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File: 35 KB, 333x500, andy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15835532 No.15835532 [Reply] [Original]

>Provides detailed, eloquent explanations for the United States' economic ills, which are conducive to the litany of social problems many Americans face.
>Does so in 200 pages, writing at an elementary school level.
>No one bothered to read this manifesto, went for the senile architect of many of the current institutions' flaws because he was "the familiar candidate"

Why do we even bother.

>> No.15835549

You unironically have better moral standing if you draw penises and swastikas on the ballot rather than actually voting for a candidate.

>> No.15835570
File: 54 KB, 484x618, Sphynx_cat_wearing_clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont support universal basic income if even a single penny of it is going to nonwhites.

>> No.15835575
File: 52 KB, 488x488, GUEST_5cf29ab4-a081-4269-8fdd-89935691099b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Provides detailed, eloquent explanations for the United States' economic ills, which are conducive to the litany of social problems many Americans face.

>> No.15835590


>> No.15835605

911, someone just posted something dangerously based.

>> No.15835610


>> No.15835612

Isn't really literature, but I empathize OP. Got sick of Trump even though I voted for him last time; was going to register in the state I moved in to vote for Yang. Now that it's Biden I'm not even going to bother (though I thought about registering and voting for Trump during the BLM shit lmao).

>> No.15835618

why do you even vote

>> No.15835619

Hahahahaha anyone else imagine hte cat saying this XD

>> No.15835620

Lol you voted.

>> No.15835624

This, we dont need to give the niggerparasite population more resources to multiply

>> No.15835627

Not going to this time. Yang's been the only candidate that gave me any real incentive too, even if my vote is a microscopic tick towards any given candidate's chances.

>> No.15835628

I listened to his "smart people should build things" book expecting to get a pep talk to start a business or non-profit, but instead it was some trickled down shit about how we need to recruit people from elite universities to work at startups instead of going into banking and law. it was mostly disempowering. Just because this guy wants to throw money at poor people out of helicopters, doesn't mean he's not an elitist piece of shit.

>> No.15835636

Fuck you too

>> No.15835665

I'll take an elitist person who gives me money over an "empowering voice" celeb who gives me nothing though.

>> No.15835673

>thinks transferring $2000 a month to landlords by way of the poor is going to change anything

I too love corporate handouts

>> No.15835679

That would suck if that's how it transferred. Maybe they could outlaw landlords raising prices like that? Probably would need congress who would be getting their palms greased with real-estate money though, so idk.

>> No.15835686

American voters don't read.

>> No.15835695

National rent control? What could go wrong?

>> No.15835705

What could go wrong? Most western countries have some form of rent control afaik.

>> No.15835720
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>Provides detailed, eloquent explainations of the United States' economic ills, which are conducive to the litany of social problems many Americans face

>> No.15835730

>Most western countries have some form of rent control afaik.
And these cities also have huge housing shortages.

>> No.15835735

It'll work this time

>> No.15835737

This fag Asian is wrong. Recent studies show automation is overstated in explaing the manufacturing job losses of the 90s and 2000s. The majority of it had to do with China's ascension into the WTO

>> No.15835744

It never fails

>> No.15835753

It's weird how a lot of white people who talk shit about welfare and food stamps etc. are all shameless about voting for Yang's gibs. Whites a doomed.

>> No.15835760

No they don't. Not where I live.

>> No.15835773

Yang would have thrived in a country whose politics wasn't rigged and dominated by emotions and irrationality.

>went for the senile architect of many of the current institutions' flaws because he was "the familiar candidate
Nobody "went" for Biden. He is the establishment candidate, a predictable functionary of the status quo, whose mediocrity and stunning absence of vision is desirable to those who have every advantage and who would therefore only stand to lose in the face of any change.

>> No.15835776

Well what kind of rent control do you have where you live? Rent control can lead to more housing being built if the new units are not rent controlled, but if the point of the rent control is to stop landlords from raising rents to take the extra gibs, then there won't be new housing built.

>> No.15835783

fuck man these cats are weird

>> No.15835800

Well-funded state owned housing, caps on how high rent/m2 can be, caps on how fast and high rent can be raised, there's more but I'm not an expert

>> No.15835812
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>Provides detailed, eloquent explanations for the United States' economic ills, which are conducive to the litany of social problems many Americans face.

>> No.15835814

>Well-funded state owned housing

Housing projects are a complete failure. What's the GDP of the country you live in?

>> No.15835817

Nationalize housing

>> No.15835818

The automation isn't just coming for manufacturing and manual labor. AI is going delete a lot of office work.

>> No.15835823

Anon, we have that, its called prison.

>> No.15835825
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>buys the election year meme
>i'm gonna have my voice heard!!!
>reads primary candidate's "book"
>omg what they lost?
>since my guy lost nobody can have an opinion now

>> No.15835827

AI is so fucking overrated

>> No.15835830

They're not where I live, fucking americans I swear.
Per capita 51k

>> No.15835832

>obliterate societal cohesion
>ban communities as hideous oppressive concepts
>outlaw good public schools
>force whites to practice segregation via high costs
>whole low skill industries are Spanish only
>endless trillions of dollars in welfare to alien groups on top of rampant affirmation action social policies
>glorification of negro ghetto behavior

Commies want to ignore all the modern problems they bitch about were deliberately created by the leftists they have voted for for decades

Is there a single republican at the AMA who sets quotas on education of doctors? Is there a single republican in charge of city zoning policies which have turned cities into Fucking disaster zones?

>> No.15835835


honestly, at this point, yeah, i guess we do.

>> No.15835836

Well don't be mysterious, tell us your country

>> No.15835838

tyranny is when the government gives money to anyone but wall street

>> No.15835839


>> No.15835844

Yes they do you fucking imbecile.

Rent control causes housing shortage in every single case, whether artificial or not.

>> No.15835847

>legion of builders and destroyers
>government funding for abandoned malls
>Harvard builds a new University in Ohio tax

>> No.15835856

yes, but unironically. at least while we live under a liberal paradigm.

