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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 131 KB, 862x862, Destiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15863004 No.15863004 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for writings to elucidate how to begin effectively opposing people who have no interest in a philosophical debate and only want to debate empirical evidence.

>> No.15863009


>> No.15863018

Hegel, schmitt and the frankfurt school

>> No.15863032

Just ask them to examine their axioms. They’re operating within a false paradigm, so question the paradigm itself

>> No.15863039

can’t be done

>> No.15863046

Very few people change their minds during a debate. All that happens is both sides dig in and continue to repeat their slogans.

>> No.15863053

>people who have no interest in a philosophical debate and only want to debate empirical evidence.

Literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.15863054

Piggybacking this anon >>15863032
Frege is a good eye-opener as to why empirical knowledge is unhelpful.

>> No.15863067

Also another question if I may:

Do you guys think Destiny is smart? Can an honest well-read /lit user deconstruct all of his arguments?

I assume people who read the greats have access to higher ideas than anything he's peddling.

>> No.15863070

Why? Opposing liberals with empirical evidence is shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.15863071

Destiny is the brightest mind among any internet figure. He decimated the right. He decimated the far left. All without reading more than wikipedia, mainstream news articles, and jstor abstracts. If he actually went to university or did any deep reading at all he would be a god among men.

>> No.15863075

No he is a retard. I remember he said he was a dualist once lol.

>> No.15863081

i dont know but when you're done please debate him, cant wait to laugh my ass off

>> No.15863088
File: 482 KB, 1440x932, Screenshot_20200714-173013_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He won't debate me so no

>> No.15863096

destiny is the closest thing to socrates. and just like socrates, he's not even necessarily right about anything, he just makes everybody else look dumb as fuck

>> No.15863115

of course he will. he debates anyone, just email him the topic you want to debate about. if he's done the debate before then you should expand further.


>> No.15863145

You planning on debating Destiny? If so, please don't embarrass us and don't mention /lit/ if you do, just claim to be from /pol/ or something.

>> No.15863147

he's debated the same topic numerous times before

>> No.15863151

My bad, meant for >>15863004

>> No.15863155

All you have to do is be direct, confident, and logically consistent. Look at his debate with Mr. Metokur; Destiny loses his cool and resorts to ad hominem.

For example, in debate on systemic racism. The studies that have been done do not conclusively show the existence of systemic racism simply because there are other valid hypotheses that might explain the disparities. Culture, for example, may be the cause of disparity in sentencing; while "all confounds" are often said to be accounted for, this is never true. Courtroom and sentencing studies don't account for many things that have serious effects on the outcomes of trials such as collaboration with police and/or the prosecution, the quality of the lawyer employed in the defense, other mitigating and aggravating factors of the crime at hand that do not constitute other crimes, even courtroom demeanor. In fact there is all the reason in the world to see culture as a major valid hypothesis, and yet it is never explored.

>> No.15863158

Live debate is not the place for real intellectual discourse.

>> No.15863159


Boy o boy I can't wait to mention /lit/

>> No.15863166

You won't debate him lol

>> No.15863198
File: 20 KB, 200x308, Amusing Ourselves to Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell them that the medium they're using and the manner in which they've used it has done nothing but degrade the discourse.

>> No.15863211

I think I tried before, I really don't remember. It'd be great if I could. I tried calling in ben Shapiro but he ducked me then ranted about the government

>> No.15863220

how do you all know these fucking e-celebs and all the debates they've had, holy shit

>> No.15863254


>> No.15863272

He's had philosophical debates before. He's a psychological egoist. He just doesn't care about discussing utopian ideas that will never happen.

>> No.15863279

>He just doesn't care about discussing utopian ideas that will never happen.
So, Extremists don't stand a chance?

>> No.15863280


>> No.15863300

i never said otherwise. reread what i said

>> No.15863306

Didn't the chapo people write a whole book about this exact topic?

>> No.15863318

It's easy to advance the status quo. Think about it: All the studies to you cite are produced by entrenched institutions, like academia, which serve as the defenders of the status quo. You can find a million studies on institutionalized racism because such studies are produced day-in and day-out by academics who assume such theories to be true. Science, in most cases, follows politics and "paradigms." This is why the world changed after Copernicus. There was no way for the ancient political order to maintain its control over science. A new paradigm emerged, and that paradigm serves as a foundation for all "scientific" inquiry. People can't counter the methods used by academics, either. We can't all be "experts."

