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15843064 No.15843064 [Reply] [Original]

Excerpt from Brave New World. Sounds very accurate to what’s going on today, huh?

>> No.15843081

I too can take quotes out of context.

>> No.15843086

Can you?

>> No.15843089

not hard to predict how the world turns out when you are privy to witnessing the annihilation of thew human consciousness

>> No.15843093

A.F. 150 is 150 years after the death of our holy martyr Floyd

>> No.15843129

After Floyd
A. F.
The day this becomes real I’m actually killing myself and taking as many souls with me to the depths of hell.

>> No.15843138

None of the PC/BLM protesters are trying to burn books/destroy history retard, but take down monuments we might revere or celebrate and turn their subjects into things to merely be remembered. Whine all you want, it will eventually hit a wall just like it did in the 80s, and you can relax for a while.

>> No.15843157

>holy martyr Floyd

>> No.15843163

BLM just murdered a young woman because she said all lives matter

>> No.15843203

We're already in hell, if that day ever comes. Take me with you.

>> No.15843210

And I'm sure all anti-BLM people align themselves with Brenton Tarrant, regardless of your sourceless claims

>> No.15843237


>> No.15843267
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Cool it with the gaslighting, we can see for ourselves what PC commies are doing

>> No.15843311

this is the least interesting parallel to todays world I'd take out of this book.
for example, I think that the predictions on the end of love and monogamy and how there will only be egotistic sex for pure pleasure is far more visionary.

>> No.15843326

anon no one is even going to remember him in like three months

>> No.15844778

Indeed. But even in context, it's fairly accurate.

>> No.15844793

nah, the quote isn't really that out of context, per se. OP is instead taking reality out of context.

>> No.15844813

If you read widely you'll notice many books have similar predictions...

>> No.15844849

holy shit bros!!!

>> No.15844893
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>> No.15844913

yes everyone and their mother knows we are heading towards a brave new world type society.
everyone is isolated from one another every human need is commodified, all the traditional social relations destroyed
that's what capitalism does to keep reinventing itself and make money

>> No.15844926

someone post that pic where he is in heaven hugging ali kudasai

>> No.15844933
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>> No.15844939

We are 5,102 years in the Kali Yuga and have 430,000 some odd years to go and it's only going to get worse.

>> No.15844947

Octavius said it best: Christians worship what they deserve.

>> No.15844950

I'm white and most of my books are written by white authors. What good will decolonizing my bookshelf do for me?

>> No.15844981

Criminally underrated post.

>> No.15844999

I hope the Night Land becomes real, at least it would be interesting

>> No.15845326

god I hate virtue-signaling liberals.
I hope the blacks kill them first when they overthrow the usa

>> No.15845390
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Brainlets think we are in idocracy
Midwits think we are in 1984
Pseuds think we are in a brave new world
Actually intellectuals know the future is

>> No.15845462

>We are 5,102 years in the Kali Yuga and have 430,000 some odd years to go and it's only going to get worse.
lol the Kali Yuga began over 10k years ago and is supposed to end in 2025

>> No.15845602

Which New Age faggot are you citing? Trannies and degeneracy aren't going away in a blink of an eye in five years.

>> No.15845635

>I hate virtue-signaling liberals
That's because you are devoid of virtue. You are pure evil.

>> No.15845657

What is virtue to you? Also, tolerance is not a virtue.

>> No.15845666

I have never seen a statue of Robert E. Lee in my life, and yet –– miraculously –– I know who he is!

>> No.15845700
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One day this age is going to end

>> No.15845784

>You are pure evil.
what is good anyway

>> No.15845822

And Soma too; pacify me with drugs please, right now

>> No.15845831

americans really are a bane on all culture, aren't they? I have not seen a single thing that came from the old world that they haven't perverted into a narcissistic heretical abomination

>> No.15845994

name 1 (one) reason against making him a saint

>> No.15846002

for anons' info: this priest, James Martin, is both a homosexual, a jew and a jesuit. But i repeat myself twice

>> No.15846058

what does trying to read more books from POCs have to do with erasing certain works of literature from history? I just read that article and this one (https://bookstr.com/article/what-does-it-mean-to-decolonize-your-bookshelf/)) and despite the title, no where in them do they suggest throwing out your white-written books but rather expanding your shelf with more diverse voices. I'd like to read some more Wright, Baldwin, and Achebe, the hell's wrong with expanding your perception of the world? I don't agree with the oversimplification the writer makes of Heart of Darkness, but they make the point to at least try reading something new along with it for your college lit class.

