual orientation in your face? Is attending Pride shoving something in anyones face? How is it different from any other mass celebration like a carnival or anything else.
You can't compare carnivals to this. The right example would be hetero types of parades, which, as we both know, don't exist and don't happen

>You also say "normal gays" are a rarity, how do you know? Is it your bias that tells you that "almost all gays are bad"?
By gays I include the transgender individuals as well. And yes, judging by their parades and the things they tend to exhibit, I'd dare to say that at a good portion of them harbours inclinations towards such deviancy. Hell, I've heard that even normal gays are ashamed of these kind of parades, so that itself speaks a lot

>> No.15867929

There is a republican president with mass support from the alt right and neocons. How is this not government support?

>> No.15867940

Because it's just too funny.

>> No.15867958

Cuz, you’re just a wowser that no one wants to hang out with. Don’t be bitter that our lot have lots of interesting friends. Maybe take up a normal hobby. No one’s really interested in bible exegesis.

>> No.15867974

There is no left/right dichotomy anymore. The only dichotomy is if you are trans or if you hate your mother.

>> No.15867980

>How on earth, can being gay be a political stance
Bro, it’s all identity politics concentrated by powerful rich people by a means to misdirect meaningful movements by using disenfranchised people as glow or assets. You are a product, a mere tool created and shaped to destroy whatever enemy you see before you as a threat to your existence (an rightfully so) because it will be a matter of time until even the marxists realize what’s going on an realize you are funded asset. Its more than just cashing into a new market, another paradox of being idpol gay and a communist of some sort would only work against you, anything that goes against the progress of history and or class consciousness will be immediately gulaged. You don’t fit anymore besides the statues quo.

>> No.15867992

Nonconformity literally does not exist anymore. It has been subsumed

>> No.15867993

>support from the alt right and neocons.
Trumps is actual alone in all of this, even obama placed judges from other states aren’t even listening to him lol.

>> No.15868004

The media does portray this, and you can probably find it being discussed in a lot of gay media perhaps. This exists.
Again, you are associating a lot of things with being gay, like pedophilic tendencies, brainwashing children. All these things happen outside, perhaps even more in other communities and among "normal people". So its not a unique thing to being LGBT, but youre mostly focused on it when its LGBT people who do it.

Why would there be need for a hetero parade? To celebrate what exactly? The Pride parade is a social / cultural showing of accepting LGBT as human beings, something that heterosexuals has never been persecuted for.

Also, because you dont like Pride, you think most gays are deviants? And you said it yourself, there are other gays who dont like Pride. Its almost as if being gay is not some one dimensional group, but a wide array of different people with one common trait. And that trait has little bearing on much else, except who they like to stick their peepee into.
The reason many gays are probably liberals is because the republicans and their voters usually tend to think of them as degenerates and would rather kick them out of society if they could.

>> No.15868007

Nice argument there, bud. I'm sure you outright showed me and put me in my place!

>> No.15868013

>all these le third positionfags of whatever stripe busy extolling why everyone else sucks and saying nothing about their own values

Gay and boring.

>> No.15868015

Because the government is meaningless. The universities are the real source of power in American society.

>> No.15868021

wrong. punk is antichristian, i.e. pro spiritual.

>> No.15868043

>why do leftists so often have this overly rigid sense of catagorization?
Because they're desperate not to be confused with their ideological (and often literal) parents, the "liberals", (see >>15866565 for an example).
Leftism and Liberalism exist in a symbiotic relationship, where Liberals have all the power, and Leftists act as their attack dogs. Liberals present themselves as middlemen/honest brokers who can save normies from the rabid Left, when in reality Liberalism has Leftism on a leash. The Left gets to chimp out and attack people, the Libs get more power, everyone wins, right?
If you're a leftist, of course, this objective political reality is psychologically very painful, because it clashes with your self image as a rebel who fights the power or speaks truth to power, not as a hired goon who does power's dirty work. Hence the Left's mania for hairsplitting ideologically differences - it helps them convince themselves that they aren't liberalism's servants, and if any leftists are objectively helping liberals gain more power, it's because those other leftists are sellouts who deviated from the true and righteous path of (insert ridiculous niche ideology here).