>> No.15863387

Try using violence
guns work pretty well

>> No.15863403

>People can't counter the methods used by academics
yeah they can
just kill them

this is the bottom of the issue
they will never stop and their lies will run everything straight to hell

>> No.15863513

Hell yeah

>> No.15863537

>identifies as a rawlsian
Wouldn't be too hard to btfo him if he talked with people that weren't smoothbrains

>> No.15863887

Can you elaborate? How would you go about BTFOing him?

>> No.15864001
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You dont debate them, you recognize their part in the dialectic of production and distribution and do your part in service of historical necessity.

tl;dr you shoot them.

>> No.15864017

>debating rather than discussing
Go back, sophist

>> No.15864037
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>Theory is a whore and rarely leads to revolutionary action

>> No.15864042

He's more intelligent than most purely because he seems to be able to justify his opinions but most of his stuff is just "my ideal world vs your ideal world" with no basis in reality.

>> No.15864055

yes there is. people who do that will always evalute emperical evidence in a particular lense, if you change that lense you change the outcome. it becomes contextual, contigent, and easy to make correlative evidence look like particular moral outcomes. learn statistics.

>> No.15864097

>gets his arguments on wikipedia
>gets fed talking points through IM
As long as he is in front of a computer, no, but I would like to see how smart and a good debater he is when he in front of a live audience and not being given talking points.

>> No.15864105

About what? I don't know too much about him, just watched him interview some Australian economist in a mutual masturbation session and heard him describe himself as a Rawlsian and a Rule Utilitarian, both of which are very susceptible to fair critiques.

>> No.15864111

Start with the truth.

>> No.15864137
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Based and MLpilled

>> No.15864284

It's impossible. Destiny literally knows every single argument, counter argument, and statistic you could throw at him. You literally can't defeat him.

>> No.15864302

His opinions are literally what's politically viable and makes the most sense logically.

>> No.15864306

At least Socrates had charisma

>> No.15864317

omg lmfao i didnt even realize how much iwould hate being in disagreement with this type until i saw this post.

imagine being in a room with virgil texas. how would you kill yourself?

how can hegel be used to concisely and effectively defeat policylibs??

>> No.15864388

>how can hegel be used to concisely and effectively defeat policylibs??
By saying some random shit they can't decipher thereby winning the debate.

>> No.15864422
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>watched 10 minutes of a destiny podcast earlier
>he spent the whole time calling everyone uneducated idiots not worthy of debating
>destiny was defending the use of the hard r in private
Is this par for the course or

>> No.15864439

70% of the time yes but the 30% is real debate both are very entertaining.

>> No.15864441

See, I can't know if you're a leftist or an alt-righter since he's done that to both recently.
Anyway, he's a skilled debater. The topic would probably have to specifically be about whether policy discussions are the end all be all. It would go there eventually anyway.

>> No.15864458

>make the most sense logically
>help niggers for being niggers and not for being poor

>> No.15864470

he's a total pseud who can only rattle off research study after research study

>> No.15864488

If he actually went to uni, he would get crushed in classroom debates because professors don't allow the use of smartphones so he couldn't get talking points from his paypigs.

>> No.15864517
File: 132 KB, 720x720, 1591233959687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread will be in the catalog for the next few days, meanwhile threads about literature die by the hundreds due to lack of replies. shove your eceleb's up your ass. niggers.

>> No.15864535

No one talks about literature in those threads anyways you dumb fuck

>> No.15864665

Nick Fuentes has already destroyed this dude multiple times lol

>> No.15864682

Really have any examples?

>> No.15864690

do you even understand the point your making? it should only take a fraction of a second for anyone to realize the society that you are suggesting is a disjointed dystopia that will never work, even if both A) niggers really are dumb, and B) you can properly define "niggers"

it's hard to believe people like you actually think at all. what is going through your head on a daily basis?

>> No.15864692

How can support someone who gets fucked this bad? How do you not have a single policy proposal lol?


>> No.15864712

being logical and viable does not mean can or will happen.
His fundamental ideological flaw is thinking the government cares about any of this shit and isnt just doing what makes lobbyists happy. Being correct and smart about what policies should be in place means absolutely nothing if you have zero power to change it nor are you actively trying to change it. Sitting in your chair being an armchair economist and an armchair political theorist and an armchair """activist""" and debating other armchair retards does nothing to help the problems you are speaking about.

>> No.15864715

continental philosophy handles that pretty well.
anything from the idealist vein.

