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File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15848117 No.15848117 [Reply] [Original]

We were bred over billions of years for a certain lifestyle.

Hunting, scavenging, socialising in groups of 50~. This is who we are, it's unarguable. However, that way of life is dead and isn't coming back. So what do you do with yourself? It's all pointless. No matter what path you choose in civilisation you end up with the same feelings of loneliness, anxiety, apathy etc. Whether you're a money hungry businessman or voluteer to help the homeless it's all the same. You're not doing what you were bred for and it makes you miserable. We advanced too far too fast. If we ever adapt to the modern world it'll be millions of years from now. And in the meantime we suffer.

>> No.15848143

i'm doing pretty alright though, anon. don't consoom much, live pretty simply, grateful for what i have.
even if we're all heading towards annihilation why be buttflustered about it?
make change for yourself and enjoy whatever incremental change it makes in your life.
read walden, chill out.

>> No.15848148
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1547183333351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex incel

>> No.15848153

Some people are too dumb to realise how much better life is supposed to be. You're content with mediocrity because you have no idea what true living is.

>> No.15848160

I feel for ol' Teddy. We're so bombarded by systems, we have no idea what's being done to us, no real control. We've been conditioned to obey rules that may be completely antithetical to our evolution in any world other than the one we manufacture, and that's a scary prospect unto itself. I also understand his hatred for noise; my neighbour next door has a truck that makes obscene noise, the house opposite has a motorbike that they just ride around in fucking circles, another house nearby is full of drunken slavs that let off fireworks and all sorts of bullshit. It's frustrating living in such close proximity to these people when they pollute the air.

>> No.15848161


So I can force another poor bastard into this waking nightmare? How could you look your son in the eye when he asks you why he was born? What kind of selfish, cruel, vindictive cunt would do that to another human?

>> No.15848166

t. slave

>> No.15848177

>So I can force another poor bastard into this waking nightmare?
stop reading Kacznski turbofaggot lmao.

>> No.15848179


>> No.15848190

Anyone who enjoys life is either an idiot or consuming a drug which for all intents and purposes turns you into and idiot.

>> No.15848219

Cyborgs are cool. The human intellect is malleable. Ted looks like he stinks.

>> No.15848227

>The human intellect is malleable
It's bendy, it's not play doh. We will not adapt to this for millions of years, if ever.

>> No.15848231

Yeah I have to believe constant artificial noise has a huge influence. Imagine living in a small tribe and at night it gets completely quiet except for the slow crackling of the fire

>> No.15848236
File: 172 KB, 680x557, 2k7u99po7tw11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wah wah wah tell me WHY was I born why is the world so cruel dude what's my purpose???
I have some news for you idiots. Free will does not exist. And Ted was a fag.

>> No.15848253

There are already people who have.

>> No.15848259

Only by consuming the pineal gland of children.

>> No.15848264

No, by being brought up well and having good genetics.

>> No.15848266

Because you will start to feel happier once you get your tip wet buddy

>> No.15848276
File: 2.74 MB, 1254x10000, time travel brain chemicals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No matter what path you choose in civilisation you end up with the same feelings of loneliness, anxiety, apathy etc.
Unless transhumanist technology advances to the point where wireheading becomes possible.


>> No.15848280

So name them.

>> No.15848319

Sex isn't merely reproduction, it can be a form of leisure and a way to exert dominance.

Have sex.

>> No.15848330

Okay, me, my sister, my neighbor, my software developer friend, my Uber driver friend, my restaurant chain owner friend, my blockchain expert friend, my cardiologist friend, my marketing professional colleagues, my stockbroker, my lawyer, and my accountant, off the top of my head. All doing well, all enjoying life, almost all with kids, with varying degrees of adaptability of modern society, and zero fear of new technologies.

>> No.15848339


>> No.15848349

I will bear the suffering for the future of humanity on the slight hope they will transcend the mud and justify our pain.

>> No.15848353


>> No.15848357

Have they realised they will have to work 3x harder than previous generations to even begin to match the lifestyle quality they had, or are they haplessly oblivious to the rapid decline in quality of life in favour of building stockpiles of non-existent money for extravagantly rich people? Because we're in the steady decline towards modern slavery in the west.

Long gone are 9-5s, no, if you work retail, they want you there early, and leaving late. Office jobs? Balanced against work quotas that are improbable for any human to do effectively. It's all about squeezing money from people, ringing their blood until it's gold, the ultimate alchemy brought forth from the sacrifice of humanity as we turn haemo-iron into pocket-cash. Modernity would have us believe 'part time work' is 35 hours a week, and that any job built on passion should necessitate the sacrifice of one's life to accomplish it.

>> No.15848411

I'd say that most of them realize that, especially the ones with kids, since they are already working extremely hard to raise their families. Life is hard work no matter what time in history you're in unless your needs are secured for you, which will always be a small and select group of people.

>> No.15848421

>Life is hard work no matter what time in history you're in unless your needs are secured for you
Seems as though you're ignorant to the fact that, by purposeful design, we are moving towards times where nobody has their needs secure.

>> No.15848435

1. How do you know that for sure?
2. What about the ultra rich and the technophiles?

>> No.15848450

100% agree with your post. If you aren’t buying rural acres right now and homeschooling materials you are setting your children up for unprecedented hardship. Turn the funny money into land while it still has a semblance of value. Raise children away from society so they don’t get crushed beneath the wheel.

>> No.15848461

You're setting your kids up for literal extinction by removing them from society and teaching them not to love new technology.

>> No.15848476

The greatest dream of every human in every age is to have enough resources and to be left alone. It's the goal which is the easiest to achieve today.

>> No.15848506

>1. How do you know that for sure?
The massive decline of wages against buying power of essential goods (food, housing), whilst an increase of buying power against luxury items. It's a BNW distraction system. As I said, working hours have become preposterous, and many professions have become prey to the predators of passion.

Look at video games, they're built in the fashion of 'new business'. You take people in based on passion, pay them poorly for their work because 'you're doing this for the love of your craft!', and then dispose and turn them over. This is new business, and the absolute prototypical example of where industries will be turning their heads.

>2. What about the ultra rich and the technophiles?
The ultra rich are the ones that are creating this deficit; if they can ensure people have to work continuously to support themselves - paycheck to paycheck - then they know they can squeeze people for more. They can increase working hours, because 'capitalism is a fair system to all, you just have to make it!', nevermind the plutocratic systems that are used as oppressive measures of control.

Don't you see? They're fostering dependence on their companies and corporations.

We aren't at the end point yet, but we're getting there; same thing is happening in all 'modern countries'. Even China is playing their hand at it. Want to buy property? That'll be a few million RMB, but don't worry, you can rent this shoddily built shit house and pay me every month for the privilege.

>> No.15848509

Faggiest reading of Kaczynski's works I have ever seen. Debord seems more up your alley, faggot.

The only thing you're supposed to take from TK is pure Will. If you'd rather whine about suffering then go become an activist, because the only single difference between a blue haired vegan anti-racist activist and Kaczynski is extremely slim, and that thing is a simple redirection of whining energy towards revolutionary potential.

