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/lit/ - Literature

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15865229 No.15865229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15865233
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Xi's country is falling apart with the floods and incoming famines, and he'll probably be ousted soon. He may not even have control of the military.

>> No.15865237


>> No.15865247

India is doing much better.

>> No.15865250
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Extremely based, Westoids fear the power of Dengism.

>> No.15865251
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>India is doing much better.

>> No.15865255

How does it feel to know that India isn't currently half underwater, unlike China's agricultural heartland?

India is better than China.

>> No.15865263

it's pretty obvious you're coping when you have to mock people losing their livelihoods

>> No.15865264

Sweet, now do amount of people being raised out of poverty and industrial growth.

>> No.15865272

We just had an Indian in here decrying his nation’s decent into theocracy

>> No.15865283

The Chinese people have nothing to lose and everything to gain by losing the corrupt CCP, a military junta and capitalist regime.

Sweet, now do Xi not showing his face for weeks and repeatedly insisting on the loyalty of the military for no reason.

China number two. India is better than China.

>> No.15865288


>> No.15865299

Didn't Indian just lose territory and troop to a couple of Chinamans with sticks

>> No.15865298

>now do Xi not showing his face for weeks
Nigga what are you talking about? https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/xi-says-anti-epidemic-cooperation-becomes-new-highlight-of-china-singapore-ties/ar-BB16KaIj

>> No.15865310

What does that have to do with India holding together under coronavirus and NOT being full of water, while China falls apart under coronavirus and is currently full of water?

Stay focused, Chang! China is a shitty country and will fall apart soon.

Try again Hong. China number THREE now.

>> No.15865320
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>t. seething liberal Hong Konger

>> No.15865329


A third volume has just been released, and is available (in English) in-principle, but I suspect that they're not bothering trying to market it at all, this time, based on total lack of interest from anyone who isn't a foreign policy wonk or a /lit/ autist. Amazon lists a far lower price for the tome than what the first two volumes were going for a few years ago. And then there's the fact that the third volume is just a little bit longer, again. Like five or so more dreary speeches, perhaps.

I would expect that Xi's speeches will continue to be collected in this way, but I seriously doubt whether the series-translation into multiple languages will continue, even as a vanity project. However, this view may be somewhat premature. Perhaps in a few months the third volume will trickle down into other Anglo distributorships. Tuttle publishing, the solution for the first two, is not yet carrying it. About a year ago, before covid, I was in a local university bookstore and I saw that they had a copy of volume 1 in stock, only time I've seen it in a physical store.

>> No.15865343

Don't be upset.

Do you think Xi will continue to publish after he loses his position? The Chinese people are sick of him and associate all China's recent failures with him personally. If he steps down, he may be able to buy the CCP a few more years before it falls apart too.

But now the military is rebelling against the CCP whenever there is a crisis. I hope China doesn't enter into any wars or they would be crushed since the military is so bad.

>> No.15865345
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>tfw the only threads about Chinese literature are /pol/ shitposters who think Mao and Xi are "based" and people asking what the best translation of Journey to the West is with no intention of ever reading it
>tfw no threads on the based civil war era literature, or the based magical realists Ma Jian and Mo Yan

>> No.15865353

Modi's neoliberal policies have fucked over Indias poor which make up a make of the population in order to appease the business class and China just fucked over India in Iran with a 400 billion dollar deal not to mention China's got turkey, Sri Lanka, central asia and Africa in it's fold

>> No.15865355

>Don't be upset.
No need to be, China keeps winning. It just got Hong Kong completely in its hand, with foreign recognition no less.

>> No.15865368

So you're saying China's recent failures are further isolating it economically, right as it has shortages of US currency and scandals about fake gold collateral for loans?

Wow. China number four.

No one is saying India is great, Wang. But India number two, maybe number one, if China number four like >>15865355 is saying.

>> No.15865379

Who is behind the China spam?

>> No.15865380

Poverty have been fucking India in the ass since partition you pathetic fucking faggot

>> No.15865385


I'm not up-to-the minute with China, but any suggestion that communist Chinese state apparatus is having trouble gladdens my heart, so thanks for that suggestion, although I suspect that this may be wishful thinking from a Hong Kong citizen.

>> No.15865390

I am interested in Chinese history and language, recently finished "Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China", an excellent book on the Chinese reforms under Deng with lots of fairly obscure information, like the recollections of meetings at homes of the leaders where they discuss internal affairs. For obvious reasons it's a bit hard to find stuff on internal politics and what a group of 5-7 of authoritarians are talking about at home.
First I have heard Ma Jian when a former British governor of Hong Kong promoted him on Project Syndicate. What of his works do you consider the best introduction to him?

>> No.15865396

Where do I start with understanding modern China?

>> No.15865407

>glownwords take the bait on the upteenth china thread

read atlas shrugged unironically

>> No.15865424
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What are you saying about China currently being flooded and having a famine, an economic crisis, and a disloyal military? Wow, China is collapsing.

Nah in all seriousness the entire world is beginning to turn on China. Economists have been talking about how the country is one giant economic bubble for 20 years. The only reason people sidestepped the issue for so long is because China's (phony, existing-in-theory-only) money still had some influence, but now that the cracks are beginning to show, everyone will bail on it in a cascade.

The CCP might try to force a war, but that's about it, and the only way they maintained the military was through good old fashioned Chinese corruption. There are barely any real soldiers in it.

Did either of you post the informative recommendations for literature on the Cultural Revolution the other day?

>> No.15865425

Don't ask me, I myself learn Chinese to start browsing the Chinese web and discover their mentality

>> No.15865429

>So you're saying China's recent failures are further isolating it economically, right as it has shortages of US currency and scandals about fake gold collateral for loans?
Gigacope, Chinese industrial output is still rising.

