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/lit/ - Literature

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15862525 No.15862525 [Reply] [Original]

So factual, so mundane, so boring. this is supposed to be mythology for hell sake ! does it ever get good ? if not recommend some books about Greek mythology.

>> No.15862530

lmfao retard got tricked into buying a book written by a w*man

>> No.15862544

these are literally just the myths tho
this is it
this is them

>> No.15862554

I loved it, nearly finished the Iliad and I’m loving that, and I’m hoping I’ll love the Odyssey after that.

>> No.15862604

Still many steps to go
>the orestia trilogy
>epic fragments
>the aeneid
>the Argonautica
And that's just to try and round out the epic cycle and fill in some gaps in the stories

>> No.15862647

What did you like about it ?

>> No.15863240
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It gets good when it gets to Jason, Theseus, and Hercules and really fun when going over The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid.
So basically, its gets good when it gets to cover good stuff.

>> No.15863252

Nope it's shit I read the whole thing

Barely remember any of it, Only thing I learned is that women can't write and Greek mythology is retarded. Just read Vico's New Science instead

>> No.15863330

I'm reading it right now (2/3rds of the way through) and it's absolutely fine, I don't know what everyone's problem with it is but this is like the sixth fucking post on it in two days.
Yes, it is not E N G A G I N G reading, and the early sections are just descriptions of the gods. Not everything in Greek civilization reads like The Illiad or a fucking Tom Clancy novel, lots of it is dry. Especially the pre-socratics. If you can't make it through literally a book of fucking stories maybe you shouldn't be beginning with the Greeks.

>> No.15863352

If this bothers you, I can't imagine what you will say when you read The Library by Apollodorus.

>> No.15863448

ESL's shouldn't be allowed to make threads here. Or poorly written threads on /lit/ should be deleted.