>> No.15864718
File: 31 KB, 128x126, 1592543073965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get debating as an actual attempt to both examine both an opponents and your own ideas, but I don't get bloodsport debates. Seriously what do destiny/vaush/warski debates even accomplish. Even from a purely propaganda standpoint people are just going to side with whoever is defending the idea they started with. I wish people discussed theory instead of engaging in contests to see whose better at autistically citing studies.

Seriously what's the point?

>> No.15864727

He acknowledges lobbying but what other alternatives do you have other than trying to fix it through reform? Revolution is not viable.

>> No.15864735

The thought going on in my head as it pertains to this is that if anybody receives assistance from the government, the basis on which they receive assistance should be something majorly and definitively indicative of their low or disadvantaged status, ie being socioeconomically poor, rather than the content of melanin in their skin. I'm not sure what "disjointed dystopia" you think i'm suggesting that will never work, but please enlighten me. Unless you're just butthurt that I use the word "nigger".

>> No.15864736

It's fun to watch poltards squirm

>> No.15864737
File: 43 KB, 463x527, Destiny's Kryptonite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever JLP's philosophy is from.
A mix of the Bible and street wisdom.

>> No.15864749

I'm pretty sure I have seen every debate between him and Fuentes and he's never once made a decent argument Vs Destiny, he's too much of a coward to actually state his opinions.

>> No.15864762

Remember this is a guy who originally said dinosaurs weren't real and then amended his statement and said dinosaurs were real they just lived with humans.

>> No.15864764

It's called being a based nigga

>> No.15864768

truediltom came back, maybe he is worth following again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWnoBhCbOk0

>> No.15864801
File: 302 KB, 678x214, High Wis Low Int.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15864845

Nick is 100% right in that clip. His whole point is the political climate and trajectory of the country is baked in. The GOP is fucked. Whites are becoming a minority and current conditioning, overton window, is not ready for America First ideas at the moment (though they are gaining traction).

The funny thing is that as soon as Nick starts listing policies Destiny discounts them as unrealistic, but the entire point is about perceptability to ideas. He's just a sophist.

>> No.15864856
File: 126 KB, 562x800, hj40_a01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than any specific book, you should learn the opposing position intimately and come to appreciate its true strength and weaknesses.

That's what I did with the sum total of rightwingtard ideas, and why I cannot be bested in debate by a wingtard. As long as your mind is poisoned with strawmen you make an easy prey for any man who saw behind the veil of expedient rhetoric into the heart of things.

>> No.15864864

Literally every time he's engaged with him.

>> No.15864865

Destiny is boring as fuck, his debates consist entirely of gish galloping and reading off google search. The only redeeming value of watching the short jokes and cuck memes

>> No.15864873

*is the

>> No.15864895

That's probably because he's being smart about getting banned since conservative ideas are ones being censored. Destiny knows what he's doing when he tries to pry for some politically incorrect soundbite.

>> No.15864909

So they are just like communists as Destiny says. Just as utopian. Not feasible. No actual policies.

>> No.15864915

Bring up one example of his best btfo that sticks in your mind?

>> No.15864922

Do you believe dinosaurs lived with humans too?

>> No.15864941

An underrated but effective build.

>> No.15864978

Fuentes is a tard shut the fuck up

>> No.15865053

civil disobedience and trying to enact the policy and programs via the current means available.

>> No.15865082

AF has policies. Immigration moratorium, decency laws, pornography ban, end to foreign aid, end to foreign wars, gay marriage ban, etc. I'm having to explain again that political perception is not static, but you aren't listening.

Bringing up communism and revolutionaries being impractical is laughable considering what's been going with BLM. AF isn't even revolutionary, but obviously huge changes in power have happened countless times in history, so it's stupid to discount them as ineffective regardless of politics. Destiny is just being an autist like usual.

>> No.15865093

So again nothing that could ever pass. Communists want to abolish private property but it's not very feasible so what's the point in talking about it?

>AF isn't even revolutionary, but obviously huge changes in power have happened countless times in history, so it's stupid to discount them as ineffective regardless of politics
If a communist says the same thing it's just as valid.

>> No.15865102

You never answered if you believed dinosaurs lived with humans? Stop avoiding it.

>> No.15865115
File: 99 KB, 535x800, destiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15865117

>wahh destiny is gish galloping and reading off of google search
you do understand how pathetic this sounds right?

>> No.15865129

My personal favorites are when Fuentes brings up Destiny's pedo apologetics. Honestly, I do enjoy it when he just adhoms about how the guy is just a loser. "Poly" relationship, abandoned his kid, which was born out of wedlock, mentally abuses his girlfriend, doesn't believe in God. People don't know who they're following. The guy is sick in the head. Look at how a person is and you see the fruits of their philosophy.