>> No.15846156

Ultrabased take

>> No.15846322

Very based post.

>> No.15848034

If a book describes something which happened in antiquity, middle ages, current time and will happen in the future, then it's not really prophetic.

>> No.15848046

He was a nigger-druggie-thief-abuser

>> No.15848296

listen to all you whiny dumbcunts in this thread.
No one is suppressing books.
No one is blowing up museums.
You can be informed about past historical figures without having statues of them in your fucking town square dumbfucks.
p.s. most civil war monuments were put up way after the fact (peak for building them was 1900-20 and had more to do with racial politics of the day then a need to understand historical context. https://www.history.com/news/how-the-u-s-got-so-many-confederate-monuments

>> No.15848384
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>> No.15848406
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Floyd himself was a bad dude, but the officer was a cold blooded murderer. Floyd did not deserve to die like that, suffocating while his face is pressed into the hot road.

>> No.15848427

Ah yes, that callous police officer, who also forced Floyd to take a shit load of drugs before his incarceration.

>> No.15848537
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Kneeling on somebody's neck for 8 1/2 minutes as they beg you to stop because they can't breath is brutal murder. Drugs don't make the cop innocent.

>> No.15848579

>We should prosecute a police officer for doing their job and following their training, even though we're known to be over-zealous in dismissing officers and filing lawsuits over those that don't follow our training if an accident occurs!
What a bastard, following instruction to the letter.

>8 1/2 minutes as they beg you to stop because they can't breath is brutal murder.
Ah yes, I find myself constantly screaming when I can't get oxygen; luckily George Floyd didn't need to use aspiration to produce noise.

>> No.15848631

Yes, such a police officer should be prosecuted, and if it's indeed his instruction, then authors of that instruction should be prosecuted too. I don't exactly like blms, and the whole left by the way. Doesn't mean that I must like police (in general and in a specific case).

>> No.15848638

>then authors of that instruction should be prosecuted too.
This is the same level of retardation as thinking teachers should have gun training to deal with school shooters, I hope you know that.

>> No.15848662

If teacher shot a student who was not shooting at him, then such a teacher should be arrested. If he slowly choked that student, then it's even more true.

>> No.15848677

>If teacher shot a student who was not shooting at him, then such a teacher should be arrested.
Are you slow? The point is, some things, such as following your god damn fucking training, should not be considered an occupational hazard for fear of legal repercussions.

In the police example, they should not be prosecuted for following the procedures taught to them - in ANY scenario. If the procedure is a problem, change the procedure.

In the teacher example, you should not be telling people who want to teach you must be prepared to shoot your students as an occupational hazard. Both are a misalignment of what should be expected of each role.

>> No.15848734
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BLM will be over on November 4, no matter who wins.

>> No.15848760

As said, if they were clearly given a training which lead to clearly malignant results, then authors of such a training should follow the direct perpetrators and land in a prison too. But no, following every possible training, even definitely harmful shouldn't be free from the legal repercussions.

>> No.15848791

>Do your job
>Follow the training provided
>Get put in prison because the training you followed, from the government and its bodies, in a profession based around prevention of crime even through LAWFUL detention and handling of people, led to someone's death
>Someone high as a fucking kite
>Trying to use fake money
>Who resisted arrest
So I guess we shouldn't have doctors anymore, because sometimes they get things wrong based on their training?

Having your life ruined for doing your job, and doing it to the best of your knowledge and abilities, should not an outcome. The cop involved was only ever taken to trial, because of the media spotlight on him: if it weren't for that, and fear of the niggered frenzy that would have ensued otherwise, this would've never happened.

May George Floyd's family forever carry the sin of his existence on them.

>> No.15848838

Absolutely yes.
>do your job
>stand on someone's neck for eight minutes
>end up with him dead
>get into prison
Now of course you should look at that training. If it says something like "arrest the suspect according to your best judgement, but don't choke them to death", then put the perpetrator in prison for such a judgement. If it literally says "stand on someone's neck for eight minutes", then BOTH author of the training and the perpetrator should end in prison.
>So I guess we shouldn't have doctors anymore, because sometimes they get things wrong based on their training?
No? We should get doctors, but they can be sued for malpractice and sometimes should end in prison. Same with the police: we should have them, but they can land in prison for some actions.
>Having your life ruined for doing your job, and doing it to the best of your knowledge and abilities, should not an outcome.
Yes, sometimes it should. He should spend a considerable fraction of his life in prison.
>The cop involved was only ever taken to trial, because of the media spotlight on him
And that's the good outcome.