>> No.15868045

I am a marxist and it's ironic because youre probably the one being exploited by billionaires.
My friend, if you like me are worried about being exploited by global corporations under late stage capitalism, why arent you fighting back by becoming a marxist? Socialist? Communist? Anarchist?
The neocons serve to maintain the current world order of big billionaires making a shit ton of money. Do you think it matters if youre gay or straight to them? They fuck your ass and make you work in a little fucking cubicle all your life for pocket change, while they milk our labor. Only way to end this is end private property and make it so all these big corporations are owned either by the state or directly by the workers.

But im interested, exactly how are conservatives fighting against global corporations?

>> No.15868065

The government literally passed laws to outlaw abortion. How is this not power? The president literally uses police, national guard and military for his personal interests. How is this now power?

>> No.15868086

This was a lot of words, to say nothing of value.

>> No.15868120

Any books/articles/essays on the distinction between liberal politics and liberal economics? Just what is political liberalism, and how is it different from, say, anarchist or Marxist-Leninist politics?

>> No.15868143

>The media does portray this, and you can probably find it being discussed in a lot of gay media perhaps. This exists.
Funnily enough, I've never seen a news article by CNN, ABC or any of the major media companies mention that. Hmmm...

>Again, you are associating a lot of things with being gay, like pedophilic tendencies, brainwashing children.
You leave no other choice to the public but to think that way.

>All these things happen outside, perhaps even more in other communities and among "normal people". So its not a unique thing to being LGBT, but youre mostly focused on it when its LGBT people who do it.
Yes, of course they happen, and the media also speaks about it, but when it happens within those LGBTQ communities it dares not make even one article.

>Why would there be need for a hetero parade? To celebrate what exactly?
Why would there be need for a homo parade? To celebrate what exactly?

>The Pride parade is a social / cultural showing of accepting LGBT as human beings, something that heterosexuals has never been persecuted for.
Who doesn't accept you as human beings? You have the same rights as the rest of us, hell, you even have more privileges and advantages than us when it comes to job opportunities and quotas, representation in media, etc. You are literally one of the most endorsed and protected groups.

>Also, because you dont like Pride, you think most gays are deviants? And you said it yourself, there are other gays who dont like Pride. Its almost as if being gay is not some one dimensional group, but a wide array of different people with one common trait. And that trait has little bearing on much else, except who they like to stick their peepee into.
I already expressed my reasons why I don't like the gay parades, and yes - I think most gays are deviants.

>The reason many gays are probably liberals is because the republicans and their voters usually tend to think of them as degenerates and would rather kick them out of society if they could.
I haven't mentioned anything about liberalism and republicanism. And I don't hasten to kick anyone out of the country before I don't get to know what type of person he really is, like whether he is a pedophile, dresses himself in leather bondage acting as a dog on the street, etc.

>> No.15868157

Good post. Exactly right. It'll go over the two retards' heads.

>> No.15868158

The main difference comes down to the capitalism question. Liberals want social change, but not economic change. Marxists / leftists of all sorts want economic change as well.

>> No.15868161
File: 6 KB, 229x220, 7CA52FDE-2864-4715-8B93-EA92D15EEE48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this retard never read Brave New World or really any dystopian novel?

>> No.15868166

I don't think Cyberpunk is leftist per se. It's still individualistic. Though it's critical of globalism, abuse of freedoms (in market in other fields). It's more libertarian than left.

>FREE market
>capitalist OPRESSION

>> No.15868180

Are Leftists for or against globalism?

>> No.15868224

>prevalent AIDS transmission,
this is a dead horse that was beaten long before you were born

>pedophilic tendencies amongst its members,
pedophilia is statistically more prevalent per capita among straight people. moreover, you do know where you are, correct? 4ch is pro pedophilia by default. so is the catholic church, evidently

>as well as brainwashing children from an early age by bringing them to these parades where they become witnesses of all sorts of degeneracy
yes seeing an old faggot in assless chaps probably doesn't do wonders to your mental health, i agree. but what you need to understand is that you live in a bubble, and your entire experience with homosexuals is cherrypicked hyperbole by people that have already presupposed the points they're trying to prove. you need to think for yourself and stop getting all your opinions second-hand

>> No.15868235

Cyberpunk is apolitical. It's unusual for anyone in a cyberpunk universe to have overt political consciousness. Corporations typically have overtaken the government as the primary governing bodies through the use of private militaries. The system is usually anarcho-capitalist, having dissolved the body-politic to a market where only money talks. The society degenerates into a chemed up, selfish, violent and unidealistic Hobbesian dystopia.

