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15833025 No.15833025 [Reply] [Original]

So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?
Is it illiteracy, mental retardation, cowardice, or a melange of them all?

Are there any other modern studies of jewish influence that might be more persuasive to halfwits?
Maybe an online work with color pictures and links would be more persuasive.

>> No.15833031

inb4 this board's kike overlords (the mods) spam this thread with "HIS ENTIRE POINT IS THAT IT'S NOT A CONSPIRACY"
That is obviously not his point and honestly it's just damage control to allow the data to spread more easily.

>all this subversive behavior is totally innocent, they don't mean any of it, so just let it happen and watch your culture and civilization be washed away
okay retards

>implying you can't interpret data differently than the originator intended
>no thinking, only appeal to authority allowed
fuck off jew

>> No.15833034

I refuted it, you didn't answer

>> No.15833042

culture is what governs the distribution and configuration of genes in a population
culture -> epigenetics -> genetics
any tradition selects genes that are relevant to whatever behaviors lead to the tradition being practiced
people who do not adhere to culture do not breed as much and will inevitably have their offspring interbreed with those who are more reproductively successful due to following the culture and receiving more benefits of society, adding the underlying genes to their line despite their relatively rebellious nature

if you don't understand this you are stuck in some denial of the fact that everything stems from the genes
there are many studies that prove heritability of certain behaviors, but they are totally unnecessary to fully assert the truth of genetic destiny

the left and other sorts of retard say like:
>variance in the genes that dictate the structure of your brain cannot possibly effect behavior differently! we are all a blank slate!
implying that different proportions and different connections of different organs of the brain have no effect....this is just a fundamental breakdown of all knowledge and reason asserting that physical reality doesn't matter at all to anything, aka literal mental retardation

>> No.15833052

“Given that some ethnic groups—especially ones with high levels of ethnocentrism and mobilization—will undoubtedly continue to function as groups far into the foreseeable future, unilateral renunciation of ethnic loyalties by some groups means only their surrender and defeat—the Darwinian dead end of extinction. The future, then, like the past, will inevitably be a Darwinian competition in which ethnicity plays a very large role.

The alternative faced by Europeans throughout the Western world is to place themselves in a position of enormous vulnerability in which their destinies will be determined by other peoples, many of whom hold deep historically conditioned hatreds toward them. Europeans' promotion of their own displacement is the ultimate foolishness—an historical mistake of catastrophic proportions.”
― Kevin B. MacDonald

>> No.15833057

>doesn't post any argument
okay retard

>> No.15833064

Truth is universal, it is not set by man. Even if it was true all jews did this one-dimensionally then it doesn't mean they would necessarily.
It reads as something from a century ago when globalism was just starting. I think by virtue of what's happening I think it's fair to say it's not jews who run shit. This is terrible blackhole thinking. If your issue is with anthropology not being interpreted well then you have to develop the fieldm attacking jews leads to nothing but a 'so now what'.

>> No.15833072


the kike mods who spam these threads with non-arguments delete it when they get beaten
obviously there are no grounds to delete these threads

>> No.15833075

>it's jews who did this
Isn't an answer it's vacuous. It contains no solution to any problem brought up. I haven't delved more into this line of argument but I'm open

>> No.15833082

>all jews
strawmanning so soon?

>It reads as
>This is terrible blackhole thinking
>interpreted well
>attacking jews
>leads to nothing

you are incredibly full of hot bullshit
arguments not so much

>> No.15833088

>>it's jews who did this
>any problem brought up
what problem?

you are willfully dishonest and your mind is disorganized

>> No.15833102

Name one jew who has any power in this global takeover sense. None do, the richest most powerful people are the billionaire tech companies.
Granted the book doesn't make that claim but let's put that out there.
Again you can't refer to some as being the problem because they can't be the truth either. It's an ideology in a field that is falsifiable, man isn't. So to actually criticize them you have to use an ideology to.

>> No.15833105

Jews have been removed from nations and states on at least 300 occasions in the past 3000 years. for some reason European man has forgotten this lesson

>> No.15833109

>argue against my strawman
>dance between the goalposts as I shift them at will
>I DO NOT need to make an argument

>> No.15833116

Then you have to claim Jews are evil. You'd have to define what makes them evil and see that it doesn't apply to yourself. Both of those are metaphysically impossible to do.

>> No.15833129
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One point that's difficult is that the cattle refuse to learn to spot a jew by phenotype and there are several crypto jews in prominent positions, like this thing, the new president of disney.

I think if there was a uniform and "well sourced" catalogue of prominent jews combined with a succinct and logical narrative that used a socratic style there could be success in converting the average /lit/ type, that is to say, conceited midwits

>> No.15833135

What is it that a jew does that makes them wrong etc? Look out for their own self interests intellectually after their attempted genocide? Would you not? A lot of case examples are just creepy projections and don't hold up at all.

>> No.15833138

>Both of those are metaphysically impossible to do.
prove it

>the richest most powerful people are the billionaire tech companies
an extremely disproportionate amount of which are jewish....
also you are extremely dishonest in your framing

>> No.15833153
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you people are just too mentally retarded to deal with, your only motivation for thinking anything is because you were forced to, force is the only solution to you

>> No.15833167

There's no jew reading your minds and advocating interracial sex slavery. If anything it's the far right who has advocated it against themselves more.
I'm simply saying that Bill Gates and Bezos, while not ideal people at all, aren't trying to further global Zionism. If anything there are more European goyim who are involved in global politics than Jews are.

>prove so
I did, in that truth is universal, not particular to man. Man can't be truth and can't be false. They're unfalsifiable. If they were false, or evil, they would be the opposite of existence. It's just nonsense that doesn't hold up.

>> No.15833193

you know the chief officer of the NSA is an orthodox jewish woman right

even your crazy strawmen you put up turn to be no more extreme than reality

you are clearly mentally retarded

>> No.15833215

Of NASA? The Jews have taken over space exploration?

>> No.15833230
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>> No.15833255

Considering nyt employed 3700 people in 2016 that looks like less than 2% of the employment

>> No.15833286

>all employees are equal in influence
the same retarded fallacy the jewish left uses when talking about race - everything is equal when it suits my desires - all genes are equal in influence therefore race isn't real because there is more random variability in genes inside races than between

you have a fundamental retardation that assumes there is no physical order to anything
also see >>15833042

>> No.15833291

Interests that happen to clash with yours? Why would standing up for your personal interest in the event of a conflict make you wrong, as you put it?

>> No.15833306

there is no shortage of Jews criticizing the culture of the nations they choose to reside in
why then is it a problem for the nation to turn its critical eye towards the behavior of the Jew?

>> No.15833336

They're not all high positions and some are just dumb. Being a 'Christian Zionist', whatever that means, gives you a star. Having a spouse does. To really regard Fox News as being similar to NYT is just dishonest. They're definitely against each other and snipe at each other all the time. I can promise you that many jews aren't hired there and besides it's mostly a drive for minority hiring.