Qualiacomputing is a great blog - but that spic chimera gets the bullet. Ever noticed that proponents of transhumanism are alienated mongrels? I mean literally. Only alienated beings, uprooted hybrids of Capital, cripples, weaklings and faggots advocate for transhumanism. The very people who have abandonned all hope, all will and all intent, precisely because they have been cornered by Capital into total alienation and anguish. The atomized individual is Capital's greatest agent. The mutt, the mongrel, the autist, the crippled is the future. And before wannabe fascists get a boner reading this, don't bother using this quick paragraph to entertain your delusional fantasies of authoritarian utopia. As Jünger fittingly put it; nazism is aristocracy diluted for the masses. If it's "for the masses", then it is definitely in favor of the system, as the individual is the cure. You've been played like a fiddle. Reject politicization.

Nonsense. I'm a rich fuck from a family of aristocrats, I've already mogged detractors to Kaczynski pretty bad, must I remind the buzzword throwing youngsters where I reside? I have sex with a model. I could fuck another model on the side, every hour, and be granted emperor status over the world, yet I'll never be satiated. The power process is right. Debate is useless, psychology is useless, systemic repression of maladapted indjviduals is the one-way truth. The radical individual is the other one-way truth. Yes, some people adapt, others don't. It boils down to struggle, not historical development. I'm "maladapted", yet the intensity of my being is such that I feel more legitimacy than "adapted" (domesticated) assets. Given this perspective, you cannot ever accept the development of modern intellectuality as something other than the expansion of capital into every aspect of our lives. That makes Hegel and Marx pretty retarded.

Ignore this post. Kaczynski is right about everything. Destroy industrial society.

>> No.15848514

>my marketing professional colleagues
holy kek I love it
a bit too on the nose but i love it

>> No.15848530

meant to reply to you (>>15848509)

>> No.15848566

Varg seems to be doing fine

>> No.15848586
File: 99 KB, 500x335, mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much edge. You see the truth when everyone else is blinded by modernity.

Thoreau had his meals cooked for him and his laundry done for him while he was "in the woods". Kaczinski purchased dry goods and bomb making devices from stores that could only exist in a civilization with a developed transportation system.

You can be a hunter-gatherer. Nothing is stopping you. But you were no more bred for that than for making sensible posts on the internet: both are completely beyond your reach.

>> No.15848589

>The massive decline of wages
Yeah, after they were massively inflated for decades. It's not the technological society's fault if there are people who spend their money unwisely and then are unable to dig themselves out of the ditch they find themselves in later on like a bumbling Homer Simpson or something. Look, life is changing, it's true. It's not the end of the world. It hasn't been yet, and it's been changing for thousands of years. There are lots of new ways to make money right now, not all of them wage-based.

>Don't you see? They're fostering dependence on their companies and corporations.
People need to look out for themselves if they don't want to become dependent on others. It's the rule of nature itself since the dawn of time. I think you lived comfortably and naively in a dream for most of your life, probably taught to you by your boomer parents, which is why you think the way you do. The way you think is an abnormality in nature, not the other way around.

>The ultra rich are the ones that are creating this deficit
So then there are people whose needs will still be secured? I named technophiles because they are the ones with the greatest aptitude for joining the ranks of said ultra rich in the future.

>> No.15848590

>I'm rich enough to do almost anything
>Let me lecture you about life
Fuck off ponce, you don't know fuck all about life.

>> No.15848600

>You can be a hunter-gatherer. Nothing is stopping you
Where's my tribe?

Where's my land?

If I take a group and go live in the wilderness, the government will come and start asking us for taxes or for us to leave. A lone human is a dead human. We are social creatures and need a tribe to thrive.

>> No.15848601

>Raise children away from society
What a way to announce to the world that you've never fucked.

>> No.15848614

I bet all the anprims here couldn't get through a week without access to internet and first world standards of living
Life was always shit, now it's almost bearable

>> No.15848617

>People need to look out for themselves if they don't want to become dependent on others. It's the rule of nature itself since the dawn of time
No it isn't.

Humans became the dominant species BECAUSE of our cooperation and reliance on each other.

>> No.15848618

> It's not the technological society's fault if there are people who spend their money unwisely
Nothing to do with moving off of the gold standard or anything then? Nothing to do with giving people the license to generate their own wealth without it coming from somewhere?

>People need to look out for themselves if they don't want to become dependent on others.
You don't understand, this is a choice being stripped from people. How can they look after themselves if they can't afford to buy housing? If they can't afford to buy housing, they are paying to exist in shelter in perpetuity, which requires generating money in perpetuity.

>So then there are people whose needs will still be secured?
Come on, don't be a fucking dick, you're talking about such a minuscule population that it shouldn't be considered as any 'group'.

>I think you lived comfortably and naively in a dream for most of your life, probably taught to you by your boomer parents, which is why you think the way you do.
I think you're wholly deluded about the shitshow we're in and how it isn't by chance, but by design.

Oh no, what a precarious accident, a small group of people control most of the world's wealth? And it's because they need billions in their accounts, with buying power to stomp out competition, and that's just how the cards fell, right? Idiot.

>> No.15848620

>Life was always shit, now it's almost bearable
Keep telling yourself that lie.

>> No.15848623

>Create a 50 person off-grid village of like minded people.

>> No.15848630

>Get charged taxes by the government, necessitating you participate in civilisation and earn money

>> No.15848632

What part of it is a lie?

>> No.15848636

Huh? I'm not lecturing anyone, insecure bitchboy. I'm simply telling the poster that being "rich and having good genes" is not the determinant for adaptive, pro-social behavior.

>> No.15848649

>Dude hunter gatherer life was awful, it was just mud and pain and hunger and suffering
They were survivors and they were good at it.

They thrived, they were more alive and had more of a thirst for life than you will ever know. They dominated their environment and truly lived.

>> No.15848660

Epic response dude. Can’t wait to send my kids to kindergarten so they can learn about transgenderism

>> No.15848668

>We were bred over billions of years
ummmm no sweetie x

>> No.15848669

>Humans became the dominant species BECAUSE of our cooperation and reliance on each other.
No, because of their intellect. All ecosystems feature some form of cooperation among their species, but the human intellect is towering and unique.

I'm not going to respond to each and every point because there's no point. I don't agree with your basic premises. What you should be focusing on instead of the hopeless doomsaying is having kids with someone who is better equipped at handling modern life than you are. The ultra rich and technophiles who you seem to hold in disdain despite them being living examples of people whose needs will be secured in the future have been doing exactly that for many generations.

>> No.15848678

>No, because of their intellect
You're a moron.

The smartest human is still a dead human when a bear attacks. 50 humans throwing spears and rocks are far better survivors.

>> No.15848684

>50 humans throwing spears and rocks are far better survivors.

>> No.15848689

This is pure romanticism, if the hunter gatherers could somehow travel in the future there is no way you could make them get back in their shitholes without pulling them from the hair.
Hunter gatherer life is just shooting birds and collecting mushrooms all day. If you think it's that fun you can spend your free time doing that instead of browsing the internet.

>> No.15848698

>The ultra rich and technophiles who you seem to hold in disdain despite them being living examples of people whose needs will be secured in the future have been doing exactly that for many generations.
Ah, because having the rest of the world in poverty works out so bloody well, doesn't it? "Don't oppose the way things are going! A tiny proportion of people that can instantly generate artificial wealth to control your life style have it ok, so I guess it all works out!" is some of the most asinine rhetoric I've ever heard.

You're a fucking moron of the highest calibre, and I dare say, the most dangerous type - the one who can rationalise their stupidity.

>> No.15848707

That's human cooperation IDIOT.