>> No.15848862

>but they can be sued for malpractice and sometimes should end in prison
And you think that's a good thing? We have issues with pain medication because doctors won't refuse prescriptions, because they could get sued if they do.

If you don't see the problem with being overly punitive in high risk jobs (that frankly do not pay in respect to their risk), then you're just another dumb fucking anarchist that would see society devolve rather than acknowledge that sometimes, mistakes happen.

Go home Ayn Rand. We're sick of your jewish tricks.

>> No.15848906

>And you think that's a good thing? We have issues with pain medication because doctors won't refuse prescriptions, because they could get sued if they do.
Yes? Why exactly do you think that doctors should suddenly get a full freedom to commit negligence, or the actual intentional malignance? If they do such things, they should be sued, or actually end in prison. Actually that's true for many current doctors.
>If you don't see the problem with being overly punitive in high risk jobs (that frankly do not pay in respect to their risk), then you're just another dumb fucking anarchist that would see society devolve rather than acknowledge that sometimes, mistakes happen.
Yes, some questionable cases can be solved in favour of the officer. As you said
>he cop involved was only ever taken to trial, because of the media spotlight on him: if it weren't for that, and fear of the niggered frenzy that would have ensued otherwise, this would've never happened.
so even unquestionable cases usually end with slap on a wrist for them. Happily in this case that did not happen.
>Go home Ayn Rand. We're sick of your jewish tricks.
Ah, you want the state to have full power over citizens with state servants being unprosecutable.
By the way,I wonder what do you think about gun rights. I hope you are not some anarchist who think that everyone should be able to get one?

>> No.15848935

>Cause of death
>Cardiac arrest
How was this the police officer's fault? It's dumb, and you're dumb for being reactionary to one case that got overblown in the news. He could breathe fine. If he couldn't, how could he PHYSICALLY scream? If the pressure was on his neck, how did that affect his heart? At best you can say he was distressed by the arrest, but guess what, being arrested is always stressful.

The cop followed his training to the letter. George died because he was high as shit on a mix of depressants and stimulants, and got flustered over his arrest.

>Ah, you want the state to have full power over citizens with state servants being unprosecutable.
I want people to be able to do their ESSENTIAL CIVIL SERVICE JOBS like, policing, and doctoring, without being afraid of frivolous prosecutions and lawsuits to appease a mob.

>> No.15848975

>How was this the police officer's fault? It's dumb, and you're dumb for being reactionary to one case that got overblown in the news. He could breathe fine. If he couldn't, how could he PHYSICALLY scream?
As you can see on the video in the beginning he did not scream, but quietly begged, but after a couple of minutes got silent. Then the officer continued to push his neck for minutes which led to the death.
>The cop followed his training to the letter.
Then arrest the authors of the training too.
>I want people to be able to do their ESSENTIAL CIVIL SERVICE JOBS like, policing, and doctoring, without being afraid of frivolous prosecutions and lawsuits to appease a mob.
And I want police and doctors to do their jobs and get paid and praised for it when they do it successfully. But if they commit negligence, or do something malevolent intentionally, I want them to land in prison.

>> No.15848987


>> No.15849009

You can start the Shitposter Arms Matter movement then. Maybe you will land me in prison, who knows?

>> No.15849013


>> No.15849030

The cop and his friends will now spend a lot of his life in prison. Looks like movement against them is also achieving additional successes. So follow their example!

>> No.15849035

Christ, imagine becoming a cop and getting sent down the river as an example to keep the jiggerboo hordes at bay.

>> No.15849046
File: 48 KB, 456x740, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one learns history from a statue you fucking retard, they learn it from books, and crucially, no one is moving to ban books.
Why do you shit up the board with this stupidity?

>> No.15849053

Yes. Kill someone - get in prison, it's fairly simple. As you said, such cases often result in them going unpunished, but in this case (and hopefully in the future) there will be some justice.

>> No.15849057

>this is your brain on non-nominalism

>> No.15849075

>What a bastard, following instruction to the letter.
Arendt actually wrote an entire book which in painstaking detail blows your contention the fuck out, it's called Eichmann in Jerusalem, you could check it out if you ever decide to no longer be a retard and illiterate.