>> No.15835860

Import a million Africans and build the housing projects exclusively for them or coal burners and you’ll understand the American experience lol

>> No.15835868

>what are muslims and yugos

>> No.15835869

>fuck over labor unions at every turn
>privatize schooling
>destabilize latin america
>pump money into the police state
>pump money into bullshit wars
you asked for all of this, conservatard

>> No.15835872

>97% white

>> No.15835884

Maybe but the state offsets that by building apartment blocks.

>> No.15835886
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Who else here is ridin' with Biden?

>> No.15835893

Most Americans don't want to live in a fucking housing project.

>> No.15835895

Did you give him permission to touch you?

Inflated numbers. We have one of the highest percentages of muslim populations in europe.

>> No.15835902

Personally, I'm rootin' for Putin.

>> No.15835914

>?liberals do all this shit
>then blame conservatives

Never seen a liberal who didn’t take drugs btw

>> No.15835917

Commie blocks are filled with trash, no one wants to live there. Government mandated housing is not something positive.

>> No.15835920

Not critique

>> No.15835924
File: 37 KB, 353x353, 756C4912-AF15-4A34-9582-96160F6C4C59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t recommend pic related highly enough. One of the most quietly influential books of the past 20 years. Nobody has read it and nobody talks about it, but once you’ve read it you’ll start noticing people in media and government parroting Cass talking points.

Without naming names, Yang tries responding to Cass at one point in his book but still can’t really refute Cass’s savaging of UBI.

>> No.15835926

liberals and conservatives serve the same class interests and conservatives are unapologetic about making my life harder

>> No.15835928

They're actually quite alright in Austria.
t. grew up in one despite going to private school

>> No.15835948

Because housing projects in the states are for blacks only

If they were fucking white it’d be a goddamn different story
Just another tax on whites, no ability to live cheaply

>> No.15835951

Yang is full of shit, since unemployment was at all time lows, even below the mythical 50s for some demographic groups, before the china flu mass hysteria. Wages were going up too. Are we supposed to act like that wasn't happening?

>> No.15835962


He's a socially awkward ricecel

Over 50% of the US vote base consists of women. Do the math chang

>> No.15835970

Still doesn't change the problem of housing shortages from having rent control. Turns out you can't artificially change something without repercussion. Same things applies to minimum wage.

>> No.15835975

They were for whites too originally, it's just after a while whites moved out because it fucking sucked. Read about that huge housing project in St. Lious that was designed by the guy that designed the original WTC. It started good, but deteriorated within a decade, and ended up getting demolished because it was such a crime infested dump. Many such cases.

>> No.15835989

>it started GOOD
>then it went BAD
not critique

>> No.15835995
File: 176 KB, 854x859, Absolutely Disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People still take this man seriously
He was a meme candidate and a waste of time. This book would just be more of the same.

>> No.15836004

>wants to be spoonfed history of American housing policy

read a book chud, or at least skim a wikipedia


>> No.15836011

Many easy ways to solve things
>actually Punish criminals
>make tenants labor in the community
>strict segregation of races
>institute public flogging for misbehavior like listening to rap or urinating in public
>don’t go retard with population density
>have work on site
>don’t build them in the middle of an existing city
>married couples only

I got plenty more ideas

>> No.15836013

Homelessness isn't that big a deal. The only housing shortage here comes from the waiting time it takes for the bureaucracy to process your housing applications (if you're applying for state housing), but they're building non-state housing everywhere in my city and there's little bureaucracy involved there since you just buy or rent from the owner directly.

>> No.15836019

>listening to rap
Bro what do you have against Aesop Rock.

>> No.15836030

>On December 7, 1955, in a decision by Federal District Judge George H. Moore, St. Louis and the St. Louis housing authority were ordered to stop their practice of segregation in public housing.

Nothing else to say

>> No.15836040

>its architect lamented: "I never thought people were that destructive".

>> No.15836048

>fuck over labor unions at every turn
Dems abandoned them completely at Clinton, well over 20 years ago. Arguably since McGovern.
>privatize schooling
Never happened
>destabilize latin america
>pump money into the police state
>pump money into bullshit wars
Bilateral efforts.

>> No.15836069

And they’ll write endless articles on the reasons for its failure when all it would take me is one word starting with the letter n

>> No.15836178

It's not about homelessness, it's about an artificial housing shortage meaning young people can't get a home and older people won't size down because that's only a loss.

>> No.15836198

And societal cohesion has been long destroyed so the concept of elderly sacrificing for the young is unthinkable, after all the young in all these areas are foreigners

>> No.15836211

Gonna check this book out. Thanks.

>> No.15836243

>went for the senile architect of many of the current institutions' flaws because he was "the familiar candidate"
No. People are not buying this more senile version of Hillary. The only reason Biden wins is because Trump’s base will fall out. He hasn’t done half of what his butt claimed he would.
But the main reason Biden wins is the support from the donor class. That’s all that ever matters. Are you too young to remember 2016? Do you only watch MSM? There is no democracy in this country. Votes are very often rigged. It’s all a game.

>> No.15836255

Trump did what he claimed tho. He built the wall, he cancelled that shitty trade deal, he put tarrifs on China, he had unemployment at record lows before the chyna flu, he even did some prison reform shit, I don't know what else was he supposed to do?

>> No.15836344

lol. this is just your typical criminal technophile tool who wants to further enslave humanity in comfortable slavery.

"174. On the other hand, it is possible that human control over the
machines may be retained. In that case the average man may have control
over certain private machines of his own, such as his car or his personal
computer, but control over large systems of machines will be in the hands
of a tiny elite—just as it is today, but with two differences. Due to improved
techniques the elite will have greater control over the masses; and because
human work will no longer be necessary the masses will be superfluous, a
useless burden on the system. If the elite is ruthless they may simply decide
to exterminate the mass of humanity. If they are humane they may use
propaganda or other psychological or biological techniques to reduce the
birth rate until the mass of humanity becomes extinct, leaving the world
to the elite. Or, if the elite consists of soft-hearted liberals, they may decide
to play the role of good shepherds to the rest of the human race. They
will see to it that everyone’s physical needs are satisfied, that all children
are raised under psychologically hygienic conditions, that everyone has a
wholesome hobby to keep him busy, and that anyone who may become
dissatisfied undergoes “treatment” to cure his “problem.” Of course, life
will be so purposeless that people will have to be biologically or psychologically
engineered either to remove their need for the power process or to
make them “sublimate” their drive for power into some harmless hobby.
These engineered human beings may be happy in such a society, but they
most certainly will not be free. They will have been reduced to the status
of domestic animals."

-Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.15836350

this. though his ideas are real, and pathetic.

>> No.15836376

The wall was a joint dem/rep venture. Just which contractors would get the deal was what the haggling was over.
The trade deal?
Tariffs are taxes. On American businesses. For doing deals with China. It’s not going to stay around.
He did keep the Bush/Obama wars going and vindictively went back on the nuclear deal with Iran. Commits just as many war crimes, so now he’s got blood on his hands.
Didn’t bring jobs back, big loser. I like that he promised to pay for Corona virus patients that recover. Practically medicare for all. But the Dems will fuck us over for that.
Naw. Stop voting. It only encourages them.

>> No.15836431
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>realizes that there are problems with American society and economics
>"you know would solve this, FREE MONEY!"
How dumb do you have to be to actually think this way as an adult?

>> No.15836731
File: 7 KB, 225x225, pepe easy e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't vote, tip, or eat pussy.

>> No.15836744

Surprisingly based

>> No.15836750

the welfare state is impossible with open borders

>> No.15836756

America isn't even one country. It's like five countries all pretending they are the real America, and the ruling elite pits them all against each other to make sure they never actually unite and decorate the street lights with bankers, financiers, federal reserve board members, congressmen, etc.

There is no "solution". There's not even a singular accepted vision of what "America" should be.

>> No.15836765

Fuck it why not at this point it doesn't matter anymore

>> No.15836776

Not AI, but writing sophisticated programs to automate even "mental" tasks is a real thing.

>> No.15836777
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>> No.15836779

what do you think a charter school is ya dingus

>> No.15836785


>> No.15836801
File: 1.02 MB, 735x1102, A1F5C05B-048B-4BF5-A20B-26498A71B4A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15836871

Ah yes, as opposed to the United States with no rent controls which has ample housing for everyone.

>> No.15836884

Holy trips

>> No.15836908

The US is such a big place with so many disparate people groups it's no use to try and solve any part of the country with national policy. Yeah the whole place is fucked up but rent control wouldn't put a dent in the fact that the US isn't even a society anymore, it's an open air labor market and shopping mall.

>> No.15838113
File: 21 KB, 150x208, 15923381801867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You unironically have better moral standing if you draw penises and swastikas on the ballot rather than actually voting for a candidate

>> No.15838119


>> No.15838174
File: 58 KB, 680x558, effort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, the other candidates absorbed his ideas. The tide of lucid, problem-identifying, solution-offering chad politicians is unstoppable.

>ignore the faggot in pic related, just thought it conveys the right emotion

>> No.15838176

>We have one of the highest percentages of muslim populations in europe.
And many of them are Bosniaks, ie whites. Austria is easily 80% white even now.

>> No.15838849

>slavs are white

>> No.15839017

Exactly this anon

>> No.15839056

Lmao get a load of this retard

>> No.15839076

You should fly to Somalia and never return

>> No.15839083

>"machines are going to replace people so we should just give up here's $1000"
>why didn't people vote for him

>> No.15839183

>Dems abandoned them completely at Clinton
at what point did the Republicans support them?
abandoning them is bad, but actively fucking them over for the entirety of the party's current paradigm is a completely different thing.

Iran-Contra was solidly Reagan administration. Bush Sr.'s removal of his former operative Manuel Noriega in the invasion of panama was all him. they bombed a whole lot of civilians and tried to hide the evidence by bulldozing mass graves. tell me again the destabilizing effects of the Carter, Clinton, and Obama administrations on Latin America.

>> No.15839266

Voting Trump again just for lolz from literlly everyone
>even lolz @ the seething not-voting fags

>> No.15839298

>Banks, auto industry, airlines, etc
>run their businesses into the ground with hopelessly inept business practices
>yet the executives keep raising their own salaries
>oh noes, we're bankrupt, gib money!
>literally taking your taxes and giving it to themselves, on a massive scale
>"hey, instead of giving all this money to people who are already rich, why don't we try spending a fraction of it towards stabilizing poverty?"
>but NIGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSS! NOOOOOOO! only white people richer than me can have my tax money!

if they have money to buy stuff they want, they cease robbing and selling drugs to get money to buy what they want. nobody's going to risk jail time when they can just buy a set of rims or whatever. so they cease being "parasites" and start contributing to the economy in a meaningful way. businesses are mostly white-owned so you just get the money back anyway. or they spend it in their community and become successful businessmen, and raise themselves up.

>> No.15839335

I'm not sure what you're trying to do here. Like, it looks like you're trying to mock him for not being a Lefty, but that's the position that 99% of people on Altright Twitter hold in regards to this.

You don't seriously think people on the Right support corporate bailouts and what not, right? Right? You know you could just go down to /pol/ to see what the evil Nazis actually think about a given issue, right?

>> No.15839386

notice how very few people are actually talking about this. why? because brand tweets whitey bad. corporations own modern politics and know exactly how to manipulate the dumb masses.

>> No.15839398

>the right doesn't support corporate bailouts, they just support politicians that do

>> No.15839410

Please do, it is the best choice for Europe. He managed to get Bolton to fuck off, and he has managed to not start any significant shit in the Middle East, which means less refugees for us.

>> No.15839430

I assumed it was clear I was mocking him for shooting himself in the foot because his most sacred political stance is "I hate niggers," but I'm happy to hand-hold you if you need anything else explained.

>> No.15839455

I'm not sure what you're getting at. If you're upset that the Republican party isn't Right wing, but people who are vote for them because it's "the least shitty option", then I don't get your point. Surely someone who is going to vote for Biden because social media told him to can understand this feeling. This is something that Right wingers in America have been bitching about since... well, really since the Revolution. Have you ever actually talked to a Trump voter? Or anyone on the Right?