>> No.15865435

you realize your post makes china sound way worse than india

>> No.15865442

I did not but recently I saw a very good thread related to Cultural Revolution on /his/ as well, I guess the rising tide of popularity of Cultural Revolution and Mao's era is linked to Trump comparing the American left to the Red Guards

>> No.15865450

>Oh herro!

Hello, any literature on China's bubble-based economy with no substance underlying it? Or how China's economy was once based on overproducing cheap goods by 10000%, but world markets don't want them anymore and China has nothing to transition to?

Or how about these entire ghost cities, full of fake empty buildings

>> No.15865455

Advice: Don't Mainlander chinese are even more radically nationalist than the CCCP. Would gladly nuke japan or other countries.

LOL at the glownword believing china will become westernized liberal if the CCP were ousted.

>> No.15865456

don't know if you've noticed, but wumaos have a hilarious way of self-owning themselves because of their hyper nationalism and dick measuring contests
>normal person: "hmmm the ccp seems bad on a couple of fronts here's my criticism ..."
>wumao: "ackually, china is 1000x as bad as you say it is, and that is good, if you disagree, china will crush you in put you in camps"

>> No.15865459
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lol imagine believing the fake chink numbers

>> No.15865460
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>> No.15865462

>China's bubble-based economy with no substance underlying it?
This is literally the opposite of the truth lmao. China has immense industrial capability, while the US economy is essentially just a game of paper exchange. China still has some of the fastest growing GDP in the world.

>> No.15865465

>China number five

I can't believe it, thanks for letting me know. India is better than China. India would beat China in a war easily, hahaha. China army weak!

>> No.15865469
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>> No.15865471

Even if the Chinese are entirely lying, that still doesn't diminish the economic realities of their growth.

>> No.15865472

Chinas bad by mutt standards doesn't mean china bad cletus

>> No.15865476
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>> No.15865480
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>> No.15865483
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>> No.15865484

>some rural peasant slaves will drown, now this will surely make China collapse.

Get crushed glowie

>> No.15865489

Shouldn't you be licking the president's asshole right now Pompeo, stop shitposting and go perfom you duties as Trumps cumslut

>> No.15865497
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>even if not real still real





>> No.15865506

There's only so much lying that could possible be done. If you doubt that China hasn't experienced massive economic growth since the Dengist reforms, I suggest you go around your house and count the things that say made in China on them.

>> No.15865509
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>> No.15865521

Even if 50% of the Chinese GDP is fake, which is an absolutely ridiocolous number, Chinese GDP per capita remains twice as big as the Indian stats.

>> No.15865522
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>“China as a Whole is a Ponzi Unit”: Victor Shih

Victor Shih says a surge in leverage to over 300% of GDP have transformed the Chinese economy into a “Ponzi unit” that is highly vulnerable to financial catastrophe in the medium-term.

Should the interest servicing for this leverage exceed nominal incremental GDP growth, borrowers will need to service their debts by obtaining new credit, which would make “China more of a Ponzi unit, [requiring] new credit to service interest payments,” and lead to further acceleration in debt growth.

While the other alternative would involving the servicing of interest via a rising share of income for households, firms or government, Shih says that this would be “tantamount to a massive tax which will slow growth for an extended period.”

Shih sees the first scenario playing out in China, with incremental nominal GDP growth lagging total interest service on credit by a wide margin since 2012.

“Chinas a whole is a Ponzi unit,” writes Shih. “Total interest payments from June of 2016 to June of 2017 exceeded increment increase in nominal GDP by roughly 8 trillion RMB.

“This was not always the case…prior to 2011 incremental nominal GDP roughly matched or even exceed interest payments.

“The advent of high-yielding shadow banking led to the explosive growth in interest payments, and thus the need to capitalise interest payments, starting in 2012.

“To be sure, the Chinese government has succeeded in avoiding the bursting of the asset bubble, but this has been achieved by a greater degree of leveraging.”

Shih highlights four factors that could serve as potential triggers for a financial crisis on the back of China’s precarious debt quandary – a household sector crash, a shadow banking panic, capital flight, and an abrupt suspension of international credit.

>Key Part of China Shadow Banking Faces Doubling of Defaults
>China’s $3 trillion trust industry, a key alternative source of funds for weaker companies, risks sending shock waves through the nation’s financial system with defaults among its investment products predicted to double this year under the strains of the coronavirus outbreak.

>China's Hidden Capital Flight Surges to Record High
>China Hidden Capital Flight at a Record in 2019, IIF Says ...

>Capital Flight: Money Leaving China at Record Rate -

>Money has been leaving China at a record rate. Beijing is battling to stem the tide

>all of this is from months BEFORE the Three Gorges Dam, because of shoddy Chinese construction, failed to contain abnormal rainfall and the CCP chose to flood the entire Yangtze river valley (without warning because that would be embarrassing)

>> No.15865531

CPC has a 95% satisfaction rate among the general population. (And rising! Based on 13 years of Harvard data)
79% of Chinese perceive their country as democratic, contrary to 39% of Americans.

>> No.15865533

Damn what CIA sponsered thinktank cooked up this post? Hope you are eating good fella

>> No.15865537
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>> No.15865548

No, that post is for the wumaos to melt down and call a joint Modi/Hong Kong/CIA psyop. You read the wumao meltdowns, not the wumao bait itself.

>> No.15865549

That whole channel is a massive pajeet cope

>> No.15865552

Imagine trying to debate when you can't even read.

>> No.15865556

I'm sorry India is better than China but I can't do anything about it.

China should not fight India in a war, because India would win. China is about to fall apart.