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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 300x250, sayitnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1582992 No.1582992 [Reply] [Original]

I'm convinced some sort of Catholic theocracy is the only hope for humanity at this point.

>> No.1583003

Aganosticfag here. Better to be ruled by the Catholics than the sandniggers or the commies.

>> No.1583024

OP you do realize "share your emerging mental illness with the group" is just a major incidental theme of this board and not its actual purpose

>> No.1583028

There is no reason to rule out divine intervention at certain points in history.

>> No.1583029


>> No.1583030

You do realize your mother's pussy is drier than the Sahara?

>> No.1583031


>> No.1583032

oh yeah like the holocaust

jesus was all up in that shit

what a douche bag, like seriously

>> No.1583034
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i will never have love family but i am content with everything else. i have won.

>> No.1583039

I'm convinced that the Catholics, the Sandniggers, and the commies are merging together and creating a super deathray to shoot at the sun and therefore believe that we should all convert to Judaism and loan them the money to create said deathray at an intrest rate of 12% we'll all be rich!!!

>> No.1583040


Mormon theocracy would be better.

>> No.1583041

>implying the Holocaust wasn't God's work

>> No.1583056



>> No.1583059

What is wrong with me? I’ll tell you what is wrong. This goddamned world is what’s wrong with me. Look around and maybe you can realize what the fuck I am talking about. These fucking asshole politicians ruining our country and the fucking prices in oil going up. Everywhere I look I see lifeless fucking drones either bitching about being unemployed or going to work, coming home and going to bed. They sit in front of their TV’s watching fucking reality shows about some stupid bimbo bitch getting drunk and fucking some faggot with chiseled abs and greasy spic hair while over in other countries children are getting fucked by disgusting old bastards and others are being chopped to pieces by mindless religious fucks.

>> No.1583065

Im currently huffing a lot of hairspray while listening to abelcain/stunt rock mix..if anyone in my immediate circle knew i was sniffing i would become even more of a pariah..the funny thing is..right now i don't care lol...

>> No.1583064

And don’t get me started on the religious assholes. These fucking people are hanging on to an invisible thread that they call faith in a God that just wants our love yet will not hesitate to send us to an eternity of torture if we don’t put him in our hearts. Joy in suffering, my ass. They are just as bad as the fucking Muslims blowing themselves up so they can get a chance at a load of teenage virgins for eternity. Fuck religion and fuck the people that buy that crock of shit. And I feel fucking bad for the poor kids that have this shit shoved down their throats because of their blind parents.

>> No.1583068

Speaking of parents. Kids aren’t like they used to be anymore. And parenting is the problem. We are not letting a boy be a boy and run around with sticks and BB guns. No, no, no, we cannot have that. It promotes violence! Violence my fucking ass. You and I both know that little Timmy is going to grow up, stay single and be a pussy for the rest of his fucking life because his father didn’t tell him to punch that bully in the fucking mouth but instead call the authorities or put the poor kid in counseling. A nation of fucking sheltered pussies is what we are becoming. Grow a goddamned pair and be a man you worthless fucking assholes.

>> No.1583072

We sit in front of our computers and in our cars and all we give a shit about is materialistic things that can disappear in a fucking second, just like our lives. The American Dream is the biggest load of shit I have ever fucking heard. Go to school, graduate, go to school again, graduate, get a job, a wife and kids, go to work, come home, vacation once a year, repeat, die. Go do something. Get the fuck out and carve a path. Stand up to someone today and don’t let them walk all over you with some bullshit opinion. Pick up a fucking book for once, people. Stop watching these fucking celebrities that give you this pipe dream of one day becoming famous yourself. It’s not going to fucking happen.

Don’t buy into the bullshit. Think for yourself. Open your fucking eyes. Stop being force-fed stupid shit that this nation of sheep cannot seem to get full from.

>> No.1583075

oh wait

you advocate the eradication of entire peoples

silly of me to forget that Christians are heartless bastards

>> No.1583080

>implying implications

>> No.1583084

>implying implied implications

>> No.1583090
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>> No.1583099
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>> No.1583110
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>> No.1583238

You guys are all ridiculous! You Catholic preachers and atheists both have not seen the truth that lays all around you! Catholics, how can you say the Bible is moral when it features men on men and bondage! Atheists, stop pretending that there is no god! We all know that you know that something created the Universe, therefore everything must have been created by some Germanic looking guy with a long white beard. Its in your heads, and you know you see that when you go to sleep at night.

I have come to show you all where the truth actually lies. I have seen it, carved into the sidewalk on 8th and Walnut! (well, carved onto a nice old man's sign) Behold! There is a god, atheists, but there is no truth in the Bible; it was made by a bunch of fruits amidst the raunchy orgies. Instead, the Elbibalaim shall instruct you! The Elbibalaim shows the true nature of the universe: if you read it, you're mind will open to the ways of enlightenment. Women will find you more attractive! Men will find you more attractive! You will live like a spiritual king (like a Pope, but with bitches.)

I have unlimited copies (it was imprinted into my mind), but it can be yours for $19.98 (plus $8.00 shipping and $12.00 handling)! see the truth! (and get bitches!)

>> No.1583248
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>> No.1583252

Alright, looks like I'm headed to greenoval.

>> No.1583595

Postmodernism is the art of re-branding old concepts with novel names to trick and impress idiots.

Borges should be remembered as a good sci-fi writer.

Postmodern writers favor novelty over substance or style, and that is why they will never be as good to read as a classic novel.

Chabon writes self-congratulatory garbage.

>> No.1583609
File: 119 KB, 500x500, aldous-huxley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1583623

Japanese sci-fi is the only good sci-fi left.

>> No.1583644

through your non post modern world view

>> No.1583649

I'm never going to get around to writing that shitty scifi novel.

>> No.1583657
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>> No.1583690

I'm not sure anymore that the world is actually good. Maybe the Gnostics are right. Maybe this is our prison.

>> No.1583703

Whoa oh, prisoner.
My pretty, oh oh prisoner.

A black ocean is the sky above.
Tiny lights bob, what star you from?

Trapped in material plane.
She wants to fly and I think she's insane.
But she knows what she knows.
Give that girl wings and that's all she wrote.

Twilight zone, Twilight Zone,
I'm floating in the dark alone and
Is there any love out here let me know.

A laser lights, pinpoints the top of my dome,
Then through my body
As if Scotty's beaming up a wayward soul-
Mutant races in an ancient universe,
Dark shadows humans rhymin' in a raggae verse

It's gone if you blink,
I can see it as soon as you think it,

Calls crystal balls,
On sidewalk malls,
Psychic people outdoors reading palms,

I believe that you know more,
To survive the dimension if four,

Oh prisoner,
My pretty oh oh prisoner,

Look at the way she's searching,
Trapped in a world that's hurting,
So bad it makes her cry,
But I won't let her say good bye.

Twilight zone, Twilight zone
I'm floating in the dark alone and
Is there any love out here let me know
No way

>> No.1583704

Alright I'll play.

Whenever I'm in a good mood, it makes me want to kill people even more.

>> No.1583709

See: The Last Question

by Isaac Asimov.

>> No.1583730

How is postmodernism just a re-branding of old conventions? Postmodernism is not a single movement, but is actually composed of different characteristics that pervade a large portion of literature, both contemporary and old.

>> No.1583732

My bf got me pregnant and i aborted the fetus myself with a hair pin.