That's not at all how I put it. I said if you say standing up for your interests is wrong then you are wrong as well. All humans do that. You can't say x humans are evil, false etc. It's vacuous

>> No.15833343

Yes there's no shortage of anyone in the west. The Turks criticize Germany along with everyone else. It's called politics. You criticize your government

>> No.15833363

Also if your culture isn't suitable then it gets criticized. Japan tried to stay the same but had to deal w reality when Mathew Perry came. On some level you have to grow and everyone who has issues w their race this or that is more so saying that the universal term justice, truth etc isn't being solved but they don't know how to say it.

>> No.15833376

this is a retard kike bot that has been pilpuled into severe mental retardation

it only deals in absolutes and has zero regard for proportion

>> No.15833377

>Also if your culture isn't suitable then it gets criticized.
This applies to Jews too

>> No.15833387

except it doesn't in a publically acceptable way

>> No.15833392


Why did you bring up "wrongness" anyway? I didn't mention it and neither did the poster you originally responded to. No one is "wrong" by just defending their interests and that includes people criticizing anagonic Jews.

>> No.15833400

By culture I don't mean ppl, it's the ideology. You can criticize the ideology without ever bringing in state ppl etc

You must prove it and even if so who cares. You think annihilating jews solves war, justice, etc? It does nothing and is at best a band aid and worse a terrible terrible projection

>> No.15833407

But the ideology you're proposing is that jews are inherently wrong, or evil, separatist or etc. It's impossible to predicate it off of a human.

>> No.15833414

>But the ideology you're proposing
Really? What's the ideology I'm proposing?

>> No.15833420
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they have an ethno-state where if they want to practice ethno-centrism they can be ethno-nationalists to their black heart's content
why should their parasitic nepotism be tolerated in the west?

>> No.15833422

The one in the book? That the inherent problem is jews?

>> No.15833423

>You can criticize the ideology without ever bringing in state ppl
It is not clear what you mean by this. Jews have a culture, or rather a set of cultures. They can be criticized

>> No.15833431

Because they don't want to there. Pretty much nobody wants to do that.

>> No.15833438

Where in the book is that statement? And how is my point about clashes of interests among people in general relate to it?

>> No.15833439

It's the ideologies of the cultures. The cultures themselves are unfalsifiable as well. You can destroy a culture and you still haven't argued against it. It's just a culture

>> No.15833448

You said that people can be criticized, all I said is that this applies to Jews too. I don't know what you're arguing against here.

>> No.15833464

It's the whole book in that the highlight of these issues etc are due to jews. It's vacuous.
I brought up that people are unfalsifiable and why, you brought it up after me. I used that argument to say why you can't criticize 'the jews'. You have to criticize the anthropology. You can't criticize a person or culture's existence. It makes no sense, they're there and they act in their own interests defined by reality or metaphysical and physical cause and effect.

>> No.15833472

No I said they cannot. I said a culture's ideology can be criticized, not the culture or the ppl.

>> No.15833474

It just doesn't have the appropriate methodology for analyzing this sort of thing. Like I could compile 1,000 Spanish crimes into a book and you'd probably hate the Spanish after reading it but that won't give you a very nuanced or balanced perspective on the Spanish's role in various things

>> No.15833484

>You can't criticize a person or culture's existence
What do you mean? What if that's in my personal interest? I see my political oponents doing it all the time and it seems to be rather effective, as in it helps them achieve concrete political goals.

>> No.15833487

Pinker BTFO this book so hard:
>The suggestion that scholars "can't ignore bad ideas" is a nonstarter. In science there are a thousand bad ideas for every good one. "Doing battle" against all of them is not an option for mere mortals, and doing battle against some of them is a tacit acknowledgment that those have enough merit to exceed the onerous threshold of attention-worthiness. MacDonald's ideas, as presented in summaries that would serve as a basis for further examination, do not pass that threshold, for many reasons:

>1. By stating that Jews promulgate scientific hypotheses because they are Jewish, he is engaging in ad hominem argumentation that is outside the bounds of normal scientific discourse and an obvious waste of time to engage. MacDonald has already announced that I will reject his ideas because I am Jewish, so what's the point of replying to them?

>2. MacDonald's main axioms – group selection of behavioral adaptations, and behaviorally relevant genetic cohesiveness of ethnic groups – are opposed by powerful bodies of data and theory, which Tooby, Cosmides, and many other evolutionary psychologists have written about in detail. Of course any assumption can be questioned, but there are no signs that MacDonald has taken on the burden of proof of showing that the majority view is wrong.

>3. MacDonald's various theses, even if worthy of scientific debate individually, collectively add up to a consistently invidious portrayal of Jews, couched in value-laden, disparaging language. It is impossible to avoid the impression that this is not an ordinary scientific hypothesis.

>4. The argument, as presented in the summaries, fails two basic tests of scientific credibility: a control group (in this case, other minority ethnic groups), and a comparison with alternative hypotheses (such as Thomas Sowell's convincing analysis of "middlemen minorities" such as the Jews, presented in his magisterial study of migration, race, conquest, and culture).

>> No.15833488

does that same scepticism apply to Jewish narratives of 1930s and 1940s Germany?

>> No.15833508
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You can't criticize an entire group of non-white people! I mean come on, 2020?

>> No.15833511

>some retarded meme scholar jew made a bunch of non-arguments based on strawmen and wrote it like the pretentious faggot he is
wow, surprising and impressive

i mean seriously, how fucking retarded do you have to be to deny that uniform pressures on a population (such as culture) don't have a uniform effect on evolution

holy fuck what a retarded kike

>> No.15833520

>MacDonald has already announced that I will reject his ideas because I am Jewish, so what's the point of replying to them?
...says the Jew, rejecting his ideas. what do the 98% of people who aren't kikes think?

>> No.15833521

Because it's vapid. You can criticize their existence but you exist as well. The only non vapid thing to criticize is their ideology. The book criticizes the people. A lot of the people in the book criticize each other ideologically. It's just nonsense. Freud I imagine would hardly be a fan of that anthropology professor.

>> No.15833540

can we stop replying to this literal, honest to god mental retard now?

>> No.15833564
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>tfw never brought up bias

>> No.15833603

>inductive reasoning doesn't provide necessary conclusions
Ok? Why would you bring this up if it applies to all equivalent knowledge?

>> No.15833608


>> No.15833712

yes, although it does not warrant most holocaust denial, mr. 88 getter

>> No.15833760

>ignore motive for crime
that's interesting

also the "thousand crimes of the spanish" or whatever bullshit wouldn't have been done against my own people at all

>> No.15833772

me? i haven't read it.

>> No.15833778

I've read it twice and I say don't bother.

