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File: 450 KB, 2203x3000, 71D50697-2A9E-4D67-BB53-07C1412BF5C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15842040 No.15842040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair? Who taught you to hate the color of your skin to such extent that you bleach to get like the white man? Who taught you to hate the shape of your nose and the shape of your lips? Who taught you to hate yourself from the top of your head to the soles of your feet? Who taught you to hate your own kind? Who taught you to hate the race you belong to, so much so that you don't want to be around each other? No... before you come along saying Muhammad teaches hate, you should ask yourself who taught YOU to hate being what God made you

>> No.15842083

>Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair?
anyone who's ever touched negro hair. in african countries they either shave or let it grow into dreadlocks. negro hair is unstylable in its natural form.
>Who taught you to hate the color of your skin to such extent that you bleach to get like the white man?
while bleaching would be a foolish thing to do, negro skin dries quicker and becomes ashy without consistent application of lotion or cocoa butter.
>Who taught you to hate the shape of your nose and the shape of your lips?
wider nostrils and larger lips, among other negroid features, give them an observable kinship with primates.
>Who taught you to hate yourself from the top of your head to the soles of your feet? Who taught you to hate your own kind?
black people are easily the most narcissitic ethnic group in america; how else should one view a group that only shows up to vote when there is a candidate who shares their own skin color?
>Who taught you to hate the race you belong to, so much so that you don't want to be around each other?
may not be the precise interpretation: blacks congregate naturally, showing they want to be around each other, it is only their natural proclivity to violence that turns them against one another.
>No... before you come along saying Muhammad teaches hate, you should ask yourself who taught YOU to hate being what God made you
what would a black american know about muhamad lol. believe what YOU'RE preaching idiot, everything YOU know about muhammad is informed by the biased american system you were brought up under

cool thread OP

>> No.15842148

I eagerly await the day minorities become the majority in America. Malcolm X here raises a good point, but minorities by and large have come to take pride in their heritage and appearance. Only whites are ashamed of their race and history. Only whites bleat about "white guilt", something which to me seems like a liberal white man's burden. Once whites become a minority, the American zeitgeist will shift from being a spirit of shame and self-hatred to one of nobility and strength.

>> No.15842149

>black people are easily the most narcissitic ethnic group in america; how else should one view a group that only shows up to vote when there is a candidate who shares their own skin color?

Seething Bernie Bro

>what would a black american know about muhamad lol.

He was obviously referring to Elijah Muhammad who was leader of NOI at the time. Bernie Bros just want their student loans paid off but couldn't be bothered to take one African-American history class. Deplorable.

>> No.15842307
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Self hate is part of natural selection. It can't be teached.

>> No.15842357

>can't be teached

>> No.15842368

parents are primary cause.

>> No.15843194

based xposter

>> No.15843224

>Who was it
We all know (((who)))

>> No.15843236

I can't just get over him. I feel like posting his quotes here all day

>> No.15843279

>Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair? Who taught you to hate the color of your skin to such extent that you bleach to get like the white man? Who taught you to hate the shape of your nose and the shape of your lips? Who taught you to hate yourself from the top of your head to the soles of your feet? Who taught you to hate your own kind? Who taught you to hate the race you belong to, so much so that you don't want to be around each other? No... before you come along saying Muhammad teaches hate, you should ask yourself who taught YOU to hate being what God made you
What's the answer?

>> No.15843430

>anyone who's ever touched negro hair. in african countries they either shave or let it grow into dreadlocks. negro hair is unstylable in its natural form.
Complete nonsense, it is not common for any race of people to let their hair grow unchecked. The african you are picturing is the nature documentary african, wearing ill fitted hand me downs from 2001, too poor to even afford a comb, much less the actual products blacks use in their hair. Unstylable? I assume you are a man, but the idea that any race has hair that they don't completely slather in product in order to "style" it is hilarious.
>>dries quicker and becomes ashy
An embarrassing fabrication. Our skin dries at the same rate, everyone is ashy, it only stands out among Blacks. Also, it only stands out among blacks because we constantly apply lotion. If the average black person eschewed lotion like White people, you, who have no conception of 'ashy' outside of one exemplified by blacks, would just consider that our natural state. Also, put on some lotion. It's embarrassing that you guys think people can't see the difference between unlotioned skin and lotioned skin.
>wider nostrils and larger lips, among other negroid features, give them an observable kinship with primates.
A completely dated take in a world where white woman have been pumping their lips full of collagen and fattening their asses for a decade plus.
>black people are easily the most narcissitic ethnic group in america; how else should one view a group that only shows up to vote when there is a candidate who shares their own skin color?
What would you call people who have even worse voter turnout than Blacks? In fact, black turnout is closer to white than it is to Latinos or Asians. To say nothing of voter suppression efforts.
>Last two points
An cringeworthy display of borderline illiteracy and a weak grasp on American history.

