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File: 34 KB, 286x475, 48855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15849076 No.15849076 [Reply] [Original]

Was it real or was it made up?

>> No.15849084

It's real. Nobody trying to do a psyop would come up with something that boring.

>> No.15849090

Made up

>> No.15849156

It’s real, but it’s so edited that it pretty much is useless as an actual insight into the life of a young girl, like it’s supposed to be.
It’s “authenticity” value is pretty low, not really any high than really well researched historical fiction. Though Anne Frank certainly did live hidden and die in the holocaust

>> No.15849159

It's not meant to be real, it's meant to be moral lesson, an epic if you will.

>> No.15849162

isn't there a lot of sex in this?

>> No.15849172

Such a good little goy

>> No.15849180

It's fake. The jews lie about everything. More and more jewish authors are confessing to their lies on their deathbeds, but google and leftypol are trying to bury those names.

>> No.15849219

The holocaust? Total fiction.
Anne Frank's Diary? Non-fiction, she died of Typhoid at a Jewish summer camp (they have notoriously weak immune systems)

>> No.15849246

She died of COVID-45

>> No.15849263

No, that was the sister

>> No.15849293

It got debunked

>> No.15849418

There's a meme going around in pol circles about how ball-point pens weren't invented when this was written, but I'm not sure if that's true.

>> No.15849422

Whatever your political leaning is

>> No.15849444

Based holocaust factchecker.

>> No.15849466

It's real, she invented the ball point pen.

>> No.15849480

german here. if i order this book at my local book seller and ask for mein kampf as well, will i get both of them if i say it's for research? not interested in this shitty diary but dont want to be called a nazi either lol

>> No.15849485

They were invented, but I don't know how popular they were: fountain pens are still used in German schools today, so that likely gives you a bit of a hint.

>> No.15849572

I read the diary and she literally says she is using a fountain pen so the meme itself is retarded. I'd say it's real, writing feels kinda tweenish so I buy it, also I doubt her dad would be that much of a sicko to portray her lusting for her girlfriends boobs.

>> No.15849579

>also I doubt her dad would be that much of a sicko to portray her lusting for her girlfriends boobs.
Jews are disgusting, why do you doubt her father would be less so?

>> No.15849593
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>be me
>walk to big chain bookstore
>ask teller "do you have Mein Kampf
>"we're only allowed to sell to libraries"
>go to library
>"where's mein kampf?"
>"we're only allowed to lend it to university students, can I see your ID?"
Whatever just read The Boko Haram Reader instead.

>> No.15849603

Tbh, if she says she was writing with a fountain pen and the pages were written with a ballpoint, then that’s a big deal

>> No.15849630

Her father edited out some rather unsavory stuff after the war like Anne writing about her body and sexuality, and a bit too private family stuff (if I remember correctly, things like him visiting brothels) using a ballpoint pen.

>> No.15849655

>him visiting brothels

>> No.15849739

obviously, but it would be subhumanly stupid to make a mistake like that if it was fake. i think i've seen a photo of it and it's written with a fountain pen and around the text there are notes written in ballpoint, probably by her father

>> No.15849984
File: 446 KB, 1355x1996, Smol Anne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not as nearly as much in my spin-off fanfiction. Imagine chapter after chapter of a nine month pregnant Anne and Peter van Pels fucking like scared rabbits, in the Annex, in an abandoned church, in windmills, in farmhouses, and in tulip field. Hormones have turned Anne into a perpetually horny nymphomaniac while Peter has discovered his own pregnancy fetish and the two literally cannot keep off each other. All while the Confederate States Army assembles on the Dutch border, poised to cut through the region like a scythe and strike into the heart of Nazi Germany.

>> No.15850021
File: 80 KB, 1125x1414, EcAK8wKWAAAN6pv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15850051

How’d the CSA get involved?

>> No.15850078
File: 1.42 MB, 3000x2250, Confederate Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay mad ratboy

>> No.15850140

IT's real, but the father edited it. like he removed the part where she explores her own clitoris.

>> No.15850180

She mentioned in an covered up page things like her dad visiting prostitutes.