>> No.15833957
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>> No.15833984

If what the book says is true, and Jews are the ultimate mimics, then everything they do as a group was mimicked from another group in the past. Maybe Nietzsche was right and the Jews learned everything from Aryan priests?

>> No.15834162

where does he talk about that?

>> No.15834193

The passages I'm aware of are in his unpublished notes, but he may also talk about it in The Antichrist or Twilight of the Idols.

>> No.15834416

>Toward a critique of the law-book of Manu. — The whole book is founded on the holy lie. Was the well-being of mankind the inspiration of this system? Was this species of man, who believes in the interestedness of every action, interested or not in imposing this system? To improve mankind — how is this intention inspired? Where is the concept of improvement derived from?

>We find a species of man, the priestly, which feels itself to be the norm, the high point and the supreme expression of the type man: this species derives the concept “improvement” from itself. It believes in its own superiority, it wills itself to be superior in fact: the origin of the holy lie is the will to power. Establishment of rule: to this end, the rule of those concepts that place a non plus ultra of power with the priesthood. Power through the lie — in the knowledge that one does not possess it physically, militarily — the lie as a supplement to power, a new concept of “truth.” It is a mistake to suppose an unconscious and naive development here, a kind of self-deception — Fanatics do not invent such carefully thought-out systems of oppression — The most cold-blooded reflection was at work here; the same kind of reflection as a Plato applied when he imagined his “Republic,” “He who wills the end must will the means” — all lawgivers have been clear in their minds regarding this politician’s insight. We possess the classic model in specifically Aryan forms: we may therefore hold the best-endowed and most reflective species of man responsible for the most fundamental lie that has ever been told — That lie has been copied almost everywhere: Aryan influence has corrupted all the world —

>A lot is said today about the Semitic spirit of the New Testament: but what is called Semitic is merely priestly — and in the racially purest Aryan law-book, in Manu, this kind of “Semitism,” i.e., the spirit of the priest, is worse than anywhere else. The development of the Jewish priestly state is not original: they learned the pattern in Babylon: the pattern is Aryan. When, later on, the same thing became dominant in a Europe with a preponderance of Germanic blood, this was in accordance with the spirit of the ruling race: a great atavism. The Germanic Middle Ages aimed at a revival of the Aryan order of castes. Mohammedanism in turn learned from Christianity: the employment of the “beyond” as an instrument of punishment. The pattern of an unchanging community with priests at its head — this oldest of the great cultural products of Asia in the realm of organization — was bound to invite reflection and imitation in every respect. Again Plato: but above all the Egyptians.

In Antichrist and Twilight, he talks a lot more about Christianity, Plato, and some of Manu (somewhat positively, but only as contrast to the former). But in his unpublished notes like I posted above, he criticizes Manu very harshly.

>> No.15834467

thanks for that, very interesting

>> No.15834473

>no one has refuted anything in it
Why do retards keep saying this? There's been a number of critiques of the book, including by Zizek.

>> No.15834483

Reading is a jewish invention

>> No.15834485

I don't like Pinker, but he is Jewish, so antisemites can just dismiss him without addressing his arguments. There's been a number of Jews who've written critiques of it, but they aren't considered 'valid' by antisemites because that's the inherent logic of the belief system.

>> No.15834602


what "arguments"? Nothing he says is supported by any evidence, he's just narrating his interpretation so badly to the point it doesn't even matter what evidence he produces, his statements are invalid
>a control group
It can't be Science(tm) unless it jumps through arbitrary hoops that are irrelevant?
What does a control group have to do with the absolute quality and quantity of jewish behavior?

it's fucking amazing how you accuse "antisemites" of being blindly biased against jewish responses but it in no way occurs to you to test the hypothesis that jews would be biased against criticism of their own

you're a fucking retard and a kike

>> No.15834623

have you read Zizek's "refutation", or anything he has written?
he's a blithering fraud


>no wonder that, reading authors like MacDonald, one often cannot decide if one is reading a satire or a “serious” line of argumentation.
wow bravo, what an argument

>> No.15834649

whoa there buddy, you're making antisemites look bad

>> No.15834664

so why do we need a control group?
can you explain?

>> No.15834710

you have to engineer a parallel jewish race on another planet and see how they do on their own
only after 20,000 years of observation can you judge if the earth jews were evil

i mean come on this is basic science

>> No.15835845

If the case is so good, why are you not presenting it yourself? I am not going to waste my time reading what is probably the result of chronic mental illness.

>> No.15835898

>be my performing circus monkey, I'm very important and it would be worth your while to try to entertain my lazy retarded attitude

>> No.15835974

Well as I said I am not wasting my time reading mentally ill conspiracy theorists. If you think you can make a good case you can try. I can guarantee you will get assfucked on every single point.

>> No.15836056

the extreme overrepresentation of jews in leadership positions in western institutions proves they're an organized invasive force.
the nature of their influence proves they're trying to destroy western civilization.

like the media for example, there are jewish presidents/ceos for most major media corps

they're also associated with central banking throughout history, which controls all the resources in the economies that use their currency through various means of manipulation, ever since the first gold shortages in europe over 500 years ago at a time when their political influence was waxing tremendously

watch this retard animal wriggle out of any assessment of facts

>> No.15836107

How would you characterize the influence of popular media on society?
Could you possibly argue that is HASN'T been the major driving force of culture shift since before WW2?
Has it had a positive effect on birth rates? The main goal of any civilization being to maintain a population great enough to fill the necessary roles as it expands?
Could you possibly argue that popular media hasn't encourage promiscuity and instability in the family?

How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.

Why the fuck are all these leaders jewish? How do you explain that?

See the problem is there is an entire course of education you have to undertake despite being discouraged by authority to have any depth of knowledge by which to judge circumstances, and people like you are just retarded cattle who can't rise to the challenge, you just make a judgement off the top of your head and retreat to the mob to congratulate yourself on agreeing with everyone else for no reason.

>> No.15836495

I'm so lonely on a saturday night i am a virgin I can't talk about this bad boy stuff then I'll never get laid

>> No.15836526

Nobody cares, after you get rid of the jews you'd still have to solve the issues you think aren't solved. If you think jews aren't trad enough then getting rid of jews does not make everyone else more trad. Again this is analytically true and practically true.

>> No.15836586

christ these are bots

>> No.15836598

What does being Jewish intrinsically impose on us goyim?

>> No.15836610

>the extreme overrepresentation of jews in leadership positions in western institutions proves they're an organized invasive force
except it doesn't
>the nature of their influence proves they're trying to destroy western civilzation
only by the midwit incel definition of "western civilization"

I saw this exact thread get posted like a month ago and the whole premise got refuted by one anon pointing out that Macdonald treats all jewish attempts at economic gain as moving toward a collective and all white/gentile attempts at economic gain as motivated by individual aims and no anti-semite was able to answer him. This is the nature of the tautology, you have separated some of the powerful and described their capital gain as pernicious and then pointed them out within a system of capitalist nepotism and upper-class incestual networking and used that as evidence of their malfeasance and coordination. But any rich jew is just doing what any rich gentile is doing.