>> No.15848709

"The rest of the world" is not "in poverty" and there is no opposing the way things are going because the ones moving the world forward are smarter than the ones attempting to resist it.

>> No.15848718

Ah so living paycheck to paycheck with the fear of eviction isn't in poverty? There's clearly no duress to endure poor working conditions in that scenario, is there? You have a mangled sense of morals, and it's fucking woeful to think that halfwits like you make up so much of our population.

>> No.15848721

Besides chimps, no other animals build spears, and chimps don't build spears as well as we do, and they don't build guns at all either. You're also referring to a very basic form of cooperation. The complexity of our cooperation models today along with all our technology are products of the human intellect.

>> No.15848722

>This is pure romanticism
Look at wolves, look at bears, look at tigers.

Do they sit there all depressed about how awful their life is? No, they fucking love it.

>> No.15848728

How old are you?

>> No.15848733

>Besides chimps, no other animals build spears
Thousands of species use tools

>> No.15848749

>the rest of the world is living paycheck to paycheck with the fear of eviction
>there are no degrees of comfort between the ultra rich and the poor, it's just one or the other
>there is no way for someone to be both poor and happy
I didn't think an actual poor person could develop megalomaniac tendencies, but here we are.

>You have a mangled sense of morals, and it's fucking woeful to think that halfwits like you make up so much of our population.
Say what you want, I know I am right. The lineages that will survive will be the ones that interbreed with the right genes, not the ones that go off the grid because they're afraid of the world. And why should all lineages survive, anyway? Stupid people tend to be ugly people, and if you think otherwise, then you haven't met enough people yet.

>> No.15848753

We build the most advanced tools because we have the most advanced intellect.

>> No.15848758

>The lineages that will survive will be the ones that interbreed with the right genes, not the ones that go off the grid because they're afraid of the world
How did you move onto genetics?

>Stupid people tend to be ugly people, and if you think otherwise, then you haven't met enough people yet.
*tips pseud hat*
Jesus christ I wish you'd said this from the beginning, I wouldn't have had a conversation with you. You're clearly ugly as sin, because everyone in this thread knows you're an idiot.

>> No.15848761

Which we wouldn't have if we never learned cooperation.

Humanity is defined by cooperation. A lone human is easy pickings, no matter how smart.

>> No.15848768

>How did you move onto genetics?
I already did so here >>15848669

Ugliness isn't just physiognomic, but there's often a connection there too.

>> No.15848793

The time when humanity was only defined by cooperation is now the distant past. It has been defined by both cooperation and intellect for quite some time. In the future, it will only be defined by its intellect.

>> No.15848807
File: 37 KB, 700x372, charles-spain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the rich people, are the right lineage?

Starting to think you might be an ugly kike.

>> No.15848817

Those who earned their wealth are the right lineage.

>> No.15848829
File: 888 KB, 785x1102, Paris_Hilton_Monaco_2019_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, of course, how foolish of me to think otherwise.

>> No.15848843

>billions of years for a certain lifestyle.
Anon, I ...

>> No.15848844

Yes, it was foolish of you to think that the group that is the best off today is somehow not the most deserving and that that group is the best off for any reason other than their genes which dictate their superior intelligence over the masses. There are exceptions to every rule, of course.

>> No.15849135

lol, anglo-tier understanding of Nietzsche

>> No.15849345

there was no goal. Only to survive. No abstractions life was just life.

>> No.15849694

>drives his car for fun instead of taking the train
kek, what an absolute chad to tempt fate voluntarily

>> No.15849718

the absolute state of nihilism

>> No.15849744

>Hunting, scavenging, socialising in groups of 50~. This is who we are, it's unarguable.
Utter bullshit. Modern-day primitive people do this, but there is no evidence our direct ancestors did. In fact, logic says that they must not have; after all, we advanced into modern civilized societies, and the primitives didn't. There must be some difference to account for the divergent development paths, and Occam's Razor suggests that the most likely one is that our ancestral cultures weren't too keen on the murderhobo lifestyle.

>> No.15849795

Nietzsche wasn't opposed to the technoglobal system though. Read "The Greek State" and "Human, All Too Human".

>> No.15849926

>Utter bullshit. Modern-day primitive people do this, but there is no evidence our direct ancestors did. In fact, logic says that they must not have; after all, we advanced into modern civilized societies, and the primitives didn't.
This is your mind on civilisation worship

>> No.15849951

>go deadlift
>haha dopamine machine go brrrr

>> No.15849962

That's not how the human body works you dunce

>> No.15849993

Many people have Neanderthal DNA and that's how they lived. But, the Neanderthals are now extinct, and only a small fragment of their DNA lives with us, so OP's claim is still nonsense.

>> No.15850011

What the fuck do you think humans were doing for the 100,000 years before agriculture was discovered?

How did they survive if they WEREN'T hunter gatherers?

>> No.15850014

>x is natural and therefore x is good

read a fucking book my man

>> No.15850052

There's nothing wrong with rape.

Cry more.

>> No.15850068

I'm the first poster you replied to. It could be that there were different lifestyles among different tribes, but for the most part, most tribes were probably living in hunter-gatherer societies. However, unless you're an inbred from a long line of inbreds, you are only partially related to those hunter-gatherers.

>> No.15850088

>most tribes were probably living in hunter-gatherer societies
>you are only partially related to those hunter-gatherers
Which is it?

Are we descended from hunter gatherers or not? Where's this extra non-hunter gather DNA coming from? Just because your father was a farmer doesn't erase millions of years of hunter gatherer natural selection. Our pre-human ape ancestors were hunter gatherers too.

>> No.15850094

everything written before the last century would agree with that statement though.

>> No.15850107

>relies on technical thought to defend his philosophy

>> No.15850119

Those tribes didn't have the same genetic makeup as you today unless your family is full of weird inbreds. Different combinations of genes result in different aptitudes and different combinations of aptitudes and social conditions result in different behavioral patterns.

>> No.15850146

>Those tribes didn't have the same genetic makeup as you today
Yes, they did. Why do men have more muscle, denser bones, taller height and more striking power in modern society where it's entirely worthless?
>Different combinations of genes result in different aptitudes
Wrong. You don't breed a sherpa and a swede and get some godly mountain dwelling demon child, you get a mutt. Genetics is not pokemon. We haven't adapted to dairy fully, let alone modern civilisation.

>> No.15850148

You're so smart.

Now go sit in the corner and amuse yourself.

>> No.15850176

>Yes, they did.
They literally didn't lol. Just because someone has 2% Neanderthal DNA doesn't mean they are genetically the same as Neanderthals, and Neanderthals didn't have the other 98% that that person has, so that person is different from them. Likewise, the other 98% may consist of DNA from various other tribes, none of which may have had 2% Neanderthal in them.

>You don't breed a sherpa and a swede and get some godly mountain dwelling demon child, you get a mutt.
A mutt isn't a different breed?

>> No.15850191

>t. someone who didn't start with the greeks. chin up zoomer.

>> No.15850211

Have fun teaching darwinist and psychoanalyst myths to future generations in the forest retard.

>> No.15850215

>They literally didn't lol
Why are you laughing? Are you feeling insecure? Not so sure of yourself anymore? Neanderthals were not the only hunter gatherers. What do you think our non-neanderthal ancestors were doing? Do you really think hunter gatherer DNA just disappeared in the 15,000 years since agriculture started? What, are we all genetically predisposed to farming now?