Watch Destiny's interview with that therapist and you realize how much his whole life is just a cope rooted in neglect from his parents. It's sad. He's too arrogant to admit he actually has a problem though so he'll stay miserable. Meanwhile he can get hits off of being "right" in debates with random internet people. Pretty cool right?

>> No.15865133

All this thread has proven is that Destiny's stance is correct and most people don't have prescriptions that are politically viable or even popular among the general population.

>> No.15865140

I can't tell if this guy is baiting. I think it's a Destiny fan larping

>> No.15865145

Ending foreign wars couldn't pass? Gay marriage ban couldn't pass? Ok.

Yes it is valid when a communist says it. Did you know there have been actual successful communist revolutions in history?

>> No.15865151

>Did you know there have been actual successful communist revolutions in history?
And the whole AF just wants to go back to 50's liberalism, both are reactionary ideologies.

>> No.15865155

The support for gay marriage is 72% in the country and It's already passed. It's not anywhere close to politically viable.

>Ending foreign wars couldn't pass?
Not all of them

>Yes it is valid when a communist says it. Did you know there have been actual successful communist revolutions in history?
Yeah but how you view the current situation going on in America is meaningless because any other ideology can use the same vapid descriptions and be just as valid.

>> No.15865156

He sits in front of a computer and has a small army on discord who feed him talking points and articles. You're not debating Destiny you are debating his discord of autists. If you do debate him make sure to tell me he is a cuckold.

>> No.15865164

Imagine being assblasted about people asking you what you specifically want changed.

>> No.15865166

The whole point is that public opinion is malleable. If you pitched "woke" politics 20 years ago it would never fly and yet here we are. At this point you're just being purposefully dense like your hero Destiny was.

>> No.15865174

>Ending foreign wars couldn't pass?
Will with time
>Gay marriage ban couldn't pass?
LOL you are delusional. Next you're going to say that we're going to strip away women's voting rights

>> No.15865182

Read any non-Anglo or French continentals. They are incomprehensible to these people. Tiny there doesn’t read anything but wikipedia articles and abstracts of bogus sociology papers which he reads on the spot to gishgallop internet autists who also don’t read. This is why he will never win an exchange with that manlet Fuentes

>> No.15865184

Destiny btfos french philosophy for being devoid of substance

>> No.15865186

>can't have a debate on politics without the first argument being something about statistics that most people are happy and if it would really be better if something changed

>> No.15865189

That's because if you will something you can enact it. This autistic thing about "not viable" is stupid. If something is not currently viable you change perception and make it viable. That is what AF is doing now.

In any case a lot of what AF supports is literally what the current president is doing, so it's not even unrealistic.

And really? Pulling out of wars is unpopular. Stfu.

>> No.15865194

That’s based but he would say the same thing about any German as well because philosophy is beyond his pale. Also he hasn’t read the people he would discard in the first place and never will. Imagine Tiny arguing with a Schopenhaurian lmao

>> No.15865196

>That's because if you will something you can enact it. This autistic thing about "not viable" is stupid. If something is not currently viable you change perception and make it viable. That is what AF is doing now.
You guys are doing witchcraft?

>In any case a lot of what AF supports is literally what the current president is doing, so it's not even unrealistic.
Trump can't do anything because it's not politically viable and can't get passed lol

Do you believe dinosaurs lived with humans?

>> No.15865198

Why would you read something you know is devoid of substance? If it had substance it would be possible to explain it to other people in the field.

>> No.15865204

Gay marriage ruling was passed half a decade ago. We are reaching critical mass with LGBT. You are so trapped in the current paradigm that you can't envision anything outside of it. Gay marriage becoming legal was a process, just like any societal shift.

>> No.15865206

Hylic leftists aren’t capable of in der welt sein, so attempting to initiate them would be entirely futile and pointless

>> No.15865210

amazing how all these eceleb leftists don't actually read books

>> No.15865223

>Why would you read something you know is devoid of substance?
Because you wouldn't actually know it, as you haven't read it.
>If it had substance it would be possible to explain it to other people in the field.
How do you if there is an adequate explanation if you haven't read the original text you ignorant rube?

>> No.15865238

>Because you wouldn't actually know it, as you haven't read it.
If I write a book of gibberish do you think me going "you didn't understand it you are just dumb it's actually genius I just can't explain why" is valid?