The truly exhausting thing about this whole argument is that it's essentially a heuristic theory of convenience adhered to by lonely, unremarkable, bell-curve-apex spergs who desperately want to believe that the west used to be a society of universal plenitude and free virginal wives and that people used to never fuck or do anything subversive. You're chasing a myth. Whatever Leave It To Beaver paradigm you think this country once operated with never actually existed, and there is no social state that will stop people scurrying around and engaging in vice at every opportunity. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can move on with your life and stop seething over this cabal you'd like to blame for your high school crush getting jizzed on before you got a shot.

>> No.15836635

Yes, Zizek has written many times on the function of antisemitism. All books of this type are politically motivated, as is MacDonald's, that's the whole point of political theory and argumentation. Screaming Fraud at Zizek is far more laughable than dismissing MacDonald's work.

>> No.15836653

Why are you putting antisemites in quotes? I'm not using it derogatory way, it's simply a description. It applies to MacDonald, though even more so you, given that you think I'm a Jew with no evidence. That's the real power of antisemitism as a narrative. It allows the antisemite to dismiss arguments unilaterally, as it is either being made by a Jew, a Jew pretending to not be a Jew, or someone under the control of Jews. Antisemites never have to engage the arguments on their terms.

>> No.15836675

>except it doesn't
except it does

>jewish attempts at economic gain as moving toward a collective and all white/gentile attempts at economic gain as motivated by individual aims
when we see what jews do with their wealth and power it's pretty clear they are almost always acting as a collective
they donate the majority of political campaign funds in the US, they donate huge sums to political action groups masquerading as nonprofits to effect all kinds of extreme left political change - most of which are tied to 'multi faith religious coalitions' led by rabbis in broad daylight, they in turn use all this influence to funnel huge sums of money and materiel to israel and use the US armed forces to fight wars for israeli interest
I mean jesus christ do you even know what AIPAC is?

>lonely, unremarkable, bell-curve-apex spergs
easy with the ad hominem, stop jacking yourself off for being so "normal", you're kind of an idiot

zizek makes no arguments at all
he uses no evidence

>It allows the antisemite to dismiss arguments unilaterally
what argument
you keep coming to these threads saying this again and again but you have no examples at all

everything you say is total horseshit and easily, easily refuted

>> No.15836698

>BTFO SO HARD !!!!! lmfao XD
>no examples
>no proof
>just narrative

>> No.15836725

And when evangelical leaders pump money into candidates for rent-seeking and political favors and to fill the courts with socially traditional, small-government corporate permissivists they're all independent agents right? Pretty sure jews who campaign for leftist social change are not the jews relentlessly backing Israel. But I guess even pointing out disagreements between jews about American involvement in Israel or social conservatism in general would just be dismissed as "theatre."

>> No.15836732

just for presidential elections:


local election finance is even more overrepresented with jewish money, but a lot of it is soft cash and i really don't feel like giving a lesson on this right now, but basically the kikes are a very cohesive mafia bribing almost literally everyone from DAs to judges to governors to presidents to do their bidding through a myriad of schemes

one of the most interesting examples is how they used these faith-based coalitions and corruption in federal bureaucracy to use regulators to force banks to give loans with zero standards to minorities, then crashed the economy by levering these bad loans through the big banks and inserting them into funds and selling them to clients
remember 2008?

>evangelical leaders
are constantly found in bed with the jewish-led multifaith orgs and getting tons of soft cash showered all around them

>> No.15836738

Lol the very fact you keep calling me a Jew and saying I'm not making an argument when I am shows my statement to be correct. Not liking what the person is saying doesn't make the statements to not be arguments. For example, if I called you an incel, that would not be an argument, but I'm making an assertion about how antisemitism works, which is very much an argument. Zizek doesn't mention that in the article, but his argument against antisemitism is that it simply serves a function to try to ignore antagonisms within a society, by pinning them on an outsider that can be purged.

>> No.15836743

I don't think McDonald covers any of this by the way, and it's the most brazen heinous shit in the history of civilization, though it is more difficult to pin on the jews, the circumstantial evidence is absolutely huge

>> No.15836754

for the last time: what argument? do you have a single example or just more excuses for why you don't need one because you're king of the moral high ground?

>> No.15836761


welcome to the rabbit hole
this is where you learn how things really are

>> No.15836764

of course they're in bed with the rich jews you moron; they're all the same because what distinguishes this people is not faith identity but monetary interest. This is the point I'm trying to make, your independent variable doesn't explain anything and that's why it is dismissed.

>> No.15836771

You dumb retard, I have already very clearly stated my argument. If want an example of it, simply go look at this dismissal of Pinker's statements because he's a Jew in this very thread. Not providing an example is not at all the same thing as not making an argument, but you continuously conflate both. I've never claimed that I'm not an antisemite on the grounds of morality.

>> No.15836784

but if you look at the character of their actions, it's not in their interest directly, it's in the jewish interest, they are taking a subordinate position to get

yeah and just ignore the rest of post

also worth mentioning the fed chairman at the time who was a kike, Bernanke, enabled the financial crash in policy and is on the record with many comments supporting the minority mortgage scams
also Krugman, a famous jew "economist", called for a housing bubble, and Bernanke and Krugman have a long history of mutual support

>> No.15836787

Go to bed, Kevin.

>> No.15836789

>I have already very clearly stated my argument
where? You'll type all that but not click once to link a post number?

you narrate but give no examples, you're just a complete liar with zero ammunition

>> No.15836799

>to get
a few benefits while totally compromising the interests of their congregations and taking up this cult like demeanor that whatever crusade they hop onto is the next elevator to a new level of moral altitude

>> No.15836811

Fine, let me spell it out for you since you're too retarded to even scroll properly. >>15833520

>> No.15836830

WHERE is YOUR argument?
Does it have any evidence?

>> No.15836831

Imagine forming a tautology like this in real time and not seeing it.
>Anything that the 1% do, in excess, that damages the country, is jewish interest, regardless of identity of actors
>congregation interest (citizenry) is not jewish interest
You keep restating the same circular argument. These men act for material gain. But if a jew gets that same material gain as the gentile, it's somehow worse and more jewish, because exploitative elite = jewish
common community = not jewish
you don't even see you're just coloring existing economic problems?

>> No.15836833

Already made it, and provided an example. You have made no counter argument, and have only shrieked about about me not making an argument. Unsurprisingly, another case of projection.

>> No.15836837

>lose miserably
>pretend to be trolling the whole time
this is the left

>> No.15836843

Don't bother, these people don't think about their assertions for a second. It's why they make laughable arguments about Jews tricking elite whites into acting against their own interests, ironically elevating Jews to a position of supreme agency over all other groups.

