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15850172 No.15850172 [Reply] [Original]

I got myself this book about how to understand the brains of right wing people.
I've read about 15% of it.
Is it a good book to understand conservatives and neo fascists as well as the /pol/ among the everymen?

What I've read so far is about how conservatives enjoy perpetuating constant suffering so that everyone lives life on the edge to make every second exciting and sublime. Is that also true?

>> No.15850195

I just think black people are on average dumb tbqh. It's the reasonable thing to think when you look at the world, thinking that they're not dumb is the position that requires all sorts of mental gymnastics, there is really no reason to think it.

>> No.15850200

Didn't ask. And didn't care.

>> No.15850202

First of all, bait thread. Kill yourself.
Second of all, nobody mentally sound thinks that conservatism is the same as fascism, nor is it "right wing" . The whole idea behind fascism/the third position in general is a rejection of the left-right wing dichotomy.

>> No.15850206

Is this bait? I would have said yes with no doubt a year ago but after all the influx of discord trannies and redditors I really can't tell

>> No.15850214

you are asking about why /pol/ has the beliefs they do, im telling you.

Honestly what reason do you have for thinking they aren't dumb? Everywhere in the world without exception that is majority black is far less functional and prosperous than the average white area. You have no reason to think they aren't dumb

>> No.15850223

Read Russel Kirk.

>> No.15850228
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I just wanted to be a dude and just chill but nobody let me. All it is, is us telling you fucking control freaks to leave us.

>> No.15850230

Niggers are subhumans even leftist know this which is why the left treats them like children in every country.

>> No.15850232

>omg someone who isn't right wing is posting on the chans!
>this must be bait!

No I'm discussing the book. And your point doesn't make sense. I've talked to a rural redneck right winger (he's my acquaintance now) who told me that nobody at his rural town had ever seen a nonwhite person but were racist anyway. I won't entertain you any further.

>> No.15850242

>conservatives want to make every second exciting and sublime
wtf I love conservatives now
how do I become one so my life is exciting? these guys seem to be having all the fun

>> No.15850245

It's a very simple question, what reason do you have for thinking they aren't on average dumb? All available evidence indicates that they are.

>> No.15850254

>someone on the chans
>the chans
yeah you're definitely a newfag redditor
who the fuck talks like that?

>> No.15850258

I won't stop studying your brains till I can understand what makes you a racist.

Same. Suffering doesn't work for me the way it works for conservatives. I don't enjoy it like they do.

Any specific book in mind?

>> No.15850265

Perhaps I have grown too old for this place. I didn't know we are to let undergrads and high-schoolers dictate discourse on this board.

>> No.15850274

>right wing
What the actual fuck are you talking about? Most of us are either third positionists or actual left-wingers (marxists or the like). And if you're actually being serious, which you aren't, then you should be classified as mentally retarded.

>> No.15850280

This is the most well-crafted bait I've seen in a long time. Well done OP, I couldn't think of more reddit takes myself even if I tried

>> No.15850281

Third position means national socialist.

>> No.15850287

I am trying to explain to you why I'm racist and you are telling me you don't want to hear it lol
>every black country is poor and violent
>every black city in the US is poor and violent
>black minorities in Canada, the UK, Sweden, etc. are poor and violent
>they have never had complex civilizations
>their IQ scores are way lower
>they have smaller brains
>they have shorter gestation times
>they have earlier age of puberty onset
There is a ridiculous amount of evidence indicating that they're dumb. There is literally no evidence indicating that they're not. There is not a single study in existence that show a population of blacks achieving parity with whites on any relevant metric after controlling for environmental factors.

So why do you believe they aren't dumb on average?

>> No.15850289

No, it doesn't. That's just one manifestation of it. Just get the fuck out of here.

>> No.15850290

>Who was Mussolini
>Who was Perón
Imagine being this illiterate

>> No.15850293

Is that the actual title of a book?

Conservatism is not reactionarism. Huge difference between, say, Burke and De Maistre.

Conservatism: Scruton.

Reactionarism: something like BAP.

What about Trump? Kind of in-between, he has no fixed ideology really.

>> No.15850295

you're a fag, just fuck off.

>> No.15850308

They do rape and murder more

>> No.15850309

But this book says trump sits across from Reagan on the right table. Hitler sits across from Churchill etc.

>> No.15850314

>the chans

This place is dying fast, and it's being killed by Redditors...

>> No.15850320

None of those studies have been peer reviewed. So its not science.