You didn't answer my question, though. You seriously expect someone who says things like
>I wont support universal basic income if even a single penny of it is going to nonwhites.
to be okay with giving a single penny to Jews?

Again, why make up these weird strawmen instead of just going a few boards down and seeing what /pol/tards actually think?

>> No.15839492

>I think this guy had a good idea
his response:
>I won't do it because niggers
my response:
>that's fucking stupid
your response to me:
>durr akshually this is already what the altright says
well fucking tell him not me, asshole.
and I didn't mention any party politics. only you did that and I'm fucking pissed at Obama for the bank bailout (among other things) my point was it isn't a party issue, and neither is racism. his stance was "i won't do it on grounds of race" not "because I'm politically right" and I responded in kind. you're the one playing political divide-and-conquor.

>> No.15839506
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oh, and >>15839398
wasn't me

>> No.15839539
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reminder: vagina is also a border.

>> No.15839584

I'm still not sure what you're getting at. I get that you're trying to cover your ass, but I'm still wondering why you would form an opinion on something before actually looking at the issue.

>> No.15839586

This post is spot-on.

If you are racist, i.e. you acknowledge genetic differences between whites and blacks especially with intelligence, then the natural path is to agree with everything that goes against blacks to ensure you're consistent in your thinking. Quite literally seeing things as black or white.
Anyone that responded to >>15835570 with a thoughtless "based" has this mindset. But it's flawed.

Facilitating every citizen to escape poverty, regardless of race, benefits everybody. The only worthwhile argument racists (racially aware thinkers) should be focusing on is border control. Cultures belonging to a prosperous nation take a direct and irreversible hit because of immigration by large numbers of peoples with significant ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Any other arguments come secondary to that in that they don't work towards the best possible outcome (i.e. closed borders).

The fact that we are seeing posters spitting vitriol at niggers in a universal basic income thread indicates that a lot of r/thedonald fancy themselves as readers.

>> No.15839634

>Facilitating every citizen to escape poverty, regardless of race, benefits everybody.

You think $12,000 a year is going to help anyone escape poverty?

>> No.15839650

UBI is being pushed by Silicon Valley lobbying because they believe they can benefit the most. Most other low waged sectors are going to oppose it because they know it'd push up their costs and it really doesn't help that Yang had a reactionary tax scheme which would make most of the middle class pay more.
Anyhow UBI is based on the premise that markets are self-adjusting enough to make sure people who want to work (everyone who wants more money which is basically everyone) will always be able to find a job and that's totally questionable on Keynesian grounds since investment is driven largely by irrational investor sentiment not simple supply/demand so the first hiccup could drive prices in extreme deflationary or inflationary directions.

America manufactures more output than ever while employment in those sectors haven't grown much relatively which must mean automation has been playing some important role. China pretty much exclusively produces low valued consumer goods. I don't see how that "job loss" matters. Don't you think most people could be doing better things with their time than making toys? If China wants to make their population work all day manufacturing junk to dump on the world for IOU's that's their right.

Just reading his wiki entry is causing me to cringe:
>Oren M. Cass (born c. 1983) is an American public policy expert and political advisor,[1] who worked on the presidential campaigns of Mitt Romney in 2008 and 2012, and who has been described as a "general policy impresario of the emerging conservative consensus on fighting poverty".

>Yang is full of shit, since unemployment was at all time lows, even below the mythical 50s for some demographic groups, before the china flu mass hysteria. Wages were going up too. Are we supposed to act like that wasn't happening?
You realize how bad of an argument that is right? "Everything was good until it wasn't." America was approaching the peak of a business cycle coming out of the last recession. You could of said the same thing in 1927 on employment and wages to be wrong for a full following decade. You can't just ignore the highly contingent things that was based on... also you're ignoring the qualitative aspects of that growth compared to the 1950s which was based on safer lifetime employment. If you seriously believe most people were in a better financial position in 2019 than 1959 you're naive.

>> No.15839687

>if they have money to buy stuff they want, they cease robbing and selling drugs to get money to buy what they want. nobody's going to risk jail time when they can just buy a set of rims or whatever.

My friend, are you old enough to remember the hit song "1st of tha Month" by Bone, Thugs N' Harmony? Do you know what that song is about?


>> No.15839694

Holy shit, why didn't Yang use that as his campaign theme song!

>> No.15839727

12k a year without having to work for it, people will have time to develop skills and take up education.
But wait... More skilled and educated people?! Won't that just lead to less jobs for everyone else once they upskill? No. More money in an economy (and real value brought via labor) will create more spending which will in turn create more job opportunities.

If you doubt that people would do this, then I disagree on the basis of the shift of mindset brought by UBI. Instead of poor people having to prove they are poor, they will be given a fair and equal opportunity to excel just like everybody else, where the incentive is now to better themselves, not to stay poor.

>> No.15839744

Don't lay the bait on so heavy, buddy.

>> No.15839771

Interestingly the Incel community knew his fate better than any political enthusiast.

>> No.15839807

Thanks for proving my point about how and why automation is overstated.

Read this:https://qz.com/1269172/the-epic-mistake-about-manufacturing-thats-cost-americans-millions-of-jobs/

And this:https://americancompass.org/no-us-manufacturing-is-not-at-an-all-time-high/

And no, China has come to dominate medium value goods like steel, pharmaceuticals(both finished products and ingredients for which we rely on them heavily to our own detriment) and even the low-value goods have strategic importance such as PPE. Even some high-value shit like electronics they dominate.

Chian is also moving into high-value manufacturing and has already leapfrogged ahead of the US in things like 5G as well as biotech and are catching up to us in things like semiconductors.

Where manufacturing occurs, innovation occurs.

>> No.15839973
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I'm not who you're responding to but it's not a"mind set" issue but political economy issue. If you spend 12k "training" that doesn't mean it'll translate into anything necessarily and ending up with a bunch of highly educated people sitting around not being able to get employed paying high rents for everything might be very dangerous socially speaking. You're basically operating in the current neoliberal idea of job creation but being a little more liberal with subsidizes. The idea people need to invest in themselves more to make themselves more employable has been the consensus view for the past 40 years, western governments have been subsidizing job training in some form and giving loans for this type of stuff instead of getting corporations to invest in employing people with no skills.
Also more money won't necessarily create more consumer spending, people may save more... so instead of buying stuff they can convert their cash to cryptocurrency or something else to try to get in on the action which is easier than ever.

