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/lit/ - Literature

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15850074 No.15850074 [Reply] [Original]

Is it normal to feel like reading is a bit of a chore? Like exercise, it's something not inherently pleasant, but necessary for self betterment?

Maybe I just don't read enough fiction

>> No.15850135

You are forcing yourself to read shit that either 1. you still have a hard time grasping; or 2. does not actually interest you.
If 1, this is analogous to lifting above your weight. You are still not on that level yet, and need to practice more.
If 2, you are being dishonest with yourself. Do not read books just because others hype them. If you start reading a book and realize that it doesn't interest you, don't force yourself to finish it. Just drop it. There is no shame in that.

>> No.15850156

reading shouldn't be a chore. Take sports for example, doing sports feels good, that's why people like it, it isn't purely the result (more muscles etc.) that should count

>> No.15850171

I don't consider reading or exercise a chore at all. Also, neither are necessary for self betterment.

>> No.15850201

Haha both exercise and reading ARE inherently pleasant. What are you smoking.

>> No.15850475

it's a chore because modern media is so mind numbing and anti-thought that doing something that's only avenue to enjoying it is active thought is draining.

>> No.15850519

It takes some getting used to, and some writers, especially (german) philosophers, are just really hard to follow.

>> No.15850553

This probably sounds crazy, but most people who read and work out actually really enjoy doing them. Are there days they won't feel like getting up and doing it? Sure. Sometimes it takes a lot of discipline to do something that is part of a long term effort, but you'll do it anyway because discipline is better and more reliable than inspiration. But if there are no points at all ever which you ever really feel you're enjoying doing either, then don't do it.

>> No.15850640


Also, some reading shouldn't be forced at all. Sure if you are working on something you love, in the sense that it is part of your work, you should keep going even if you have a uninspired day, but if you are reading stuff for pure pleasure to clear your mind and it has no direct relationship to your work there is really no need to force it at all when you really don't feel like it at some days.

>> No.15850722

It's like working out. You don't feel like doing it but afterwards you're happy that you did.

>> No.15851273

>Is it normal to feel like reading is a bit of a chore?

If you've been sitting on the couch for a year, a 3 mile walk may feel like a bit of a chore. If you ae active and exercise regularly, that same walk may feel relaxing and fun.

I'm old. Way too fucking old to be on 4chan. Books I read 20 years ago that took a lot of effort, are now relaxing and fun.

It's a skill that you improve by doing it. You may want to balance light reading with more dense stuff. In the end, it's all practice for the grave.

>> No.15851342

>not inherently pleasant

>> No.15851367

I'm with you OP. At this point everything other than eating, lying around, and browsing the web feels like a chore. I go the gym and hate every single waking second of it. I don't mind reading as much since I don't have to move but I definitely don't super enjoy doing it.

>> No.15851376
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/fitlit/ Here, if you don't like working out don't do it. Find some other way to stay fit that you enjoy. Working out and staying active should not be a chore and people who think it is one don't tend to last.

The same thing should apply to reading, find whatever you enjoy and stick to it and build on that, don't force yourself to do stuff you don't like doing since it will result in failure.

>> No.15851392


>> No.15851421
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Do people actually fucking enjoy working out and doing exercise?

>> No.15851424

I enjoy it, I mostly enjoy fiction but philosophy and history are things I read occasionally and I quite enjoy them

>> No.15851440

Mainly if you are not interested in the subject. But train yourself to do that too, anon. We can't restrict ourselves to our personal interests.

>> No.15851530

I run everyday. It is one of the most constitntly enjoyable things I do. Unless you are disabled I find it pitiful and embarrassing you don't enjoy exercise.

>> No.15851558

Reading for pleasure is literally the same thing as playing video games; only man children do it.

>> No.15851599

I don't see how anyone could get pleasure out of that but more power to you.

>> No.15851637

Do you think you are so different than other animals? Wouldn't you walk your dogs, don't horses enjoy to gallop? It's simple how can you not see.

>> No.15851693

I guess I am different. I've never liked to exercise, ever since I was young.

>> No.15851861

Maybe, do you really not want to read or are you just craving more immediate forms of entertainment like video games or 4chan? If the former then you might need to find something more interesting to read.
>Like exercise, it's something not inherently pleasant, but necessary for self betterment?
This makes me think its the later though. You need to build good habits to fully appreciate them. Exercise is not unpleasant unless you've never routinely done it; before lockdown exercise and specifically lifting was the only thing I looked forward to in the morning.

>> No.15851907

Why does that picture make me upset? I can't explain it.

>> No.15851925

Repetitive, simple tasks bore me.

>> No.15852024

How naive

>> No.15852030

I don't think you know what that word means

>> No.15852063

(Of a person or action) showing lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.

Now do 25 push-ups you worm

>> No.15852133

I refuse to believe anyone genuinely enjoys lifting heavy things and putting them down.

>> No.15852168

So how is being bored by something naive? Your definition doesn't really fit your use.