>> No.15849086

>Kill someone - get in prison, it's fairly simple.
Are you literally 5 years old?

Let's take a couple of legal tests, shall we:
Actus reus - butfor the actions of the officer, would George Floyd have died?
Answer: Indeterminate; he died of cardiac arrest. There is nothing to say the officer was the sole cause of his death. Butfor his actions, George Floyd could have been startled, and still died.

Mens rea - did the officer intend to kill George Floyd?
Answer: No, his actions were in accordance with detention, restraint, and arrest procedure. They were not intended to kill, or cause harm, to George Floyd.

Were his actions reckless?
Answer: His actions aligned with the training provided; any notion of recklessness is taken from a moralistic perspective, in an environment where complaints about police brutality are abundant and often unfounded as a means to escape custody.

It is not just 'kill someone = prison' you utter dolt.

>> No.15849107

There are plenty of non-Confederate statues being torn down.

>> No.15849121

Oh yeah? Does that somehow make them non-losers, or what even is your attempt at an argument? Here's a protip: if they weren't losers, they wouldn't be dead, because being dead means you LOST your life.

>> No.15849129

>Are you literally 5 years old?
If something is obvious to 5 years old, it does not mean it is not obvious to the older people. For example it's obvious to everyone that if you will push someone's neck for minutes, he can die. It's also obvious that if you do that, you will get in prison. It's just that some think that police should do whatever they want.
>Answer: Indeterminate
If the court will agree that it is indeterminate, then maybe the officer will get somewhat lower sentence.
>Answer: No, his actions were in accordance with detention, restraint, and arrest procedure. They were not intended to kill, or cause harm, to George Floyd.
If someone does not get that pushing a neck of an unconscious person for minutes can result in harm, then maybe he can appeal to being retarded. Doubt that it will work though.
>Answer: His actions aligned with the training provided
Once again, if that training clearly tells to push someone's neck for minutes after he is unconscious then the author of that training should go to prison too.
Just once again if you still don't get it: training author should go to prison too. Doesn't mean the perpetrator should not.
>It is not just 'kill someone = prison' you utter dolt.
Of course, but in many cases, as you said previously, even someone who deserves prison does not get it.

>> No.15849136

I hope this vile creature masquerading in a priestly garb will be torn apart by flames of Hell for eternity.

>> No.15849141

I see, you were just shitposting. Nevermind, then.

>> No.15849142

That's not very meek of you, what'd you think you're gonna inherit with that attitude?

>> No.15849150

No, you retarded fucking faggot. I made the substantial point, which you cannot refute, and did not react to, in the non-greentext, namely, that no one learns from statues, but they learn from books, and no one is moving to ban books, rendering your entire point profoundly stupid.

You chose to jump on an autistic detail of my irreverent shitposting instead of the actual argument, because you're a really, really dumb faggot.

>> No.15849153

I fucking hate Marx.

>> No.15849155

Epic post my dude. Upvoted +1 ;)

>> No.15849160

lmao what a save

>> No.15849163

>tries to pretend it's simple
>when refuted tries to make out it was always a complicated matter
This is your brain on leftie bullshit kids. Pretend you had all of the answers, all along.

>Doesn't mean the perpetrator should not.
It means exactly that.

>> No.15849175

If you want to make your point about books vs. statues then don't litter it with common talking points like "it's okay to tear down statues of losers" which are common among progressives.

>> No.15849185

>This is your brain on leftie bullshit kids. Pretend you had all of the answers, all along.
No, I don't have answers for everything, and I don't like left much. Does not change the fact that in this case there is a clear answer (the policeman in question put in prison).
>It means exactly that.
It absolutely does not. If you do something clearly criminal and you can clearly see that ends in a criminal result, then being ordered to do so just put part of the guilt on the order-giver.
But just to reiterate: you talk about training a lot. Do you think that only the trainer/instructions author should go to prison?

>> No.15849192

If you want to discuss an issue, train your ability to sustain attention to last for whatever amount of time it takes you to read ~50 words.

>> No.15849194

>no one is moving to ban books,
a lot of books are already basically banned

>> No.15849198

Blah blah, if you don't want people to think you're a braindead prog idiot then don't use their talking points when you have something else to say.

>> No.15849208

Name 5.
50 words mate. 50 words.

>> No.15849217

>Kill someone - get in prison, it's fairly simple.
>Of course, but in many cases, as you said previously, even someone who deserves prison does not get it.

