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/lit/ - Literature

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15826919 No.15826919 [Reply] [Original]

How do you write characters that aren't yourself?

>> No.15826926

Write others

>> No.15826939

You aren't all characters?

>> No.15826954

meet and observe people until you can make composites

>> No.15826971

But most people aren't compelling or interesting and can be summed up in 3 words

>> No.15826972

used to watch this all the time as a kid

>> No.15826976

says you!

>> No.15826989


>> No.15826991

what does it even mean to be "compelling" or "interesting"? I've been starting to view this sentiment more and more of a narcissistic delusion demanded from other people. BE MY JESTER, EXCEPT MORE DRAMATIC AND SOPHISTICATED AND STUFF. fuck off cunt

>> No.15827046
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Basically if you take an anime and find any group you have several personality types that fit into certain check boxes from which you give them traits and build a story around them

But as time moves forward we become more generic, all fitting from the same mold where even most personalities became a mush of nothingness. Women especially.

Being more interesting means you have something about you that sets you apart from the hordes of other people. The more you live life the more you realize that very few people are like this, and are prone to conformity.

t. NPC syndrome

>> No.15828332

Give the character a value system that is perpendicular to your own.
If you think social conformity is overrated, write about someone who thinks it's the be-all end all.
If you think that material and financial security is the bedrock of a happy life, write about a free-floating hippie who seems to always get what they need at the right time.
Slavishly write them so that their choices and behavior and dialogue always aligns with their values.
Also why was the wolf so much more compelling and fun than that twink bunny in that cartoon?
>Fundamental Attribution Error
>Preference Falsification and Pluralistic Ignorance
You're not looking hard enough. And I assume you're a shitty writer.
Describe yourself in three words. Now, why are you so special that you can't describe others?

>> No.15829318

Hy, пoгoди!

>> No.15829334

Damn slav rip off.

>> No.15829347

I’ll take exploitable masochist for $500, Alex

>> No.15829676
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>How do you write characters that aren't yourself?
Make'em cool.

>> No.15829687

>t. gay retard
I did it in 2

>> No.15830010
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>> No.15830053
File: 189 KB, 1900x1440, 4642762724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why was the wolf so much more compelling and fun
He's just a really charming idiot alcoholic slob.
Quite unlike in that soulless new reboot, which- wait a second, is that a fucking DOE WITH HORNS?

>> No.15830070

>He's just a really charming idiot alcoholic slob.
Maybe it's the same reason I like Superhans from Peep Show. Even though he's a fucking sociopathic addict.
>that picture
The fall of communism was a mistake.
The rise of Commujizzm was a mistake

>> No.15830099

And yet, Wolf will not be shown smoking cigarettes or consuming alcoholic beverages in this new edition of children's cartoon.
In fact, he shouldn't even be the antagonist. Not one of his supposed anti-social or negative elements hold up today - that's just how everyone is.
And they talk shit about USSR censorship...

>> No.15830132

these are truly cursed dub dubs.
Does seem like a very cynical Hollywood style reboot where it's not even about any of the intrinsic dynamics of the IP, but just a vague resemblance acting as a scaffolding for a even more vanilla and generic new product.
>And they talk shit about USSR censorship...
Yeah they're starting to look like the good old days by comparison.
Amazing how puritanical capitalism can be.

>> No.15830186
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>not be shown consuming alcoholic beverages
I'm in favor to that, alcohol in a society is awful to high levels but no one admitted because of...
>not be shown smoking cigarettes
come on...
smoking a cigar not make you lost control of yourself, join stupid fights, kill your relatives in a blind rage, etc.
>he shouldn't even be the antagonist
hope he don't show him like a total loser
they erase the rabbit??

>> No.15830205

know the different human personalities. start with the 4 temperaments and observe the different motivations

shakespeare knew well the 4 temperaments

>> No.15830251

Whoever did that horrible “stereo SFX restoration/overdub” should never touch the controls again.