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15823934 No.15823934[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?
Is it illiteracy, mental retardation, cowardice, or a melange of them all?

Are there any other modern studies of jewish influence that might be more persuasive to halfwits?
Maybe an online work with color pictures and links would be more persuasive.

>> No.15823955

Im Jewish and I promise I never heard of no conspiracy. Maybe I wasn't invited :(

>> No.15823973
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One point that's difficult is that the cattle refuse to learn to spot a jew by phenotype and there are several crypto jews in prominent positions, like this thing, the new president of disney.

I think if there was a uniform and "well sourced" catalogue of prominent jews combined with a succinct and logical narrative that used a socratic style there could be success in converting the average /lit/ type, that is to say, conceited midwits

>> No.15823989

>"i'm jewish" posters start to appear
every time jews are mentioned in every thread on every board

>implying every jew is informed and assigned a role in the conspiracies
>implying this is necessary for the obvious conspiracy to be real
yep, shills

>> No.15824017

There is no conspiracy. It is simply a way that a culture perpetuates itself.

>> No.15824031

isnt his point is precisely that there is no conspiracy? have you read the book? I swear to god, those who shill this book are 60 iq retards from /pol/

>> No.15824051

>the jews are simply totally unaware of their behavior and apply zero conscious energy to enhance it or direct it

>Is it illiteracy, mental retardation, cowardice, or a melange of them all?
mental retardation has chimed in

can we cover the rest of the bases?

>> No.15824064
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Most of humanity has rarely ever been influenced by pure logic; people often place emotional security over the reality surrounding us. There does exist a class of people able to see the world with clairvoyance, which typically made up the first two estates of Aristocracy and Clergy, but with the spread of popular democracy to the masses the whole globe has been turned on its head. Globohomo would never be allowed to exist in an authoritarian society with a well defined power structure.

>> No.15824071 [SPOILER] 
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What you have to do to really understand Jews is to read what Jews write about when riting for oher Jews. This used to be tough because so much of that was in Yiddish but nowadays many Jews use English.

>> No.15824078

>isnt his point is precisely that there is no conspiracy?
have you read the book?
do you have any actual reason for believing that?
how do you justify your default hypothesis being that this is all a coincidence?


>> No.15824081

To conspire is the jewish evolutionary strategy, dipshit.

>> No.15824096
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>> No.15824102
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“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

“This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

>> No.15824119
File: 2.66 MB, 2250x2301, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignores embedded links
>doesn't look up any of the names or positions

>> No.15824122

“Don’t let in any more Jews! And lock the doors to the east in particular (even to Austria)!” – so commands the instinct of a people whose type is still weak and indeterminate enough to blur easily and be easily obliterated by a stronger race.”
Beyond Good and Evil, §251

Jews are superior, maybe stop seething like resentful slaves

>> No.15824153

someone should make an online interactive version of this kind of thing
it could be a kind of crowd-researched thing with a few editors at the top making sure the sources meet a specified standard
you could click on each photo to get the name and some links to sources

also it would be great to have an AI trained on confirmed jewish faces that could help convince retards that people are jews by phenotype deduced from photos
this obviously could be done with open source AI if it hasn't already, but i'm guessing companies like google would try to cut off your access to their nets for some ToS bullshit

>> No.15824166

No, let them, bait them in with their greed, then slaughter them all. I agree

>> No.15824186

>So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?
Because the idea of there being a conspiracy contradicts the book you're talking about. A large part of the argument is that Jewish people will often act in the interest of Jewish people without even realizing it.

>> No.15824192

They hated him because he spoke the truth.
You can convert, you know. There's still time.

>> No.15824194

> then slaughter them all
they hold most of the high positions in western society while "white men" shitpost infographs about them on mongolian pedophile websites, lmao

>> No.15824202
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>> No.15824232

why would that be true?
do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824242

>look rabbi, I'm trolling the goyim, they are so mad!

>> No.15824256

provide counter arguments, king

>> No.15824264

That's what the book is about, haven't you read it?

>> No.15824269

One point that's difficult is that the cattle refuse to learn to spot a jew by phenotype

>> No.15824273

Don't you think that it would take an austounding effort to get thousands of jews who, spread throughout the world, separated by ethnicity, languages, hundred years of history too collaborate on one goal? Hell, here in Israel we can't even collaborate long enough between ourselves to get a prime minster elected within the first, second or third try.
That's what I don't get with you concpiracy types, you claim there's some big coordinated plot that would take houndreds, thousands of workers to complete secracy and yet you can't even coordinate with your neighbors without things falling apart.