>> No.15850218

Answer this:

>Why do men have more muscle, denser bones, taller height and more striking power in modern society where it's entirely worthless?

>> No.15850224

>A mutt isn't a different breed?
No, it's mutt.

A half nigger is not a new race, it's a mutt.

>> No.15850259


Communes exist, if you're willing to trade away public infrastructure for the right to throw rocks at a lion or whatever the fuck

>> No.15850269

>Communes exist
With frequent contact with and support from civilisation, and virtually no threat of death, one of the fundamentally glue's of real human relationships.

>> No.15850278

I'm still waiting

>> No.15850347

>mfw all the autistic ecofascists in this thread are also NEETs relying on welfare to maintain their lifestyles
>mfw everyone in this thread would be dead from dysentery or starvation in weeks under Kaczynski's idiot utopia
>mfw Kaczynski's philosophy condemns the physically or mentally unfit to death as a matter of necessity and no one in this thread is self-aware enough to realize that they're included in those groups

>> No.15850373

>Why are you laughing? Are you feeling insecure? Not so sure of yourself anymore?
Because your thinking is foolish and laughable to me.

>Neanderthals were not the only hunter gatherers.
That's not my point. My point is that our DNA has changed. Not only do we have DNA from multiple hunter-gatherer societies in us (no doubt each with their own nuanced behaviors and beliefs), but as sets of DNA combine, different drives combine, some creating new drives out of those combinations. Genes can fuse together to create new genes.

Because those traits aren't entirely worthless so people with those traits were still valued and still able to breed and have offspring, keeping their genes in the gene pool.

A breed is when there are many mutts of a similar kind. That's what all breeds are, from an evolutionary biological perspective.

>> No.15850387

>mfw all the autistic ecofascists in this thread are also NEETs relying on welfare to maintain their lifestyles
When we should do what? Work? Why the fuck would I do that? Go live in the woods? I tried, the government told me to start paying taxes or leave.
>mfw everyone in this thread would be dead from dysentery or starvation in weeks under Kaczynski's idiot utopia
Good, the more humans die the better.
>mfw Kaczynski's philosophy condemns the physically or mentally unfit to death as a matter of necessity and no one in this thread is self-aware enough to realize that they're included in those groups
You're the first to go.

>> No.15850390
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, 2A49B753-5226-44FF-89F6-ACBD8BAE9854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi OP, this is a picture from a growing apple in my homestead. I can promise you that homesteading is everything you ever wished it was, I speak to you as an idealist who had to outdoorsy experiences. Go homestead OP, find yourself a women who does not want to work, have kids, get fit, get healthy, build beautiful things, bring beauty into this world, modernity is an option, you can opt out.

>> No.15850394

>but as sets of DNA combine, different drives combine, some creating new drives out of those combinations. Genes can fuse together to create new genes.
Give examples then.

What old behaviours combined into new ones?

>> No.15850401

>Go live on a farm, pay taxes, be reliant on civilisation
No thanks

>> No.15850437


>Good, the more humans that die the better.

But let me guess, you would somehow survive. Ecofascists always find synaptic leaps and loopholes that ensure they would survive and so long as that remains the case they're willing to let the rest of the world die.

The overlap between ecofascism and anti-natalism is disturbingly fertile, but it's all so goddamn boring and predictable.

>> No.15850446

>But let me guess, you would somehow survive
I don't care either way. I'm not delusional like commies, I don't pretend I'll be leading anyone.

>> No.15850479

>The lineages that will survive will be the ones that interbreed with the right genes, not the ones that go off the grid because they're afraid of the world. And why should all lineages survive, anyway? Stupid people tend to be ugly people, and if you think otherwise, then you haven't met enough people yet.

The Amish are not only off grid but they are also very selective on the technology they choose to use and they have the highest fertility rate of any group currently alive. In fact fertility trends point to them being a majority of the population along with the mormons and menonites by the year 2100. This off course will not happen but you can not pull these ignorant statements like you did in the post im quoting. It just seems like you are talking out of your ass and have not read anything about genetics, selection and behavior. I di agree that stupid people tend to be ugly, fat, malnourished, but they are also the ones who are having the most kids in the secular technological world, (the world you so proudly belong to).

>> No.15850505

Then locate the remaining hunter gatherer tribes, pick a spot, and move there. I’m sure you could write a great book were you ever to come back. Also a homestead is not a farm.

>> No.15850512

>Also a homestead is not a farm.
You plant shit and rear animals for food. It's a farm.

>> No.15850514

>No matter what path you choose in civilisation you end up with the same feelings of loneliness, anxiety, apathy etc.
It doesn't have to be like that. Look at forest anon for instance or any other modern hermit who isn't necessarily a pure hunter-gatherer but manages to make it in the woods and nature off a minimal existence and maintain some semblance of happiness and contentment. Sure it's very difficult even doing that but if it makes you happy to just live innawoods and reduces at least some of your sufferings to be in isolation then go for it. Nothing is stopping any of us really. I'm planning on doing it soon or trying it at least. It's worth trying I have felt like shit for so long and now I have some inspiration to get away from most of the bad parts of society for my own sanity.

>> No.15850525

If you're questioning the scientific validity of what I'm saying, then I suggest getting access to a database of peer-reviewed journals if you don't have one and researching concepts like gene fusion, protein evolution, evolutionary neuroscience, genome evolution and neuropsychoanalysis. You will find a lot of information on this ongoing study.

>What old behaviours combined into new ones?
Higher empathy, for one. Neuroscientists have observed that new neural connections are developed in the brain simply through positive social interactions and that social isolation typically results in behavioral rigidity and limited empathetic ability. There is ongoing research into the human genome on how the genome influences the brain's capacity to develop new connections and a higher form of empathy. When two groups remain genetically distinct from one another, it appears there is a limit in how well they can empathize with the other.

>> No.15850526


>> No.15850536

Can you post forest anon?

>> No.15850556

Yes, idiot.

How the fuck is a homestead any different from a farm?

>> No.15850564

No, you made a claim, provide proof. I'm not doing your legwork for you.

>> No.15850571


You just pretend you'll be indifferent to the deaths of billions so you can enjoy your Quest For Fire larping and building spike traps for squirrels

>> No.15850578

I'm not spoonfeeding you. If you care about this, you will take the starting points I provided you and read into it. But if you just want to win a dumb internet argument, go ahead and keep telling me that I haven't proven it and am therefore wrong (which is a fallacy btw).

>> No.15850586

>I'm not spoonfeeding you
Then shut up and go away, you have no proof of your claims and are clearly talking shite. Now get out of my sight.

>> No.15850587

“ So, how does a farm differ from a homestead? A farm generates money by selling the livestock and/or produce from the land. ... A homestead is a place where a person and/or family cultivates the land and tries to become more self sufficient. A homesteader strives to live off of the land by growing and raising what he eats” there anon. You still haven’t replied to >>15850505

>> No.15850590

>You just pretend you'll be indifferent to the deaths of billions
I will, why would I care?

>> No.15850602

It's a farm that doesn't make any money. Wow.

>Then locate the remaining hunter gatherer tribes
There are no white hunter gatherers left.

>> No.15850605

It's not my job to prove it. I'm not a scientist. The scientists are doing the work as we speak.

>> No.15850615

>It's not my job to prove it
You made a claim, you provided no proof, therefore you're talking shite.

Now fuck off.