"Automation" can only be overstated in the same way immigration is. They both cause short term unemployment but long run pay off. Now if you got laid off because of either you problem don't care about the long run.
China obviously wants to move up the value chain (like every country should) but you're talking about stuff that happened 20 years ago. The jobs "stolen" were producing low end consumer goods which I don't see why Americans should want but America doesn't have a functioning system to deal with unemployment so people think standing in a factory for sub-minimum wage even looks good. China used the profit from that to modernize which is the goal of every economy... now it's a little embarrassing it worked out better for them than those that followed the Washington Model more closely.
People used to say similar things about the Soviet Union you know, since they produced more pig iron and such they were going to overtake America. As late as the Reagan administration the government was trying to make the Soviet economy seem like a threat.

>> No.15840010


>> No.15840099

It is inevitable after all anon

>> No.15840164

I just hate niggers, what's so complicated about it

>> No.15840188


Samefag or a gaggle of unfunny faggots? Please screenshot so I can determine which one it is.

>> No.15840220

The difference is China is actually a modern economy that uses mercantilist trade policies combined with a market economy, unlike the USSR. Jobs lost were in things like pharmaceuticals, steel, electronics, etc. In fact, the jobs that remained were those low-value toy manufacturing jobs. But by that time most of those had moved to Taiwan not China.

I'm not saying automation won't be a benefit, the extent to which it will cause a jobs apocalypse is incorrect as evidenced by South Korea, the point is the decline in American manufacturing its current anemic state is not the result of automation. Much the same with immigration (purely from an economic pov there are cultural, national, and political consequences to be taken in) the way it currently works is much like an outsourcing service that doesn't benefit growth or native workers.

>> No.15840225

Reminder that the US paid China's shipping for them via the UPU and is now complaining that China "took our jerbs" lel, as if it wasn't a government policy that this would happen.

>> No.15840234
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Not samefagging and not being ironic. There really isn't any political candidate that you ought to vote for if you think about it for more than a minute

>> No.15840236

Training schemes are a joke, and put in place to ensure the jobless don't get "too lazy". They're expensive for the government and overly bureaucratic. They're always tailored towards low paid positions too. When I was jobless for a few months after college I was made to attend one of these shit shows and nobody wants to be there. Needless to say it didn't stand to me when I eventually did find my job.

There's a pervasive crab bucket mindset where leisure is concerned. We all have embedded into us that everybody MUST work for what they have. If working was optional, members of a society are empowered. They can work to have expensive things, or they can not work and still get by. The latter option would be a tremendous help to those whose vocations lie in art. Art and literature themselves would see jumps in quality. You could have more authors who are able to write what they really want to write - not what will get the most sales. Not just artists, but any pursuit that doesn't necessarily pay well. One can home a special skill that may take many years, and then only after time can it become lucrative. Training schemes are just another symptom of this crab bucket mentality in action. Instead of spending 12k on wasteful paperwork and HR tier training seminars, why can't we just pay ourselves directly?

>> No.15840242

Retard did you even read the articles he posted? Automation as an explanation for job manufacturing losses can be overstated, they literally explain how. Not in short term job losses but as a statistical mistake in measuring the health of manufacturing by overestimating the increasing output of the US manufacturing sector based on one subsector (computers) and extrapolating that to the entirety of the manufacturing sector.

>> No.15840253

I never said it wasn't the fault of American policy makers faggot, only that the Yang and the guys on the internet who suck him off, are wrong in blaming automation.

>> No.15840312

>jobs are disappearing
>we need UBI
this is the shit why I don't take these people seriously
you go on identifying the problem that there are no jobs, then instead of coming to the logical conclusion that, you know, maybe the solution is to bring back or make new jobs, they go on about how everybody needs free money and shit
I'm tempted to call it populism since in the first half it addresses the fears and issues of the average person but then in the second promises them something that sounds really great, I mean who doesn't want free money, but doesn't on the face value actually follow the premise here
I'm sure the book is very persuading and all but it just sounds like bullshit

>> No.15840323

>and start contributing to the economy in a meaningful way. businesses are mostly white-owned so you just get the money back anyway. or they spend it in their community and become successful businessmen, and raise themselves up.
>and start contributing to the economy in a meaningful way
>and start contributing to the economy in a meaningful way
you are assuming a whole lot of shit there friend

>> No.15840335

>implying they won't spend more money on drugs
people like drugs, it has nothing to do with their income

>> No.15840351

Personally, I'm voting for Trump, but you are an idiot if you think that not saying 'death/jihad to all non-marxists' is going to get you anywhere on this board.

It's Bernie Sanders or bust, and even then he is simply a placeholder so the rising revolution can behead him by saying he isn't following the ten planks and instill a new despot to lead our country and the planet into more mass death camps for the good of the ruling classes.

That's what this board is about :).... so yeah

>> No.15840354

You need to think about why there are no jobs. As technology advances some jobs are made obsolete and there is no guarantee the same number of new jobs will be created. We need to have a solution for a situation in which there are not enough jobs for everyone.

>> No.15840362

That's a good point, really Berine was on the side of the ruling class all along. That explains why they were so supportive of him.

>> No.15840363

You know, niggers kind of suck ass, but Asians are a okay for me

>> No.15840376

That's an interesting (non)argument, because Louis Kelso maintains that the rising productiveness of technology and capital would emancipate people and reduce poverty.

He called for a redistribution of capital and shares of the company, into the hands of the people who actually added value. That's the solution the economy needs. Not some kind of temporary bullshit that's going to be replaced by some more temporary bullshit when it's not working anymore.

>> No.15840378

Bernie Sanders was the "Old" Left's last gasp, it's now pivoting to the downwardly mobile managerial class and resentful minorities.

>> No.15840385

He was, because he is an old Jewish person, and for some reason the older generations REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY like that, and no one understands why.

It's probably because their parents killed Nazis.