>> No.15836848

I haven't trolled at all, you just are too much of a retard to realize you're a retard, incel

>> No.15836856

you're just ignoring the parts of the argument and the evidence you're afraid to deal with

like israel isn't a jewish interest


>> No.15836872

>All the politicians in the US support israel, an exclusively jewish interest, because __________
Dealing with NPC cattle

Obviously there is no inherent interest, the only explanation is that they're bribed

>> No.15836874

>watch this retard animal wriggle out of any assessment of facts
Unsurprisingly, your argument isn't even formally valid. Look at what you gave to me:
>the extreme overrepresentation of jews in leadership positions in western institutions proves they're an organized invasive force.
Let's say that I accept the premise that jews are overepresented in leadership position, how does that alone prove that they are an "organized invasive force"? You just gave a premise and a conclusion that doesn't even follow from it.

>> No.15836891

>Let's say that I accept the premise that jews are overepresented
No, let's not just say, either concede it honestly or there's no more argument to be made.
Jews are not native to western civilization, only very recently in history have they gained significant overt power, and any power they gain is by invasion.

>> No.15836919

You're just taking the circular argument and expanding it to foreign policy. There are numerous countries supported in policy backed by a majority of the federal government for no other reason than they provide economic interest (and, as you pointed out, funding for venal interets). But Israel gets singled out because they're Jewish, because you have decided that when being a Jew coincides with this activity, it elevates it to conspiracy instead of simple greed. Your problem is attributing backing of Israel with a more sincere ideological motive and ignoring the Jews that criticize Israel's own excesses.

>> No.15836921

>Europeans just let the jews take over control of culture because it would be fun, a foreign race suddenly monopolizing an entire industry and producing blatantly subversive media isn't significant of ANYTHING, it's just for FUN hehelol

>> No.15836925

>How would you characterize the influence of popular media on society?
>Could you possibly argue that is HASN'T been the major driving force of culture shift since before WW2?
>Has it had a positive effect on birth rates? The main goal of any civilization being to maintain a population great enough to fill the necessary roles as it expands?
>Could you possibly argue that popular media hasn't encourage promiscuity and instability in the family?
These are all red herrings, we are discussing the Jewish Question, not whether popular media affects culture (it does).
>How deeply Jewish is Hollywood?(...)Why the fuck are all these leaders jewish? How do you explain that?
I don't have to, you are the one who is proposing an explanation of the data we supposedly have on our hands. You are saying that jews are overepresented in Hollywood, and you propose an explanation for it. Hence, you need to give us some reason as to why we should accept that explanation (also, I am not sure in relation to what are the Jews supposed to be overepresented - the American population?)

>> No.15836929

Not him, but shut the fuck up faggot. You don't even respond honestly to others, yet you're going to demand honesty from them? Suck a fat one.

>Jews are not native to western civilization
They're here, and they've been here for thousands of years, and their original racial genealogy has long since been mixed in with Europeans'. There's no expelling them from civilization anymore, because the shades are too fine and too gray at this point.

Jews didn't even come up with their tactics. As was already said in the thread, if the OP book is correct, then they COULDN'T have come up with them on their own. They copied them from an existing, NON-JEWISH group. Jews copied those tactics and ended up pulling them off far better than the original group, and there is nothing at all deceitful or unfair about this. They got the cultural upper hand, and rightfully so, since the only rights are those obtained through power.

>> No.15836930

Does your definition of Western Civilization not include Southern and Eastern Europe?

>> No.15836942

His definition of Western Civilization precludes all things he does not like. It is the only way his argument works.

>> No.15836945

what does israel provide the US except a sinkhole for high paying jobs to be outsourced to?

israel gets "singled out" because it provides absolutely nothing and receives way more aid than any other country and also decades of military intervention on their behalf with no clear direct benefit to the US

there is no "circular argument", jews are severely overrepresented and constantly promote agenda that is not in the interest of the people they are supposed to be serving in their positions, the examples are countless and well documented

>> No.15836947

Don't worry I already know that lmao

>> No.15836949

>No, let's not just say, either concede it honestly or there's no more argument to be made.
Well, you gave me an argument, and so firstly I had to check whether it is formally valid. It's not, so I don't even need to know whether the premises are true. Even if they are, the conclusion doesn't follow. Try again.

>> No.15836959

What does Afghanistan provide the US except for a money pit?

>> No.15836967

That's a red herring. We are not discussing whether the alleged overepresentation of Jews in media is good or bad. We are discussing whether it can be explained by conspiratorial intent. As is usual for sophists, you can't even create the appearance that you have an argument without constantly shifting the goalposts.

>> No.15836969

It's impossible for a foreign race to rise to prominence in a civilization without hostile force.
The hostility is extremely apparent by the direction they take each industry they dominate, so there's no red herring here, just you trying to block off sources of evidence so you can posture as being correct while not arguing anything at all.

>> No.15836975

>We are not discussing
yes we are

why don't you answer the question?
destabilization of the region is in israeli interest, it prevents a unified arab force from rising against them, there is plenty of talk from high ranking israelis discussing this fact

>> No.15836978

It provides a strategic ally in the region, which is always a foreign policy gain. If you want to argue that these types of agreements benefit the state and not the common people, fine. But if you want to argue that Israel is alone in this regard, or that having a close ally in the middle east is somehow not a benefit to the government, you're simply wrong.

>> No.15836981

There's no Arabs in Afghanistan and Afghanistan has never been a regional power, and it's not even remotely close to Israel.

>> No.15836985

>It's impossible for a foreign race to rise to prominence in a civilization without hostile force
Tell that to the Chinese in 15 years, after they've had generations of wealthy families behind them.

>> No.15836995

>It's impossible for a foreign race to rise to prominence in a civilization without hostile force. The hostility is extremely apparent by the direction they take each industry they dominate, so there's no red herring here, just you trying to block off sources of evidence so you can posture as being correct while not arguing anything at all.
Now you are just modifying the statements to save face. You asked me "How would you characterize the influence of popular media on society? ". This is red herring, the end. So I will now ask you again to give an argument that substantiates the Jewish Question instead of pivoting to random topics.

>> No.15836997

>It provides a strategic ally in the region
you're simply wrong.

what does any of that have to do with the strategic importance for israel to destabilize the region
>no Arabs in Afghanistan
except for all the militant factions fighting for resources for the last...forever
you're retarded

>> No.15837005

Tell me when chinese directly control every media company after decades of corporate warfare backed by chinese run banks to consolidate the industry

>> No.15837009

>yes we are
No we aren't. If you are too stupid to follow the topic of the conversation you can always stick to lurking.