>> No.15843539
File: 62 KB, 768x505, malcolm-x-young-red-straight-hair-color-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair?
In Malcolm's case it was the black man who taught him how to straighten it. And from what I understand he hated his natural hair color up until another black man murdered him.
A tragedy too. He truly had so much potential.

>> No.15843548
File: 339 KB, 750x621, 6A8A8C01-4765-4815-B91B-F3A81BB06DA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every single response is an ad hominem
also why would this deserve any response other than “fuck off nigger”
fuck off nigger

>> No.15843596

>In Malcolm's case it was the black man who taught him how to straighten it.
I think you missed the point.

>> No.15843610

lol he’s just like in GR

>> No.15843618

Another idiot who can't see outside of himself. For you, The Tribe supersedes truth and knowledge. The Tribe is a security blanket, and knowledge is the rising temperature. You can't even engage with new information, much less learn it. You are a blind pig, content to roll in its own shit and eat slop, not knowing that the man who put you in his state of content will be the one to slaughter you.

tl:dr Go outside and have sex.

Because he's an idiot. Most male circumcisions are performed by Christians but I'm sure he's fine with acknowledging and making others aware of it's Jewish roots.

>> No.15843630

>more ad hominem
so more fuck you nigger. humans aren’t bothered by the opinions of chimps

>> No.15843689
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Lol. An actual ape on /lit/? Go away. This is the wrong neighborhood for joggers.

>> No.15843700
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>larger lips, among other negroid features, give them an observable kinship with primates
lol you retard

>> No.15843702

>He moans about ad hominen as if he didn't compare black features to that of primates. A lazy, racist, and untrue sentiment.
Have you seen the lips of primates? Because you compared them to black lips, which gives me reason to believe that you haven't.

>> No.15843721
File: 162 KB, 800x424, B88E1730-60B3-4187-9EF4-631AC5E7EBAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why does Artificial Intelligence routinely identify blacks as monkeys?

>> No.15843722

oh right, my bad, I said lips when I meant IQ

>> No.15843725

and they say ''white fragility'' is bullshit lmao

>> No.15843734

All races hate blacks.

>> No.15843768

What % of normies do you think would post pics of decapitated heads because some rando on a tanzanian tie dye forum mentioned being black? You can believe they have lower IQ or whatever, but you're clearly at the mercy of some pretty base emotions here.

>> No.15843773

Do none of you see the irony of being completely unable to have honest conversations about race without lashing out like animals? This is the path of every semi serious discussion of race on this website. Someone trots out the usual infographics/talking points, someone attempts to refute them in a manner that differs from the typical arguments of modern Liberals, and you all foam at the mouth and post your epic memes, refuting nothing, engaging with nothing. To call you midwits would be a compliment.

>> No.15843778

but anon the IQ issue is true. how are we supposed to address the problems if talking about them is seen as an insult?

>> No.15843782
File: 60 KB, 411x508, E81A3160-A936-4427-8F83-F3867D9140B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Biden and fuck black people.

>> No.15843791

lol keep whiteknighting, when it’s your head I guarantee you half of the blacks will be laughing while the other half is hard at work trying to exonerate your black murderer

>> No.15843807

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy GIF's about niggers. They watch sports ball in the worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honour of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of Protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Mike Tyson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded American niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.

>> No.15843809

reading this in 2020 just shows you how delusional people is with racism
literally none of these things are true in the current year. Black people are treated as gods in american culture: they're athletic, they're fun, they have "le BBC" (and nobody says they're smart exactly because that would be the most blatant lie ever told, but ofc you can't say "blacks are not smart" so people just remain silent on that)
now, the words said by the negro in OP's pic are far more accurate to describe the situation of white males in 2020 in America and, by extension, in the rest of the western world where the shitty influence of your awful country is so pervasive

>> No.15843845

I'm not defending black people, I'm not moralizing, I'm just making the observation it's pretty cringe how unhinged you are.