>> No.15840394

Yep this

>> No.15840395

You shouldn't be resentful towards minorities, my friend.

Now homosexuality and male 'weakness' in general? Fuck that. It's even against the bible.

>> No.15840404

You misread me mate, the minorities are the ones doing the resenting.

>> No.15840412

>some reason the older generations

Good point. Berine was very popular with old people, but young people hated him.

>> No.15840439

The politicians and ruling classes are all out of touch with the generations who were not the result of blind hate and fucking, like previous ones.

The coming insurrection will involve a rejection of communism and fascism entirely, and hopefully the embrace of a more religious faction, which is already growing within America. This would signal an increase in faith as we depart from war, which would generally speaking be a great thing indeed.

>> No.15840441

Do millenials count as old people?

>> No.15840495
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>Just because this guy wants to throw money at poor people out of helicopters, doesn't mean he's not an elitist piece of shit.
I've yet to encounter a single exception to Orwell's rule about the socialist gibbs type people secretly hating the poor, but hating the rich even more. The poor are just an instrument of revenge to them. They keep working class people at a distance and mystify them and their struggles in a way that isn't helpful. People who've actually been poor and lived in poor communities know that the reason people stay poor isn't because of systemic blockades or the odds being against them, but because poverty tricks you into forming behaviors that keep you poor.

>> No.15840504

>Berine was very popular with old people
Uhhh what the fuck is your definition of "old people"? 25? 30?

>> No.15840524

They always will be a mindless mob in the state of nature until given a reason to direct their angry into something more productive by a political strong man, like what napoleon did. In a sense a blind mob is useless and counterproductive (see the current riots) until some cult of personality politician builds them into a mech suit to suit his purposes; Anger an Fear is a wonderful tool to mold the mob into a perfect tank.

>> No.15840527

I thought about ironically shilling for him because I was excited for the dementia-off, but lately he's just speaking BLM platitudes through his handlers and I just feel sick of it all.

>> No.15840544

This just sounds like death camps for Joe Sixpack types. Where's some broke college grad supposed to live?

>> No.15840571

I’d say bernie was slightly better in 2016 but had the swallow the rad lib pill to get more votes from LGBT retards which he needed because that's the new hip thing. (he's an old fart after all)

Of course, this all rubbed the wrong way towards his redditer fans and backtracked on his core values, a problem with democracy is that it encourages you to become a sell out and a professionally liar.

>> No.15840573

you can't fix housing/cities in the US until segregation is restored. Eventually blacks will move to a city, race riots will happen Eventually, whites will leave, and it will become a dump. People don't want to live in US cities because of crime, and violent crime in the US is largely caused by black behavior.

>> No.15840588
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Bernie lost because black boomers wanted Obama's VP, kek.

>> No.15840602

Yeah, he has some good points...but he still calls for open borders and is anti-2d amendment. Technocrat who knows better than you and will force you to live the way he thinks you should, willy-nilly.

>> No.15840603

>Low informed voter
Can't call them a retard because they're black? Seriously, fuck liberals.

>> No.15840628

The unspoken conceit of American "race relations" dialogue across the whole political spectrum is that blacks are somewhere between a great ape and a teenager, mentally.
>center left
Wine mom who says "How dare you say those mean things about my son!? He did nothing wrong!"
>center right
Boomer dad who says "Aww shucks, you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps boy, just give people a firm handshake." We're all equal now because of Martin Luther King, Jr.
>far left
Sees blacks as a childlike revolutionary subject who will finally rise up to purify us. "Why won't the NIGGERS vote for BERINE?
>far right
Ironically sees blacks as the closer to being adult humans than the other groups despite being racist.

>> No.15840675

The liberal mindset of treating these grown men has children must mess up their psyche. It gives them the wrong impression that they cannot own up their mistakes like a normal person but is now susceptible to a higher social hierarchy, which is the complete opposite of any form of equality under common law. Basically, it makes them almost untouchable, a wonderful tool that big business, state, anyone with power can use against anyone really.

As for the Liberals, I'd say Liberals are just social anarchists without the anarchist theory. They are basically the useful idiots to everyone and everything because of their relativism. They are egoists who’s supports anything that benefits them and only them at that moment. I'm starting they were made that way.

>> No.15840699

This, the elite doesn't have to so anything but watch their NPCs do the work for them.

>> No.15840721

I read a post awhile ago that noted that a lot of blacks come off as viewing themselves as being without agency, as in, the world abounds in mysterious forces and spirits that enter into you and compel you to do things. Even guys I work with, blacks with college degrees working in engineering, warned me with the utmost seriousness about things like Voodoo. Obviously things like "institutional racism" are a contemporary mirror of this. Maybe in the "black consciousness" they really are compelled by forces out of their control to do things. Of course this mindset is basically the opposite of the Anglo mindset. There are other things too, like how communication among normal English speakers places emphasis on dispassionate reason, not showing emotions, etc. whereas blacks typically engage in highly emotionally-affected conversation - I think Anna Wierzbicka writes about this a bit. The Anglo thinks the black is acting in a childlike or animalistic manner, the black thinks the Anglo is some kind of demon. You can see why Race Relations are a problem, among other reasons of course.

> It gives them the wrong impression that they cannot own up their mistakes like a normal person but is now susceptible to a higher social hierarchy, which is the complete opposite of any form of equality under common law.
Yeah it's a bit of a mess, you really aren't going to achieve true "equality before the law" but no one wants to admit it because of the internalized white man's burden/mission civilisatrice mentality. It would unironically be best for blacks to just black autonomous zones with their own legal system, government, etc. while still allowing them to work normal jobs of course.

>> No.15840754

>black people voting for Biden
I nearly shit myself laughing when I heard Kanye was running. The media went into overdrive getting the recent BLM surge rolling so black voters wouldn't skip out on the election the way they did last time, only to have this retard show up and ruin it for them. He's going to scrape away just enough of the black vote to ensure Biden can't possibly win. I honestly think he's in it to help Trump.

>Ironically sees blacks as the closer to being adult humans than the other groups despite being racist.
Even when they are wrong, the fact that the far right are the only people who don't think personal accountability is archaic makes them the only legitimate political force to me in the entire West.