>> No.15868264

Deckard in Bladerunner/Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep was a law enforcer. PKD wasn't a good little leftist in any meaningful sense. The cyberpunk dystopia is on the surface a critique of corporatist neofeudalism but you could just as well see it as a pessimistic aesthetic that the artist feels is inescapable

>> No.15868282

For but it has to be muh commie global worker paradise or some shit

>> No.15868286

Here this is a resource for being in abusive lgbt relationships. Its not like its some hidden fact that abuse happens in those also, but you seem fixated on it here. The reason media dont want to make a whole article on it is because neocons will immediately jump on it and use it for justification to genocide gays. Again, why do you focus particularly on abuse committed in LGBT communities, but not the general abuse of men and women, no matter their sexual preference?

Youre being a moron. You blame your own biases on the people you hate, because its the only way to justify your illogical views. "If I have hateful thoughts, its because you made me!".

Youre arguing in bad faith or playing dumb. There is a pride parade to celebrate all the adversity they have overcome. It used to literally be classified as a mental illness and gays would be locked up in facilities. Is that not something to celebrate, just like labor day or the 4th of july? for fuck sake.

If you seriously think gays are a sacred protected group, youre delusional. People have been killed / fired from their job / denied having a fucking cake baked because of their sexuality. You appeal to law and say "see we all have the same rights!", but in reality those rights are often tread on. The law in itself does nothing if people dont value it, and people in the USA dont fucking value the rights of gay people a lot of times. Are you so delusional, that you think there are more gay than straight people in media in general? I mean most news presenters etc are straight, so thats the representation youre talking about. Straight representation is everywhere, but now that there are some gay representation you feel threatened. Im a marxist so I dont agree with quotas either, and would rather overthrow the whole capitalist class and have everything owned by workers.

Okay, you think most gays are deviants, thats a personal feeling not grounded in logic. I think most conservatives are retards, but I acknowledge thats just how im feeling, and I dont base my political views on my feelings.

I can hear you are into conformity though, which is a more right wing trait normally speaking. I dont personally think that shit is good either to dress up like that etc, but I blame the people and dont make intellectual shortcomings like generalisations.

Seeing as you dont know the majority of gays, you cannot think that most of them are deviants. Youre contradicting yourself here. Either you judge a person based on their actions, or you judge them based on identity, appearance and assumptions.

>> No.15868316

Leftism is about individual freedoms over material wealth, brainlet. What do you think for example anarchists want?
And how can right wingers be individualistic, when they constantly want everyone to conform to a certain standard in society? There is something called social libertarianism, which is the original version before libertarianism became coopted by morons in the USA who didnt like the state, but didnt want to be called AnCaps.

>> No.15868321

>this is a dead horse that was beaten long before you were born
Just because the topic has been discussed ad nauseum for decades now, doesn't mean it should be disregarded as something trivial and irrelevant.

>pedophilia is statistically more prevalent per capita among straight people.
Of course it is, since straight people make up a lot bigger percentage of the world population. But that doesn't mean that there aren't any such cases in the LGBTQ community

>moreover, you do know where you are, correct? 4ch is pro pedophilia by default. so is the catholic church, evidently
Above I said that I no longer trust those religious institutions

>yes seeing an old faggot in assless chaps probably doesn't do wonders to your mental health, i agree. but what you need to understand is that you live in a bubble, and your entire experience with homosexuals is cherrypicked hyperbole by people that have already presupposed the points they're trying to prove. you need to think for yourself and stop getting all your opinions second-hand
Yes, everything that shows you in bad light is cherrypicked and totally biased, sure

>> No.15868330

>The government literally passed laws to outlaw abortion. How is this not power?
Because it went through the court system and failed to stick.
> The president literally uses police, national guard and military for his personal interests
And that's why the riots in opposition to him are continuing without any real suppression, right?
The US government by design is too inefficient for any part of it to have powers beyond control. Private entities tend to me much better at exerting themselves on the individual because they weren't designed to be that way. The universities have not only monopolized access to to the highest ranks in government and industry but all social mobility in general. Due to the mutualistic relationship held by businesses and universities (as I'm sure you'll point out, this is a false dichotomy), the individual is practically held hostage by the latter if they want to improve their life in any capacity, let alone enter the upper echelons of society. The direct influence universities have over the educated labor force before they begin their careers makes them the uniquely powerful in shaping the activities of all business that depend on educated labor.
They support certain aspects of it and oppose others. It's honestly kinda complicated.