>> No.15843864

fuck. off. nigger.

>> No.15843870

and I’m making the observation that you’re an embarrasing faggot

>> No.15843881

this isn't your safe space, snowflake

>> No.15843885

Talking about them isn't an insult due to the nature of blacks. Blacks have been able to be introspective about their situation for the majority of recent history. Are you even familiar with the man pictured in the op? The sensitiveity is borne from our current cultural climate.

Also I have a serious issue with the modern race realists understanding of IQ. I have no serious arguments for Black IQs being equal, on average, to those of Whites and Asians. However, ignoring the shady administration of these IQ tests, and any other sociocutlural yada yadaing done by Liberal Academics, how do you seriously think an entire race of people who are on average, clinically retarded? I know Black Africans didn't build any aqueducts, roads, etc, and you think this is sufficient evidence of their intellectual inferiorty; but we're talking about a race of people who overwhelmingly score below the threshold for "borderline retardation". Not only are these people not constructing the fucking PArthenon, they shouldn't even be able to coalesce into a functioning "something" that would resemble a precolonial society, and they objectively did. Their lack of "Great Works" might suggest a staunchly below average level of intelligence, but I'd like to remind you that the average IQ of people with Down Syndrome is 55.

>> No.15843886

based for standing up for his beliefs but also this means i can curb stomp his black ass and not feel guilt because i know he hates me

>> No.15843910

Blacks with 85 IQ are outwardly normal but have the kind of abstract reasoning ability you'd expect from a bottom 30% white. But said white person will come off as obviously slow. It's weird but that seems to be how it is. There's a case to be made that IQ in some sense reflects a "Western-ish" form of intelligence related to the kind of problems you have to solve in a technological society, but at the same time that's what we live in, so...

>> No.15843915

Based curbstomper anon.


>> No.15843921
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>i can curb stomp his black ass

>> No.15843940
File: 79 KB, 761x1024, 6A272F7B-DD57-457E-9E25-583FE3A89487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joggers get beat up everywhere outside of the Anglosphere. Beating a nigger’s ass is within the ability of most white people.

>> No.15843953

I think the thing with blacks is that they can be smart. Some of them are probably even smarter than you. But they rarely are.

I think the problem is that white people keep interfering. First we patronize, then we abandon. We hate them, then we love them. We are so mixed up on blacks and how white people feel about them, its driving us crazy.

I think white people loathe blacks. They either feel like blacks should allow themselves to be patronized or share in some of the burden.

Why is it white people have to do everything for them? Why do they feel responsible and obligated to them? Because of guilt.

But blacks exploit that guilt. Whites conditioned them to a state of helplessness, and so long as they keep doing everything for them, they will never be able to do things for them selves.

Negro's need their own culture. They need their own businesses. They need their own factories, communities, that they can share with the world. Something that is theirs and theirs alone, separate and distinct from the white man.

Why can't negros, too, aspire to greatness?

>> No.15843964

When was the last time you beat a black person?

>> No.15843975

you can't resolve all your problems with beatings.
as much as i would like to.

>> No.15843986

>Negro's need their own culture. They need their own businesses.
Not happening anytime soon with African Americans. But the real niggerinos in Africa might soon start something along those lines, who knows.

>> No.15844000

>Negro's need their own culture. They need their own businesses. They need their own factories, communities, that they can share with the world. Something that is theirs and theirs alone, separate and distinct from the white man.
Ironically creating black autonomous zones would in theory allow this. Blacks who have the money move away from other blacks, though.

>> No.15844025

A few years ago I went to Beirut (i’m an Amerimutt) and I saw a black american tourist in a nightclub. I called him a nigger and slapped his face. The bouncer kicked me out but it felt so good. That nigger was terrified lmao.

>> No.15844044

people of today seem to think we need to establish a 'global' identity, and continually try to erode at the foundations of our ethnic pride, not just of whites, but of all people, chicanos, southern blacks, anyone who fits a certain 'stereotype' is called out on being culturally backwards.

What if the truth is we 'like' being that way, and don't want to seek out a global identity? It is hard enough to establish a 'national' identity.