>> No.15824302
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>> No.15824333


>> No.15824340

That was the equivalent of the Onion back then. But it's nothing new that brainlets read satire and think it's real.

>> No.15824379

why would that be true?
do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824380

isn't this exactly how "the Holocaust" is alleged by its jewish historians to have been carried out?

>> No.15824390

>it just keeps harping on the same string
>implying every jew is informed and assigned a role in the conspiracies
>implying this is necessary for the obvious conspiracy to be real

>> No.15824405

That's not what the book is about, haven't you read it?

>> No.15824407

>to collaborate on one goal
you don't need full lockstep harmony to show that a coalition has united interests. every revolution begins with a united front of malcontents against the established regime. once that is toppled, former allies become enemies once it is clear that their goals are incompatible. however, if there is ever a counterrevolutionary movement, many of these irreconcilable enemies have no problems re-uniting to defend the new order than to ever go back to the old order. a prominent example of this is the evolution of the French Revolution. each revolutionary liberal might have their own opinions, from the constitutional monarchists to the Jacobins, but they know in their heart that they could never go back to an absolute monarchy and will do whatever it takes, consciously and unconsciously, to prevent it from happening.

>> No.15824410

Although I am sure the main drive for repudiating the book comes from taboo and social propriety, there are some criticisms that seem legitimate. For instance, the book's argument depends on the contentious "group selection" theory. I think the problem is not so much with the fact that the book has been criticised, but the fact that the criticism is disproportionate. Yuval Harari and Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker and shit advance some questionable theories in their books, but don't get dispensed with with quite so vigorously. Obviously their ideas are less socially threatening - rather than less 'incorrect'.

>> No.15824427

You can go fuck off

>> No.15824429

True, but they also don't have a white supremacist agenda underpinning their scholarly work.

>> No.15824451

>if I can bribe a few clowns to object arbitrarily we can say it's "contentious" and avoid a logical assessment
see this is why experimental science was so contested
it's a clear obstacle to progress
it opens up straightforward logical assertions to endless criticism accepted by all who subscribe to it

group selection is real and especially potent in humans, how could a uniform social contract applied to a gene pool not result in genetic conformity?
to deny group selection is to deny evolution all together

>> No.15824456

haven't you read it?
do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?
You can go fuck off

>> No.15824464

>they also don't have a white supremacist agenda underpinning their scholarly work.
do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?
haven't you read it?

>> No.15824477


>> No.15824495

No I don't have any "reasoning or narrative", you dumb bastard.

>> No.15824499

haven't you read it?
You can go fuck off

>> No.15824507

Nope. Never even heard of it before today.

>> No.15824513

Just a quick look at this author's twitter and bio shows he speaks at white supremacist conventions, was a witness at a holocaust denialism trial, and tweets like a sperg all day about anti-white lib shit.

>> No.15824519

There's no conspiracy. Clearly a lot of Jews had the holocaust and racism on their mind, that's to be expected. The Armenians act similarly so did the Quakers

>> No.15824522

a core assertion in the work is that no conspiracy is required, only the emergent outcome of tribal practices.

>> No.15824530

but how can then /pol/tards justify their own shitty existence, if there is no scapegoat to channel your frustration to?

>> No.15824542 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15824544

Actually, since it's an emergent tribal property and not a conspiracy, that's the justification for physically removing the tribe.

>> No.15824561

think its possible? think wh*te men are up to the task?

>> No.15824568

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>a core assertion
haven't you read it?
>implying data can't be reinterpreted differently than the originator intended
>no reasoning allowed, only appeal to authority

>as long as it's all coincidence and they don't mean any of it I'm totally okay with my interests being trampled on and my civilization being destroyed

>> No.15824576
File: 343 KB, 1022x1620, 29868653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yea brother

>> No.15824581

>my civilization being destroyed
if a group of smelly rats can destroy le ebin Western civilization, then so be it lmao

>> No.15824609

>so be it
A weird sentiment to have unless it's not your civilization in which case of course you don't care. That 'group of smelly rats' is obviously a formidable historical force. Anyone has the right to claim whatever they can by force in a sense but I don't know if the world created by Jewish power will be one people like that much.

>> No.15824642

>but I don't know if the world created by Jewish power will be one people like that much.
Whats gonna happen then? Child sacrifices and lady gaga blasting 24/7 everywhere?

>> No.15824655
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>> No.15824748
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that's already what's been happening for like 50 years

basically the only reason we haven't slaughtered you all is that we haven't been willing to slaughter the majority of our own population who are degenerate peasants prone to leftism
but that empathy is expiring quickly and no one can predict when despite all the mass surveillance bullshit

>> No.15824770

Anything's possible but no, I doubt it.