>> No.15868342

dont talk when you dont know what youre saying.

It depends, but some leftists are critical of globalism as it has only really been about international trade and not so much about actually connecting with people. In fact modern globalism has fialed as EU considered building a fence to keep immigrants out, and separate the west from the third world even more. Most leftists want the third world to become free of the capitalist structures and corruption that plague their nations and for corporations to stop exploiting their labor. So leftists are oriented towards globalisation, but in the sense that we want global capitalism to stop fucking the third world in the ass.

>> No.15868356

I’m glad. Because I got plugged last night by two beefcakes and a British saddleback, and you’re more of a faggot than me.

>> No.15868362

The only worthwhile political distinction is between friend and enemy

>> No.15868381

So you want a stronger government to crack down on the people? This sounds a lot like fascism.

Also I agree, late stage capitalism has created a meritocracy that the universities are benefitting from. Thats why universities should not take money from people, so everyone can join and get educated. Most people in academia are liberals in most aspects.

Some people can enter the upper echelons of society without university. Do you know how? This is going to shock you.
People born into massive wealth. They literally dont have to do anything but inherit the money printer their parents had and just have to worry about how to further fuck over the normal people.

>> No.15868388

>Most leftists want the third world to become free of the capitalist structures and corruption that plague their nations and for corporations to stop exploiting their labor.

Doesn't this kind of fly in the face of people that lament controlled immigration, i.e. people who propose open borders (which, to me, reeks of globalism), as being racist? i.e. we can help the third world without having to move those people -- if that makes sense.

>> No.15868391

>If you seriously think gays are a sacred protected group
They are. Making sexuality (rather than sublimation, chastity and transcendence) a core building block in the conception of yourself, society and politics is an effective way to firmly root a populace in the flesh, in unrelenting materialism. Celebrating gayness or your sexual identity is a cudgel for this kind of thinking

>> No.15868416
File: 857 KB, 600x536, tfsmg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a marxist

>> No.15868440

But sexuality has always been a building block of the conception of the normal citizen. Gays have been persecuted, based on sexuality. So sexuality has always mattered.
Since you talk about unrelenting materialism I dont know if your stance is a spiritual / christian one, or youre against consumerism. Which is it?

>> No.15868459

Society is inherently trapped within the containment of meaning because, without the containment of meaning by society, meaning cannot be discussed. Faggot.

>> No.15868483

How can you rationalize to yourself that being against private property is pro-individual freedoms? How can you rationalize that being for private property is anti-individualistic?

>> No.15868486

Yes exactly. Which is why I and some other leftists are very skeptical about globalism as part of the neoliberal project, as it hasnt been a globalisation for people, but for commodities.
Global trade has been widespread, but at the same time we are more and more chastising the third world people and isolating the West from the rest of the world. But still the global corporations do business with poorer nations to get their resources and labor, which only benefits the capitalists in those nations. The average worker in Bangladesh is getting heavily exploited by Western clothing companies, but H&M for example dont give a fuck because its cheap labor. It shows the hypocrisy that "the globalisation is to unite humanity globally", but in reality its detrimental to both the workers in the west having their jobs outsources, and its detrimental to the exploited workers in the thrid world who suffer under terrible working conditions. The only one benefitting from it is the global corporations and their investors who grow richer from all of this, and us the consumers who try to forget about our way of life being actively built upon exploitation.

>> No.15868491

>Here this is a resource for being in abusive lgbt relationships.
This is abuse between the people engaged in a relationship. I was talking about abuse of children, not of adult gay couples.

>Youre being a moron. You blame your own biases on the people you hate, because its the only way to justify your illogical views. "If I have hateful thoughts, its because you made me!".
That's a pretty childish way to represent what I just said. I already thoroughly explained my viewpoints towards the LGBTQ community and why they have to blame no one but themselves for the opinions the general public holds against them.

>Youre arguing in bad faith or playing dumb. There is a pride parade to celebrate all the adversity they have overcome. It used to literally be classified as a mental illness and gays would be locked up in facilities. Is that not something to celebrate, just like labor day or the 4th of july? for fuck sake.
No one on labour day or 4th of July dresses like a degenerate butt-naked, dresses like a dog in a black leather suit, and performs dry-humping into one another in front of children.