Trying to unite people with some vague pastiche of ideals that are not rooted in places or people

>> No.15844051

>Why can't negros, too, aspire to greatness?
eternal copypasta

>> No.15844053

>i’m an Amerimutt
Did you think that was unclear to anyone?
>I called him a nigger and slapped his face
I don't believe you actually did but tell me why.

>> No.15844063

How do you guys reconcile your worldview with the tendency of immigrants from Africa to outperform White Americans? Their tendency to outperform both Asian and White Immigrants? Not a rhetorical question, it's impossible to find answers for this.

>> No.15844071

if you mean the Nigerians it's because they're a highly selected elite. the average Nigerian is basically an idiot, hence the state of Nigeria

>> No.15844079
File: 113 KB, 1024x731, 1A7215F9-14B1-407B-B76E-EE2194212B69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a little drunk and I found a nigger outside of the American safespace. I started making fun of him for his shoes amd trying to provoke him.

>> No.15844081

I hate low iq sacks of shit who contribute I thing to society
unfortunately a large portion of certain demographic falls into that category... but so do most posters on 4fhan. yourself included.

>> No.15844090

>low iq sacks of shit who contribute nothing to society
literally me. And I post racist stuff all the time lel. I don't do it to make blacks uncomfortable though it's to upset white progressives

>> No.15844103

you sound like genuine subhuman and no civilized person would wish to spend time around your drunken ass

>> No.15844113

you'll find that there's no one to upset here.. yoi should hit twitter for that
rather you'll only find anons wishing to take another aide of the argument to flesh out their own opinions

>> No.15844132

i always get banned on twitter and there is no fun in abusing people there because they just block you

>> No.15844136

ngl that's pretty cringe. Any other times you beat up black people?

>> No.15844138

Is this a joke? Have you been reading the thread? >>15844079
You seem genuinely unintelligent.

>> No.15844169

No. But I made a vow to harass any Anerican black tourist that I encounter outsude the US. I am going to emigrate soon.

>> No.15844193

It's #BASED Igbos that do that

>> No.15844197

At this point it's patently obvious blacks are violent narcissists, if the BLM looting riots haven't convinced you of this then you are just another easily brainwashed simpleton.

>> No.15844217

Earlier you said you wouldn't feel any guilt if you know they hate you. Do you think you'll have to deal with these feelings, or do you assume every black person hates you?

>> No.15844216

Daily reminder no country in africa had writing until the europeans gave them it 150 years ago

>> No.15844228

Ironically, right wingers often speak about the lack of representation in academia. Is this honestly the level of dialogue you're trying to bring to the table though?

>> No.15844233

You always ask for sources
Look at the scorched earth in every city where these people are.
There's no need for further cockamamey 'theory,' the truth is HERE.

>> No.15844236

Tbf the blacks were just looting things, affluent whites were doing more of the smashing and burning. I remember they started interviewing a black in CA during the riots and asked him "How do you feel about the death of George Floyd?" and he was just like "Who?"

>> No.15844241


*I* hate black americans. They are arrogant and nasty chauvinists who never miss a chance to berate and humiliate the completely placid, docile and non-racist white americans.

I think African and Caribbean blacks are dumb spearchuckers, but I don’t hate *them*.

>> No.15844253

>affluent whites were doing more of the smashing and burning
This has been debunked a dozen times so shut the fuck up. No ones buying your bullshit anymore. The truth has been exposed.

>> No.15844295

I assumed I was talking to the same person throughout this whole exchange. So do you go through your everyday life assuming every african american person you have to interact with hates you? What do you think that does to a person's mental health?

>> No.15844316

>concern trolling
you stink
seriously, I can smell you from here

>> No.15844317

How do easily falsifiable narratives like this become so popular among people who consider themselves "facts and logic" types?

I never asked for sources, I asked for a higher level of discourse. Look at your claim for instance, if I were to pull up even six Major Black cities that weren't in this state of scorched earth, but were instead clean, with low instances of violence, your claim is immediately rendered false. With just six easily googled answers, the entire basis of your argument is now a lie. Do better.

Again, how does this unhinged and angry style of arguments lend credence to the idea that you 1) have good ideas worth sharing, 2) Deserve a place in higher society because of them , and 3) White people are on average intelligent and capable of high levels of abstract thought? You just seem like a human animal who feels like his tribe is threatened.

