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15843661 No.15843661 [Reply] [Original]

>reading Blood Meridian
>the voice in my head now has a grizzled southern drawl

>> No.15843684
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*spits on the ground*

>> No.15844263

Watch a video of McCarthy talking. My inner monologue is in his voice.

>> No.15844268

>Reading blood meridian
>Look at Indian GF and beat the shit out of her

>> No.15844278

kek this is literally me

>> No.15844321

Good post OP!
I like funposting about good books.

>> No.15844339
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Real niggas know

>> No.15844352
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based funposters

>> No.15844364
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Fucking based

>> No.15844416
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>he subvocalizes

>> No.15844435

redpill me

>> No.15844447
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it helps me understand better. no bully

>> No.15844494
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>he can't subvocalise to make reading particular texts more fun

>> No.15844520
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I don't know how to kill this habit. It's just how I learned to read.

>> No.15844535

I can't tell if I subvocalise or not help

>> No.15844543

I like the image you posted

>> No.15844547

Kitten toilet paper anon here. I don't fully subvocalize, unless I'm really tired, but I do it for every other word.

>> No.15844556

what. how do you not know? when you read this post, are you reading it as if the voice inside your head was speaking it or not? I dont subvocalize shitposts, but I do for novels for better understanding and for fun.

>> No.15844585

>when you read this post, are you reading it as if the voice inside your head was speaking it or not?

not really I just see the words?
I can make it feel like there's a voice in my head if I want

>> No.15844598

Might as well listen to an audiobook if you can't read a book for yourself.

>> No.15844599

Then no, you don't subvocalize

>> No.15844620

But I am reading a book for myself if it's my voice inside my head. It's not the same thing as listening to some meme celebrity read in their shitty monotone voice the book. That being said I have been trying to stop it as much as I can.

>> No.15844634

it sounds fun to get immersed

>> No.15844654

Read more. Read more frequently until you don't need to hear a voice to comprehend the words.

If it makes you feel better, I still subvocalize all of Krishna's lines in the Bhagavad Gita in Bruce Meyers' voice from the movie version. But that is the only thing I subvocalize.

>> No.15844766

You can switch it on and off.

If you're reading poetry, where the purpose is to appreciate the rhythm and rhyme, then you're a fool if you just speed through that. I slow down for nice parts of a book, for nice, mellifluous phrases that are pleasant to the ears.

>> No.15844968

Favourite characters, in order
>The Judge, for many of his scenes in the book, and for the fact in the whole of all fiction i have read, he is the only character I have been fearful of whilst reading a book.
>The Kid, his dry, unintentional wit and humour, given the inhumanities he commits and is witness to
>Brown, for threatening to whip some poor farrier if he hadn't sawed an ornately made shotgun's barrels in half.
> Glanton, 'Hack away, you mean read nig'

Favourite scenes, in no particular order
>The Kid, when after being separated from the company after traversing the mountain range, getting back on his horse after losing it
>Brown, threatening to whip the farrier
>The Judge, returning from the attack on the ferry clad in furs, a cannon slung from his shoulder and walking the Idiot by his chain
>The Kid and Judge, having their shootout in the desert

>> No.15845026
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>he doesn't remember anything he reads

>> No.15845074

Why would you want to stop subvocalizing? It adds soul to the text.

>> No.15845109

I'm just curious about the benefits of both. Not subvocalizing allows for faster reading but I don't want to read faster if I don't retain the information. I suppose that not subvocalizing is supposed to be when the language creates a concept directly in your mind, bypassing any vocalization. I'm not that good of a visualizer anyway so I need to work on that too but maybe I'm just falling for a meme with people saying subvocalizing is a bad thing (though like I said, I do feel like it slows me down).

>> No.15845238

i don't subvocalize and i remember what i read well. for as long as i can remember i haven't subvocalized. hell i still remember certain plot points from eragon and i read that in middle school. like the part where he kills chickens and stores their souls in his retarded gem belt before the big battle. my reading speed is 500wpm and my retention has been tested, it's slightly above average.

>> No.15845270

I only do it when I get distracted and end up re-reading passages, it helps me concentrate. Most of the time I don't.

>> No.15845610

If I don't subvocalize, I won't retain as single thing I've read. How the fuck can you just look at words and have them make sense?
I don't understand and it makes me angry.

>> No.15845629
File: 85 KB, 453x439, Your Sun > My Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was supposed to be a thread about Blood Meridian

Instead we have schizos debating about the voices in their heads

>> No.15845731

I mean, for the west idk. Those of us from the south, spit a lot

>> No.15845844

>reading Neuromancer
>SMT and Shadowrun soundtracks playing in my head behind the words

>> No.15845892

I listened to a song called 'One way trip to the sun' by Ditch on repeat the entire time I was reading BM. For some reason it fit the mood.

>> No.15845902

There is literally no advantage to not subvocalizing. Get over yourselves