>> No.15837011

It's not a modification, it was inherent and implied, the overrepresentation is not explainable by any kind of "merit" and it's ruled out conclusively by the hostile cultural manipulation

>> No.15837013

Lmao, Afghanistan is in Central Asia, not the Middle East. No one except maybe India, China, and Russia gives a flying fuck about Central Asia. Afghanistan also isn't Arab, they're Central Asian and multiethnic, with less than 1% of the country being Arab. You're incredibly ignorant of that country.

>> No.15837022

Is Israel not an ally? Do they not provide military support in corralling militant groups? Do they not provide a means of ingress into the region for the US military? Do they not provide intelligence support?
So you don't care about wealth, you're more concerned with sex on television then. Suppose I was mistook what you mean by prominence.

>> No.15837040

The burden is on you to provide an explanation for jewish overrepresentation other than nepotism motivated by hostile intent for the host nation because it's not plausible to assume the positions were gotten by merit and conceded peacefully by the host race.
You have to explain why they would go against their own interest and let another race manage their business.
You also completely ignored the arguments about Israel and a lot of others in the thread.

All you seem to be able to do is narrate and posture.

>> No.15837044

Persians are most all muslim, they ALL hate jews and would combine with arab forces as they have before and as they are right now to a smaller extent
you are fucking retarded beyond all belief

>> No.15837053

>go against their own interest and let another race manage their business
Assuming people either believe in or necessarily have racial interests; especially ones that supercede monetary interests. Racial protectionism for its own sake can make you lose out in the business world, as Sowell has pointed out

>> No.15837058

Not in any way that is significant.
Not in a way that provides a sufficient profit for the US to be there.

The wars in the middle east are first and foremost about destabilizing the region to protect israel and second to support saudi control of the oil market.
The US had the capability to be oil independent long ago and actually has been for several years now.

>> No.15837060

You havent done anything. Remember when you were out of highschool with no grades? When you got your first horseshit job?

Remember when you stayed home and played videogames all day and all night? You still do that don't you? And dont reply saying youre a Chad with a trad wife or some other faggy shit like that. You are a complete schizo zero. No one likes you, not even your overweight mommy.

You have been playing the same videogames, watching the same shitty YT videos over and over again. Youve never read a single book. Not even the one in the OP. You have ADHD and its too late to treat.

When you blow your brain out go out alone dont take good people with you like Breivik or the NZ faggot. You hateful nobody.

>> No.15837066

Except that US oil is largely of a different kind than what we take from Saudi Arabia and regulatory interests make expanding our sweet crude supply extraordinarily difficult. If you want to simply categorically deny the uses of a military ally in a chaotic region in which the goverment has vested interest, you ought to take that up with the government. What we do with Israel is, however, consistent with the general currency of US foreign policy; especially post-USSR.

>> No.15837069

Bro you're a fucking moron. No one is worried about Afghanistan doing anything. It's pretty much in the stone age there. Afghanistan never did and never will pose a threat to Israel and neither country has ever had hostile relations with them. This also doesn't explain the neocon desire to fuck with countries like North Korea either.

>> No.15837073

but of course all this is totally ridiculous, the corporate/economic warfare that led to the consolidation of the media companies under overt jewish management is absolute proof of their malice

>> No.15837078

>regulatory interests
you mean like the jews

>> No.15837080

Prove it

>> No.15837083

Not him im actually>>15837060 this guy

But there is also a strong Israel lobby in the US, its both jewish and evangelical christian. That is true AND The US has strategic interests there.

>> No.15837086

>It's not a modification, it was inherent and implied, the overrepresentation is not explainable by any kind of "merit" and it's ruled out conclusively by the hostile cultural manipulation
I am not even sure what the argument is here. Are you saying that the alleged overepresentation of Jews in media can only be explained by the JQ hypothesis? If that's the road you want to take you will have to refute every single possible alternative explanation. Alternatively, you can simply point to some theoretical virtues your explanation has that makes it particularly plausible. Go.

>> No.15837094
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pic rel doesn't even scratch the surface of the totally insane amounts of soft money, contracts, or benefit from military intervention

>> No.15837096

>The burden is on you to provide an explanation for jewish overrepresentation other than nepotism motivated by hostile intent for the host nation because it's not plausible to assume the positions were gotten by merit and conceded peacefully by the host race.
No I am not, you are the one making the explanation, so you need to explain what makes your explanation plausible. Your burden of proof joggling isn't going to work here.

>> No.15837105

You have actual schizofrenia, go to therapy. Or are they jews there aswell?

>> No.15837111

I'm well aware that there is a strong Israel lobby in the US, I simply don't believe that the Israel lobby is somehow more categorically pernicious or underhanded than any other lobby in the government. But his assertion is that Israel provides the US with no benefit, which may well be true from a purely material standpoint, but from a purely material standpoint there was no reason to meddle in every inchoate communist government during the cold war either.

>> No.15837126


this isn't an exactly relevant example, but I could find some, but I'm doing too much gophering to convince you mongs as it is

basically all environmental regulation, and tons of other regulation, is just bullshit to weaken the US economy and ship industry overseas, while the politicians who support it get tons of soft money and profit immensely from backstabbing their own people

surprise surprise they are jewish disproportionately, like feinstein, who has singlehandedly spearheaded tons of this shit for decades now

>> No.15837128

>giving most aid to country that can do the most with it
I fail to see evidence of conspiracy. Really the galling thing is giving all that money to Pakistan whose populace would actually like to exterminate the west in a culture war.

>> No.15837129

Fair, also dont get too involved in this stuff. These people are pretty much lost at this point. We can only hope that they only blow their own brains out.

>> No.15837130

Parsimony makes it plausible, now attend to your burden.

>> No.15837135

>Really the galling thing is giving all that money to Pakistan whose populace would actually like to exterminate the west in a culture war.
Yes but theyre also people, what would you do just let them starve?

>> No.15837136

>but it's still JEWISH INTEREST
>when rich gentiles benefit it's not in their interest
You really will do it every time it seems
Also a dash of retard-level reaganism thrown in for good measure

>> No.15837143

American cultural influence has quite severely ruined Japan, culturally and spiritually. The nips were entirely right not to like you.
Culture has no innate need to "grow." Culture just is.

>> No.15837149

>Culture has no innate need to "grow."
This is assuming culture exists in a vacuum outside of life, and we all know whether that assumption is true or not.

>> No.15837155

it's jews disproportionately doing this
you keep repeating the same line like this behavior isn't dramatically more common among jews than any other race
in every arena they touch they always sell out the interest they are supposed to be serving

there have been many examples given already

the burden is on you to explain why this behavior is centered around jews and jewish interests like israel

you're a retarded liar with zero ammunition

>> No.15837162

>The only non vapid thing to criticize is their ideology
no, moron

>> No.15837167

If you could see his pale face with his sweaty hair, you would have stopped debating him long ago.

