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15841641 No.15841641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?
Is it illiteracy, mental retardation, cowardice, or a melange of them all?

The "refutations" of the left consist of avoiding the evidence and arbitrarily taking up a default hypothesis with no reasoning, all while loudly announcing a list of arbitrary unjustified burdens placed on the "antisemites".

After presenting how overrepresented jews are in positions of power in a civilization they are not native to, the burden of proof shifts heavily against the "it's all just a coincidence" position.
They have to explain why the native population would give up its businesses willingly and how that would be in their interest or be guilty of the above.

Are there any other modern studies of jewish influence that might be more persuasive to halfwits?
Maybe an online catalog with color pictures and links?

>> No.15841643
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>> No.15841657

The book was BTFO so hard last thread. Janny saved you from embarrassment.

>> No.15841660
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So far the leftists here just appeal to authorities that made no argument, refuse to substantiate their view, and cry that "the burden of proof" is on the realists to assuage their retarded emotions.

Basically their formal error is to assume the burden of proof doesn't shift as evidence is presented. They undertake no responsibility to respond to evidence at all.

>Just ignore all evidence and I can't be wrong
the fundamental mindset of the left

the mods are literally kikes

>> No.15841668

This isn't a book though
It's not literature
It's not incongruent for dozens of my diary threads to stay up

>> No.15841670
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Your meds, sweetie, your meds.

>> No.15841673
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Neither of you have read a fucking book about the history of Hollywood. But that's why you stick to infographics designed for ADHD 80IQ brainlets.

>> No.15841676

>What am i in for
>Post your lit waifu.
>What the fuck is with Greeks and eating children?
>Who is right
>Atleast I read the entirey of Don Quixote in Spanish...

these are examples of LITERATURE threads that are ON TOPIC that are in the catalog now
you should make your threads more like these

>> No.15841680

Pinker BTFO this book so hard:
>The suggestion that scholars "can't ignore bad ideas" is a nonstarter. In science there are a thousand bad ideas for every good one. "Doing battle" against all of them is not an option for mere mortals, and doing battle against some of them is a tacit acknowledgment that those have enough merit to exceed the onerous threshold of attention-worthiness. MacDonald's ideas, as presented in summaries that would serve as a basis for further examination, do not pass that threshold, for many reasons:

>1. By stating that Jews promulgate scientific hypotheses because they are Jewish, he is engaging in ad hominem argumentation that is outside the bounds of normal scientific discourse and an obvious waste of time to engage. MacDonald has already announced that I will reject his ideas because I am Jewish, so what's the point of replying to them?

>2. MacDonald's main axioms – group selection of behavioral adaptations, and behaviorally relevant genetic cohesiveness of ethnic groups – are opposed by powerful bodies of data and theory, which Tooby, Cosmides, and many other evolutionary psychologists have written about in detail. Of course any assumption can be questioned, but there are no signs that MacDonald has taken on the burden of proof of showing that the majority view is wrong.

>3. MacDonald's various theses, even if worthy of scientific debate individually, collectively add up to a consistently invidious portrayal of Jews, couched in value-laden, disparaging language. It is impossible to avoid the impression that this is not an ordinary scientific hypothesis.

>4. The argument, as presented in the summaries, fails two basic tests of scientific credibility: a control group (in this case, other minority ethnic groups), and a comparison with alternative hypotheses (such as Thomas Sowell's convincing analysis of "middlemen minorities" such as the Jews, presented in his magisterial study of migration, race, conquest, and culture).

>> No.15841681
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Come back when you've actually researched your own talking points

>> No.15841687

do you have an argument or are you just going whine bitchily about wasting your time consuming a long propaganda narrative that yields no power to explain anything?

>> No.15841691

I recommended these nazi shills some books to read but I doubt they even have the attention span

>> No.15841699

The classic halfwit pseud, has no purpose for reading and no standard of evidence to apply to the questions he doesn't have
A wandering retard

>> No.15841703

False flag

>> No.15841710
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This thread is déranged schizo fest

>> No.15841753

>constucts an internal model of the world populated by cartoon caricatures based on brainwashing propaganda
>calls others "schizo"
posting "reaction faces" is 100% a sign of a totally dehumanized retard cattle beast

>> No.15841761

>>The suggestion that scholars "can't ignore bad ideas" is a nonstarter.
Utterly ridiculous, if at any point a bad idea starts to gain traction, it needs to be addressed, ironically he's doing something that he himself is advocating against.