>> No.15844341

>if I were to pull up even six Major Black cities that weren't in this state of scorched earth, but were instead clean, with low instances of violence
>doesn't name one


>> No.15844375

You're really bad at reading people if you think I have the least interest in you leading a good life. I'm not pretending we have any shared goals here, I'm simply interested in the type of person you are.

>> No.15844385

>six Major Black cities that weren't in this state of scorched earth, but were instead clean, with low instances of violence
anon I...

>> No.15844401

Done for effect. I can't believe you didn't understand that. Purely limiting this list to cities I can cite off the top of my head due to my actual, real life, time consuming research, because I'm someone who actually wants to learn things.
Addis Ababa
I can't recall any Ghanian cities, but I do know that Ghana has a lower rate of crime than The US and France.

>> No.15844402
File: 24 KB, 112x112, omegalul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, if I were to pull up even six Major Black cities that weren't in this state of scorched earth, but were instead clean, with low instances of violence, your claim is immediately rendered false

>> No.15844408

>no US cities
>not a single one

bye idiot

>> No.15844414

This type of ideology can only grow at the expense of introspection and rational analysis. /pol/yps chimp out the moment you try to centre the discussion around facts, not because you happen to be in an informal setting and they think you're being a pedant, but because their entire worldview is predicated on feels over reals.

>> No.15844423

>their entire worldview is predicated on feels over reals.
says the guy who won't look at the destruction over the entire US perpetrated by black people recently, let alone 13 do 50 in 'regular' times.

>> No.15844441
File: 187 KB, 1242x1435, 7FBAE59C-6904-4A07-A12B-879884B74EAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers are so violent this counts as "low crime"

>> No.15844469

why are all leftists such disingenuous faggots jfc
there's no point even arguing, they have to go, period.

>> No.15844477

Rwanda has 26 per 100k homicide rate. cant find the data for that city but im guessing it's not great. Gaborone is 16, Namibia(can't find Windhoek) is 17, Ethiopia is 21.

The US is 5, and the white population is more like 3. The whitest states like Maine have very low rates. The lowest rates in the world though are all East Asian.

>> No.15844499

You're talking to 2 different people.
Not a leftist, I just don't hate black people.

>> No.15844554

You made a claim about all Blacks. You see how a more refined style of arguing can make your point clearer?

Wow, the third example out of 6. Did you have fun actually researching for once? I will reneg on my defense of Namibia, upon further research it is a pretty shithole. The rest are accurate though.

The fuck? You lie like a rat. Rwanda has a murder rate of 2.6.

Here are the crime indexes for all mentioned countries/cities

Ghana 48
Rwanda fucking 22 (They are led by a competent authoritarian who micromanages everything.)
Namibia 66 (I take this back, I was wrong about this country.)
Addis Ababa 47
Gaborone 55
Amazing how you resort to lies when you have no arguments. For reference:
USA 47
France 47
UK 43
You can blame blacks for this, but realize that there are far more blacks in Africa than in your countries.

Nothing disingenuous, I was simply wrong about Windhoek. I will admit this much. Can you do the same?

>> No.15844560

Europeans never had writing until Africa and the middle east gave it to them

>> No.15844570

>bernie bro
Hahahaha gottem

>> No.15844579


>> No.15844582

Where did anyone claim it had to be us cities?

>> No.15844589

the egyptian kings were meds not nubian slaves. faggot

>> No.15844597

low iq mutt
I bet you aren't even white lmaon

>> No.15844603

I misread the number for Rwanda(it's not like that number is unreasonable for Africa), the other numbers are accurate though, here is where I got 16 for Gaborone

It's hard to find the homicide rates for cities

>> No.15844608

doesn't change facts snownigger

>> No.15844622

the facts are that the US is in shambles because of violent niggers.

>> No.15844635

I thought it was because the jews controlled everything and whites are too stupid to take care of themselves?

>> No.15844652

Too bad NOI was founded by a white man.

>> No.15844680
File: 184 KB, 1000x751, 00bca2_9e55bfaac98a449783dd61f5b44ca255_mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're more often referred to as sand niggers or shitskins on here.
>pic related passes for white in america

>> No.15844699

>Blacks with 85 IQ are outwardly normal but have the kind of abstract reasoning ability you'd expect from a bottom 30% white.

citation needed

>> No.15844708


Do you realise you are exactly what you accuse them of being?