>> No.15850257
File: 1.19 MB, 640x838, Confederate States Marine Corps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Confederate States of America declare war on Nazi Germany on April 18th, 1941 after German troops attack and seize Confederate diplomatic missions in Occupied Europe (and murder all captured military attachés and embassy guards) at a 120-15 vote. This declaration is subsequently rescinded and reinstated mere minutes later at a vote of 135-0 after the Kriegsmarine destroy several old German ocean liners that the CS Navy had been storing Chesapeake Bay as a show of force (actually engineered by Admiral Canaris in an attempt to force Hitler to cancel the planned invasion of the Soviet Union). Within hours, Confederate Marines land on the shores of Greece which had previously teetered on the edge of being overrun by the Axis. Well-armed and well-trained, the Marines swiftly march across the country, annihilating German rearguard formations and triggering what was a near-certain victory into a full-blown rout, with German and Italian forces only narrowly avoiding being cut off and annihilated by retreating through Macedonia. This marks both the Confederate entry into the Second World War and Germany's first major defeat on the ground. Although a propaganda coup for the Allies, the strategic value of the victory is limited as they are unable to capitalize on it and Hitler simply redirects his attention to the Soviet Union.

>> No.15850268

>after German troops attack and seize Confederate diplomatic missions in Occupied Europe (and murder all captured military attachés and embassy guards)

>> No.15850493 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 1800x598, Sons of the Confederacy Dale Gallon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Four reasons

1. The "Kristallnacht Incident" of 1938 when as part of the larger anti-Jewish pogroms, Nazi rioters attacked a group of Jewish asylum seekers standing outside of the Confederate Embassy to Berlin, triggering a full-blown riot that ended with Marine Embassy Guards volley firing into the crowd and killing dozens of people (nearly triggering both countries to declare war on each other right then and there). Even three years later, SS Chiefs Himmler and Heydrich were still seething at the incident and eager for a chance at revenge.

2. Adolf Hitler rubber-stamp approving a proposal by Himmler and Heydrich to attack Confederate consulates in the event of hostilities and authorizing them to do so without consulting the Wehrmacht

3. Widespread suspicions that the Confederacy was secretly using its embassies to wiretap German communications and are feeding information to Britain and Free France (which turned out to be true, but wasn't proven until after Germany lost the war)

3. Hitler's falling out with Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, who had cautioned against Germany picking a fight with any more great powers (mainly the Confederate States, United States, and the Soviet Union)

4. Machinations by Abwehr chief Wilhelm Canaris who sought to forestall war with the Soviet Union and America and by starting a war with the Confederate States (which he believed would be strong enough to give Germany a good punch in the nose to dissuade Hitler from initiating new conflict elsewhere, but not strong enough to wage a war against Germany entirely on its own).

>> No.15850541
File: 193 KB, 1800x598, Sons of the Confederacy Dale Gallon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Six reasons

1. The "Kristallnacht Incident" of 1938 when as part of the larger anti-Jewish pogroms, Nazi rioters attacked a group of Jewish asylum seekers standing outside of the Confederate Embassy to Berlin, triggering a full-blown riot that ended with Marine Embassy Guards volley firing into the crowd and killing dozens of people (nearly triggering both countries to declare war on each other right then and there). Even three years later, SS Chiefs Himmler and Heydrich were still seething at the incident and eager for a chance at revenge.

2. Adolf Hitler rubber-stamp approving a proposal by Himmler and Heydrich to attack Confederate consulates in the event of hostilities and authorizing them to do so without consulting the Wehrmacht

3. Widespread suspicions that the Confederacy was secretly using its embassies to wiretap German communications and are feeding information to Britain and Free France (which turned out to be true, but wasn't proven until after Germany lost the war)

3. Hitler's falling out with Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, who had cautioned against Germany picking a fight with any more great powers (mainly the Confederate States, United States, and the Soviet Union)

4. Machinations by Abwehr chief Wilhelm Canaris who sought to forestall war with the Soviet Union and America and by starting a war with the Confederate States (which he believed would be strong enough to give Germany a good punch in the nose to dissuade Hitler from initiating new conflict elsewhere, but not strong enough to wage a war against Germany entirely on its own).

5. The opening of a Confederate naval base in Malta, adjacent to its British counterpart which Germany perceived as a deliberate attempt at provocation

6. Widespread German prejudice against Confederates for their perceived philosemitism, having Jews in prominent positions of government, "Jazz" culture, and mutual Confederate prejudice against Germans that dated back to the 19th Century

>> No.15850630

I want it to be real and I wish I had a cute annie gf.

>> No.15850943
File: 249 KB, 686x526, can't gas me now goyim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15850961
File: 830 KB, 3500x2400, Knights in Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just imagine getting to watch the clitoris as she gives birth though. Shit would be hot.


She also implied that her uncle was as a fag/pedo


We all do anon

>> No.15851322
File: 81 KB, 419x480, 1577483099624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an epic if you will

>> No.15851359

Based schizoid

>> No.15852605
File: 144 KB, 800x764, terry davis niggerlicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not a schizo though

>> No.15853721
File: 74 KB, 236x283, Goebbels of fine art and culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Goebbels wouldn't approve of the counter-subversive nature of this meme