> stating that Jews promulgate scientific hypotheses because they are Jewish
A facetious argument that has no relevant context to the book.

>MacDonald's main axioms – group selection of behavioral adaptations, and behaviorally relevant genetic cohesiveness of ethnic groups – are opposed by powerful bodies of data and theory
A complete inversion of what all the data suggests.

>Tooby, Cosmides
Fucking lmao

>MacDonald's various theses, even if worthy of scientific debate individually, collectively add up to a consistently invidious portrayal of Jews, couched in value-laden, disparaging language.
It's fairly difficult to put a neutral spin on "There is a small ethnic group taking control of society".

> The argument, as presented in the summaries, fails two basic tests of scientific credibility: a control group (in this case, other minority ethnic groups)
Also false, he regularly makes reference to other minority groups in his text.

>and a comparison with alternative hypotheses (such as Thomas Sowell's convincing analysis of "middlemen minorities"
Nowhere is it mandated that you need to make reference to an alternative hypothesis, what a ridiculous statement.

>> No.15841811


the kike pinker's demands are illogical
what possible need is there for a "control group"?
how can you possibly deny that uniform pressures tend to have uniform results on a population, or that culture/social contract is a uniform pressure?

>> No.15842366
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>> No.15842378
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see what happens when jews take over the media?
>In 1984, financier Saul Steinberg's Reliance Group Holdings launched a hostile takeover bid for Walt Disney Productions

they instantly start subverting identity

>> No.15842465

how autistic do you have to be to make this thread multiple times a day? you're making people LESS anti-Semitic by exposing them to your cringy posts. reported again. not that it matters, you will remake this thread like the utter autist you are

>> No.15842553

you aren't people though
>my model of reality is a function of how annoyed I am about certain subjects
yeah that's not a human attitude, you just admitted you're an insane animal without a rational perspective

>> No.15842637

Those books dont disprove mcdonald, and the jews do use hollywood to further their interrsts. Didnt you see the last oscars where all the supposedly leftwing actors were taking up the cause for Bolton, a central neocon warmonger. Why does Brad Pitt suddenly bitch about Bolton not being able to nag Trump to bomb Iran and Syria?

>> No.15842654

we can bring up these questions all we want
but they'll just be ignored or answered dishonestly

these things do not have free will and are not human
we are in the midst of total war

>> No.15842660

I am highly entertained by how asshurt you are. You live in a jewish supremacist state, hate that some people calling it fir what it is rather then the lie that it is white supremacist

>> No.15842675

Question is, why did intelligent right wing whites allows jew to take over? Why do they work side by side with jews in politics and business?
Why is it only low iq flyover hicks who keep reeing about the Jewish question?

>> No.15842687

>asking for service while being a rude idiot
no one likes you

>> No.15842695

then why do you keep reeing about jews? is your reality defined by your acknowledgement of oppression as a white man?

>> No.15842703

>can't answer my question

>> No.15842717

Go home JIDF.
It's funny because jews have no home. 109 and counting.

>> No.15842745

meaning you imply your question follows from what I said
but it shares none of the same subjects except "you" and "me" - which proves your retarded habits, you focus only on emotion and ego

you just affirmed you're an insane animal without a rational perspective

>> No.15842748

>ignores all the evidence presented so far
>WHATABOUT THIS???????????????
you're an insane animal without a rational perspective

>> No.15842759


>> No.15842790

So why don't intelligent white right wing men in positions of power acknlowdge the Jewish question?
Why does trump kiss the wall?

>> No.15842805

>ignore all arguments, reason, and discussion
>focus on insult
you focus only on emotion and ego
you just re-affirmed you're an insane animal without a rational perspective

>> No.15842813

>ignores all the evidence presented so far
>WHATABOUT THIS???????????????
>called out on this
>WHATABOUT TTHHIISS??????????????????????????
you're an insane animal without a rational perspective

>> No.15842817

“Given that some ethnic groups—especially ones with high levels of ethnocentrism and mobilization—will undoubtedly continue to function as groups far into the foreseeable future, unilateral renunciation of ethnic loyalties by some groups means only their surrender and defeat—the Darwinian dead end of extinction. The future, then, like the past, will inevitably be a Darwinian competition in which ethnicity plays a very large role.

