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File: 30 KB, 500x232, E0ABDC02-2F8F-4D0F-A640-CB6D069FA7CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15839428 No.15839428 [Reply] [Original]

>dude just raise your kids right lmao

>> No.15839436

Socrates's wife must've cheated on him because his son Plato looks nothing like him LOL

>> No.15839446

Why is it so absolutely impossible to place one above the other?

They're all great, I love them so much.

>> No.15839454

the original soiboy beard, i mean look at their facial expression is like their on their knees waiting for the cumshoot

>> No.15839458

Come on now, Socrates was just a fascist rabble rouser, whereas Plato and Aristotle were actually influential thinkers.

>> No.15839576

Aristotle BTFO’d those other pseuds.

>> No.15839598

I'm pretty sure Socrates fathered his children when he was like 65 so they probably came out Down Syndrome speds.

>> No.15839603

do you guys ever think about how if we could go back to ancient greece we'd probably be disgusted by how down-syndromey & inbred everyone looks

>> No.15839604

The Republic is generally considered to be more Plato than Socrates. The pure Socrates dialogues are the early ones (Apology, Euthyphro).

>> No.15839608

The thing is these men were like 140 cm tall, so socrates quotes about working out would just make him look like a nerdy beta in our eyes

>> No.15839633

Aristotle is the most influential thinker ever, creating a road on which philosophy will walk for the next 2500 years. He rightly deserves his nickname - The Philosopher.
That said, he was wrong about almost everything he said.

>> No.15839741

In Caesar's Gallic Wars, he mentioned that the Germans would taunt the Romans for their short height by calling them "dwarves" and such.

>> No.15840079

>rabble rouser
>teaches many students
>leads to the creation of at least four independent schools of thought each vying as the "true spiritual inheritor" of him
Yes he was just an unsuccessful Spartacus wasn't he.

Anon, there wouldn't be an Aristotle without Plato, nor either without Socrates. The ideas and beliefs of all three of them have remain great no by their effect, but by their very existence. For there could be no effect if they were not great in themselves.

>> No.15840107
File: 78 KB, 800x814, bust of Socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so socrates quotes about working out would just make him look like a nerdy beta in our eyes
I cannot imagine the sublime beauty of his face, his features, as in all geniuses the "great men"; and furthermore as derivative of the face of modest wisdom, the stayed conduct of his form.

I love him so much, I have tears in my eyes.

>> No.15840237
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>> No.15840245

This would be scary as fuck if it were real.

>> No.15840331

Plato over there lookin' like a soiboy.

>> No.15840364

delet this

>> No.15840390
File: 41 KB, 128x199, soyplato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15840426

Aristotle reflects on this, how such a genius had such retarded kids.

>> No.15840482
File: 9 KB, 225x225, laughing pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a real program.


pic related.

>> No.15840543

the fact we're in this fucking mess is exactly because our society failed to do this.

>> No.15840558

Sounds like boomershit, but you're entirely right. Every single image I am unfortunate enough to see from Twitter sounds like it was written by one of the shitty kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

>> No.15840562

Wouldn't it be the opposite of boomerism?

>> No.15840570
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And by fascist you mean communist

>> No.15840587

He means both. Actual NazBol society. Plato is proof NazBol is more than just a meme. At the very most, it would be considered closer to the Juche or Ceausescu brand of Communism in the Eastern Bloc.

>> No.15840630

>Sounds like boomershit
Actually, that's just the thing. The generation before the boomers failed to treat the baby boomers as people and more like the next step of human evolution, and as a result boomers ended up the way they were. Baby Boomers not knowing better had kids of their own and you know the rest.

>> No.15840665

>he was wrong about almost everything he said
Elaborate on that

>> No.15840680


>> No.15840705

Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs XXII:6)

>> No.15840714

I was just thinking about how boomers often say Gen X didn't raise Milennials right, but you're right. I think I oversimplified.
I wonder how milennial politics will change in the next few years. Whenever I look into "dark-ish" sixties history like Altamont or the Manson murders, I can't help but notice how surprisingly similar young Boomers are to us.

>> No.15840733

Lmao anyone who unironically applies these cringe modern definitions to Plato are retards; spiritually the only modern comparison would be Fascism anyway.

>> No.15840749

>I was just thinking about how boomers often say Gen X didn't raise Milennials right, but you're right. I think I oversimplified.
Don't worry, forgiveness is about in the world friend. And we will raise the next generation right, by it.

>> No.15841070


why not basedcrates?

>> No.15841089


>> No.15841105
File: 12 KB, 128x199, 5800D325-D2AF-4CE3-9808-2803EDCB1F1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15841115

The city as described is extremely similar to North Korea and the Eastern Bloc. This is undeniable.

>> No.15841125

He was pretty much spot on with logic, but many other things were either scientifically or philosophically disproven. Some of his biology (like the differences between men and women), the way that gravity works, "heavenly spheres"... You can probably find a big list online (hopefully with some sources, I can't remember exactly where he said each of these things).

>> No.15841127

It has a market economy though

>> No.15841128

Pretty much. If a dog can do it you surely could as well (we both know you'll die childless).

>> No.15841147

Funny how they get more handsome from left to right

>> No.15841154

>The city as described is extremely similar to North Korea and the Eastern Bloc. This is undeniable.
It's quite literally a falsity.

>> No.15841163


>> No.15841175

He criticizes free trade in it and also says the guardians have no private property.

>> No.15841199

Also it says wars only happen for economic reasons/ resources which is much more of a dialectical materialist concept than a right wing one.

>> No.15841238