,What you're looking for is called "learned helplessness." It's an actual, observable thing and nobody is willing to apply it to black people because the last thing anyone wants to do is teach potential dependents how to fish. If you tell black people for long enough that they're oppressed and powerless then they stop taking measures to improve their lives and their communities. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/learned-helplessness

>> No.15840804

>People who've actually been poor and lived in poor communities know that the reason people stay poor isn't because of systemic blockades or the odds being against them, but because poverty tricks you into forming behaviors that keep you poor.
It's hard to communicate to people who haven't been there just how much being poor warps your view of the world. The hardest part about getting out sometimes is going through the personal transformation that leads you to the belief you could and deserve to give yourself a better life.

>> No.15840812

>Even when they are wrong, the fact that the far right are the only people who don't think personal accountability is archaic makes them the only legitimate political force to me in the entire West.
I mean, I don't think they should have to be accountable to "white law" - just look at how blacks getting arrested will call black cops Uncle Toms. They're always going to view it as the "white justice system". This is why it would be better to just create black autonomous zones accountable to the federal government. Crime would probably go down a lot in those areas especially if there were a black upper class invested in making it not a dump - the problem is without compulsion they'll always flee to live around whites.

>> No.15840856

damn, I guess all those manufacturing jobs that are no longer in US but in China is due to automation huh? though that makes no sense since there would be NO jobs instead of all of them being in China but I guess I'm just stupid

>> No.15840857

>black people because the last thing anyone wants to do is teach potential dependents how to fish.
I think there is a certain chess game going on with this conception of keeping Black people down, feeding them horrible lies for the good of the DNC for upcoming elections. For example, BLM.

The politicians who see this, exploit this hypocrisy in order to use BLM to get
massive donations from private institutions like Amazon (Democrats are the party of big business now)

We will never see that donated money again nor it will be invested or distributed by some metric of ”racism” (lol)

The money will simply be given to the DNC and its candidates for upcoming elections, think about it, why would they fix the MONEY machine that is white guilt? as a pawn to scam people and to get votes.

>> No.15840898
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It could be said that black lives only matter in years divisble by 4.

>> No.15840945

Very interesting (and also pathetic) that all it takes to disrupt a nation is to tell a glowie to cap some darkie and record it. Pretty sad that this preventing any meaningful change and is misdirecting serious things like Epstein's Financer getting arrested for child trafficking.

>> No.15840988
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I was thinking the CIA had lost its touch after 2016 but 2020 shows that the glowing niggers have still got it, to some degree. To be fair we're also scheduled for a "religious revival" which made things easier.

>> No.15841031


>> No.15841058

>Very interesting (and also pathetic) that all it takes to disrupt a nation is to tell a glowie to cap some darkie and record it.
I mean you kind off need the population plugged into the techno-media matrix that is the social media for this kind of stuff to work in the first place. Creating the means of triggering people into a frenzy is the real hard work after which anything goes.

>> No.15841069

the idea is itll diminish the crime rates. worth the try and with the demise of the welfare state it could lead to healthier mindsets.

>> No.15841079

The internet is slowly transforming into cable, it’s going to politics 24/7 since nobody is watching TV anymore. Their all jumping ship and it’s going to finally kill the ”wild west” of the internet with their constant baiting.

>> No.15841146

>Their all jumping ship and it’s going to finally kill the ”wild west” of the internet with their constant baiting.
I know media studies is kind of a meme field, but they've been saying this since forever
institutional capture and new and old media convergence pretty much has happened to every mass medium from radio to TV
internet escaping that fate was more optimism and faith than reason

>> No.15841216

Like I said America does produce more than ever in pretty much everywhere category in absolute terms but America spends astronomical sums of their money on military goods so that's the smart grift to get into since you can work on a cost maximization strategy which is unusual. China "plays dirty" and finds ways to produce cheap consumer goods (not respecting IP). The standard criticism coming from the west is China isn't enough of a "market economy". Automation will have the same effects everywhere, it won't be apocalyptic but will cause short term problems which is all anyone really cares about.

You want to get rid of some overhead but operate in the same basic framework of individuals being responsible for contingent things beyond their control. If you think people will be able to afford sitting around all day doing art because they're being given a fixed sum of cash you'll find most people stuck in their parents houses for a lifetime.

Under pure autarky would you expect employment in manufacturing to remain relatively constant over time, grow or shrink? It's the same thing that happened to farm labour. The entire point of an economy is to generate job loses.

They're advocating taxing consumption, which is highly regressive, not "free money". By "bringing back jobs" I suppose you mean protectionism which of course means making most people poorer (there's no way most people will be able to afford the same level of domestic produced consumer goods) which isn't logical and the issue with creating jobs is it's contingent on private investment decisions which fluctuate or public spending which is political and will make some people mad. The best way would be finding a way to depoliticize, or at least democratize, dynamic public spending and not just promise a nominal fixed sum of cash.

>> No.15841488

Could you elaborate on this? What sorts of tricks do you mean? I see lots of cases of people creating the illusion of wealth by spending money on thousand dollar phones, leasing luxury cars and other pointless consumer items while living paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.15841554
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A presidential candidate has to look sexually appealing for his age, or have a history of being handsome looking.

Even men will be bigoted towards ugly candidates, but especially women and women constitute like 51% of the US voter base.

Andrew Yang and Pete Bootygag had absolutely no chance to begin with because of their appearance, no clue why they even tried to run

>> No.15841601

Bootygag was the cutest of them all you dumbfuck.

>> No.15841786


lol he looks like a circus freak

>> No.15841795

he's an Irish Catholic, dumbass

>> No.15841817

Same thing with Sanders. He might have looked like a chill bro to smoke a bong with when he was young, but no NYT reading boomer bitch is gonna vote for a dude who looks like that.

Oh, and while we're on the topic, I remember some black chick in one of my classes swooning about how hot Romney looked during the debate with Obama. Romney was literally a former model, so I guess he still had it.

>> No.15841833
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>if they have the money to buy what they want they won't commit crimes

>> No.15841842


well, I think that most normies make an instinctive exception for the very old. But will still judge them off the basis of old photos

>> No.15841875

This. Non whites already get all the white girls, fuck if we're literally going to give them free money too.