The alternative faced by Europeans throughout the Western world is to place themselves in a position of enormous vulnerability in which their destinies will be determined by other peoples, many of whom hold deep historically conditioned hatreds toward them. Europeans' promotion of their own displacement is the ultimate foolishness—an historical mistake of catastrophic proportions.”
― Kevin B. MacDonald

>> No.15842848
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some troll at the end of the last thread (the only one corrupt niggerkike mods didn't delete) posted this

it brings up a good question, because irish are extremely overrepresented too
germans are extremely, extremely underrepresented

The explanation would seem to take us back to the years of rampant organized crime after the civil war.
It seems like jews, irish, and italians often worked together to subvert law and order and spread vice.
Very often you find irish and jews married couples with one or both in positions of power, in fact it's just common all around in the US.

>> No.15842885

>why does Trump kiss the wall?
>why do all politicians talk about "women's health"?

This is how political power works. Jewish identitarians have power and wealth. If Jews were powerless morons like white nationalists, nobody would pander to them.

>> No.15842914

>"morons like white nationalists"
>admit jews are disproportionately powerful
we'll never be free until we slaughter traitors like this

>> No.15842929

We'll never be free until we finally eradicate the jews. No half measures. Let's face it, if we don't stomp them all out, they come back with half truths, lies, and deceit, such that they can ride a wave of hereditary guilt for a hundred years.

>> No.15842930

My formula:
>biology + material circumstances = culture
>culture changes biology + material circumstances
>repeat step 1 for new culture

>> No.15842936

whites don't have it in them clearly. Wouldn't be surprised if China + the Arabs end up killing them off though

>> No.15842940

that's only working from one side of the equation
they never could have got a foothold here if we slaughtered our defectives mercilessly

i think its pretty obvious mercy has its benefits, but we need to tend our own house to a significant extent
I don't think it's likely we will exterminate every jew, they've had infinite wealth for a long time and will have devised a way to hide well

>> No.15842952

what an argument!

>> No.15842967

China won't do shit, unless it's to seize money. When you look at their culture, you understand that they're also amoral vermin; they have no guide, no inner voice. They are driven solely by competition with one another in aid of becoming rich.

Chinks and jews show us something very clearly: humanity is not innately good, they require boundaries in which they may become good. They need a jab of morality to keep them moving in a good direction, because when cultures are built around no morality, with a focus entirely on becoming rich, we get them. Fucking disgusting liars and cheats.

>> No.15843005

I can't see Arabs ever amounting to much. The Jews won't allow it (if the Arabs ever get real power, Israel will be gone in a heartbeat), and frankly they as a people have spent all of their Asabiyyah. All of their governments are Liberal, and they're pozzing at a rate faster than the West, they just started in a different place than we did.

Hispanics are a different case, and are the only people that's actually growing and advancing.

I'm gonna have to disagree. The CCP is a blip, and has only been in charge of China for some 2% of their current history. Yeah, China's a money grubbing shithole for now, but when the CCP leaves, what will take its place? I'm betting a dynasty that's willing to actually throw its power around. China has the resources to move mountains, they just don't want to because MUH PROFIT.

>> No.15843009

>they have no guide, no inner voice
they do now, it's judaism handed down through their useful retard chink communist party leadership

they aren't amoral, there's no such possibility
there is no universal morality, only what is good to keep a thing and that what is evil destroys it.
we take our morality for granted and tend to conflate it with universal morality because our morality is superior and has let us dominate others
but we must always modify it as circumstances change and let the one who has chosen best to lead us

>> No.15843018

>a money grubbing shithole
it pretty much was always this way since about the time of christ

they have always been cannibals

>> No.15843024

>The CCP is a blip
I doubt it; you have Winnie the Pooh that fancies himself a dynast. He's going full Mao on us at the moment. Turned down a pretty good job in China (2600 a month) because they keep taking retaliatory political prisoners.

>they aren't amoral, there's no such possibility
They laugh at car crashes. There's no morality to be found there.

>> No.15843026

I'm not denying any evidence I am simply asking why people in positions of power don't talk about the Jewish question
are they afraid
are they in bed with the jews
I dojt know that's why I am asking you buffoon

>> No.15843048

There's a difference between a money grubbing shithole that can throw its own weight around and a money grubbing shithole that's content to sit on its ass and be the world's factory.

I don't expect it to fall in our lifetime, unless something massive that no one can foresee comes along, but I think it'd be foolish to expect the CCP to last forever. No dynasty does, why would the CCP be different?

>> No.15843050

and right wing incels on 4xhan watch those Chinese cctv videos and laugh at them for being "soulless bug people"

>> No.15843057

They are afraid and they are in bed. Jewish identitarianism is a force of nature. Every politician must navigate around it.