>If you do something clearly criminal and you can clearly see that ends in a criminal result,
>be surgeon
>do complex neurosurgical procedure
>highly experimental
>follow instructions to the T
>patient dies
>lose livelihood, job, and society loses a good surgeon
But, no, that's different surely.. it's not like he could have foreseen his actions causing harm.. with that scalpel.. in a man's brain... Trust me, it's different, because it backs up my point if it's different to the Floyd thing. It's not different.

>Do you think that only the trainer/instructions author should go to prison?
If the trainer has been directed to give faulty information, then no.
Will always, always be hedged with 'oh well we wrote that for people with common sense!', and yet, if the officer didn't follow his instruction/training, he would've been found at fault. The only thing this officer did wrong, was he got caught in the spotlight. You need to grow up and realise that; accidents happen, problems happen.

We wouldn't even be having this discussion if every fucking retard in existence weren't carrying a god damn camera. Realistically, the officer should at most have faced a disciplinary hearing - not criminal charges.

>> No.15849225

But I though Black Lives Matter BECAUSE All Lives Matter
Why would they do that?

>> No.15849277

If a surgeon will kneel on patient's head for 8 minutes, then yes, he should go to prison. Actually if a doctor malpractices or does something intentionally evil, he should be prosecuted even in less obvious cases. Why exactly do you think that doctors should be absolved of every responsibility?
>If the trainer has been directed to give faulty information, then no.
He has the brain to check that information. But again, we can go one level up then.
>Will always, always be hedged with 'oh well we wrote that for people with common sense!',
So you think that police system is bad, just have slightly different opinion about the guilty?
>You need to grow up and realise that; accidents happen, problems happen.
Yes, and prison terms happen too. Rarer than needed in some cases.
>We wouldn't even be having this discussion if every fucking retard in existence weren't carrying a god damn camera. Realistically, the officer should at most have faced a disciplinary hearing - not criminal charges.
That literally means that in vast majority of cases an officer who clearly deserved a prison got a slap on a wrist. What can I say? Having a lot of cameras nowadays actually has certain positive sides. Hopefully the current uproar and future filming will allow the next potential cases like this to end in more justice.

>> No.15849290

Kali Yuga lasts 430,000 years, it's not ending soon.

>> No.15849325

People like you breed societies full of paralysis by fear; I hope you experience the worst of your ideologues, that it might teach you to avoid your extreme attitudes in future. I can do nothing but hope the police stand by and watch as you are beaten and thrown around, for fear of intervening, lest they accidentally hurt someone.

Your are the embodiment of the death of society at the hands of paperwork. I hope it chokes you slowly.

>> No.15849349

He'll get off lel, the guy clearly ODed. They already overcharged him to make sure there would be another round of riots

>> No.15849360

If the police will now think twice before choking someone unconscious, then it's a good result. Yes, bad police should get consequences. Yes, bad doctors should get consequences. Yes, if someone is a government official, it puts an additional responsibility on him instead of absolving him of every sin.
>Your are the embodiment of the death of society at the hands of paperwork. I hope it chokes you slowly.
At least it will not choke me with a knee.

>> No.15849374

>let's scare the people doing vital services into inaction
Like I said, hope it comes to bite you, because that attitude is so far removed from reality that is jeopardising safety.

I hope so. People like the retard above me don't understand that 'removing da poleez' is not a good solution, nor is scaring them into being toothless.

>> No.15849415

Did you see the video where that black cop chases down a suspect and then it takes 30 minutes for them to try and fail to get him into the car, before eventually calling an ambulance, as the suspect is crying and screaming the entire time and trying to get himself hurt? That's what will happen, lel

>> No.15849423

>let's scare the people doing vital services into inaction
If their action means doing something malignant, then yes, in this case they'd better not act. If they will stop doing even their actual duties - well, then they will go in the opposite malignancy (not that they don't often do that now).
>that attitude is so far removed from reality
Maybe from your reality where police and doctors are shiny angels who. Sadly this reality is pretty alternate to the actual one.

>> No.15849431

Hey, dumbass, the cop was obviously fucked in the head. After Fentanyl Floyd stopped breathing the cop was still on top of him. Not getting off after he is dead shows some over callousness.

Unrelated, when have the police ever helped you?

>> No.15849438

*who always do their duty and never try to do wrong stuff

>> No.15849446

> If they will stop doing even their actual duties
You think it's even an 'if'?