>> No.15824788

>haven't you read it?
Yeah, he constantly reiterates that he's not suggesting some kind of willful conspiracy beyond the level of the immediate rabbinical circles he studies through most of the chapters. It's the emergent tribal characteristics of Jews that reproduce the same behaviors, according to the author. If you didn't get that, you didn't read the book.

>> No.15824791

>basically the only reason we haven't slaughtered you all
that you're too busy posting infographs on 4chan and masturbating to jewish porn websites, stop larping and get some sleep. Your kind is a minority, you can't mobilize, you can't do shit. Just accept this fact and live a peaceful life of a sheep. Living out your murder phantasies on the most autistic imageboard in existence is the epitome of cringe, my man

>> No.15824795

Even if there was a turbo Jewish conspiracy, the answer is universal definitionally, it's never particular such as genocide or war. That's a bandaid until we fix ourselves or have another x conspiracy. Again the Quakers were more similar to Jews than you can imagine. One pronoun for males/females. Huge into banking and progressive Republican politics from late 19th to Nixon.

>> No.15824846 [DELETED] 
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>Kevin B. MacDonald (born January 24, 1944) is an American anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, white supremacist and a retired professor of psychology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB).[1][2][3] MacDonald is known for his promotion of an antisemitic theory, according to which Western Jews have tended to be politically liberal and involved in politically or sexually transgressive social, philosophical, and artistic movements, because Jews have biologically evolved to undermine the societies in which they live.[4][5][2] In short, MacDonald argues that Jews have evolved to be highly ethnocentric, and hostile to the interests of white people.
>Nathan Cofnas criticizes MacDonald's theory as a tendentious form of circular reasoning, which assumes its conclusion to be true regardless of empirical evidence. Cofnas states that Macdonald's theory fails the basic test of any scientific theory, the criterion of falsifiability, because MacDonald refuses to provide or acknowledge any factual pattern of Jewish behavior—such as very high Jewish intermarriage rates and the self-identification of most Jews as being white people themselves—that would tend to disprove his idea that Jews have evolved to be ethnocentric and anti-white.[6] Other scholars in his field dismiss the theory as pseudoscience analogous to older conspiracy theories about a Jewish plot to undermine European civilization.[7]
yup that's about what I'd expect the average /pol/tard to consider an irrefutable """""academic"""""

>> No.15824864

why would they try to bring about a marxist revolution, if by your own beliefs they already control the press, the world, everything? Wouldn't they be the main targets of a marxist revolution, because most of the elite are jewish?

>> No.15824873

>implying data can't be reinterpreted differently than the originator intended
>no reasoning allowed, only appeal to authority
>the author has no incentive to control damage
haven't you read it?

>> No.15824881

ok schizoid

>> No.15824902

>implying data can't be reinterpreted differently
it can, but your interpretation is shit lmao

>> No.15824903

>the jews are simply totally unaware of their behavior and apply zero conscious energy to enhance it or direct it
have you read the book?
do you have any actual reason for believing that?
how do you justify your default hypothesis being that this is all a coincidence?

>> No.15824909

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824916

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824939

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824943

yeah, there is no empirical data that jews conspire

>> No.15824947

your interpretation is shit

thanks for the bumps you retard

>> No.15824952

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824957

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824958

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824966

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824971

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824979
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Didn't read it

>> No.15824984

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15824985
File: 19 KB, 272x185, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just make up arbitrary standards of evidence to let your emotions flow to the conclusion you're compelled to
where have I seen that before?????

>> No.15825022

Me? I've got reasoning - loads of it.

>> No.15825025

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15825032

do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15825036

>implying data can't be reinterpreted differently than the originator intended

>> No.15825037

People who deride this book either intentionally lie, or just it's just their cultural antibodies (instilled in them by Jewish education and media) going into overdrive when they have to face the JQ.
Their first tactic is to strawman "conspiracy".

>> No.15825040

>we can't even decide between the guy who wants to save face by forcing palestinians out of their homes over the course of five years and the guy who demands it be done this year

>> No.15825042
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>faced with hard evidence
>just ignore it and whine and criticize arbitrarily
yep, it's jews

the jews saying their IQ average is higher than the white average is fallacious for many reasons, and that they say this makes them more intelligent or superior is even more so, but the most ironic aspect is that they are all completely brainwashed and have absolute zero will to think outside the prescribed limits of authority while they deride nonjews for being cattle
they have suffered every abuse the jews have to offer to much greater degree than nonjews
to be jewish is abuse of oneself and of life itself

>> No.15825060

When it comes to reasoning, that's all I've got. Loads of reason, facts, and logic. Narrative? Never heard of one.

