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/lit/ - Literature

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15836531 No.15836531 [Reply] [Original]

What's everyone's favorite book?
This board is so shieeeeeeeeet.

>> No.15836552

For My Legionaries by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

>> No.15836612

Sleeper's Awake by Kenneth Patchen.
What is yours, op?

>> No.15836621

Rip chi long qua

>> No.15836645


>> No.15836679

Eeeee Eee Eeee by my favorite author, Tao Lin.

>> No.15836737

Just for personal value it's Sebald's The Rings Of Saturn.

>“I watched the shadow of our plane hastening below us across hedges and fences, rows of poplars and canals … Nowhere, however, was a single human being to be seen. No matter whether one is flying over Newfoundland or the sea of lights that stretches from Boston to Philadelphia after nightfall, over the Arabian deserts which gleam like mother-of-pearl, over the Ruhr or the city of Frankfurt, it is as though there were no people, only the things they have made and in which they are hiding. One sees the places where they live and the roads that link them, one sees the smoke rising from their houses and factories, one sees the vehicles in which they sit, but one sees not the people themselves. And yet they are present everywhere upon the face of the earth, extending their dominion by the hour, moving around the honeycombs of towering buildings and tied into networks of a complexity that goes far beyond the power of any one individual to imagine, from the thousands of hoists and winches that once worked the South African diamond mines to the floors of today's stock and commodity exchanges, through which the global tides of information flow without cease. If we view ourselves from a great height, it is frightening to realize how little we know about our species, our purpose and our end, I thought, as we crossed the coastline and flew out over the jelly-green sea.”

Check out the little Bernhard-esque last clause. I don't understand why Bernhard put those in, but Sebald is definitely referencing him. It's a nice little bow on the passage

>> No.15836879

Les Mis because it took me half a year to read it

>> No.15836934

the magus

>> No.15836958

I have a top 5. inb4 shit taste
1. Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums
2. Don Delillo - Libra
3. Jim Dodge - Stone Junction
4. Thomas Pynchon - Mason and Dixon
5. Philip K. Dick - A Scanner Darkly

>> No.15837514

time and time again I get these shitcans fucking threads

>> No.15837528

The Leopard By Prince Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

>> No.15837544

Wuthering Heights

>> No.15837580
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Some of mine are:
>My War Gone By, I Miss It So by Anthony Loyd
>The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
>The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Phillip K. Dick
>On the Road, The Dharma Bums, Desolation Angels, Satori in Paris by Jack Kerouac
>Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger (the 1960s version)
>A Farewell to Arms, and The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
>Redwall by Brian Jacques
>Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
>Fahrenheit 451

>> No.15837585

this. I also like Monte Cristo and Moby Dick

>> No.15837605
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Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Dr. Sue Johnson

>> No.15837608

the six of those I have read are also among my favorites

>> No.15837637

1. The Man who was Thursday
2. Fahrenheit 451
3. Moby Dick

(not in that order)

>> No.15837641

Which ones anon?

>> No.15837646
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>> No.15837695

Farewell to arms
Old Man and Sea
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.15837819

1. The Alchemist by Coelho
2. 1001 Nights
3. Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh
4. The Bible by God
5. The Kybalion by the 3 innitiates

>> No.15837836

1. Thus spoke Zarathrustra
2. Borges collected works (I know it's cheating but that is how I read them)
3. Invisible cities

>> No.15837837

Pale Fire.

Just finished The Savage Detectives. Picking this up as soon as I can.

>> No.15839217

At the moment Don Quixote

>> No.15839244

KJV Bible

>> No.15839805
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pic related though I didn't particularly enjoy it while I was reading it, the damn ending and atmosphere has stuck with me though

>> No.15840718

My War Gone by is my favorite war memoir, it’s a beautiful book.

>> No.15840746

once again chi long qua showing you how to win thread arguments time and time again

>> No.15840748

1. A Personal Matter by Kenzaburo Ōe
The one book I have found to capture “the human condition” so sincerely. A perfect book, in my opinion.
2. V. by Thomas Pynchon
3. Our Oriental Heritage by Will Durant

>> No.15840816

i'm pseud/basic/brainlet as fuck but anyway, some favs:
>for whom the bell tolls
>anna karenina
>devils/demons (forget the name, but by Dostoy)
>slaughterhouse 5, unironically
>infinite jest, unironically
you were warned

>> No.15842309
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1. Casting the casters
2. BananaSlamJamma vs jungle invoker
3. H1Z1 gameplay
4. Dota 2 psychology (first one)

>> No.15842354

only one of these is bad

>> No.15842397

Jungle Invoker guide by Banana Shitstain Slam Jamma

>> No.15842408

Kind of a meme because it's been a "/lit/core book" forever and the board is on an atheist slant lately, but Brothers Karamazov by Dosto. Love the discussions, the characters, the scenes, and it's even sentimental for me: the brothers remind me of my siblings. Tale of Two Cities by Dickens and Monte Cristo rank high as well.

>> No.15842461

1. Idiot by Dostoevsky.
2. Love in the time of cholera by Marquez.
3. The sense of an ending by Julian Barns.
4. Invitation to a beheading by Vladimir Nabokov (I really recommend this one)

>> No.15842607
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The Way of Kings

>> No.15842670

Yu Hua - To Live

>> No.15843996

american psycho
moby dick
master and margarita
blood meridian

>> No.15844388

there's not a whole lot you can do about that you guys

>> No.15845039

walden truly speaks to me in a primal way. it's like it was written for me. i've always been lost in the world, half of my mind is always on my environment. i'd rather be hike around a 40 pound pack and be constantly be bitten by bugs than suffer the indignity of a suburb.

>> No.15845573

Speak, Memory