>> No.15843072

>and right wing incels on 4xhan watch those Chinese cctv videos and laugh at them for being "soulless bug people"
In most western countries, if people witnessed a car crash, they would phone for help, or if it's safe, try to help those involved. This is not the case in China. They fear being blamed for the incident under the broken vase fallacy, and thus will not help; the apathy has grown to amusement. To call China anything but the absolute epitome of capitalism is naive; they worship money, so much so, they will forgo the lives of others to preserve their own capitol.

>> No.15843075

morality is very simple, it is just mental bias
there is nothing universally good or bad about it
it is just the collective mind as it lays

>> No.15843121

ok kid since you stuck around i'll answer

There are no "right wing" politicians. They are just soft versions of left wing politicians. They aren't real people with free will, they are nobodies propped up with jewish money.

The jews took control of the financial systems of old by hording gold and crashing markets by cutting supply or flooding supply - the main tools by which they effect this is charging interest and the rate at which they do so.
Now they have central banks that unilaterally decide interest rates and impose them on every institution, and have the power to create currency out of thin air to control inflation (which is a de facto interest rate).

Basically the bottom line is no one was willing to slaughter all the traitors that submitted to jewish finance because they were assumed to be a key part of civilization and it's unprecedented in modern times to slaughter huge amounts of "your own" nation, so right-thinking people have been dragged along this far.

>> No.15843302
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this board is completely fucking retarded
4chan has been horribly subverted since gamergate

>> No.15843914

Going in order through that infographic:

19 Walgreens: Stefano Pessina is Italian
20 Verizon: Hans Vestberg is Swedish
23 Kroger: Rodney McMullen is Kentucky Irish
25 Bank of America: Brian Moynihan is Irish Catholic
26 Home Depot: Craig Menear is from Flint MI and is English
28 Comcast: Brian L. Roberts JEW
30 Wells Fargo: Charles Scharf German/Irish
31 CitiGroup: Michael Corbat Scottish/French
33 GE: H. Lawrence Culp Jr. Irish
34 Dell: Michael Dell JEW
35 Johnson & Johnson: Alex Gorsky Croatia/Russia
36 State Farm: Michael Tipsord English
39 Raytheon: Thomas A. Kennedy Irish
43 UPS: David Abney English
46 Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg JEW
48 MetLife: Michel Khalaf Assyrian POSSIBLY JEW
50 Procter Gamble: David S. Taylor English/French
54 ADM: Juan R. Luciano Argentinian
58 HP: Enrique Lores Spanish
59 Energy Transfer: Kelcy Warren English
60 Goldman Sachs: David Solomon JEW
61 Morgan Stanley: James P. Gorman Irish Australian
62 Caterpillar: James Umpleby III English
63 Cisco: Chuck Robbins English
68 Delta: Ed Bastian Franciscan
70 American Airlines: Doug Parker Methodist
71 Spectrum: Tom Rutledge English Scottish
72 Allstate: Thomas J. Wilson English Scottish
73 New York Life Insurance: Ted Mathas Irish/Scottish
74 Nationwide: Kirt Walker English
75 Best Buy: Corie Barry Irish/Scottish
76 United Airlines: Scott Kirby English/Irish
78 Dow: Jim Fitterling German Missouri farmer
79 Tyson: Noel W. White English
80 TJX: Ernie Herrman German POSSIBLY JEW
82 Safra Catz JEW
83 General Dynamics: Phebe Novakovic Serbian
84 Deere: John C. May Irish
85 Nike: John Donahoe II Irish
86 Progressive: Tricia Griffith Welsh
88 Coca Cola: James Quincey English
89 MassMutual: Roger W. Crandall Scottish
94 USAA: Wayne Peacock English
95 Exelon: Christopher M. Crane English
96 Northrop: Kathy Warden English
97 Capitol One: Richard Fairbank English

So after going through the first 5 rows, 47 stars labeled, I found definitively 5 JEWS, and POSSIBLY an additional two. That's the first 100.
So if we give even 5 JEWS


>> No.15844360


>> No.15844373

Stop gaslighting, you disingenuous niggerfaggot. The obvious difference is that Jews are extremely nepotistic, shill their self interests very agresively and try to change the society they inhabit as to strengthen their positions of power

>> No.15844531

You lose because the vast majority of your race is sinful, weak, and exploitable Hans. Time to stop coping.