>> No.15844713

alcohol is really a poison

>> No.15844845

>Ghana has a lower crime rate
yes, come to scenic and safe Ghana:

>> No.15844859

since you like learning shit, skip to 10:15 for an enlightening glimpse into Ghanian decency

>> No.15845010

If you don't shill his book you're liable to spawn typical white nationalist cherry picking of his life

>> No.15845697

Why would White Nationalists care about maligning or slandering Malcolm X? He’s not shoved down our throat at every chance like Dr. King.

>> No.15845712

Mr X is actually perfectly compatible with white nationalism since he seemed fine with the idea of the races segregating.

>> No.15845861

are you implying i wouldn't beat up malcolm x if i wanted? he looks like urkel if he found the quran by accident

>> No.15845906
File: 931 KB, 446x550, 1591029278643.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you will.

>> No.15846064

cult of niggers does not exist outside of the US, your main exports are cuck porn and zionism homie

>> No.15846453
File: 819 KB, 797x1280, 1594206897443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the words said by the negro in OP's pic are far more accurate to describe the situation of white males in 2020 in America and, by extension, in the rest of the western world where the shitty influence of your awful country is so pervasive
The Western world loves white males tho. In fact everything you said about blacks fits white males more. You know this too, but one sjw on twitter bad talking white men is all it takes for you to break and cry. Just imagine if you had to live through real systematic racism - everywhere you go you're told how ugly and useless you are. Most of you would kill yourself

>> No.15846478

in reality attractive men(and women) of whatever race have far more similar experiences to each other than they do to their unattractive racial fellows, at least in Western multicult countries. It's a bit like economic class

>> No.15846518

No, most of of those Nigerians are just average, not elites. Why would they leave a life of luxury to one of mediocrity?

>Why can't negros, too, aspire to greatness?
Because every time blacks tried to aspire for greatness it ended in a violent massacre. That's the thing with whites. They'll constantly berate you for not doing well, and once you gain a modicum of success they'll sabotage you.

>> No.15846529

>How do easily falsifiable narratives like this become so popular among people who consider themselves "facts and logic" types?
Conservatives lie. that's their whole shtick

>> No.15846538

Because life in America as an upwardly mobile racial minority is far preferable to life in Nigeria as an elite, as evidenced by their immigration patterns. America is simply a way nicer country in general.

>> No.15846558

That's true in 2020, but it wasn't always like that. Don't tell that to the ugly /pol/ dudes on here tho

>> No.15846568

Absolutely based. The wyte man fears the Mohammedan.

>> No.15846608

This is a good point, except replace blacks with whites. I've never met a self-hating negro. Meanwhile, half of whites are actively working towards getting their race to go extinct because they think they have to atone for the supposed sins of their ancestors.

>> No.15846626

I'd guess you've met fewer blacks than you have fingers on your hands.

>> No.15846657

most self-hating whites do it from a motive of religious ecstasy derived from self-flagellation for original racial sin, it feels good to purify your fallen nature. The only really resentful self-hating whites are those who feel inferior to Jews and East Asians, who are the only real contenders to white dominance, your average self-hating prog is totally unaware that the white race is falling to these people. Note progs will be openly racist to Chinks while being totally unaware that it's racism, because they conceptualize racism only as being towards those they consider inferior.

Blacks on the other hand have true feelings of inferiority, due to both historical circumstances and the suspicion of innate disadvantages, brewing an incredibly potent mixture of anger, confusion, shame, and compensatory narcissism.

>> No.15847879

I'm saying you're cringe. But also you'd get your ass kicked.

>> No.15848235

nah your dumb

>> No.15848261

I've met plenty, and most of them, inspired by people like Mr. X, genuinely believe that they are both biologically and metaphysically superior to other races, especially whites.

>> No.15848300


I can't make a thread discussing forced diversity in books yet this cocksucking nigger can post this obvious pol bait?

Fuck you nigger loving jannies eat my shit

>> No.15848312

Can minorities ever recreate the cultural greatness of Shakespeare or Homer, though?