>If you seriously think gays are a sacred protected group, youre delusional. People have been killed / fired from their job / denied having a fucking cake baked because of their sexuality.
Yes, they were killed for that more than 150 years ago, and were denied those rights more than half a decade ago. And now you have achieved them.

>You appeal to law and say "see we all have the same rights!", but in reality those rights are often tread on. The law in itself does nothing if people dont value it, and people in the USA dont fucking value the rights of gay people a lot of times.
How so?

>Are you so delusional, that you think there are more gay than straight people in media in general? I mean most news presenters etc are straight, so thats the representation youre talking about. Straight representation is everywhere, but now that there are some gay representation you feel threatened.
I was talking figuratively here - my point was that you already have your share of representation in the media, movies etc.

>Okay, you think most gays are deviants, thats a personal feeling not grounded in logic.
I think that I already grounded my opinions on logic in the above replies.

>I think most conservatives are retards, but I acknowledge thats just how im feeling, and I dont base my political views on my feelings.
Neither do I

>Seeing as you dont know the majority of gays, you cannot think that most of them are deviants. Youre contradicting yourself here. Either you judge a person based on their actions, or you judge them based on identity, appearance and assumptions.
Yes, I judge those people on their actions I see them make on those parades, and I think that's enough to conclude any assumptions of mine.

>> No.15868508

half a century ago*

>> No.15868527

>overwhelming right-wing modern thought is associated with free market capitalism
Cite a source or stfu.

>> No.15868550

Private property is not the same as personal property.
There is no freedom in being an interchangeable laborer who is in danger of losing their home if they get fired.
Private property is essentially owning something that you dont use personally. So I own a whole factory, but I never step foot in it. Where as personal property is my home, my car, my toothbrush, my machines, my computers, my whatever I use. The idea is that private companies are a very authoritarian structure that people suffer under, because we need money to pay for rent, food etc.
However if we removed this financial pressure from everyone, and coopted the factory for example, so everyone essentially owned their own labor, there would be a 1 to 1 payout of the value the worker produced and the payout they receive. So since there is no private owner, the profit goes to all the workers combined. This would ensure greater personal freedom as it would ensure more autonomy and less financial stress for each individual and they would be more financially free to drive whatever car they like, live where they like etc.
There are many assumptions / premises im leaving out here, but those are part of marxism, like material conditions being the basis for society and class systems etc.
The way private property works is that I take freedom from others and gain it for myself. Especially when it comes to profits which should (according to marxists) go to the workers and not one guy who has his name on some piece of paper and dicks around all day.

>> No.15868552

>Yes, they were killed for that more than 150 years ago, and were denied those rights more than half a decade ago. And now you have achieved them.
Uhhhh more than 80% of both African and Islamic nations criminalize homosexuality. Egyptians voted in laws which sent gays to prison. By "you" I guess you mean white people right?

>> No.15868560

>So you want a stronger government to crack down on the people? This sounds a lot like fascism.
Never made that claim. I was merely disputing that the government is the center of power that you made it out to be.

>Some people can enter the upper echelons of society without university. Do you know how? This is going to shock you. People born into massive wealth. They literally dont have to do anything but inherit the money printer their parents had and just have to worry about how to further fuck over the normal people.
Most of these people get a fancy degree to legitimize them.

>> No.15868575

everyone in blm protests was a monkey, regardless of color of their skin

>> No.15868648
File: 12 KB, 618x114, search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See my picture. Why are you so obsessed with connecting pedophilia to LGBT?

Youre arguing as if your opinion is the general public. There is a lot to blame on how gays are perceived such as your own biases. People have for decades viewed gays unfavorably, and do you think its their own fault? Is it a childs own fault that their pictures are viewed by pedophiles as pornography, or is it a womens fault that she gets raped and is viewed by her rapist as a slut?

No, but they celebrate those days. I already said I am not a fan of that dressed up leather stuff in front of children, but youre using that to justify your views of gay people as deviants. Deviants are deviants, and they can be gay or straight.

Those things are somewhat achieved, but many still harbor ill will towards them. Theyre not fighting to become a special protected group, but to not be a group discriminated against.