>> No.15852657

If you lack the experience, wisdom, and judgement necessary to see beyond your childish sense of boredom, I don't know how I could explain to you the intrinsic pleasure of exercise. Is it really so nuanced that you cant understand?

>> No.15852669

u tryna change minds or be fat

>> No.15852736


>> No.15853160

But you said that the boredom itself is naive which is nonsensical since an emotional or aesthetic reaction cannot be naive in the same way that "I don't like the taste of Granny Smith Apples"cannot be considered naive, unless you've never tried them (and we know from anon's response that he has tried exercise). You just used the word incorrectly and inelegantly, no shame in it.

>> No.15853474

I believe his boredom (lack of interest) in this specific case is a reaction that stems from his naivete towards exercise. Not that all boredom is naive.

>> No.15853535
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It is a genuinely enjoyable thing to do, it puts you into a state of mindfulness and allows you to push yourself to your limit which leads to both short term and long term satisfaction.

>> No.15853640

How can an emotional reaction not be naive? When a child cries over spilled mike that is naive.

>> No.15853680
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>says the nigga who browses shitposts all fucking day

>> No.15853690
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Welcome to life kid, theirs at least a 50% chance that highschool will be the best years of your life.

>> No.15853730

>If you start reading a book and realize that it doesn't interest you, don't force yourself to finish it. Just drop it.
This. Fuck what other people think is good. All that matters is what you find good in the moment.

>> No.15853754
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>> No.15853847

You're reading the wrong things.
Answer these questions and I'll recc you a book
>What book are you reading now? And how does it compare to everything else you've read?
>What's the least enjoyable book you have ever read?
>What's the most enjoyable book you have ever read? (this is an anonymous board, I realise a lot of simpler books are much easier and enjoyable than the harder ones, feel free to say harry potter or percy jackson if you derived the most joy from that)
>If you were to be a skilled writer and you were capable of writing anything, what would you write? What would it be about etc. (It's not like your ideas are going anywhere hehe)
>What specifically do you hope to take from reading? Do you want to understand something in particular? Do you want to just have fun etc.

>> No.15853875

get a ritalin Rx.
feeling -neurodivervgent

>> No.15853927

Yes , people play and practise sports because is fun

>> No.15854040

yeah it's fun as hell. i pick adrenaline junkie exercise like skateboarding and mountain biking because i love going fast. pick something that appeals to you, and stick with it past the first 2-3 weeks of hell. i think all the people being condescending forgot that the very start of exercising just sucks because you're bad at it and not used to it. but trust me the feeling of pushing your body and being fit is so good for your mental health.

>> No.15854056

also any anprim that doesn't exercise is a dumb hypocrite

>> No.15854078

Guess I'm an alien then because I hate every form of exercise I've ever tried. I swim and walk a lot because those are the ones I dislike least but I still don't really enjoy it, I just force myself to do it so as not to get fat. I can understand finding sports fun (though I don't) but I can't really wrap my head round enjoying lifting a bar up and down ad nauseum.

>> No.15854137

ever tried going fast as fuck though? i swear to god it works.

>> No.15854154

Yeah, I don't like it.

>> No.15854177

Depends on your interests, OP.

Me reading fiction, history, philosophy, plays, poetry, scientific books:

>100-200 pages a day

Me reading Law books:

>30 p-... No, actually 10 pages a day.

(Yes, I am a Lawyer.)

>> No.15854206

>100-200 pages of philosophy every day
There is no way you do this.
What philosophy books?

>> No.15854234
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>> No.15854270

I don't read philosophy everyday.
Also, I can spend 10 hours a day reading if I want.
When I read a philosophy book, I generally read between 10 and 30 pages an hour.

Now 100 pages a day is perfectly possible, depending on what you read. You can read 25 pages (my average rhythm) of Mill an hour and understand all of it easily, specially if you have already read many secondary sources and histories of philosophy, in which case most of the concepts aren't really new to you. You're just seeing them being presented in a deeper way.

Someone like Kant is more dense, so you can't read it as fast, but it's still possible to read 100 pages of Kant a day, if you spend many hours at it.

>> No.15854334

I have high-functioning depression, and thats exactly what it feels like. However, theres not like there is anything I'd like to do more, depression just makes everything feel like shit. It is more about doing that which doesn't make it worse than doing that which feels good, since nothing feels good.

>> No.15854420
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reading is boring. anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. reading fiction is retarded. movies and tv shows are a technological advancement that had made reading obsolete. luckily we live in the future where audiobooks are a thing. there's librivox.com, and there's archive.org which has some pirate audiobooks, also you can torrent audiobooks, and there's endless audiobooks on youtube right now. and if that's not all, a lot of libraries have a free subscription to Overdrive, I personally live in new york and the new york public library has almost every book i own in E-audiobook form, which means i can just download them from the internet without setting foot in the library. It's truly amazing.

>> No.15854541

Maybe it's not for you, that's okay. If you like it intermittently, that's okay too. Nothing can keep us happy forever.