>> No.15837175

>why this behavior is centered around jews and jewish interests like israel
They aren't, is the thing. You've just taken the time to categorize everything related to jews and declare it a special case. And attach other, unrelated phenomena for convenience of course

>> No.15837196

literal nonsense

>> No.15837199

They are, is the thing

most ridiculously you ignore the media industry which is almost exclusively jewish, there isn't even an opportunity for a comparison case, the jews are almost literally the only case, so how could it be a "special" case?
will you just try to worm out of it be refusing to characterize the change in character and effect of popular media since WW2 and totally ignore the overt attempts by jews to consolidate the industry that correlate with these changes?

you're a retarded liar with zero ammunition

>> No.15837204

I thought Jews were supposed to be good at arguments?

>> No.15837212

>Parsimony makes it plausible, now attend to your burden.
Do you think this is how people argue? There is nothing economical about postulating an organized conspiracy unsupported by empirical evidence to explain overepresentation. Your theory is uneconomical to the extreme, which is why it flies in the face of common sense. You have literally no argument, you just think your theory is correct because /pol/ said so.
Since I have demonstrated your complete inability to make any positive case for the JQ, I'm now going to help you a bit. I will give you a provisional explanation for the overepresentation (still alleged, you haven't proved it) of Jews in Hollywood (presumably relative to the American population - you still haven't clarified). My alternative explanation is based on personal merit - there are a lot of Jews working in Hollywood because they do really good at the job interviews. Here you go, show us why your theory is better.

>> No.15837220

The burden is on you to provide an explanation for jewish overrepresentation other than nepotism motivated by hostile intent for the host nation because it's not plausible to assume the positions were gotten by merit and conceded peacefully by the host race.
You have to explain why they would go against their own interest and let another race manage their business.
You also completely ignored the arguments about Israel and a lot of others in the thread.

>> No.15837234

Go to bed, Kevin.

>> No.15837241
File: 107 KB, 475x500, 1588751446312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bottom line is that no one else other than jews has ever done many of the documented things to subvert society.
There is no need to compare them against anyone else.
We saw that jews did this things. We watch them do these things today.
Only jews do these things.

No more proof is necessary of their evil than what has already been documented.
Enough of that has been referenced in this thread. The media example alone is proof of everything.

>> No.15837243

Because incestuous selection for board personnel is the norm in the US, it's no surprise that a group of people who have a measurably high mean income would populate a lot of corporate positions. The consolidation is also standard, look at the telecommunications industry. You clearly have a cathexis for the media because you have sexual hangups, but what they do organizationally is not strange.

>> No.15837250

has anybody met a good jewish person

>> No.15837252


>> No.15837255

my bad i meant >>15837053

>> No.15837256
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>Why wont you adress the JQ

>> No.15837267

Life has an innate need to grow and culture is part of life.

>> No.15837271

That doesn't explain why these companies started making extreme subversive/lying media exactly when jews took management, and doesn't even explain how they got into the positions
>it's no surprise
that is far from an argument
there's no inherent incentive for nonjews to abandon industries they created to jews, much less to have the values and products they used to make be contradicted immediately upon takeover, you can't answer that because it's impossible to maintain your view and answer it and you're a liar and coward

>> No.15837298

It's not impossible to answer, but you are intent on believing
>Gentiles would never hire Jews because everyone is a tribalist like me
>The media and American culture got significantly more depraved (or politically inclined and dishonest) at a certain point and before that it was all good
Both of which are patently false. Honestly this just proves my initial point that this is all fucking cope for your trad utopia being nothing more than a fantasy.

>> No.15837309

open a book once in your life. Your racialist views are incoherent and a relic of a short 50 or so years period.

>> No.15837319

culture is what governs the distribution and configuration of genes in a population
culture -> epigenetics -> genetics
any tradition selects genes that are relevant to whatever behaviors lead to the tradition being practiced
people who do not adhere to culture do not breed as much and will inevitably have their offspring interbreed with those who are more reproductively successful due to following the culture and receiving more benefits of society, adding the underlying genes to their line despite their relatively rebellious nature

if you don't understand this you are stuck in some denial of the fact that everything stems from the genes
there are many studies that prove heritability of certain behaviors, but they are totally unnecessary to fully assert the truth of genetic destiny

the left and other sorts of retard say like:
>variance in the genes that dictate the structure of your brain cannot possibly effect behavior differently! we are all a blank slate!
implying that different proportions and different connections of different organs of the brain have no effect....this is just a fundamental breakdown of all knowledge and reason asserting that physical reality doesn't matter at all to anything, aka literal mental retardation

>> No.15837322

Look up insular gigantism. The process being observed there is precisely life's innate need to grow. Even when larger species get smaller, it is due to the species needing to become smaller in order to continue propagating itself in the environment, i.e., to grow further within it.

I mean, for crying out loud, life went from atoms to complex organisms like humans, not the other way. It very obviously has an innate need to grow, which also means become stronger and more complex. So why would culture be exempt from something that exists in all life?

>> No.15837326

more strawmans
they didn't hire jews, they were hostilely taken over by jews through the central bank controlled markets, fired, and replaced with all jews
>The media and American culture got significantly more depraved (or politically inclined and dishonest) at a certain point
yes, you see cutting edge issues being introduced in proximity to jewish takeover
>before that it was all good
yes by comparison, and yet another strawman

you're a liar and coward

>> No.15837334

>believing all behavior is related to brain structure
>believing culture has genetic imprint
>believing nature is the only determining factor of the individual
This shit is even more laughable than the antisemitism

>> No.15837348

okay retard, why are there different races that live in close proximity in the same climate, like jews and arabs?
what barriers are there other than culture?

you are a retarded animal fuck you

>> No.15837353

>they were hostilely taken over by jews
I promise you they weren't, no matter how you think market consolidation played out
>cutting edge issues being introduced
you mean issues you don't like
The media was always dishonest and smutty. Since its inception. You're mad about the Cultural Revolution, but you've picked a specific suite of issues and acted like the trend itself was definitive. It wasn't

>> No.15837357

>The burden is on you to provide an explanation for jewish overrepresentation other than nepotism motivated by hostile intent for the host nation because it's not plausible to assume the positions were gotten by merit and conceded peacefully by the host race.
No and no. Firstly, the burden of proof belongs to the one making the claim. You can't explain overepresentation by conspiracy and then demand that everyone accepts your explanation unless he can make a better case. That's just not how the burden of proof works. If you think that the JQ is the better explanation, you need to compare different possible explanation and argue for why yours is better.
Secondly, after you failed to make any case for your theory I decided to indulge you and presented an alternative theory based on merit. Your "refutation" was to claim that it is somehow implausible, with no further comments. So get to work already, and tell us why your conspiracy theory is better than my personal merit theory. I am entertaining your demands and you are still failing miserably to make any arguments.
about Israel and a lot of others in the thread.
>You also completely ignored the arguments about Israel and a lot of others in the thread.
I didn't say anything about Israel. I am not defending claims other anons make in this thread, only my own.

