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/lit/ - Literature

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15844470 No.15844470 [Reply] [Original]

Post literature about women. Literature that puts women under a microscope and picks them apart, everything from their physical to mental being

>> No.15844476

madame bovary and la morte de arthur have nuclear redpills

>> No.15844480

The Bible, anon.

>> No.15844491

the bible is hardly "about" women

>> No.15844495

Anna Karenina

>> No.15844501

Is MB better or worse than AK?

>> No.15844509

Master and margarita

>> No.15844540
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female authors portray the modern woman as having a sense of emptiness but with an undercurrent of feminism, I wonder if they will ever make the connection.

>> No.15844548

If you think you need to read a book to understand women then you're already lost I'm afraid.

>> No.15844551

The Bible is all about having a family, anon. A regular family usually involves a woman.

>> No.15844553

How is this relevant to this thread?

>> No.15844555

she's the most hideously selfish roastie imaginable

>> No.15844567

it's all about god lol

>> No.15844572

Second Sex. Geez

>> No.15844578

What a generic taste

>> No.15844586
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Based and redpilled

>> No.15844588

>he reads non-fiction
back to plebbit

>> No.15844595

That is the superficial interpretation of it, anon. You should consider its function.

>> No.15844605

the ball jar

>> No.15844607

Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique

>> No.15844617

Pls no bully

>> No.15844624


>> No.15844625

That is more about being a student and the overwhelming pressure of life decisions at a young age; plus mental breakdowns than a book about women.

>> No.15844638

Seeking serious opinion on this. Is this the typical
>men bad

>> No.15844646

Sorry mate. Read whatever you enjoy 'cause that's the point <3

>> No.15844655

nah, it's a redpill on women, and good

>> No.15844686

What was her problem. I can't remember. She didn't like her job, didn't like her bf was getting side pussy, didn't like being a virgin...

>> No.15844722

She had great observations on life

>> No.15844726

I meant the books

>> No.15844754

Bovary is better, both are good its like subjective bro

>> No.15844826

Literature that explains why I have fallen so deeply in luv with she who goes by the symbol of the butterfly?

>> No.15844834


The whole point of the Bell Jar was that even though she was a Stacy who had everything going for her she still wanted to an hero.

>> No.15844844

“Emma Bovary c'est moi” Unironically, anons.

>> No.15844847

My diary

>> No.15844855

>“Emma Bovary c'est moi” Unironically, anons.
He never wrote that. Although, if he said it, it's unverifiable.

>> No.15844957

On Women by Schopenhauer

>> No.15845000


>> No.15845007
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>> No.15845527

God I wish that were me.

>> No.15845543
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>> No.15845556

who is this? i want to lick her armpits while she spits on me

>> No.15845595

I'm gonna be honest bros, I don't like woman at all anymore. Contemptible species.

>> No.15845599

found out it's imogen dyer who does photography youtube videos (LOL) but that means there's a tonne of photos of her pits and chubby arms. i'm in heaven. thanks for the thread, anons.

>> No.15845605


>> No.15846519
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Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa - Declamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex.

>> No.15846523

https://unblocked-pw.github.io/ This is what women are all about.

>> No.15846534

Women are the masters of men. Women can do without men, but men cannot do without women. From their careers, to their actions, to their health, it revolves around the pursuit of reproducing and attracting a woman. A woman controls the ego, the self worth, the health of a man, she knows how to destroy him at any second, she knows how to gain a man, a woman can be unattractive, but gain a prosperous life if she wishes to in forms of nudity. A woman has the ability to betray all her morals in an instant and gain a very comfortable life, to gain any man, to gain a high level of income, to be comfortable, and to act as the destroyer of men, and for the most part, they wish to withhold that power. Men would destroy the world in an instant with the power of a woman.

>> No.15846549

Revolutionary Road
only books you'll need when it comes to women

>> No.15846569
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>> No.15846587

>Women can do without men,
a bizarrely brazen lie. They can't build much that functions without men and they're utterly obsessed with men's approval

>> No.15846625

In vacuum, sure, but in real world women compete with other women like man compete with other man.

>> No.15846679


>> No.15847597
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>> No.15847972


>> No.15848248

and yet men kill themselves 6× more? perhaps women are less ashamed to seek a solution for their depression. you never get counted as "depressed" if you never see a professional and shoot yourself after your kid goes to college. modernity is depressing for everyone.

>> No.15848363

and men can't function without female approval. isn't that the crux of the incels's problem? that women don't want them? if they could function without female approval they wouldn't be in such sorry states, congregating on forums for the embittered and patting themselves on the back about how horrible their lives are. there wouldn't be a problem at all if they didn't need female approval.

sexists are very dumb, only ever seeing their own ego and perspective. their ego gets in the way of seeking other perspectives and information, they deem themselves intellectually superior and work backwards from that assumption. whatever patchwork of statistics and shallow observation they cobble together can never prove their point in the face of the overwhelming evidence against them. concluding females are worthless robots compared to men is intrinsically wrong. if you need a source for "women have rich internal lives, dreams, and cherished memories" you're beyond saving. do you think women have never had weird little fantasies about being extremely wealthy and successful, or fantasies about singing their favourite song in front of a crowd of adoring fans, or anything like that? they're just truly soulless automatons? ok sopolist

>> No.15848375

Vanity Fair
Good Morning, Midnight

>> No.15848386

Just read some of the great female authors. Jane Austen is a good place to start. If you want non-fiction, go for Simone de Beauvoir. Reading about women from a phallic perspective is quite honestly the worst thing you could do, since men tend to view women only in relation to themselves.

>> No.15848443
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The author of Beowulf. Anonymous but redpilled.

>> No.15848521

Dashiell Hammett is pretty redpilled on women. Obviously there's Brigid O'Shaughnessey in The Maltese Falcon, but much better and very overlooked is a woman called Mimi in The Thin Man. She's a complete bitch but she gets away with it because such people usually do get away with it. She doesn't commit any murder or anything; she just goes on living her life.

Here's the MC suggesting to a police officer how best to handle her:

"The chief thing," I advised them, "is not to let her tire you out. When you catch her in a lie, she admits it and gives you another lie to take its place and, when you catch her in that one, admits it and gives you still another, and so on. Most people - even women - get discouraged after you've caught them in the third or fourth straight lie and fall back on either the truth or silence, but not Mimi. She keeps trying and you've got to be careful or you'll find yourself believing her, not because she seems to be telling the truth, but simply because you're tired of disbelieving her."

>> No.15849137

Stop making threads like this and get some pussy you fucking loser