>> No.15850328
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>the chans

>> No.15850331

One thing that seems to be growing is your ideology of racism and fascism. You guys are gearing up for world war 3. I want to read good books that will explain how it came to be.

>> No.15850336

Lol are you serious or not ?

>> No.15850341

>the chans
Jesus christ shut the fuck up you pawn.

>> No.15850343

Are you ever going to answer the question I asked, 'what reason do you have to think they're not dumb on average'?

Tell me what set of evidence you think is admissible in the conversation, that evidence is still going to point towards them likely being dumb. There simply doesn't exist any compelling evidence that indicates the contrary, if there did then it would be paraded around constantly and race wouldn't be taboo, the progressives would like to argue about it because they could present the evidence for racial equality. But this evidence doesn't exist. It's very clear what the situation actually is.

>> No.15850344
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>New York Times bestseller list book
>Peer review
>"Conservatism, third position and reactionarism are all the same"
>the chans

>> No.15850353

Your sourced must be vetted. Otherwise its fake news. We can't just accept hearsay as science.
No Richard Lynn doesn't have any work hasn't been peer reviewed.

>> No.15850355

Thanks OP for this elaborate bait you gave me a good laugh

>> No.15850358

Samefag who couldn't assimilate even though he's been here for 4 years. The election didn't happen yesterday you know.

>> No.15850367
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>The chans
Let me guess, you have doubted you're questionable sexual orientation and also use discord?

>> No.15850371
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get fucked homo

>> No.15850372

The last refuge of the liberal lmao

>> No.15850375

Why do you get so pissed when I call you a fascist?

>> No.15850385

I am sure racist study were reviewed by peer in nazy Germany so they have to be true right ?

>> No.15850392
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Let me show you another refuge of the liberal.

>> No.15850395

normie conservatives and normie libs both seem quite dumb to me, but normie libs have about 5-10 iq points on normie cons i think. top-tier conservative intellectuals seem to make more sense than top-tier leftist intellectuals though. anyway the whole sublime thing, i dunno… never really heard a conservative articulate it that way. conservatives seem to want people to have lots of kids and libs would be fine with everyone sterilizing themselves… maybe that's an example?

>> No.15850407

People put more effort into agitprop b8 threads than into actually reading or writing

>> No.15850409

Everything is nazi germany to you.
Oxford and Cambridge are Nazi germany to you because they don't publish your race war propaganda

>> No.15850417

>el goblina

>> No.15850472
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Thankfully Cambridge is removing any vestiges of racism from people like Ronald Fisher.

>> No.15850474

why are you incapable of answering a simple question about your belief in racial equality?

>> No.15850477

The distinction is that conservatives want people to have lots of kids at all costs for religious and ethnic reasons. Meanwhile liberals would rather maximize their own enjoyment in life.

>> No.15850492

Because I believe everyone should be treated equally no matter what.
I'm a socialist.
I don't care what the facts are.
I only care about my feelings.

>> No.15850555

>What I've read so far is about how conservatives enjoy perpetuating constant suffering so that everyone lives life on the edge to make every second exciting and sublime. Is that also true?

>> No.15850643

>he doesn’t build his city on the slopes of Vesuvius

>> No.15850968

>Oxford and Cambridge are Nazi germany to you because they don't publish your race war propaganda
Well every university is just a tool of the organized left. I person ally think that they need to be purged and that all work in the social sciences needs to be destroyed and re-studied by reformed institutions.

>> No.15850991

>fascist-conservative thought

>> No.15851019

People who supported and engaged in fascism, both within their countries and abroad, were overwhelmingly right-wingers. That whole "third position" crap is just smoke and mirrors.

>> No.15851036

>who told me that nobody at his rural town had ever seen a nonwhite person

liar liar pants on fire

>> No.15851068

Third position just means to reject the marxian dialectic that one can be either only capitalist or communist. Thats why you have people like Dinesh D'Souza and Prager U who make the case that fascism is left wing and have many left wigners who make the case that it is right wing. It begins with a different foundation from either, in that particular sense. Calling fascism third position is just babbys first realization that the one dimensional left/right dichotomy is lacking in nuance.

>> No.15851840

>Corey Robin
Top kek, as they say.

>> No.15851854

Thats very common in rural Europe.

>> No.15851869

>I'm looking to better understand racist thought
>dude i didnt ask 4 ur racist opinion >:(

>> No.15851899

Holy shit, /pol/tards really have taken over this site and made it a complete shitshow.
OP creates a thread about a book and a related topic. First replies are immediately about black people and IQ.
Stop chimping out, this is /lit/ not fucking /pol/.