>> No.15841929

It could lead to a veritable crime renaissance. A lot of borderline criminal element won't go all in because they don't want to get stuck with a felony and get fired from UPS or whatever. If they know they get free money every month no matter what their criminal record looks like, there's no reason to not go all in on your latest gangsta rap inspired scheme!

>> No.15842439

Living the poor lifestyle basically trains you to use a poor state of mind. Excess income is hard to come by, so instead of saving up money you might lose later to an emergency or unexpected expense you instead spend disposable income on frivolous things that at least ensure pleasure in the here and now, or give the illusion of plenty. You have small budgets, so investing in good products is intimidating, meaning you're inclined to buy cheaper stuff that costs half as much but breaks five times more often, ultimately spending more if you're unobservant of this. You develop a sense of pride in getting by with so little and start to think of being poor as somehow admirable. For many, maybe even a fear of what it might say about you if you eventually have all the opportunities of the middle class and still don't rise up the ladder as you should in theory. There's a giant pile of things like this. Everything about being poor trains you to stay poor.

>> No.15842584

>but landlords will raise rent by $1000 a month!
They don't raise rent when I get a raise at my job. Why not?

>> No.15842657

That is unironically correct. Marx pointed out a problem anyone could see. He just provided an even worse solution. Unabomber did the same.

>> No.15842668

they do

>> No.15842708

His UBI plan and his thoughts on automation taking jobs have logical arguments against them, but I would have voted for him anyways because he's one of the only candidates who acts like a human and not a politician. I hope he runs for republican party in 2024, if trump could somehow swindle his way through the nominations he might be able to as well. but it's clear the DNC is no place for actual thinking beings; it's for authoritiarian yes-men.

>> No.15842731

Holy based

>> No.15842966

Exceedingly based post.

>> No.15842988



Yang, Bernie, any sane leader really would send these "people" straight to the gulag for being societies biggest parasites

>> No.15843058

people forget that Yang is pro-LGBT rights, pro abortion rights, supports defund the police, and more or less supports the Green New Deal. as corrupt as the DNC is he's not winning a Republican primary any time soon

and I'd rather Yang not even try to run as a Republican because delusional Bernie bros already think that Yang is "right wing"

>> No.15843102
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fixed his book for him

>> No.15843214

None of those things could stop him from running a primary, they would shit on his chances yes but the era of the neo-con voter is mostly dead, and perhaps a republican who doesn't take the RNC's shit (like trump did before he went into office and then went soft to them himself), puts sensible focus into economic and systemic issues of the american system while having sensible but not pandering social views is some right-wing voters want.
At least that's what I tell myself to sleep at night when in reality I'm sure by 2024 things will be even more divided and non-sensical.

>> No.15843325

>People who've actually been poor and lived in poor communities know that the reason people stay poor isn't because of systemic blockades or the odds being against them, but because poverty tricks you into forming behaviors that keep you poor.
So much fucking this. Don't forget that other poor people will fuck you up if you want to climb the ladder

>> No.15843494


>> No.15843496

it always worked. G*rbachev just ruined everything. someone should have shot him

>> No.15843951

damn man that's based

>> No.15843974

Based. Rent seeking minorities go home or go to hell.

>> No.15843979


>> No.15844062

t. DNC intern

>> No.15844120

Pretty good take

>> No.15844151

>They don't raise rent when I get a raise at my job. Why not?
some do so don't let them find that shit out in the first place
don't get me started on the whole "telework from home somehow justifies raising rents out in the middle of nowhere" shitfest
I'm not joking, america is fucked

>> No.15844167

No they don’t lol
Are from a flyover or something? You don’t seem to know what you’re talking about

>> No.15844177


>> No.15844207

>>privatize schooling
Lol wut?

>> No.15844248
File: 479 KB, 800x600, DE4F48CD-DE0E-468B-ABB7-9772B4D3E061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The wall was a joint dem/rep venture
Are you sure because every single democratic candidate for 2020 was pro-immigration

>> No.15844340

>abandoning them is bad, but actively fucking them over for the entirety of the party's current paradigm is a completely different thing.
Not when you consider It exclusively in the context of the next election cycle. I don’t care about Reagan-era union busting any more than modern leftists care that the GOP was the party of Lincoln

I would unironically prefer to pay cash than to continue with skewing the operation of literally every single institution in their favor. It doesn’t matter though. If every person in America gave up 10 percent of their income for redistribution to a different, preferred demo it literally would still not be enough.
If 20 years from now, most of white America is living in rural poverty in communities ravaged by crime and drug abuse It still won’t be enough to compensate for supposed White privelage.

>> No.15844347

>I'm fucking pissed at Obama for the bank bailout
The bank bailout was Bush. The underwhelming stimulus package for every other American and the Auto Bailout was Obama

>> No.15844772

What phenotype is this?

>> No.15846472


>> No.15846520

It was started during Obama’s presidency. They’re all fine with it, but the dems pretend to be against it. When pressed, they call it a barrier.

>> No.15847411


>> No.15847420


I want money and I don't want to be wageslave.

>> No.15847503
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I don't think "throw money at people to artificially circulate currency, as a solution to the debilitating concentration of wealth that is choking the circulation of currency" is really a solid long-term plan. It just seems like a pointless effort, to keep a flow going for the sake of keeping that flow going, when the systemic level has rendered that cycle in one part impossible and in another near-obsolete.
Not to mention like attempting to cure the symptom, instead of engaging with the actual problem.

>> No.15848653

>The wall was a joint dem/rep venture.
No, it wasn't. How is it even possible to form this opinion?
>Tariffs are taxes. On American businesses. For doing deals with China.
And? Good. I don't want American businesses to work with China. I wish we fucking outlawed it. I'd be fine with that.
>went back on the nuclear deal with Iran.
Do you know absolutely anything about the nuclear deal? It was a joke. It was intended to give Obama a false sense of legacy and was rushed out the door in the Iran's favor.
>Didn’t bring jobs back, big loser.
Literally did.

>> No.15849006

Thanks Tuck. Real insightful opinion