>> No.15850620


>> No.15850649
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>asperger camus

>> No.15850660


Why would you care about the lives of the "50~" people in your tribe or whatever but not the lives of anyone else? Why is the value of a human life tied to whether or not you personally benefit from their existence? How do you justify that selfishness?

>> No.15850692

>Why would you care about the lives of the "50~" people in your tribe or whatever
Because you'd grow up and live with those people your entire life. Every action you took and they took would directly keep all of you alive. You'd save each other from wild animals, from injuries, from illness. You'd experience everything together. You'd thrive directly as a result of your cooperation with these people. You would have a true bond and true relationships because it was built on the back of survival, with the risk of death constantly looming.

>but not the lives of anyone else?
Who the fuck are they? Why would I care about them?

>> No.15850710

Or maybe you fight with them for food/sex/leadership.

>> No.15850714

Pseuds need to kill themselves

>> No.15850718

You're right, I don't have the proof right in front of me, maybe because I'm not aware of the right paper for this discussion, or because it hasn't been written yet.

However, you should acknowledge that scientists are currently working on the research to prove exactly what I am saying, since I derived what I'm saying from scientists (e.g., Jaak Panksepp). The human genome project was only completed in 2003, which is fairly recently, and since then their understanding of the genome and how the brain works is becoming more refined as each experiment is completed.

>> No.15850728

Please stop spouting ignorance.

1. Food would be plentiful except in times of disaster, there'd be no reason to fight amongst your own tribe you'd fight other tribes if anyone

2. See above

3. There often was no need for traditional leadership, people knew what needed to be done and they did it, if there was a chief it'd be a wise elder, it wasn't a position like a king where you hoard resources and fuck lots of women.

>> No.15850736

>maybe because I'm not aware of the right paper for this discussion, or because it hasn't been written yet
Maybe you should keep your mouth shut then.

>> No.15850741

>However, you should acknowledge that scientists are currently working on the research to prove exactly what I am saying
I don't acknowledge it. Now what?

>> No.15850749

Why? Do you have the papers to share to prove that you're right and that my claim is absolutely false? Are we in a court of law?

>> No.15850756
File: 582 KB, 3264x3264, wow this is litreally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just give up already, pessimist canon won

>> No.15850759

>Now what?
Now you're close-minded, since there's textbooks of ongoing research on the neurological basis of our subjective emotions and thoughts that you're disregarding deliberately.

>> No.15850772

Because your beliefs are based on non existent "proof" that you say will exist in the future.

>> No.15850777

>Now you're close-minded
You're damn right I am.

Blow me.

>> No.15850793


Are you the same poster who said they're not one of those "delusional commies?" Because what you're laying out sounds an awful lot like an egalitarian distribution of resources and a community build on cooperation and mutual aid.

Also you can develop those relationships now. It sounds like you're just shit at it and think that if the whole world hit the reset button you'd suddenly somehow be better at building interpersonal relationships.

>> No.15850801

They are based on theories stemming from philosophy that have so far survived scrutiny in labs.

You're proud of being a retard? Why?

>> No.15850811


>There are no white hunter gatherers left

Behold, the racism inherent in all models of ecofascism

>> No.15850835

>Are you the same poster who said they're not one of those "delusional commies?" Because what you're laying out sounds an awful lot like an egalitarian distribution of resources and a community build on cooperation and mutual aid.
Commies don't live in tribes of 50 since birth, commies don't roam the land, commies don't live without government existence, commies don't hunt or gather etc.

>> No.15850844

>Also you can develop those relationships now
Did you even read my post?

Without the threat of imminent death and a need for cooperation, no true relationship can be formed.

>> No.15850854

>They are based on theories
Theories are unproven ideas. In other words, wank.

>> No.15850863

"open minded" is synonymous with "weak", "effeminate" and "cowardly" to me.

>> No.15850877

Scientific theory is not speculation. It's based on positives from tests.

>> No.15850880

I'm a racist for not wanting to live alongside people outside my race?

Race is not skin deep, and racial purity is a strong force.

>> No.15850886

Tests are not infallible. It's wank.

>> No.15850896


Also your constant refrain of "our current social models are shit because we don't live under the constant threat of death" is pure and unadulterated bullshit.

Capitalism, by necessity, requires a contingent of humanity that is always stalked by the specter of death through poverty, lack of cohesive public health and infrastructure, uneven distribution of resources, systematic discrimination based on race and gender, and state-sanctioned violence. These people face the very real threat of death on a daily basis. They're just not white so you don't give a fuck.

You're not a Ted K acolyte, you're a bored suburban racist who thinks misanthropy is a virtue.

>> No.15850907


I predicted you responding like this and already answered you here >>15850896

Find a mutual aid group and start contributing to the material well-being of the disadvantaged or fuck off, you whiny pissbitch

>> No.15850908

Infallibility is not proof that a theory is true. Only another theory can prove a theory false.

>> No.15850944

>Only another unproven idea can unprove an unproven idea
Take your blind worship of science elsewhere you utter retard

>> No.15850957

No one starves to death in Civilisation. No one is in danger of falling from a high place and dying while looking for food in Civilisation. No one is in danger of being killed by an animal while looking for food in Civilisation

You're so fucking sheltered.

>> No.15850969
File: 248 KB, 318x200, 1584561074024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrr a scientific theory is just speculation bro
You really have no idea how science works, do you?

>"open minded" is synonymous with "weak", "effeminate" and "cowardly" to me.
>proceeds to bring a sword to a gun fight and get killed because he refused to be "weak" aka learn and adapt
Great survival strategy, brainlet.

>> No.15850978

>You really have no idea how science works, do you?
If there's no proof, it's wank. I don't care how much things point towards it being true, if you don't PROVE it as a fact then you're WRONG.

>> No.15851022


>No one starves to death in Civilisation

Well at least now I know you're just retarded.

So it's not that people don't live under the threat of death, it's that they don't live under the threat of your very specific Jack London/Davy Crockett bullshit definitions of death. Stop moving the goalposts. Just shout RaHoWa, get it out of your system, and delete the thread.

>> No.15851039

I'm not moving the goalposts.

All those things you mentioned: race, healthcare...get a fucking grip. How fucking soft are you? To think being bullied by police or denied help with your cancer treatment = being mauled to death by a bear.

>> No.15851045

>If there's no proof, it's wank.
In that case, your theory is wank too since you have yet to prove it.

>> No.15851062

My theory isn't a theory, it's a fact, genetics and archaeology don't lie.

>> No.15851070

Facts don't exist.

>> No.15851077

Why? Are they racist?

>> No.15851084

There's no proof that they exist :^)

>> No.15851090

Awww, is the little baby resorting to this now?

Having a little bitch fit tantrum because he got destroyed in a big boy argument? Awwww.

>> No.15851111
File: 44 KB, 450x450, mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right back at ya, bro!

>> No.15851114


>I'm not moving the goalposts

>Nobody lives under the threat of death these days
>No, I mean nobody gets eaten by a bear

>Communists are delusional
>No, living in a tribe that fairly distributes resources is completely different from communism

>There are no independent hunter-gatherer tribes on the planet anymore
>No, I mean there aren't any *white* ones

Death is death is death you stupid cunt, and if you don't want to actually find organizations that directly and materially improve the livelihoods of people living in food deserts or struggling to survive without access to healthcare, then you don't actually give a shit about any of Teddy K's ideas except the ones where people you see yourself as superior to die on scales unprecedented in human history.