>Sadly this reality is pretty alternate to the actual one.
*tips fedora*
No it's about understanding that the net result is a good one, not that all outcomes are good, but on the whole, it's a positive force within society. What, you think society is going to be good without police? Fucking idiot.

I haven't seen it but I can fully believe it.

>> No.15849450

Well, that's the open question. It probably highly depends on politics and current riot status.

>> No.15849467

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

>> No.15849479

>You think it's even an 'if'?
If they will stop doing their job, then they will stop providing any benefit to the society of course. Not that they always do it now.
>No it's about understanding that the net result is a good one, not that all outcomes are good, but on the whole, it's a positive force within society.
Prosecuting someone who choked unresponsive person to death would make the result even better and will make that force more positive.
>What, you think society is going to be good without police? Fucking idiot.
There are people who are put in prisons. What, you think society is going to be good without people? Fucking idiot.
See? Same logic.

>> No.15849495

So your solution is to disempower police until it becomes reasonable to remove them, and then remove prisons? You really are the lowest branch on the tree, aren't you?

>> No.15849510

He'll get off, but make sure you get out of major cities before the trial. We all know what's going to happen.

>> No.15849511

>disempower police until it becomes reasonable to remove them, and then remove prisons?
If you want to chat with someone inside your head, then you can continue to do that, but then you will defeat only him, not me.

>> No.15849514

>Just rely on others to lock people up for doing things you don't like
Grow a pair loser

>> No.15849518

Harrison Bergeron is more accurate.

>> No.15849527

Not sure if lefties, niggers, or kikes. Either way, the fire doesn't care, so hop on in.

>> No.15849539

The same people who want to defund the police are definitely the same people who would ruin your life if you ever had to act in a self defense situation

>> No.15849565

If you will hit someone who is trying to hit you and he will die, then you probably shouldn't be imprisoned for that.
If you will kneel on someone's neck while he is begging for you to stop, wait until he will become unresponsive and then will kneel for minutes more, then you should and will go to prison.

>> No.15849576

Like all those statues?

>> No.15849584

>If you will hit someone who is trying to hit you and he will die, then you probably shouldn't be imprisoned for that.
How old are you? Genuinely asking, because you seem INCREDIBLY poorly educated, and very, very dumb, full of naiveties and simpleton ideologies.


>> No.15849586

It's called anarcho-tyranny. Decriminalize violent behavior, criminalize self-defense. The UK are probably the champions

>> No.15849634

Congrats, you then can go into a prison for every possible conflict case. You were complaining about it in >>15849539, but it seems like you are OK with being imprisoned. If you are OK with cops also going to prison for it, then we are done here. Although you are going way more radical than me. That someone inside your head won?

>> No.15849674

That's two different people
The point I raised wasn’t even about cops. It’s not about going to prison for self defense it’s about the court of public opinion having no due process, no concern with facts, just race-obsessed reactionaries on a hare-trigger
I’m way more scared of them than the police

>> No.15849695
File: 60 KB, 827x459, EZdR27WUwAEs2uz.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15849709

You've literally been wrong about the principle of 'kill someone = prison' every step of the way, because you have a very, very childish understanding of the issue. How old are you?

>> No.15849710

I'm pro self-defense, and I am against imprisoning someone who purely accidentally killed a person trying to kill him. Same goes for cops. I'm not even left. It's just that there is a video in this case and it clearly shows a very different picture. If there was no video, then I'd probably have no conclusive opinion on the initial case.

>> No.15849731

> 'kill someone = prison'
That's again, the voice from your head, along with "remove them, and then remove prison". It may be that you are talking with it because you are too infantile/senile/crazy, but most likely it's just you being intentionally obtuse to protect a faulty viewpoint.

>> No.15850100

They didn't kek

>> No.15850894

>doesn't know about wrongful death civil suits

>> No.15851134

Don't Americans (and other nations in general) rewrite their own history all the time? The very first thing I can think of is the lost cause malarkey from the American southern states.

>> No.15851563

There’s the matter of quality and merit That is to considered. Nabokov a man who you can make a very good case for genuinely being marginalized and oppressed stated many times that politics in art is disgusting and art should be a aesthetic achievement. Same for Oscar Wilde a game man. If negros can stop using literature as a platform for impulsive ranting and screeching and treat it as a aesthetic mode of being(like Ralph Ellison for example the sole quality negro author) I would be more then happy to allow them into the canon

>> No.15851701

Knew it was James Martin before I opened the picture