>> No.15825064

>hard evidence
pick one

>> No.15825067

>just make up arbitrary standards of evidence to let your emotions flow to the conclusion you're compelled to
>have no argument

>> No.15825075

I'm probably the most reasonable man alive.

>> No.15825076

>just make up arbitrary standards of evidence to let your emotions flow to the conclusion you're compelled to
that's literally what you do tho.

>> No.15825089

Is this a narrative in your post? Shameful. I thought you are a reasonable white man. Facts and logic, no rhetoric or any kind of narrative. But there you are.

>> No.15825090

that's literally what you do tho.
do you have any reasoning or just narrative you made up?

>> No.15825112

>implying I can't reintepret your post in different way than you intended doing so while also subtly instilling a little bit of narration into your cold logical reasoning
tsk tsk

>> No.15825123
File: 143 KB, 600x600, really makes you think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a better question:

Have jews ever apologized on their behalf?

It doesn't matter what for, could be for blood libel, insane usury tactics, inhumane treatment of Palestinians, overblowing the holocaust narrative, ruining the media, ruining the academia... ANYTHING.

>> No.15825124

I've killed men with pure reason. Women and kids too. I'm indiscriminately reasonable.

>> No.15825132

Ross isn't jewish
Esper isn't jewish
Mulvaney isn't jewish
Pompeo isn't jewish
DeVoss isn't jewish
Haspel isn't jewish

That's just the first row. Do you even look at the charts you post?

>> No.15825149

Narrative? No, never heard of it. I construct my sentences only in formal logic formulas or a chain of separate facts about jews. Flash. Pow. Just like that.

>> No.15825171

What do I do in my free time? Converting last remnants of white wolfs into redpilled anti-semites on an imageboard for autists. My cause is noble, my aim is big and I'm good at this. I'm getting old though, will you follow in my steps, kid? Will you take my hand?

>> No.15825177

The guy you're quoting is an ultra-orthodox jew from a peripheral political party that currently only holds 9/120 seats in the Israeli parliament and has at most held only 17. While I understand your concern about a racial/religious supremacist being in government, using this guy to represent "the jews" is disingenuous at best. You also forgot to post this gem from him.

"The six million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things which should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.”

That doesn't seem like a very popular opinion amongst Jews.

>> No.15825185

And what the fuck is your argument you piece of shit? It's true because your worthless infographic says so? Go and actually look up the "Jews" you're posting and see how many of them are whites. Why even bother deceiving people? Jews are still overrepresented, even if you were to be truthful and following Nuremberg laws. Now you just look like a retard.

>> No.15825187
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>> No.15825193
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>The six million Holocaust victims

>> No.15825196

I served in the United States Marine Core Reason and Logic Division launching long range special arguments at enemy hardposts. I was responsible for over 500 confirmed upvotes and received Gold 3 times as far as the public knows. Over 30 narrativists were known to delete their accounts in my fact based wake.

>> No.15825205
File: 29 KB, 600x670, youandme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea he's making us look like idiots

>> No.15825206

They are though, do you even check anything you say?

>> No.15825216

>damage control ensues
not to mention he echos the talmud as it is written for over 1000 years

>> No.15825217

You realize that the majority of jews in power, especially in the US, are secular and haven't even read the talmud?

>> No.15825221

what do you think of the book Jewish History, Jewish Religion, The Weight of 3000 years by Israel Shahak?

>> No.15825225

you realize the talmud was a key instrument in creating jewish culture and that its values have been instilled in the culture for 2000 years?

fucking retard kike lol

>> No.15825238

He doesn't even define who is jewish and who isnt. If you were born in America you are American, not Irish, not Italian not Jewish.

>> No.15825254

He judges it matrilineally, which is the Jewish standard, and goes into more detail in the volumes that preceded this.

>> No.15825262
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This is a retards first step into American geopolitics.
I used to hate America for all the shit it's doing around the globe. Then I realized there's a certain (((tribe))) vastly overrepresented in the departments doing this shit. Now I just hate the jews, white Americans are victims of systemic semitism.

>> No.15825269
File: 32 KB, 720x736, 1520850256431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one go through life being this retarded

>> No.15825273

>yeah my grandpa was Irish so I'm Irish

>> No.15825288

Thats not how you define ancestry. I'm not Russian because my maternal grandma was, Im American. Europeans laugh at us for that kind of thing.