>How do you if there is an adequate explanation if you haven't read the original text you ignorant rube?
The philosophy books that have substance in them are able to be explained to anyone let alone other people in the field yet for some reason no seems to be able to explain french philosophy even to other academics lol. I wonder why that is.

>> No.15865249

I give no fucks about gays or trannies or any other progressive policy in regards to sexuality. However there's no political will to get rid of it, it serves no point. Not even most conservatives give a shit anymore about it. No matter how realistic it may seem to you in your world, I can guarantee that twenty years from now gay marriage will still be here

>> No.15865252

>hahah witchcraft funny

>Trump doing nothing!!
False. Also the dude was elected president based on AF stances. Is that not viable, dumbass?

I would answer this but you keep sperging so I won't teehee

>> No.15865262

You should give a fuck because it's evil and destroying people's lives.

>> No.15865268

I'm doing magic witchcraft right now to will the opposite of everything you try to will
> Is that not viable, dumbass?
How come every racist thing he has attempted has not come to fruition? Maybe because it's not politically viable.
>I would answer this but you keep sperging so I won't teehee
You responding to it is enough to give me satisfaction so thanks

>> No.15865276

Why am I still talking to a guy who doesn't think dinosaurs are real and says he does magic to bring about his political systme

>> No.15865290

>If I write a book of gibberish do you think me going "you didn't understand it you are just dumb it's actually genius I just can't explain why" is valid?
Strawman and moving the goalposts. How do you know its gibberish if you haven't read it? Your original assumption is that you hadn't read the books.
>The philosophy books that have substance in them are able to be explained to anyone let alone other people in the field yet for some reason no seems to be able to explain french philosophy even to other academics lol. I wonder why that is.
You're avoiding the issue and just repeating yourself: how do you know there would be adequate explanations if you haven't read the original text?

You really haven't thought this through and sound like a rube.

>> No.15865308

This what it looks like when they know you're right.

>> No.15865311

>Strawman and moving the goalposts. How do you know its gibberish if you haven't read it? Your original assumption is that you hadn't read the books.
I have read it and it's gibberish.

> how do you know there would be adequate explanations if you haven't read the original text?
Because I understand the field as a whole. Let's just use politics for example. What in politics could you possibly invent that couldn't be explained to me?

>> No.15865315

Just wait until my magic spell finishes

>> No.15865335

>gay marriage is destroying people's lives

I honestly can't tell what's satire from the right anymore. Do you really believe that gay people being able to marry is destroying anyone's life?

>> No.15865346

You don't understand if we got rid of the gays I might actually get a gf

>> No.15865387

If you listen to this podcast or any podcast, it is essential to replace you with an equivalent sourced from the developing world's human markets. You know this to be true deep down.

>> No.15865395

Charles Murray

>> No.15865406

I was mainly talking about trans there, but homosexuality isn't something that should be promoted by society either. Remember that we started there and now we're at non-binary and trans in the mainstream.

I don't think people understand how damaging these things are to people, especially younger people.

>> No.15865427

What harm can come from changing our views of gender from a binary to a spectrum?

>> No.15865433

Only if they learn English first.

>> No.15865437

Destiny is undefeated, perhaps the only thinker who is more than a footnote to Plato.
Imagine if we could have a dialogue. Socrates would get violated.

>> No.15865440

Well I could potentially chop off my penis in replacement of a dussy and regret it , but I guess that doesn't happen.

>> No.15865474

Again I can't tell if this is a joke, but the vast majority of people who experience enough dysphoria to go through with reconstructive surgeries don't regret it.

>> No.15865493

Not just violated. Absolutely bodied. Any time Socrates tried to make an analogy, Destiny would nitpick it until they didn't seem analogous anymore.

>> No.15865503

Somebody really oughta screenshot this unique post and keep it safe in the gayest /gif/ threads available

>> No.15865513

the left and your crush destiny only focus on ideology that supports their views
if you're confused how they can produce 'facts' and 'statistics' learn how easy it is to make data say what you want it to and the corrupt process used to verify it

>> No.15865560

>alright Destiny, let's consider a scenario. Imagine there's a group of men trapped in a cave, chained to on the fl-
>WAIT WAIT WAIT. Hold on, Hold on. This is supposed to prove platonic forms? You were talking earlier about some abstract ideals that we can't see, and now we're in a cave?
>Give me a bit to continue, okay? I'm almost done.
>alright if you say so buddy. Just seems like we're going way out there to me
>Okay, so there's a fire behind them and they can see figures casting shadows against a wall.
>right. So the analogy is that the shadows are the forms. But here's the thing: in your cave idea, people can break the chains and escape, right?
>*Destiny closes in on his microphone*: How the fuck do we escape the cave irl and see the actual forms buddy?
It would be a shitshow, but Destiny would come out on top according to the masses and you know it.