Fuck off forever you bored lazy disingenuous shithead.

>> No.15851125

You werent "bred" for anything, retard. Our monkey ancestors literally just liked having sex and pooped out some babies, some of whom survived and some didnt. People workout in gyms and have a general life expectancy 3 x higher than they did as hunter gatherers. Shit we cured diseases that were made to eradicate us. We have no "purpose" given to us by nature, we're literally just a random ass monkey that decided to become big brained and it made us into existential sad beings. If anything the human race is probably the most adaptable being ever on earth, considering how different we can live our lives.
The reason we're sad fucks is because we subconsciously know capitalism is fucking us in the ass and being a wage slave is fucking meaningless.

>> No.15851129

>gets waco'd

>> No.15851132

Listen you retarded commie dunce, you're sheltered, you have no idea what living under death actually is. No one does, that's why everyone's so delicate and crying all the time about being a victim. Go jump off a bridge, you'll do us all a favour.

>> No.15851144

>Muh capatalism boogeyman
Stalin killed millions, Mao killed millions, Pol Pot killed millions.

"N-NOT REAL COMMUNISM". Fuck the fuck off you child.

>> No.15851149


Keep projecting bro

>> No.15851160
File: 47 KB, 640x425, good_will_hunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy turned out this way because IQ tards advanced him a class in school and later put him with other IQ tards in university
he thinks he knows shit about the world because he scored good in math class

disregard his books and read about what he published before he hated the world

>> No.15851161

>Run out of arguments
>Accuse the other guy of projection
Tell me how I know you're a skinny lanklet.

>> No.15851166

>Don't wrongthink, obey society, listen and comply

>> No.15851192


Bro you resorted to name-calling like six posts ago. You've lost. Stay mad or move on, I don't care.

>> No.15851207

There's nothing wrong with name calling, being afraid to call names for fear of looking immature is pathetic.

If you have no arguments left, then admit defeat and suck my cock.

>> No.15851221

An Illustration of the Tedfag in Pre-Civilization:

>unga, unga bunga! munga! [dude, stop blowing into that bone you made holes in to make music, we weren't bred for that!]
>bunga unga, munga chunga! [dude, stop drawing yourself fighting huge animals on the wall with your home made paint, we weren't bred for that!]
>tunga bunga, chunga dunga! [dude, stop drawing those symbols and creating a language system for deeper communication, we weren't bred for that!]
>unga chunga dunga munga! [dude, stop arguing against the existence of facts, we weren't bred for that!]

>> No.15851244

The difference is those things slowly emerged over the course of millions of years.

In the past 200 years we've gone from no electricity to space exploration, global communication, nuclear bombs, the internet, pharmaceuticals and so on.

>> No.15851288

If I have a comfortable bathroom and a computer and people millenias (or century) ago did not have them, that does not mean they were not bred for it. They just had no means to acquire it, but when they managed to get them, they found them beneficial. Otherwise humans will just ignore these things and go to dwell in caves.

>> No.15851297

>The difference is those things slowly emerged over the course of millions of years.
And millions, perhaps even billions, pointlessly died because of that. Imagine if developments in medicine had happened quicker, how many people wouldn't have needlessly died just because people were lazy and scared to push themselves and their craft to their absolute limits. Or if developments in architectural planning and protective safety against the environment had happened quicker. Lots of deaths caused by slowness. There is death no matter what and no perfect method to change.

>> No.15851304

The POINT you fucking children are missing is you can't possibly adapt to such major changes over such a short time period.

>> No.15851309

Yeah you can, it's just going to be really painful at that level of acceleration.

>> No.15851338


If I change the earth's atmosphere to 99% carbon dioxide you won't just magically adapt to it in 200 years.

>> No.15851344

Adaptation does not mean that you become happy. Adaptation just means that you survive.

>> No.15851354

And we're not surviving very well.

Mental illness is through the roof, suicide is through the roof, heart disease is through the roof, obesity is through the roof. Do you need me to keep going?

>> No.15851363

>If I change the earth's atmosphere to 99% carbon dioxide you won't just magically adapt to it in 200 years.
That's not technology's fault, but society's, and it will take mass genocide to correct that issue, hence the "it's going to be really painful" part of my post.

>> No.15851366

Life expectation is through the roof, so all this stuff is either false or irrelevant. Fertility is down, but only because population is through the roof too. So current population is the happiest and the most populous in history. Sounds like a good deal.

>> No.15851380

What in the everloving fuck are you on about?

No one would survive that. No one. The level of technology we have now will take millions of years of adaptation to overcome, if it ever even happens at all.

>> No.15851382

>Life expectation is through the roof
So what?

Life isn't about living long, it's about living long enough to pass on your genes. Who the fuck wants to live until 125?

>> No.15851403

Then again, the modern population is absolutely at highest, so genes passing did work incredibly well. It is being slowed down now, but only because you can't increase it for infinity with limited resources. If we will colonize the universe, expect quadrillions.

>> No.15851409

>The level of technology we have now will take millions of years of adaptation to overcome
Bullshit. The earth isn't so fragile. We saw a substantial drop in air pollution in countries generating the highest percentages of it just because of the coronavirus. Imagine if the 8 billion people on this planet were reduced to 1 billion and how significant a reduction in pollution we would see. The earth would correct itself in way shorter time than "millions of years" then, and you could keep reducing the population size further to speed that process up.

Unless you're talking about adaptation at the individual level and not at the societal level. Are you saying it's going to take millions of years until there are offspring capable of using computers? If so, that's unbelievably retarded, especially since there are already people who are capable of using computers, and all technology on earth even.

>> No.15851414
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>Who the fuck wants to live until 125?

>> No.15851423

>It is being slowed down now, but only because you can't increase it for infinity with limited resources
It's being slowed because people are depressed and miserable.

Depression and suicide are highest in 1st world countries. Explain that.

>> No.15851430

You don't need to adapt to something which is perfectly fitting for you.

>> No.15851438

I'm not talking about pollution.

I'm talking about the mental toll of technology and everything that results from it. That's genetics, and it takes millions of years for them to change 1%.

>> No.15851446

Explain why suicide and depression rates rise as technology and civilisation expands?

>> No.15851454

>I'm talking about the mental toll of technology and everything that results from it.
What "mental toll of technology"? What the hell does that shit even mean? Who the fuck is mentally unstable due to technology? Do these people even matter at all?

>> No.15851455

That's because in caveman societies you had no depression, just "grug feel bad" and also no cancer, just "grug belly ache". As for the suicides you can see Australian aborigines which are the closest to your ideal. Their suicide rates are absolutely horrendous.

>> No.15851468
File: 553 KB, 3400x2400, suicide_rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does not.

>> No.15851475

How old are you? I'm serious, how old?

>> No.15851479

>Western Australia leads the Aboriginal suicide rates, with 35.8 per 100,000 Aboriginal population.
Why the fuck do they kill themselves so often?

>> No.15851484

>As for the suicides you can see Australian aborigines which are the closest to your ideal. Their suicide rates are absolutely horrendous.
You mean the ones who had their land stolen from them, were forced to live in civilisation and were robbed of their way of life?

Those ones?

>> No.15851498


>> No.15851501

Answer the question: What the fuck are you talking about with "mental toll of technology"?

>> No.15851505

I'll tell you if you tell me how old you are.

>> No.15851512

I'm 28. Now give me a straight answer.

