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/lit/ - Literature

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15837210 No.15837210 [Reply] [Original]

>buy books
>don't even read them
it gets harder and harder these days

>> No.15837217


Don't worry OP. Eventually you turn into an old late 30s incel like me who is totally bored with everything and then you find yourself reading with some gusto. :^)

>> No.15837236

harold bloom lookin' ass

>> No.15837242

>buy a book
>read it
I don't see what the big deal is

>> No.15837259

maybe its the depression weighing down on my fucking NECK

>> No.15837279
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have you considered investing in a neck pillow?

>> No.15837291

if reading isn't doing it, then create. making art can be cathartic. write a story or poems, practice at it, make paintings/sculptures etc., make a short film

>> No.15837347

Or learn an instrument.

>> No.15837387

I stopped buying books and check the library first because of that. Whenever arthoes from uni visit they are also in awe, but I can't even talk about these books collecting dust here and I am less well read than them.

>> No.15837396


>> No.15837411

>just make shit art bro
>it’s the making itself that’s cathartic not the satisfaction you get from making something actually worth making

>> No.15837419
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>borrow book from library, or pirate ebook
>decide not to read it
>0 guilt
Stop buying em, stupid

>> No.15837432
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>borrow book from library
>do not read it
>old lady from the library asks me if I enjoyed the book
>she starts to talk and ask me stuff about it

>> No.15837457
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Kek. Use the overnight box next time, you dork.

>> No.15837476

>t. consoomer

The best music I made was to deal with my own emotions and feelings. I feel more meaning in life playing old songs and making new ones than i do from anything else.

>> No.15837483

Can confirm. Now I have substantial privat library and all the time and enjoyment for reading.

>> No.15837492

It's a good advice ngl

>> No.15837501

but your music undeniably sucks cock anon. a literal brain damaged chimpanzee can bang out something resembling a song by simply running into the walls of his enclosure over and over. that doesn’t necessarily make it good does it? why shit out something terrible?

>> No.15837513

I don't use the library anymore because the last book I rented out ended up being 3 years late.

>> No.15837604

>but your music undeniably sucks cock

I hear top 40s pop every day. The neighbours, kids with phones, store radios. 99% of that music undeniably sucks cock. While I dont believe (all) my music sucks cock, I don't see why it sucking cock matters. It doesnt matter because its fun learning and discovering new melodies. it's fun finding out harmonies, and expressing your thoughts and feelings through sounds, sounds that evoke emotions words and poetry cannot. It is fun, and it is beautiful, and i am very sorry that you feel that you cant make something if there's a chance it will suck cock, perhaps because your father did exactly that when he made you.

>> No.15837621

I have 580GBs worth of scifi and fantasy novels and 50s and 60s SF magazines from that thread on /t/ on my computer. It gives me a sense of mortality to think that i will never be able to read even a major fraction of it in my remaining years ;_;

>> No.15837624
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>i am very sorry that you feel that you cant make something if there's a chance it will suck cock, perhaps because your father did exactly that when he made you.
Kek fuckin rekt

>> No.15837627

yes but your music is terrible. you are actually providing a net negative to the world of music as a whole by allowing your rancid unoriginal garbage to seep out into the collective consciousness. if you aren’t naturally inclined or if you aren’t prepared to commit several hours a day to producing something worthwhile you’re no better than the fat slobs who have never picked up an instrument

>> No.15837650

>assuming he didn't spend dozens if not hundreds of hours honing his craft
Not him, but obviously he didn't mean spam your first shitty song online.

>> No.15837688

I wonder, is the reason you are so certain that my music is terrible, rancid, unoriginal garbage, because you imagine that everyone who visits this site is exactly like you? I can tell you have not a musically unclined bone in your body, it's most evident in your use of the verb "producing" in lieu of "composing", and yet I would still advise that you create. Unfortunately you seem to think that creating shitty music is synonymous to uploading that shitty music online, which it is most certainly not.

Admittedly, I have contributed to uploading some shitty music, but it was only by posting inferior content that i was able to receive the feedback i needed to make my magnum opus, Jove's Cove, which is perhaps my favourite album of all time (I'm aware that this is conceited, but I could never justify why it's natural to an NPC like you).

You have no argument, you rely on base assumptions, and ylu ignore the main point that the act of putting your thoughts to song is cathartic. You wouldnt tell someone not to keep a diary because "they will only be contributing to an endless sea of garbage literature", because the purpose of a diary is not to share it, and the same is true for making music.

>> No.15837860 [DELETED] 

>and i am very sorry that you feel that you cant make something if there's a chance it will suck cock, perhaps because your father did exactly that when he made you.

>> No.15837868
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>i am very sorry that you feel that you cant make something if there's a chance it will suck cock, perhaps because your father did exactly that when he made you.