>> No.15837358

>nurture is dictated by climate

>> No.15837364
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>issues you don't like

>> No.15837375

>nurture isn't a subset of culture in any way
you are seriously retarded

you're making a claim and arguing nothing

>> No.15837385

Lets look at some cultures.

Christianity: Christians preach love thy neighbor, stay out of debt, work hard and be 'good' to people of all creeds.

Buddhism: Buddhists preach peace, humility and kindness to their common man (theres a bunch more but im not here to debate non-dualism with you)

Islam: muslims preach generosity, peace and discipline (you will protest but im right youre wrong)

Confuscianism: Confuscians preach peace, hard work and Ren (humanity)

Hindus: Hindus vary greatly, but peace love and freedom seems common, they believe in similar things to Confuscians and Protestants culturally.

The christian notion of "the golden rule" seems common among cultures, We all want to be able to live our lives in peace, and trust others. And these belief systems/cultures are all based on that.

Now on to racialism. You have NOTHING in common with people who share your haplo group. A standard human hunter-gatherer tribe has around 150 people maximum. To identify with a nation of 10 million or more is just as arbitrary as identifying with humanity at large.

You are an actual retard.

>> No.15837388

>I promise
>In 1984, financier Saul Steinberg's Reliance Group Holdings launched a hostile takeover bid for Walt Disney Productions

will you please eat a nice big helping of shit now and shut the fuck up?

>> No.15837393

Man you should actually learn some history and look at every "first" inclusion of a controversial idea in mainstream media and try and tie that to the jews. You ought to just accept what you consider normality has no historical through-line

>> No.15837404

>Thinks "hostile takeover" is a strange and bellicose corporate action and not accepted jargon
Oh you meant that kind of "hostile takeover." And I think you have a serious schizoid overestimate of the currency of disney over the fucking populace. You'd clearly like to believe that no one had whatever fetishes you hate before the big bad joos came along and gave them to everyone

>> No.15837406


>hostile takeover
>hostile takeover

>> No.15837412

culture is a subset of nurture. Nurture denoting learned psychological process

>> No.15837413

>will accept absolutely no example
>takes no responsibility for being proved wrong decisively

you are a retard, a liar, and above all a soulless coward

>> No.15837426

How many times do I have to say it for you fucking retards to understand that the burden of proof is imposed on the one making the claim? I don't even have to give you an alternative explanation, I am just indulging you because it's embarrassing watching you unable to make any case for your view. You are saying that the JQ is real because it is the only explanation for their overepresentation in Holywood. I am saying, "look, if you want me to give an alternative explanations, I can - what about personal merit?" I am waiting for a response.

>> No.15837429

You made it sound like a jewish cabal came in and fired entire boards of media execs to replace with their own people, not that a company a jewish exec tried to sell off pieces of Disney. Another fairly banal case you think is somehow conspiratorial because a berg is involved.

>> No.15837450
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You are making a claim.
You are undertaking no burden.
The hypothesis you object to is justified and you do not engage in arguing against the justification.

The hostile consolidation of the media has already been proven

The burden is on you to provide an explanation for jewish overrepresentation other than nepotism motivated by hostile intent for the host nation because it's not plausible to assume the positions were gotten by merit and conceded peacefully by the host race.
You have to explain why they would go against their own interest and let another race manage their business.
You also completely ignored the arguments about Israel and a lot of others in the thread.

You're a total retard and liar

>> No.15837454

>just ignoring >>15837364
>You made it sound like
>coping strawman

>it doesn't count if they don't do it instantly!

you are a retard, a liar, and above all a soulless coward

>> No.15837462

considering how you interpret "hostile takeover" I think your understanding of business process is a little wanting.

Also I like how you refuse to address that "letting another race manage their business" is not a drawback actually categorized as such by the people of the time. They were very evidently not trying to cut jews out of the corporate world

>> No.15837469

basically the kike controlled central bank rigs the markets to enact kike agenda, giving insider information and preferential access to loans to jewish companies

very recent example:
>Fink (kike) gets to MONETIZE the shitty ETFs his retarded firm created and deposit a large portion directly into the company's coffers

but at no point can all of these examples of extraordinary happenings regarding jews EVER add up to a conspiracy, according to the retards in this thread

>> No.15837470

They didn't though, you have Gold and Eisner in the same picture, and Eisner was kicked out by Gold.
But it's all a charade because they're both jews right?

>> No.15837481

>just ignoring >>15837364

>not a drawback actually categorized as such by the people of the time
>no argument or evidence
>retarded and WRONG

>They were very evidently not trying to cut jews out of the corporate world
what the fuck are you even trying to say

you are a retard, a liar, and above all a soulless coward

>> No.15837493


>I promise you they weren't, no matter how you think market consolidation played out

you are a retard, a liar, and above all a soulless coward

>> No.15837500

Alright considering you're now full blown repeating yourself I guess that's that but
>a. If gentiles were doing business with jews, they were clearly not concerned about employing jews or jews running their business
and in response to >>15837469
>b. financial corruption is not jewish corruption

You've just labeled standard economic corruption and inbreeding and called it a jewish problem because you don't fully understand it and you're mad that people fuck. Unfortunately, Macdonald has the same problem, and that's why no serious academic cares for his work.

>> No.15837531

>you're now full blown repeating yourself
you're not addressing the argument
you're not saying why it's likely to be false
you're just narrating and
>full blown repeating yourself

>> No.15837533

First off stop confusing me with the other guy, I'm the first person you quote, not the second. That said:
>You are making a claim.
No I am not. You are the one making the claim that the JQ is real. I am simply saying that I am not convinced by it. Quit playing retarded already.
To recap: I provided an alternative explanation for the overepresentation of jews on Hollywood that is based on personal merit. They simply do really well in interviews, so they get hired. Now, this in not a position that I myself endorse. I think that there are many possible explanations. What I am saying is that since there are other explanations other than your conspiracy theory, if you want to claim that the conspiracy is real you need to say what's wrong with the alternative hypothesis I presented. Can you understand how this works?

>> No.15837546

Every Jewish person I met was good.

>> No.15837556

agreed, i love jews, theyre nice and smart. Usually left leaning and progressive. Just well grounded people all around.

>> No.15837890

>the only quickplay maps are the 3 new ones and skittergate 99% of the time

>> No.15838124
File: 1.72 MB, 748x2009, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kevin macdonald
>irish man
of course this book focuses on jews, he's taking attention away from the fact that there is a massive over representation of irish people in positions of power as well. But it's not enough for these irish folks, they always want more control and power, so of course taking out the jew and replacing them with their own is their number 1 goal.
/pol/tards fall right into the trap because they're captivated by symbology.

>> No.15838154

to know a kike