>> No.15851545


>you've run out of arguments
>my last argument was accusing you of being a sheltered lanklet

>I win somehow

>> No.15851547

>I'm 28
Jesus H Christ. If that's true then I feel sorry for you.

>> No.15851548

They maybe had primitive way of life before, but they always had some kind of ropes to hang on. Same is true for various northern natives who always had very elaborate suicide traditions and rates (which is not surprising taking in account their bleak surroundings).

>> No.15851553

Where's the answer, Fuckley?

>> No.15851561

Greenland is kinda famous for that too.

>> No.15851569

I would love to live forever.

>> No.15851571
File: 68 KB, 334x334, 1585356141276_y5toi2mp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was socialised to read dostoevsky and do big cums in your moms pussy tbqh

>> No.15851575

You wouldn't understand it if this is your level of intellect at 28.

>> No.15851582

Oh, so it is not increasing in the last 30 years? But it increased since the blessed cavemen times? You can bring the cavemen suicide graphs then.
Not that it matters much because just a tiny fraction of humans suicide and the rest have the highest life expectancy now.

>> No.15851586

Yeah? Try me.

>> No.15851598

>We were bred over billions of years for a certain lifestyle.

emperically wrong. we were breed for like 500,000 max for that. this is presented like we or any biological organism had a predetermined ecological end point rather then evolution being a continual process. we even have some adaptions for agricultural life already. now, if you want to say we are not adapting fast enough for our technological/societal advancements, sure, but that we were “made” for a certain period is preposterous. its more accurate to say that most of out enviornment of adaption were for period x as it now stands.

>> No.15851601

Well, let's hope that technology will achieve that in our lifetimes.

>> No.15851626

I'm not wasting my time, brainlet.

>> No.15851635


>> No.15851669

Strange that suicide rates have been on a steady decline since the internet became publicly accessible. What's that all about? Is internet a positive technology for us, then?

>> No.15851677

No time to hang yourself when you are busy shitposting.

>> No.15851686

>What's that all about?
Faking statistics to make people not think it's as bad as it is.

>> No.15851722

Post the real statistics with proof of validity then.

>> No.15851727

They don't exist, the people with a vested interest in making you think the here and now is the best we've ever had it own everything

>> No.15851731

Cavemen had no stats to fake, so once again they win!

>> No.15851750

>the people with a vested interest in making you think the here and now is the best we've ever had it own everything
Nice conspiracy theory, but it's not evidence that the statistics are faked.

>> No.15851785

>Nice conspiracy theory
It's the truth.

You really think studies are objective? People get paid to do them, which means people give out the results that get them repeat business.

>> No.15851812

I'll assume it's true. What then? Should we take away technology from everyone, since it hurts some people's fee-fees, even the ones who love using modern tech and have had their lives endlessly enriched by it? Should we isolate these two groups so they don't come in contact with each other? That seems like an impractical solution. Obviously, not everyone is adapted well to modern society, but the idea that no one is is 100% false.

>> No.15851831

If you can't see the horrors of technology on the human race, then you deserve to suffer in ignorance.

>> No.15851845

Not everyone finds it horrifying, though, so what should be done about that?

>> No.15851855

>Not everyone finds it horrifying
Like I said, suffer in ignorance.

>> No.15851883

>Nice conspiracy theory
Why do you say this? Do you genuinely believe that people who are in power do not conspire to gain more of it or keep it for as long as possible. I certainly would, if i had that type of power.

>> No.15851893

What am I ignorant of? I'm aware that some people find modern tech and the society it has created to be a hellish landscape and already acknowledged these people.

>> No.15851900

I am going to convert to Islam, move to a Islamic country and marry 3 women and have 4-5 kids with each. I will create my tribe.

>> No.15852040

Hunter gatherer groups existed because they were the most reliable way to ensure our survival, but that's not the case anymore. I'd rather live in modern society than 100,000 years ago.
>hurr durr we're all miserable cuz we're not doing what we were bred for.
We evolved to survive, and the development of technology has facilitated our survival, so you could say it is what we were "bred for"
The fact that you're miserable doesn't mean everyone else is. But if it makes you happy, feel free to become a hermit and live like a caveman

>> No.15852104
File: 362 KB, 1500x708, Kacynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't get why and how people write so many books about shit. It takes ages to get some insight and even then it's hard to put the words together. Let me guess there is only like 10 pages of the core stuff that actually matter and the remainder is just so it looks like a book. Drawing is also more fun, fuck books.

>> No.15852131

But we were not bred to have snuff-sex with dogs or slowly torture rats we catch to death, like Unka Teddy did... He is what we call a "spiteful mutant", who would never have been born if we were still under Darwinian selection conditions.
Hope Ted likes that BBC!

>> No.15852140

if you can only reply with shitty memes don't reply at all

>> No.15852148

That image is a load of horseshite.

Nietzsche was a retard and so is anyone who believes his master/slave morality bullshit.

>> No.15852152
File: 93 KB, 1440x1414, flag nation o islam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds legit

>> No.15852156

If all you have to contribute is "dude life's awesome" then shut the fuck up.

>> No.15852200
File: 49 KB, 760x428, froggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets hope it becomes a reality and ends like all those video games where the immortal being desperately wants to kill himself and searches for aeons to do so

sounds familiar
>mortal being tries to find a way to make himself immortal and searches for aeons

there is no pleasure without pain and there is only pain without pleasure

>> No.15852225

I would still gladly take that over non-existence.

>> No.15852264
File: 41 KB, 400x378, pepelol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me immortal
>got all this time
>use it to research for a way to kill myself

>an immortal being and his friends walk into a bar
>one friend asks why he even bothers drinking a beer when he is never thirsty and can't die from dehydration
>before the immortal being can answer another friend adds why he hangs around mortals all day
>the immortal being lowers his classes, takes a sip from his beer, looks at his mortal friend, their eyes meet and he says
>reminds me of better times

>> No.15852301

Life is awesome for a lot of people and that fact refutes OP.

>> No.15852303

it's actually a thing coined by Hegel but whatever
a good way to understand some things about the world
if anyone is retarded it's the socialists who think this principle governs the universe

>> No.15852329

An even bigger retard

>> No.15852376

>video games where the immortal being desperately wants to kill himself
I remember playing Planescape Torment. The stated goal of the player character was to find a way to die and to avoid resurrecting. If you successfully finished the game getting a good end, this goal was not achieved - instead the character was sent to fight into hell.
But the best part is that in the middle of the game the character encountered the powerful necromancer. If you annoyed him enough, he just swiftly and completely destroyed the MC, after which the game just ended. The funny thing was that such a fulfillment of an initial goal was not considered a success and that was counted by simply a bad end. Tells you something about getting what you asked for.

>> No.15852387

>we will do a revolution but we won't use guns because that's technology
can't say I wasn't entertained when listening to his first book
I bet in his second book he declared a world revolution to destroy all technology since his non technological utopia would have no chance to compete
I bet he was been fuming at the mouth reading communist books in prison and reselling them as his own ideas

>> No.15852972


>> No.15853775

I don't disagree honestly but the fact you hitched this sentiment to Kaczynski is a sign of your own worthless nihilism. Have a little faith that problems can be rationally solved. Violence is ignorance.
If you come around you will hopefully understand that the "system" is ultimately just people trying to survive and doing what makes the most sense in their conditions and the attempt to bomb everyone in an attempt to sculpt things to favor your worldview is epistemological insanity. Let alone moral ignorance.