>> No.15854548

perish immediately zoomer. your parents did not raise you right. as a fellow zoom i have zero respect for you, you fell for the passive consumption jew. tear yourself away from youtube and social media for a while and the joy of reading will be revealed to you. of course it sucks for you, you're not used to putting effort into any of your entertainment. read more real books and the enjoyment will come i promise.

>> No.15855177

Depression is a choice

>> No.15855330

Audio books are for people that want to regress to toddlerhood again, who can't "adult" and need bedtime stories. It's the same as those abuse victim women that play with rattles and wear diapers.

>> No.15855358
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>> No.15855378

Imagine forcing yourself to play videogames.

>> No.15856049

I feel the same way but you might find a sport you enjoy playing like I did with tennis, though I don't have any friends to play it.

>> No.15856098

Don't believe anyone who says they enjoy reading or exercise, it's just what they tell themselves so it's easier to keep forcing themselves to do it and they're too entrenched in their cope to see outside it. Most worthwhile things in life are horribly unpleasant and uncomfortable and have to be forced. There's nothing bad about video games, anime or shitposting, but they don't have the benefits of something boring like reading or painful and uncomfortable like exercise.

>> No.15856105

Oh you sweeet, sweet summer child.

>> No.15856211


This OP has non-zero value because it suggests a knight's tour if the knight is anywhere else. It also suggests the uselessness of making available any other adjacent square. The ordinal positions in turn suggest a pseudo-magic square.

>> No.15857799
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/lit/ - literature. if you'd like to discuss what you're listening to head over to /mu/

>> No.15857827

untrue, i enjoy exercise and reading. it feels good and it's effortless for me to pick up my book or go out and exercise. i like those things more than video games. jesus they're not "horribly unpleasant" at all. i feel truly bad for you if that's how you feel.

>> No.15857844

Nah, I feel bad for you. Imagine lying to yourself like this.

>> No.15857912

bruh. i do not find the act of exercising unpleasant, and i hate television. i genuinely can't sit down and watch a whole movie unless it's incredible, they're shit compared to books. the form of exercise i do is genuinely fun, my mom is a librarian, and i've loved reading since i was a child. people have different subjective experiences of things anon you don't have to cope so hard.

>> No.15857924

Image being such an utter pleb you can't even IMAGINE someone could enjoy reading and excercising

>> No.15857950
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Epic strawman

>> No.15857974

it isn't, exercise becomes pleasant after you're done
if exercise is pleasant to you, you're not improving

>> No.15857995

Reading books that challenge you is a good thing, that's what you're supposed to do

>> No.15858024

Oh you enjoy exercising? Here, deadlift this 800 pound bar. You most likely can't, not unless you train and PUSH YOUR LIMITS which is never comfortable or "pleasant" which is why weak-willed people can't do it. If the act of doing it felt good coomers would all lift instead of fapping and obese people would jog instead of eating.

The feefees it gives you afterwards are off topic

>> No.15858099

>Oh you enjoy exercising? Here, deadlift this 800 pound bar.
weird example

>oh you enjoy exercising? here do a sweet heelflip, bomb a hill, go flying off kicker and have skatepark hunnies checking you out.
that's pretty goddamn fun in the moment. and it's a lot of exercise, you should see skaters with their shirts off.

>> No.15858403
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>What book are you reading now? And how does it compare to everything else you've read?
>What's the least enjoyable book you have ever read?
I never finish books I hate. I had to read The Bluest Eye and Beloved by Toni Morrison and only read a handful of pages in total, and that was awful.
>What's the most enjoyable book you have ever read? (this is an anonymous board, I realise a lot of simpler books are much easier and enjoyable than the harder ones, feel free to say harry potter or percy jackson if you derived the most joy from that)
Pic related. Recently though I read that book "How to be alone forever" by anonymous, and I really liked it.
>If you were to be a skilled writer and you were capable of writing anything, what would you write? What would it be about etc. (It's not like your ideas are going anywhere hehe)
I would unironically write about a friendless NEET and his experiences and feelings about himself over his days.
>What specifically do you hope to take from reading? Do you want to understand something in particular? Do you want to just have fun etc.
I don't even know anymore. I like the idea of understanding some cool philosophy and have given up on being able to read history/fiction because I just feel like I'm too dumb to even read shit like Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.15858416

Its like exercise in the sense that it's difficult to start but once i do i really enjoy it and don't want to stop until i am exhausted/i have to

>> No.15858507



Ever attack someone on the internet because they like a different color than you? How about for liking a different food?

If you think that's stupid, you should slap yourself right now.

>> No.15858575

All those books and you still write like a retard.

>> No.15858577

>exercise isnt inherently pleasant
You could not have outed yourself as a lazy piece of shit any faster.
>the process of reading isnt inherently pleasurable
Bud, fucking get it together, holy shit. You're just goddamned lazy and/or severely depressed. Work on yourself, man.

>> No.15858584

i hate you

>> No.15858592

nah can't be bothered.