The laws in themself only hold power in so far as they are uphold by citizens. If majority of people dont care about the laws and go around harassing gay people, the law doesnt matter. Its the same with black people being incarcerated at a much higher rate, and getting longer prison sentences. Nowhere in the law does it say that black people should get longer prison sentences, but the personal bias of those in the justice system makes it so.

Why is representation in media bothering you? If gay people truly are equal citizens you wouldnt be bothered about seeing them on a tv screen. It would be no different than seeing a straight person. But it annoys you, so clearly you think less of them.

You didnt ground it in logic, but rationalising them. Everyone rationalises, even terrorists. "I blow up the world trade center to get back at the USA!", meanwhile they blew up a bunch of random people who had nothing to do with them or has done anything to them. Its the same rationalisation youre doing: "I hate gays, theyre all deviants!" But you havent met the majority of gay people. You have an assumption of them, based on personal bias, because you think being gay is the same as being deviant or a pedophile or whatever. Its a feeling you have, not one based on statistics or the actions of most gay people.

But you can only judge the people doing those actions. Else I could judge you as a pedophile and a fucking retard for psoting on 4chan, since that is my assumption of everyone on this board. But I cant know if you are like this, its just my personal bias and feelings making me think this way.

Also im not gay myself.

>> No.15868665

By 'you' I meant the LGBTQ people in the West as a whole. And of course homosexuality is still considered a punishable sin by those Muslim countries. But the question is: why don't you fly directly to those countries and organize your parades there? Show your support to the gay people there who have to spend their days in fear of being stoned to death.

>> No.15868684

It is the center of power. Its literally in charge of most things in a country, and having Donald Trump as president means neocons has a lot of government support.

And that fancy degree is meaningless as they're still born into wealth. It doesnt matter what they do, they could literally sit on their ass and rake in money.

>> No.15868688
File: 16 KB, 288x450, 0A45E93B-F2D7-4D4A-9880-D8B79FA26ACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wut? Plenty of activism is being done in those parts of the world. How is this even a response?

>> No.15868692

Youre arguing in bad faith. You know full well that using the term monkey about a BLM protest is racist.
There is no basis for racism, it is rooted in anger, ignorance and fear. Its a hysteric condition almost.

>> No.15868705

You dont actually care about the fight for gay rights in muslim countries, youre only trying to justify your own biases against gay people.

>> No.15868720

actually, i'd say you should get your racism checked if black lives equate monkeys to you instead of a pet monkey being just that

>> No.15868761

>pet monkeys of the democrats
You know full well what you said, and the connotations your statements bear.

>> No.15868774

There is a third position you know...

>> No.15868805

>you're not going to find it. Cyberpunk by definition is leftist
There's something reassuring in someone saying your side is going to win with grim certainty, you know? Honestly I wonder if that's why /pol/ types stopped using "communist" as a scare word.

>> No.15868854

Neocons larping as counter culture is cringe. The president of USA is alt right MAGA kekistani faggot.

>> No.15868925

>See my picture. Why are you so obsessed with connecting pedophilia to LGBT?
I'm sure that some 'scientific research' will simply make me believe that there are no cases in pedophilia among LBGTQ groups at all, like it's not like the media and different research institutions aren't owned by those same people who constantly feed up society up with various kinds of degeneracy propaganda on tv shows, movies, reality shows, etc. (for reference search the name 'Yuri Bezmenov' on YouTube and watch his interviews and lectures. Oh, wait! I forgot that you revealed yourself as a Marxist, so you'll probably disregard him).

>People have for decades viewed gays unfavorably, and do you think its their own fault?
But we're talking about present time. The predicaments they had to constantly endure in the past are no longer extant.

>Is it a childs own fault that their pictures are viewed by pedophiles as pornography, or is it a womens fault that she gets raped and is viewed by her rapist as a slut?
That's a fallible comparison - we're not talking here about pictures, we're talking about children who have been dragged to those parades to witness that degeneracy; we're talking about children who have been molested by those same people.

>Deviants are deviants, and they can be gay or straight.
I didn't say ALL gays are deviants, just the majority of them. Learn to read

>Theyre not fighting to become a special protected group, but to not be a group discriminated against.
What discrimination? People have been literally fired from their jobs from daring to express their disapproval on some topic or another concerning the LGBTQ community

>If majority of people dont care about the laws and go around harassing gay people, the law doesnt matter.
Who is harassing them?