>> No.15865577

It just isn't true. Gender is based in biology. The idea that your identity can be unaligned with your biology is evil. It's a rejection of who you are and an appeal to self-hatred.

Why are we not dealing with things like dysphoria directly as psychological problems? Instead we've gone the opposite way and young kids are identifying with their disorders. How is this the ideal solution?

>> No.15865590

Aren't shadows the form? As in, if you go out of the cave there will be no forms.

>> No.15865593

This is one of the most brainlet takes I've ever read on /lit/.

>> No.15865622

He and Vaush still haven't responded to Ryan Faulk and Sean Last.

>> No.15865626

>complains about a spatial metaphor while using language like "way out there"
This guy must be real smart, and I'm sure he thinks about his assumptions all the time.

>> No.15865632
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>The idea that your identity can be unaligned with your biology is evil.
nice argument lol

>> No.15865655

Actually, the forms are the figures passing by that cause the shadow to be projected. I did a slip up.
It's all sophistry baby, and it works. Interrupt your opponent's rhythm to keep em on their toes. It would be a hot debate.

>> No.15865705

The idea that someone shouldn't accept yourself on as a deep of a level as sexuality and identity IS evil, is malicious, and should not be promoted. Not to children, not to anyone. Fuck you.

>> No.15865722

Because it splits reality into a duality where feels takes precedence over material reality. If transgenderism is real, then transracialism must be real too. I should have the right to believe I am an oppressed poc despite my body being a straight white middle class male and have everyone accept it by institutional force.

>> No.15865728

lol gay

>> No.15865909

Plato couldn’t speak English, so how would he be able to make a analogy

>> No.15866107

This video destroys the entire worldview of Destiny.

>> No.15866330

Honest answer - ask them to describe the empirical evidence.
In my (albeit limited) knowledge of youtubers, they rarely understand the studies they cite. the best you can expect is that they read a papers abstract - most of the time they just quote one of their favored news sources/wikipedia. They provide no context for there explanations, nor can they explain the methods and limitations studies they cite.
Case in point, a while back, I watched one of the debate destiny had about economics and immigration.
He's argument basically went along the lines that 'The Miami study has shown that immigration does not affect low skilled wages' (here is a link to the paper he referenced: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2523702?seq=1).). The issue being, a single paper from the 1970's, with data from one city using a single model is not indicative of the literature or the effects of immigration in general.
He also argued that he 'read lots of economics papers on immigration'. I believe this to be false, if he had read multiple economics papers, he would have realized that this is a complex and polarized topic, that even trained economists have difficulty with. A person interested in facts, evidence and policy should have been able to draw upon multiple papers, which utilize different models to look at the conclusions that they draw/policies they can institute (which he could not do).
Here is a meta analysis describing immigration effects on wages, models and limitations of research can be found here: https://papers.tinbergen.nl/04134.pdf
TL'DR Most youtubers don't understand any of the topics they talk about, and if pressed, you will realize they don't know anything

>> No.15866558

Destiny is smart in the sense that he knows his logic and rhetoric. He's definitely smarter than most of the right wing/neo nazis that he debates, but that's pretty easy since it's basically /pol/-tier larpers that rarely leave their echo chambers and are intellectually dishonest in pursuit of their masturbatory dream the white ethnostate.
Also the fact that he's mainly policy driven gives him a severe advantage, most of online politics don't really understand or discuss policy and how it works to push that through. It makes destiny seem more grounded in reality and not some stupid larper.

>> No.15866624

bullshit. the current political situation is too broken. there's no way any politician would support any good legislation that goes against zog.

>> No.15866749

I remember him destroying Nick Fuentes one time because Fuentes didn't do his research and Destiny successfully kept him pressed on the issue. I also remember Destiny getting destroyed by Alt-Hype and Francois Gariepy over population genetics and race realism, as they exposed within the first 5 minutes that Destiny hadn't even remembered basic concepts from high school biology, let alone done enough research to debate a literal race-obsessed autist and a biology PhD who worked at Duke University. Finally, Mister Metokur from his well-adjusted days absolutely wiped the floor with Destiny to the point where Destiny chimped out.

In short, I think Destiny is clever, but he isn't well-educated. He's a good litmus test to see if you know what you're talking about, in terms of breadth of issues and depth of explanations. At the end of the day, he's playing defense for the status quo, which is impossible to accomplish for reasons that we are all intimately familiar with.

