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15861309 No.15861309 [Reply] [Original]

>went to sleep well before 2 am
>wake up at 9 am
>lie in bed and browse internet and continue reading slightly upper midwit non-fiction book I started last night
>drink coffee
>start working
>continue working
>realise I have such little work to do because I have so few meetings
>take a break, go back to job
>finish work before 6 pm
>browse internet, drink coffee, eat food
>go for walk at 8.30 (not sure how time passed so quickly from 6 until then)
>go walking in the sunshine
>go for a slightly longer evening walk than usual
>currently on phone; will go jogging then read midwit book

Going for walks on a sunny evening feels kind of pathetic because it feels like I'm pining for more carefree and idyllic university days, because I'm wasting time after work, as if I have lots of it.

I'm reading a non-fiction book about the civil rights act being a mistake. I never buy books anymore, I just download them from LibGen.

I was thinking a few days ago about how quickly time has passed in the last 4 to 7 years. I remember carefree summers between university terms where I'd work a minimum wage job part time. I remember cleaning tables at McDonald's as it was sunny as fuck outside and the large glass walls let me see everyone enjoying life (though I didn't last long at that job). I can't remember if I knew that was my peak at the time. Life is so debased in comparison now. I was so cool back then. I'm turning 30 soon and I've done nothing.

I used to tell myself I'd learn intellectual stuff but I don't really care anymore because I just want money now. Having a house would be kino.

I saw that chainlink (stinky linky) mooned. I have been browsing /biz/ very sporadically for some years, after being a regular when it launched. It's a very based and friendly board. But I haven't invested in anything.

>> No.15861329

>I'm reading a non-fiction book about the civil rights act being a mistake.

what a fucking chud. i'm glad you're miserable.

>> No.15861356

Don't bully Londonfrog

>> No.15861360

What's the name of the book, sounds interesting

>> No.15861391

I didn't know he was an alt-right asshole, I just thought he was just some sadsack autist, London Frog is cancelled as far as I'm concerned

>> No.15861401

Concern yourself with a rope, tranny.

>> No.15861411

>he thinks he can cancel Londonfrog
Yeah I'm sure he'll listen to you and not the thousands before who have told him to get a rope. Cancel butters while you're at it, Don Quixote.

>> No.15861446

go back to discord

>> No.15861461

>didn't know he was an alt-right asshole, I
You thought he was a left leaning Stacey hater?

>> No.15861474

why would you choose to be this gay? it takes actual effort to be such a faggot, and what do you get in return? nothing

>> No.15861482
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Some say they do it for the (You)s

>> No.15861566

Problems are not solved but overcome. Time will wash every single concern you have far away

>> No.15861621

>going for walks feels pathetic
anon wat? this is post hoc rationalization my friend. walks are based, and always have been based. you are having a simple existential crisis.

i ask of you, can you imagine a reality in which you are happy? i'm not asking for one that is realistic, or has a chance of happening. i'm only asking: can you even conceive of a single situation in which you think you would be happy? where are you? what are you doing? what's the weather like? are you with anyone? now, what's the shortest path to that reality - even if the path is too long to ever finish, again what's the shortest path to that reality? start walking. quit ur job if you have to. why would you do something that not only doesn't make you happy, but doesn't even potentially lead to anywhere happy?

>> No.15861639

Based I am also cancelling londonfrog

>> No.15861709

"cancelling" doesn't mean whining on an imageboard. You have no power. Nobody asked you to be here.

>> No.15861917

I want only the best for you Londonfrog, but being an alt-righter that wishes the civil rights act never happened probably contributes to being lonely, since it wraps you in a cynical attitude and clouds your perception of people beyond their ethnicity.

Also, I don't understand, in some of your posts you say you've never had friends or been to a pub with someone, so what carefree uni years are you reminiscing about?

Also, if you're working remotely I'm guessing that means you don't work in a cornershop like some claim?

>> No.15861964

go back.

>> No.15861973

>the truth is making you lonely, come join our tranny discord and believe the bullshit

you're so fucking obvious jfc
londonfrog cannot be co opted.
now fuck off

>> No.15861999

Imagine white knighting for black people.

>> No.15862010

simp for people who want you dead

>> No.15862013

im pretty sure Londonfrog is a paki

>> No.15862026


>> No.15862040
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You guys are truly beyond pathetic.
>Tranny discord bogeyman
Whatever helps you cope I guess

>> No.15862054
File: 530 KB, 1082x695, Dq5PwemVAAAAYH7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I saw that chainlink (stinky linky) mooned.
>londonfrog didn't even get a suicide stack