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15838276 No.15838276 [Reply] [Original]

>A human being is spirit. But what is spirit? Spirit is the self. But what is the self? The self is a relation that relates itself to itself or is the relation's relating itself to itself in the relation; the self is not the relation but is the relation's relating itself to itself. A human being is a synthesis of the infinite and the finite, of the temporal and the eternal, of freedom and necessity, in short, a synthesis. A synthesis is a relation between two. Considered in this way a human being is still not a self.... In the relation between two, the relation is the third as a negative unity, and the two relate to the relation and in the relation to the relation; thus under the qualification of the psychical the relation between the psychical and the physical is a relation. If, however, the relation relates itself to itself, this relation is the positive third, and this is the self

>> No.15838330

Man, if you had changed some parts to "masculine relation" and "feminine spirit" and a bit of self referential nonsense ("After studying economics I realized humans are spirit") you could have anyone it was from that dude that keeps shilling his shitty philosophy book.

>> No.15838335

I'm glad that my intuition makes up for my inability to understand hard philosophy; he means the fundamental existence of the individual in the questions which pose themselves to him, such as by self-consciousness, that is the existence of the human, and so it's not much more than a basic explanation of existentiality.

>> No.15838337

*you could have fooled anyone

>> No.15838401

i think it means you are mind and matter, finite and temporal is to be determined, matter, infinite and eternal is to be undetermined substance so mind. to say a human being is one or the other is wrong as they are both, kierkegaard thought the anxiety of our own free will prompts us to only look at one side of the synthesis and therefore not be truly human, just as a student ignore their future uncertainties until it dawns on them, and a midlife crisis hits a 40 year old, people ground themselves on pre made socially acceptable conception of themsleves to escape the thought that they have to decide what they are,these are the people who " dont want to be themselves", on the other hand there are those who kierkegaard says "do want to be themselves" and want to be the infinite or eternal, like the stoic or bhuddists they want to escape the finite and embrace eternity, he says they build castles in the clouds that escape once they come close to them, kierkegaard thought to be yourself you must actively realise the synthesis and be become your own person, but anxiety lurks at the door and we may slink back into determined self, so we must ground ourselves in something to remain individuals, the only thing a human can ground themselves in is God, the aesthetic and ethical do not capture the whole picture for a human being(ethical) who is also an individual(aesthetic), they are both inside and outside of everything in the universe, Prayer is when somone truly knows them self as them self, dependant upon the undetermined determiner/cause

>> No.15838412

He's mocking Hegel I believe

>> No.15839140

Based Joseph Smith

>> No.15839171

really gotta put some of these kierkeegard quotes in context because as anon said the likes to do ironic hegel-posting

>> No.15839591

Only right answer in this thread.

>> No.15840319

I already explained this

>> No.15841834

The self is a relation that relates itself to itself

Pretty sure that's just ego. Cogito ergo sum and all that.

>A human being is a synthesis

Blah, blah, blah; duality of thought and conflicting interests.

To me spirit is more akin to the anima/animus, which is the thing that drives one to action and not the thought or reasoning which he's suggesting.

>> No.15842024

>A human being is spirit. But what is spirit? Spirit is the self. But what is the self? The self is a relation that relates itself to itself or is the relation's relating itself to itself in the relation; the self is not the relation but is the relation's relating itself to itself.
Get this part and you will make sense of the rest.

>> No.15842056

this, remember Kierkegaard loves irony and sarcasm.

>> No.15842076

He seems unironically serious on that one, and it doesn't seem that it is unclear. It is just a convoluted self-referring definition.

>> No.15842100

And unironically makes sense if you think about the brain as a neural network.

>> No.15842195

Considering that Kierkegaard was a Christian, this is an attempt to explain the self with allusion to the Holy trinity.
Soren considered the self to be the union of our animal (temporal) and spiritual (eter nal)parts. The relation between the two being a third part (the father, the son, the holy spirit, you know how it goes). But the third part (being the relation between the body and soul) is not the self (the same as how the father is not God in christianity). The trinity between the body (the physical),the soul/mind (the psychical) and the relation between the two (in turn relation to both as a third independent part), is the self.

It's all one big allegory for God and how he made us in his image , trinity and all, which is unsurprising since kierkegaard offered Cristianity as the only solution to existential dread and considers everything else to be a cope

>> No.15842622

>Kierkegaard was a Christian

>> No.15842700
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>> No.15842769

He was a bullshit artist. There is no meaning to be found there.

>> No.15842783

It's in one of his later notes to the Swedish queen he kept correspondence with

>> No.15842864

he is both making fun of Hegel and making an actual point, how is that not immediately obvious

>> No.15842899

Wrote a paper on this, it's not as complicated as you'd believe this is. This is authored by 'Anti-Climacus', one of his many pseudonyms, which might suggest that he's ramping up his Christianity in this book _and_ that not everything he writes is something he takes entirely seriously, hence the accusations that he's mocking Hegel. This guy is right, I believe: >>15842864

Reading the whole first part of the book, before he gets into sin, you will find that every chapter illuminates an aspect of what has been written before. I think to properly understand it you have to read it all at least three times, the first chapter that is.

Every sub-chapter zooms in on this relation that relates to itself, to discover other relations in this relation which will then constituve this relation's relating to itself. Sounds like gibberish, but the best abstraction I can offer is that Kierkegaard so conceptualizes the 'self' or the 'spirit', that it can be understood in manifold oppositional force-fields, like finity-infinity, necessity-liberty etc. These are all relations, relations that relate to the relation that is the self's relation to itself. So in essence, the more you read the more you unwrap this labyrinth of relations, that constitute and influence each other.

I would say it really has a Hegelian flair to it. The most I got out of this book is an immense respect for Kierkegaard's knowledge of people, this book is full of hard-earned wisdoms regarding the psyche of the people, it is very valuable for this alone.

>> No.15842950

I don't know why this is so hard to grasp for you fags

>> No.15843034


That human being is a thing composed of the meeting of opposite elements that has the capability to think about itself.