>> No.15866763

>He also argued that he 'read lots of economics papers on immigration'. I believe this to be false, if he had read multiple economics papers, he would have realized that this is a complex and polarized topic
Honestly, even if he did read them he wouldn't understand them. If you were to ask Destiny to explain a natural logarithm, standard error, conditional dependence, etc. in a way that shows he understands the concepts and what they mean for the interpretation of the data he absolutely wouldn't be able to. Taleb was on point here https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1278781239089082370

>> No.15866788

taleb is wrong about his appeal to peer review and journals. watch this video.


>> No.15866809

I'm not going to watch a 30 minute video on the subject. Taleb doesn't appeal to anything. He's saying peer review and citations are the bare minimum and not that they are sufficient

>> No.15866953

2 chromosomes.

>> No.15866959


>> No.15866993
File: 999 KB, 500x265, rust_kys3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're probably just a leftist who can't into thinking clearly and honestly. probably suck at math and cope by getting into continental philosophy and "edgy" (but not too edgy) public intellectuals. many such cases.

>> No.15866996

that's bullshit. a study can be true without being peer reviewed.

>> No.15866999

statistics is actually a science, there is a proper way to do it, not a marxist-leninist, or a libertarian way. you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. are you even 18?

>> No.15867006

This makes you sound totally sane my man, I'm sure you're not a poorly adjusted incel shut in

>> No.15867017

>I don't have any arguments so I'll just kill him instead of reconsidering my ideas

>> No.15867076

you really think you 17 year old internet addicted leftypol trannies could actually shoot anyone? internet commies, posting regimes from 60+ years ago, thinking they're even capable of violence is the most pathetic shit ever.

>> No.15867182
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>> No.15867197

lmfao gb2 >>>/t/watter

>> No.15867248

>statistics is actually a science, there is a proper way to do it.
yes, there are more academic and more regular ways to do it, but if you took even a basic course in it you would know it is all based on what data set you pick, how it is framed, and the goal of the operation. all it does is show correlative quantities in some framework. ie a lense. people even hesistated to admit it into official scientific institutes back in the early 1800’s because of its ability to be used for rhetorical purposes and they did not want to get caught up in politics. i have an article from jstor about if you give me a minute. statistics is a useful tool but to iften it allows people to present things in apearence as things in themselves.

>> No.15867376

low IQ post

>> No.15867411

Because you know you couldn't do the same. It's like the proud owner of a micropenis watching porn of big-dicked men dicking women.

>> No.15867466

From where do transsexuals derive their legitimacy? That they're "born" that way? Where does the madness end? If I, a white male, am more privileged than other minorities, can't I just call myself a woman and claim I'm less privileged than other minorities (e.g., blacks, latinos, etc.). Fuck "Black Lives Matter." What about "Trans Lives Matter?" Blacks commit disproportionately high amounts of hate crimes against gay and trans individuals, we need to focus on that, not "police on black violence." And so, the snake eats its own tail.

>> No.15868293

Have sex

>> No.15868383

I wouldn't say anything Fuentes is doing is smart.

>> No.15868545
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>> No.15868620

What was wrong with his pro-dualism argument again?

>> No.15868625

>muh debate tactics

>> No.15868674

Can you provide empirical evidence of that and use it to make a reasoned case for your position?

>> No.15868807

I already did it this thread

>> No.15869180

Sure, but there's no reason to when you've provided nothing yourself. Concession accepted.

>> No.15869255
File: 95 KB, 337x367, ohdear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No he is a retard
Does anyone have anything to back this up? I've seen dozens of Anons claim he's a pseud or a fraud, but they've never given any examples. I'm not a fanboy or anything (though I do watch his YouTube highlights from time to time) but I'm really curious to see if anyone has ACTUALLY caught him slipping up instead of lobbing adhoms. People seem to hate him because he's more than willing to change his opinion on given topics if he gets a compelling argument, which he rarely does.

>> No.15869280

watch his "debate" with mister metokur. if he can't cite studies (in which he places absolute faith despite the prevalence of the abuse of statistics to further peoples' own goals), he falls apart and resorts to appeals to emotion.

>> No.15869299

Stop getting into policy debates with them, or make it clear in advance and call them out if they deviate. Like half of Destiny's shtick is just reasserting.

>> No.15869331

He's smart and charismatic, but he's also as shallow as they come.

