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/lit/ - Literature

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15852519 No.15852519 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anybody worth watching? Does anyone here make review videos? Link your channel or recommend someones

>> No.15852592


>> No.15852619

I like rgsdevilship because:

>she has good taste sometimes
>cute redhead
>irish (the most /lit/ accent)

>> No.15852629

Kat is pretty cute. Not really a fan of her content though. But she's cute.

>> No.15852633

Carli Claire.

>> No.15852646

Absolutely fucking not.

>> No.15852648

leafbyleaf. He’s the only booktuber that’s actually well read and knows what he’s talking about.

>> No.15852652

Just watching for cute value it's gotta be Emily Fox

>> No.15852662


>> No.15852663

faggot pseuds

>> No.15852667
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>> No.15852676

Why not read a literary web page, anons?

>> No.15852690
File: 20 KB, 640x480, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish buttercunt did booktube. but then it would be Dream of the Red Chamber and i would sink into an even deeper abyss of fatal infatuation.

>> No.15852698

Steve Donoghue

>> No.15852716

Who's that, post a pic mon bruv

>> No.15852724

Is there any booktuber that actually take advantage of the visual aspect of videos? Or are they all filming themselves talking whatever? We need someone who is into cinema doing book videos. Unironically.

>> No.15852741

I just film myself talking, but I do a lot of hiking, so I'm thinking of taking a gopro out and doing like a walkntalk thing, see how it goes

>> No.15852763

Jonny Keen is pretty good
Plus if you watch Donoghue long enough he mentions tons of other great booktubers.

>> No.15852765

What about

>> No.15852781

I know that it takes a lot of work to make a video and that people read books, do research, think carefully and write things down. I'm just saying that I haven't seem any book tuber using the video aspect of it. Well, some do. Some girls do that "wonderfully". But that is it. A booktuber with some pro video maker, maybe an actor or whatever could probably make some fucking /lit/ videos.

>> No.15852791

some call her the Ancient One, stemming from her status as one of the wise elders who has seen our little world of lit revolve around the sun one too many times. others just say that cause she's an old hag.
she surfaces and retreats among the winding threads of Four Chinnel. when the conceptualized fragrance is strong, you will sometimes see her BRAAPING with the rest of us degenerates. when there is a concerted effort to steer the Ship of Moot in one direction, you will sometimes find her rowing in the opposite direction, almost as if to spite us. her stances may be wrong, but she is steadfast in them. some call it being conviction, others call it retardation.
her beauty parallels that of the sirens, but unbeknownst to unsuspecting shitposters, she bears the mark of the beast.
>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

>> No.15852799

Yes, that makes more sense watching. Are all his videos like that?

>> No.15852853

I'm not a youtuber, but my understanding of the medium is that if you want to be successful, you need to churn out as many videos as possible for the lowest possible cost. Doing anything more than just talking to a camera might just be wasted effort for something only a few dozen people will see.

>> No.15852874

I think you also gotta be hot, or at least cute. Guy's channels rarely take off to the same degree from what I've seen

>> No.15852895

Only some, not all.

>> No.15852903

Yes, I know that. That is why youtube is shit and people who do quality content usually go for the patreon route.

>> No.15852920

There isn't a great correlation between effort put into a book video and the amount of attention the video gets. I've spent hours editing one video only to have a few dozen people watch it, then also put out a video fairly thoughtlessly with only a few cogent points and it gets ten times the views. Unless you're a popular channel, it almost doesn't make sense to create intricate videos that no one will see, especially if you have a day job.

>> No.15852947

No, all booktubers are the same person anyways

>> No.15852953

Reminder that nobody has any right to complain about, race-baiting, misogyny, or politicking in the catalogue as long as threads like these exist

>> No.15852980
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How many followers do you have total, vs how many views do you typically get in the first 24hrs? What sort of content do you make? Genuinely interested

>> No.15853074

How to make a booktube channel:


>> No.15853099

Russian related:







>> No.15853106


>> No.15853118

Anyone else remember Alfsvoid? A mostly pretty woman who was American posh talking about game theory and poking into philosophy.

But she eventually made a bunch of pseud stuff and ended up deleting everything

>> No.15853119

Western Cannon Starter Kit:

>> No.15853156

I feel like just saying you want to make a "booktube" channel is already a fuckup because alot of these people just end up catering to this small community of "booktubers" and circlejerk over the same types of literature/content. Even using their terminology in a video would throw off a casual viewer. Plus, it seems like you'd be attracting the twitter/tumblr crowd that are a pain in the ass to deal with.

>> No.15853163

What sorts of imagery do you imagine specifically when it comes to the "video aspect"? I've considered making a channel and doing /lit/ videos. I share your sentiments on the value of higher cinematic quality. I'm annoyed by the rambling, disorganized, 13-minutes-to-make-one-point-on-teen-fiction style of current booktube and want to do it better.

>> No.15853167






>> No.15853174

Yeah I agree, I'm not a fan of all the "tag videos" and "TBR" videos. I prefer channels that do single book video dedicated reviews or just end of month wrap ups

>> No.15853196



>> No.15853247
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That Kabbalah stuff hot damn

>> No.15853260

Daniel Greene is pretty good if you're into fantasy


Not every video is a banger, but he's got a decent amount of good content. It's also been pretty neat watching him go from "I've only read Wheel of Time and think it's the greatest thing ever" to "I've read hundreds of fantasy books and Wheel of Time is just ok".

Also he's one of the few booktubers I've seen that manages to land interviews with high profile writers. He's interviews the dozen or so top names in Fantasy, which is fucking bizarre for such a relatively small channel.

>> No.15853265
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those schizomilkers

>> No.15853272

>how to make good content
>from Merphy
Holy fuck that's hilariously tone deaf.

>> No.15853283

Yeah Greene's pretty good, he does fairly well at keeping stuff spoiler free but also getting me hyped. His news episodes are pretty good for being in the loop too.

>> No.15853322

Yeah, I remember her getting a jump in subs after pewdiepie shouted out her channel. I think she tried to monetize her work via patreon and it never took off so she just gave up.

The pseud stuff she produced towards the end wasn't even that good and felt like low key attention whoring. Stuff like "A stoic approach to bodybuilding" or "Why you shouldn't get tattoos young" seemed like bait to collect orbiters. She also tried to make content targeting incels which is like voluntarily jumping down a sewer and drinking the toxic sludge, not surprised she left after having to deal with them.

>> No.15853371

Thank god there is another bitch like me itt.

Give me another semi hot pseud chick to follow for the next 6 months before she eventually shits herself and deletes everything in shame, I haven't been able to find a proper replacement so far

>> No.15853683

any good poetry booktubers?

>> No.15853696

Is live book discussion something people would watch/participate in? I've always wanted to do something of the sort on twitch.