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15845504 No.15845504 [Reply] [Original]

GRRM turns 72 in September and the average American lifespan is 78.93

>> No.15845513

why is he wearing a star of david pin??

>> No.15845521

Asoiaf is gay and bad. Those who read it are gay and bad and OP, especially, is gay and bad.

>> No.15845547
File: 94 KB, 500x272, grrmsip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, we all know the story that he has it stipulated in his will that nobody else will be allowed to finish the books.

But is that honestly going to get honored? There's gotta be pretty decent odds that his wife, or his publisher, or somebody, just rips that clause up and gets another writer to finish things, right?

>> No.15845549

he really doesn't care does he

>> No.15845604

he's just a selfish boomer asshole, he doesn't care

>> No.15845609

I bet this troll finished it and it'll be published posthumously

>> No.15845681

That's what will happen, guaranteed.
Daily reminder that this man is a massive hack and ASOIAF is a bloated abortion of a franchise.

>> No.15845705

I expect some family member to his "notes" and write dozens of sequels and prequels while trying to mimic his "style".

>> No.15845709
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Tfw 40 more to go

>> No.15845730

Nah, it's comfy

>> No.15845761
File: 26 KB, 400x266, cheng pu cao cao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's political dramatization for people that don't like political dramatization

>> No.15845797

lol no. His estate won't honor it because his inheritors will quickly squander the inheritance and finish the series because it prints money.

>> No.15845800
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Three Kingdoms was far superior, and I say that as someone who unironically hates chinks.

>> No.15845927
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It will not be honored lol
Though it will Probably be a bullshit story about “editing” the manuscript together from notes and just piecing together “almost entirely finished” novels for like 40 years

>> No.15846010

It’s a turtle

>> No.15846017

We're never going to get A Dream Of Spring

>> No.15846140

This man is the reason I became an unironic feminist. The ending he has in mind for Dany pisses me off to no end. (Keep in mind this misogynist fantasy is built on top of his pedo rape scenes and the sheer number of fridged women in his books.)

>> No.15846438

Let's not forget that he probably unironically has a scat fetish. You don't need to talk about shit and pooping that fucking much, George. It's fair to wonder if you've got a thing for it.

>> No.15846445


>> No.15846554

Hiya folks, my name is fatty. Watch me eat. Gobble gobble gobble. I'm a lardass.

>> No.15846600

At one point years ago I thought he'd probably finish Winds of Winter and promptly die before starting A Dream of Spring.

Now I doubt anything else will see publication in his lifetime. Winds of Winter will probably be published as an unfinished posthumous work.

>> No.15847021

How has that obese cunt managed to make it to 72.

>> No.15847237

Is there a risk he's going to abandon some of the established plot points?

>> No.15847379

GRRM, take my energy!

༼ つ _ ༽つ

>> No.15847422

>The ending he has in mind for Dany pisses me off to no end.

I really wish he'd finish it just so we'd get the spectacle of people getting assmad about this all over again, just like they did with the show.

>> No.15847595

And what other gentleman past the age of retirement still makes people shit themselves online daily?

>> No.15847610

cant wait for all the seethin when he actually finishes the books

>> No.15848442

He wants no problems with his publisher.

>> No.15848477

Damn you, now I wanna start reading this shit.

>> No.15848480

he’s too busy making vidya, no time for making books lmfao get fucked faggots

>> No.15848481


>> No.15848498

> misogynist fantasy
Is there any other kind worth having?

>> No.15848511

Danny has been a narcissistic tyrant since the beginning