>Its the same with black people being incarcerated at a much higher rate
This is a whole different topic that you try to use as a sort of leverage to your own argument

>Why is representation in media bothering you?
Who said that it bothers me? I just pointed out that you have your fair representative share in those fields

>You didnt ground it in logic, but rationalising them. Everyone rationalises, even terrorists. "I blow up the world trade center to get back at the USA!", meanwhile they blew up a bunch of random people who had nothing to do with them or has done anything to them.
Comparing me to a terrorist is purely retarded. I rationalized my opinion on the mere fact that deviancy is a degenerate thing and that children shouldn't be allowed to attend these parades.

>But you havent met the majority of gay people.
Again, my assumptions are grounded on picture and video materials such as the above ones. And no, I don't claim that gay = deviant. For god's sake, how many times do I have to repeat that to you?

>> No.15868926

anarchists want to be violently subjugated. their ideology guarantees that outcome

>> No.15868941

i use my computer to make a living and to call you a niggerfaggot
is it personal property or private property?

>> No.15868956

>What do you actually have in common with a guy like Donald Trump, except white skin? Do you think he cares about you?
Thank you, Jesus. The man is a dumb narcissist. He told his Twitter followers to inject bleach to fight off Coronavirus and someone fucking believed him.
You idiots FORGOT that you voted him in as a meme. Why are you defending him?

>> No.15868961

Whether I care or not is my business. Don't try to evade my question, but answer it: why don't you directly support your fellow gay brothers and sisters by going directly to those countries, but instead make your own parades in countries where you've already achieved what you want?

>> No.15868968

dangerously based, this is the final stage they don’t want you to be at

>> No.15868971

By the way, step away from politics for a while. I can tell you're disgusted and that stress is going to fuck you up.

>> No.15868982

checked, based deepchad

>> No.15869123

This whole post is sophomoric idiocy.
>Private property is not the same as personal property.
Yes it is. Why are leftists unable to argue without redifining or flat out inventing words to suit their agenda?
>There is no freedom in being an interchangeable laborer who is in danger of losing their home if they get fired.
I agree, however this statement has absolutely nothing to do with private property. Take for example the self-employed carpenter. He makes his living by building, maintaining, and repairing private property. He also "owns his own labor".
>Private property is essentially owning something that you dont use personally.
This moronic statement is patently false. Even if your factory owner steps foot in his factory, he is still using it for his own personal financial gain.
>So since there is no private owner, the profit goes to all the workers combined.
Reducing people to a monolithic entity and forcing them to act in the manner you deem correct? And you consider rightists to be about conforming? Removing the private owner simply creates a power vacuum. It will be filled, and not by all of "the workers'.
>The way private property works is that I take freedom from others and gain it for myself.
No. The way that private property works is that you exclusively maintain certain freedoms and rights to do as you will with your own property.

>> No.15869167

>tucker carlson
listen to his own words in this vide, yeah its vox but, he clearly says he plays a role which a lot of people like when he goes against capitalism

>> No.15869183
File: 60 KB, 904x392, 0983405939453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The term "punk" means to be deviant, defiant, or against.
Anyone by this defintion can be "punk" so long as they have something to resist. This is yet another example of how Leftists fail to use Language correctly and only use it in weaponized formats. It is quintessential NewSpeak garbage.

>Right wing thought is about conformity/indoctrination
While at the same time Jamal Mosley calls "Cyberbunk" a "leftist" defined word. Thereby linking it with a group identity which already means conformity and because "leftist" is an abstract (and rather poor) term to define a loose set of ideological thought it's therefore another form of indoctrination in order to fit into the "leftist" narrative. I won't even waste my time on the rest of the terms that Mosley links with "right wing thought" because it's self-explanatory that Mosley is your typical Marxist soaked indoctrinated mutt.

>Every virtue the Right winger extolls, the punk sees through and resists.
But of course what Mosley means is that the "punk" accepts his ideology and destroys all wrongthinkers. These people have absolutely no concept of reality and live in a bubble of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

>> No.15869189

Sieg Kaiser Reinhard.

>> No.15869202

>globalization bad
>but we must have open borders and destroy all european identity because muh ideologically loaded buzzword of "racism"
yep another one to add on the list

>> No.15869219
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>> No.15869227

Stupid bait.