>> No.15851930

how is he going to understand the mindset of 'fascists' and /pol/ if he doesn't understand why people are racist

>> No.15851932
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>chimping out
that's a bit racist, anon

>> No.15851933

Read the Rhetoric of Reaction by Hirschman

>> No.15851936

this, nobody fucking knows here what fascism really is, its demonized to oblivion because of the retard faggot nazis, germans fuck everything up.

>> No.15851980

Why do you value that book? Tell me what you liked

>> No.15852031

>germans fuck everything up
You're welcome for the printing press, racist faggot

>> No.15852045

the printing press allowed journalists to come into existence, which makes it the worst invention of all time

>> No.15852085


>> No.15852109

>the chans!
Self terminate your existence

>> No.15852119

It's a handy dandy guidebook and historical overview of reactionary rhetoric since the French Revolution. It's easy reading and he's got a dry ironic humor that pokes through on occasion.

Here's my summary: basically he proposes that reactionary arguments (those typically made against some reform or movement) fall into 3 categories

1. Perversity Thesis
2. Futility Thesis
3. Jeopardy Thesis

In the first stage Reactionaries argue that a new change will result in the opposite than intended outcome - Perversity

Second as the change is being discussed there's worry that the change will jeopardize some hard fought gain. E.G: If we expand the vote to women, it will jeopardize the gains we've already made to expand the right to vote.

Then finally after many years and the reform has succeeded Conservatives argue that it was ultimately futile; it simply didn't accomplish or come to anything.

Hope this helps.

>> No.15852130

women voting has clearly been a disaster from the conservative perspective

>> No.15852143

Women voted for conservative parties more than liberal parties until recently - it's because women are more religious than men. It's just that after WW2 religion was replaced by generalized antiracism.

>> No.15852159

That seems interesting indeed. It applies to American style conservatism.
Does the book also show if these three categories apply to hardcore capitalists as well as fascists?

>> No.15852162

The Germans also gave us the Reformation, which was actually the worst invention of all time.

>> No.15852175

Sankara gonna buttfuck your mom

>> No.15852226

OP and the author he posted are both slaves to ideology in such that they fail to exhibit the proper steps of thought. Not only are all of the moral presuppositions of neoliberalism nonsensical and indefensible, they don't make logical sense in any moral system and are an amalgam of arbitrary beliefs to maximize the output of capital. Therefore this superstitious twisting of science to force adherence to this indefensible and nonsensical ideological position and its many attendant books, like the one OP posted and Guns, Germs, and Steel are religious texts.

You can't point out to a religious person all they believe is both unsubstantiated, impossible, and foolish they will claim party to some secret knowledge that makes their views sensible but none such knowledge exists.

>> No.15852249

I don't think so but I read it awhile ago. He makes an unexpected pivot near the end to criticizing Progressives.

He criticizes Reactionary Conservatives for being too reactively cynical towards any change, and progressives for their excessive optimism and faith that in the great sweep of history progress is both inevitable and always good.

The impression I got is that he's writing from a solidly Liberal POV.

>> No.15852277

corey robin is a shameless, dishonest political hack writer, and this book is midwit trash. His whole attempt to link conservatism to "the sublime" rests on the very dubious proposition that the key to understanding the anti-jacobin politics Edmund Burke developed in his 60s is sonehow to be found in a treatise on aesthetics he wrote when he was like 18 - and not, you know, the obvious and escalating insanity of the french revolution, which would culminate in the genocidal campaign against catholic peasants in the vendeé, just a few years after Burke published his Reflections.

If you want to actually understand how conservatives think and why, read Roger Scruton (if you want to understand how conservatives understand left intellectuals like corey robin, read Scruton's "Fools, Frauds, and Firebrands", which is a sort of rightwing analogue to Robin's book, but funnier and also not full of malicious lies.)

>> No.15852302

Your mentally ill anon
Yes your inerpretation is right.
Conservatives perpetuate suffering and act afterwards smug that suffering is indeed natural,
i know it´s a shitty term but its pretty much collective slave morality

>> No.15852317

Actually now that I recall, I think he does criticize Hayek, as well as several economists and social scientists in the 19th and early 20th century who claimed to have discovered objective scientific laws either justifying Capitalism or "natural" hierarchies of race/class.

>> No.15852331
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>Understand the Brains of right wing people.
Read this