>> No.15848355

Baldwin on Shakespeare
>The greatest poet in the English language found his poetry where poetry is found: in the lives of the people. He could have done this only through love — by knowing, which is not the same thing as understanding, that whatever was happening to anyone was happening to him. It is said that his time was easier than ours, but I doubt it — no time can be easy if one is living through it. I think it is simply that he walked his streets and saw them, and tried not to lie about what he saw: his public streets and his private streets, which are always so mysteriously and inexorably connected; but he trusted that connection. And, though I, and many of us, have bitterly bewailed (and will again) the lot of an American writer — to be part of a people who have ears to hear and hear not, who have eyes to see and see not — I am sure that Shakespeare did the same. Only, he saw, as I think we must, that the people who produce the poet are not responsible to him: he is responsible to them.

>> No.15848364

>Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair?
I'm sorry but black hair is fucking terrible and a nightmare to deal with and I hate my father for giving me these genetics

>> No.15848379
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1584339363843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

european features are objectively most beautiful
whenever anyone says "X had a beautiful afro", I always wonder how they come to this conclusion, afro's aren't beautiful, they look ridiculous, it must have been learned. Like calling those ugly as fuck children who don't live past 12 beautiful, sure they might have beautiful personality's but fuck me are they ugly. Like how a "smile" makes a dog funny, these smiling kids become attractive fom the natural attractive and innocence of their smile. A bit like pepo.
What I'm saying is, at best, the bigger the afro the better, because the extreme endears the otherwise not really good looking.

>> No.15848401

I deleted my post because I thought the hard "No" was too cynical and cruel. My thoughts on Baldwin remain the same, and his reading of Shakespeare only further demonstrates the kind of naive humanism which makes work so nauseating, second only to Joyce in that regard.

>> No.15848432
File: 1.06 MB, 1944x2592, 1590351988827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>european features are objectively most beautiful

>> No.15848438

Why don't you like him exactly? I've never read him because I don't care about American race baiting.

>> No.15848565

more like Baldlose

>> No.15848599
File: 83 KB, 1172x659, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15848690

I mean, this mouth breather is more attractive than 95% of the world's non-European indigenous/majority unmixed population

>> No.15849131

>a non black female somewhere has let a nigger impregnate her


>> No.15849223

I know many immigrants who return to their third world countries once they become financially successful and buy land there
How do you explain that?

>> No.15849245

No, but they can claim that they’re black and that white people have never made anything at all.

>> No.15849299
File: 789 KB, 1079x1611, Screenshot_20200713-171559_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark skin and afro is unironically the most attractive combo.

>> No.15849309

if the overall pattern of immigration ever changes to more Americans moving to Nigeria then I will consider that the latter has become a nice country

>> No.15849313
File: 382 KB, 1358x1080, Screenshot_20200617-234352_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak. Just weak.
I'm taking back your black card, you bootlicking nigger

>> No.15849326

But African women shave their heads. The trasitional hairstyle for black women is no hair at all. Afros are an American meme.

>> No.15849350
File: 670 KB, 1242x1227, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I was born white.

>> No.15849356


>> No.15849388
File: 25 KB, 600x592, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ditto but i also kinda regret that i cant have kids with a cute black girl, i wish i was an 18th century colonizer so i could have concubines desu

>> No.15849425

Oh look, it's exactly what I said would happen! Big surprise.

>> No.15849557
File: 134 KB, 1080x1320, 1580039688627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cooope, you can't unironically believe this

>> No.15849566

Whining for handouts and special treatment doesn't sound like nobility and strength. Unless you're talking about Asians or Mexicans.

>> No.15849588

have you ever seen non-white people lol
her face looks fucked mate stop cooming so much

>> No.15849650

post face because there's no way this isn't a cope lmao

>> No.15849713

Probably because Nigeria has lower costs of living than the US. You can save up money working in a first world country, and then you return to your third-world homeland and live like a king

>> No.15849714

Well, Malcolm was an integrationist later in life, so it's not exactly the case. The NOI made backroom deals with the Klan and the American Nazi Party in the 60s, and I heard that Farrakhan tried to do the same with Tom Metzger.

>> No.15849715

i look fine dude, im sorry to disappoint you

>> No.15849754

post body
post face

>> No.15849770

Looks like mommy took away someone’s Xbox

>> No.15849791

*raises paw*

It was me :3

>> No.15849828

lmao you actually refute all the points and all these idiots can do is call you nigger and ree. Its almost as if racists are fucking retarded and can't function in society. Imagine getting triggered by the mere existence of black people. Stay based anon

>> No.15849875

it's almost as if everywhere black people exist sucks lel