>> No.15869251

>It's another "Deranged Ideologue" tries to apply political traits to a fiction genre

>> No.15869449

We live in a period where the elite themselves are incredibly fractured. This gives them all the opportunity to think that they're rebels fighting against whatever is holding them back.

>> No.15869541

Cyberpunk by nature is anti-corporate and anti-globalism. That's all there is to it. And being anti-corporate it not a political stance, nor a stance against capitalism.

>> No.15869574

>left good
>right bad

Pic related guy is naive if he thinks politics is so easy. Clearly its not like he thinks

>> No.15869584

Leo Strauss and Carl Schmitt

>> No.15869600

>Punk is leftist by definition
Except there is right wing punk even nazi punk so that's wrong.

>> No.15869619

Sometimes I doubt Tucker but the fact alone that he had Andrew Yang on his show more than any other cable network says something

>> No.15869636
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>> No.15869806

cyberpunk is a critique of neoliberalism. it's an imaginary future where neoliberalisim has reached it's logical conclusion. it has wealth inequality, body modifications as another product to consume, rampant drug use, the rich becoming so disconnected from the average life they become literally inhuman, brutalist utilitarian architecture plastered with advertisements, incredible technology that isn't used to improve anyone's life or is out of reach for the average person, corporate control of politics, and a general depressing atmosphere

every theme is present in the modern day, cyperpunk exaggerates it. i don't think it's inherently left wing or right wing, it doesn't offer a solution. you could write a very right wing cyberpunk novel or a very left wing one, it's genre fiction.

>> No.15870382


>> No.15870394

no he was left

>> No.15870408
File: 94 KB, 720x720, 1594364819778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are conservatives so obsessed with playing the role of the underdog and rebelling against the dominant culture when in fact they're the ones in charge?

>> No.15870414

I can just tell that this was made by a pretentious idiot.

>> No.15870809
File: 424 KB, 817x1009, F6B1689E-5578-4F02-AE61-1A9616BD1021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ladies, ladies, your BOTH oppressed!

>> No.15870922

The norm is psycho commie leftist though. The media, corporations, the most corrupt segments of the state... the abusive, creepy, controlling, exploitative status quo... it's all leftist. Being a decent human being is an act of defiance. NOT wanting to burn your own history and heritage is deviant. Having morals is counterculture. Wanting to raise a family rather than take a million dicks up your ass and die of AIDS is "deviant."

You don't get to call yourself punk if you can turn on the nightly news and see your ideology represented positively.

>> No.15870931

>corporations are leftist
Based retard

>> No.15870962

Corporations push whatever ideology gives them more power. You're quibbling because they're not "true believers" instead of addressing the fact that they provide billions in material support for the communist/liberal/leftist(same thing, weasels!) agenda and use their positions of power to actively suppress alternatives.

>> No.15870969

I don't think punk is for you. Try Jimmy Buffet, his crowd really likes parrots, you'll fit right in.

>> No.15871048

Conflating communists and liberals because they're both on the "left" is like saying rabbits and cats are the same thing because they're both "fluffy". American liberals are on the same category of capitalist as their Republican opponents and merely have some disagreements on social issues. Communists almost by definition are opposed to capitalism altogether, and I'm not aware of any major effort by corporations to bankroll communists.

>> No.15871720
File: 133 KB, 1440x1080, 1472699977705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope more of the left can reach this level of self-awareness. Watching opportunistic reactionary clowns take advantage of our intransigence and play us like a fiddle day after day frustrates me to no end. Like god damn, people, whatever happened to "don't feed the troll"?

Quality take

>> No.15872058
File: 72 KB, 876x614, nfpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course she is wrong

>> No.15872149

>you think the left started out as commies?
Most leftists are more focused on idpol than on commie shit these days

>> No.15872324

>Nick "gay date" fuentes

>> No.15872532
File: 167 KB, 1609x1393, 1569067027659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatives aren't really in charge tho (if you're talking about the Trump administration), they're just used as a controlled opposition. Divide and conquer, goy

>> No.15872648

'Cyberpunk' is a description of the world of that genre not a description of a political program that the genre is involved in. So no unless he thinks he is part of a subculture called 'Cyberpunk,' but as we know subcultures have become impossible.

>> No.15872669

The Aristocrat refuses to justify himself to the plebian,

>> No.15872710


>> No.15872717


Wow, another neo-Marxist WORDS WORDS WORDS snoozefest.