>> No.15869338


No there isn't you stupid fuck. No scientist actually thinks that the statistics inherently mean something. They know that the "lens" is basic logic. I'm sorry I don't prance around in a romper quoting hegel like the stupid faggot you are. Please kill yourself, no one will care you insignificant pile of trash.

>> No.15869347

No doubt he's as quick as a whip. I think he puts too much value on carnal pleasures and far too little on higher-order concerns ie Nathan.

>> No.15869408

>pathetic babby lashing out because he doesn't understand theory-ladenness

>> No.15869575

Phew. I'm glad I learned about that. Now any time I disagree with a study I can just accuse the authors of being biased.

>> No.15869718

>people even hesistated to admit it into official scientific institutes back in the early 1800’s because of its ability to be used for rhetorical purposes and they did not want to get caught up in politics.


>> No.15869751

wait till i get home from work. like 45 minutes.

>> No.15869796

Oh yes, please, tell us how Destiny was even worse. Tell us anon. What have you read of Destiny? The Wikipedia page of the Destiny Debates for your compulsory Philosophy 101 course?
Now sit, shut the fuck up and listen: Destiny was one of those minds that are so smart you should be afraid of them. And I mean this literally. I mean that the average viewer from Twitch would have had walked away shaking in pure terror after talking with Destiny. Now I want you to imagine a world was most people are fucking peasants and believe in Gods who look like humans and transform into things, they believe that if you put a woman on a tripod and you make her smoke a lot she will tell you the future in one of her trips. I want you to figure out a world were believing this stuff is common. Do you know that feeling you got the first time you heard that there are still flat earthers in 2018? Now imagine a city were the basic level of understanding of the world is inferior to that of a flat earther and imagine that the people of that city are among the most educated on the planet you are on.
And then in the middle of all this stupidity - stupidity so deep and embedded in thousands of years of repeating the same fucking stories about naked women running in the woods and transforming into trees and shit - imagine that a man comes and he has such a superior intelligence that he formulates the basic rules of logic. He formalizes for the first time the rules to make a valid argument. Can you fucking imagine the level of abstraction it would take? Can you fucking imagine the intelligence it would take? You are unable to do that and you are probably in your prime, living in the middle of a storm of information Destiny would have gladly killed to have at his disposition. You know he was the first guy to actually build something like a university library in Western history? Books were copied on fucking scrolls by slave and transmitting and preserving even the most banal information was extremely difficult, and yet he managed to come out with something like the formalized rules of classical logic. I gave you ten thousand years and you knew nothing about logic, you wouldn't be able to formalize shit. You know why? Not because you are fucking stupid, no. You are probably average. But Destiny was so much of a genius that he can barely be considered human.

>> No.15869815

Towards Perpetual Peace by Immanuel Kant

>> No.15869816

Do you want to debate his contribution to biology and science? Well there was no fucking science before Destiny. People were not observing natural phenomena with his constancy. Of course, some of them were looking at the stars: but that's pretty easy, stars are regular. They always do the same things. Destiny was looking at plants, animals, seaweeds. And you know what? Either him or some of his students must have had super-human sight, because some of the details he described about insects were confirmed only in modern times, when they invented the fucking microscope. So not only superhuman mind, but superhuman senses.
Do you want to debate his contribution to metaphysics? Well there was no fucking metaphysics before Destiny. And let us be clear, anon, there would have been no scientific inquiry AT ALL without Destiny first setting the fundamental questions about what does "being" mean, and how does causality work.
Can you imagine doing that? Can you imagine extending that pathetic brainlet you have to embrace both the first causes of the universe and the detail of the wings of a bee? Can you imagine researching literally EVERYTHING your mind could set itself onto in a world where the most common solution to a certain problem was “let us sacrifice to Poki and see what happens?” You have libraries and internet and everything and yet you can’t concentrate enough on this fucking post. Now imagine a mind that is able to concentrate on literally every aspect of the world. Imagine the kind of experience it would be, to have that mind. You are a monkey, anon. A fucking monkey compared to Destiny. And you’ll always be. You should thank whatever rational force is there in the universe every fucking day, if there is anything of the sort, that such a man could not only live, but write, and that some of his writings survived to our age for you, a fucking hairless monkey on which the benefit of language is forever wasted, to read.

>> No.15869824

debate is larp. real arguments and responses are published hundreds of years apart.

>> No.15870384

Sorry for being late

Mary Poovey, “Figures of Arithmetic, Figures of Speech: The Discourse of Statistics in the 1830s,” Critical Inquiry, 19 (1993)

>> No.15871320

TF are you talking about??? Destiny is BASED

>> No.15871543