>> No.15853871

When you see happy people with families do you think it’s all a secret ruse and that they all must be secretly sad on the inside?

Likewise what makes you sure that you aren’t looking at the past with false rose tint ?

Finally if you want all of this why not just move to PNG ?

>> No.15853908

But anon food is far cheaper and more readily available. Even with covid factored in. Literally the opposite of what you describe

>> No.15855020

probably older than you are if you need to idealize primitive life as a cope with depression

>> No.15855036

if you think bears and tigers "fucking love their life" conversing further with you is most likely hopeless

>> No.15855703


>> No.15856183


>> No.15856264

forest anon seems retarded or immature

>> No.15856810

>“Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σίβνλλα τί ϴέλεις; respondebat illa: άπο ϴανεΐν ϴέλω.”


>> No.15856857

>lots of this itt
>hurr if you don't focus on the uber wizbang bleeding edge of technology you're not gonna make it

give me a break. you're just unknowingly parroting the VC mindset.

>> No.15856913

Apostole of Virginity

>> No.15858514
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Shut the fuck up christian weenie

>> No.15858535

>appeal to nature

>> No.15858712

Perhaps the popularity of Battle Royale games is a response to the fear that the only the very best can make it, in a world of many people scrambling for one position.

>> No.15858800

>If we ever adapt to the modern world it'll be millions of years from now
The fuck is this retardation? We begin adapting to our world from the moment we're born and begin picking up on what people around us are doing. We're already adapting
Unless you mean laws and societal values will be more helpful in a post-internet world, what you say makes no sense.

>> No.15858989

*shrugs* k
*jacks off to hentai*

>> No.15858996

ted was wrong
the amish are right

>> No.15859024

The Amish prove nothing and I don't know why anyone refers to them as though they're a good example of an ideology. You realize that the nation in which they live could easily expel or eliminate them within a matter of hours, right? What kind of success do you think that is? They're a joke.

>> No.15859045

>You realize that the nation in which they live could easily expel or eliminate them within a matter of hours, right?
If your government wanted to eliminate you, how long would it take them, and why? They're equal in that regard, but they have a much nicer way of life on the whole.

>> No.15859055

it's not about ideology or revolution, it's about living well
the amish are right because they are LIVING IT, and have been living it for ages.
Ted is wrong because before he started he wanted everybody to be in it, now he's in JAIL for the rest of his life.

>> No.15859059

>he doesn’t know the hermit lifestyle is another system of its own

>> No.15859093

I don't ideologically oppose my government.

Their existence is untenable in this world and only possible because they live in a stronger host society. That's not living well.

>> No.15859110

>I don't ideologically oppose my government.
And that means the government will always align with you..?

>> No.15859125


Next I bet your going to say your kids should learn a trade

>> No.15859127

K Schopenhauer, you go try being an ascetic for the 100th time til you get hungry for Pizza Hut or Ben & Jerrys and come crawling back again, meanwhile I'm gonna be finishing my magnum opus & figuring out what the one meaningful political act I can achieve is to materially benefit the living I leave behind before necking a bunch of valium in honour of based Mainländer
I have palsy in the right side of my body anyway so not everybody wants to be tearing open baby rabbits with their bare hands and shitting themselves from what weird berries they've found on the mountainside for the next 40+ years

>> No.15859149

They'll align with me longer than a bunch of impotent inbreds and hypocritical parasites.

>> No.15859201

I think most of us can agree that Ted was smart on the blackmail-into-getting-his-essay-published-widely front, but he utterly failed to affect any structural damage against the system he hated other than killing one minor, inconsequential lobbyist. If he'd been more emotionally intelligent and less schizoid maybe he'd have realised that from the start he should have been targeting the physical and data infrastructure of industrial society instead of merely lashing out at the void and scuffing the postal service instead. If he'd employed some early script kiddies to Fight-Club the emerging new stock market and computerisation of the mortgage debt industry, if he'd vandalised power grids and factories or even just tried to burn down distribution warehouses of major tech companies of the time, then I think whether he succeeded or failed the general public would have much more respect for him. He didn't even need to kill anyone and spook the normies, and I don't say that from a grade-school ethics perspective, but rather that his adversary is not a person, or people, or a political party, or even a company or plurals thereof, but a mindset, a drive in the hearts of all men, and the struggle he embarked upon is an eternal one and if he is truly as smart as he's made out to be he should have realised that and directed his rage and fear more effectively.

>> No.15859206

Careful there matey

>> No.15859227

I'm so prone to puns I'm probably mentally defective - thought that one was a banger though.

>> No.15859462
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you're obsessed with a successful project of society, an ideology. you don't really care about living it, which is what really matters in primitivism. that can quite possibly ruin your life, as it ruined Ted's.

>> No.15859574

I don't want to live in a world without air conditioning. I'm not happy though.

>> No.15859762

"Food", anon most food you buy at the supermarket I would not feed my to my animals, take from an insider, most fruits and vegetables are not even close to the real thing, go plant your own food, your own fruits, and taste them then.

>> No.15859778

>When you see happy people with families do you think it’s all a secret ruse and that they all must be secretly sad on the inside?
I think they have no idea how they got where they are today, as a family, individual, and society, I think the majority of the people spend their entire lives in the way their environment dictates them to. I think the average person is catastrophically dumb, and I think even smart people lack awareness. Not op btw.

>> No.15860000

The Amish aren't actually living it.

>> No.15860066

smelly amish pussy

>> No.15860135

>forest anon seems retarded or immature
Why do you say this? He seems like an all around good person just reading and living with the wildlife.

>> No.15860196

>I think they have no idea how they got where they are today, as a family, individual, and society,
This is true for most people in all of history, and so what?
You could spend your whole life learning the history of what brought you and your environment to the way it is today and still not find everything, so it's better to live for the present and make what you think to be your own choices, even if they're affected by your environment far beyond your understanding

>> No.15860238


>> No.15860308

why did the conversation end here? this is unironically a good point.

>> No.15860893
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this is what nihilism does to the human mind
forest anon is a good example of hermit minimalism which is one of the more practical ideas people should aim for at the current moment
he just seems whimsacle to me. maybe a little quirky but not in an unpleasing way

>> No.15861276


>> No.15861350


>> No.15861383

Well then I suppose the concept of this blue vs red pill comes into play, I intentionally became aware of how we got here, with this a rejection of modernity and a drop in status anxiety followed, but now I need a way out, or I’ll end up like Ted

>> No.15861710

Teddys goal is to return the world into the animal state where nothing more will really happen, it's a kind of hedonism endstate. Who gives a shit about illiterate tribals? Nobody here would even enjoy civilization collapsing, even assuming you're not one of the billions dying.

>> No.15861753

Kaczynski has no revolutionary potential lol, he killed some people so his shitpost could get maximum number of reddit upvotes, and what has been done since aside from impotent posts from self important internet faggots?

>> No.15861757

Do what forest anon did since you've already taken the redpill, now from there take the minimalist pill. You're already aware so now just take the steps of limiting the societal influences you can identify that are causing you the most problems. Love nature and solitude or anything antithetical to the current system but just don't go overboard. Just focus on improving your own life without relying too much on what civilization privides. I'm thinking of starting off by going innawoods on a backpacking trip and seeing how I handle seclusion It's worth a try.

>> No.15862140
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humanity is being groomed into becoming a slave species

>> No.15862158

The fuck?