>> No.15825299
File: 81 KB, 645x671, 1526706623131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely can't tell if this is some 4th level irony or severe cognitive disability. Considering this is 4chan after all I am going with the latter

>> No.15825303

But that's not what the book says at all. Jews don't necessarily conspire amongst themselves to reach, as a secret cabal, the revolutionary/subversive opinions they often hold; the point is that they reach these opinions "naturally" as a result of their own collective survival strategy. They don't think "we need to protect ourselves, let's tell the goyim X" but rather "X is true, we'll preach it" while not giving much thought that X is directly related to their survival as an ethnic minority.

According to MacDonald anyway,

>> No.15825313

Prove it wrong bucko. You can't claim you are Jewish just because you have a Greek ancestor 25 generations back.

>> No.15825314

you are ethnically 1/4 Russian if your grandmother was ethnically Russian. europeans laughing about it is irrelevant and they do the same thing anyway if one of their parents/grandparents was from a different country.

>> No.15825325

where else is he allowed to speak?

>> No.15825343

It has as much influence on culture or values, if not less so, as does the bible or the constitution.

>> No.15825344

Wonderfully put

>> No.15825350

Then most Ashkenazim Jewish people are 1/10th Sicilian or something like that. The logic doesn't hold

>> No.15825364
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Anywhere he likes, but where he chooses to speak and what he says demonstrates what he thinks (white supremacy). Pic related is him at Institute for Historical Review, known for holocaust denial. Look at the towering intellects in the crowd.

>> No.15825369

>these are the neo-nazis calling you soiboy

>> No.15825373

who are you, teddy roosevelt? what about African-Americans, my fellow white

>> No.15825391

Not to mention he echoes *his* idiosyncratic interpretation of the Talmud which clearly isn't popular because his party only has 9 seats in the Israeli parliament.

>> No.15825401
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>these are the neo-nazis calling you soiboy

>> No.15825430

Most of them are like 50% middle eastern genetically.

>> No.15825443

>holocaust denial
the holocaust narrative is a conspiracy. there is no documentary evidence of orders being given. it is alleged by jewish historians that the nazi hive mind carried it out

>> No.15825446

>guy with taboo beliefs gives lecture at institute known for other taboo beliefs
I mean...

>> No.15825467

I have not heard of it, can you be more specific about what's so valuable about it?

>> No.15825475

Africans born in the US are a whole lot different than Africans born in Ethiopia

>> No.15825485

Proof of that?

>> No.15825493


>The WASP elite, the white anglo saxon elite in America was relatively non-ethnocentric, was easily permeable

How does this guy say this shit with a straight face?

>In 1935 Yale accepted 76 applicants from a pool of 501. He notes that Dean Milton Winternitz's instructions were remarkably precise: "Never admit more than five Jews, take only two Italian Catholics, and take no blacks at all.

>> No.15825523

There is a certain amount of tautology to it, it it wasn't permeable how exactly did things end up like this?

>> No.15825545


what the fuck are these retarded teenaged illiterates even doing here

>> No.15825556

>sentiments repeated again and again throughout the talmud and other volumes for over a thousand years
pick one retard, how about the true one?

>> No.15825560

Because they stopped enforcing the racial quotas in the 1960s?

>> No.15825578

There have been racial quotas since the 60s, basically to try to approximate the demographic percentages, it's part of Affirmative Action. But again why would they have lifted the earlier quotas? Why would they have started mass immigration policies?

>> No.15825590


Hmm idk

>> No.15825607

Why are you linking me to CRA? The entire existence of the CRA makes zero sense for an ethnocentric people. Why would they ever allow such a thing

>> No.15825622
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Hmm idk

>> No.15825627

Yet the whole book is cherry picking.. grow a brain moran

>> No.15825630

perhaps there was a change in the "culture" which was directed by its critics

>> No.15825636

Are you going to actually say anything of value? Do you think Israel would allow their Arabs to have a civil rights act? Of course they wouldn't. Arabs don't have the same legal status as Jews in Israel and they never will.

>> No.15825642
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Juuust maybe

>> No.15825665

you're being annoying and not making any point by posting pictures of MLK. An ethnocentric culture wouldn't have given a shit about MLK

>> No.15825672

Its idiosyncratic because few Israelis actually follow or believe in them (evidenced by how his party only holds 9 seats in Israeli parliament).

>> No.15825682
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Except they locked him up in prison, FBI had an entire task force on him, and he was assassinated. Do you know any history at all?

>> No.15825696

>stopped enforcing the racial quotas
the action that stopped certain racial quotas definitively is the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and it simply replaced them with others favoring degenerate subhumans

>> No.15825707

Yeah and they curiously didn't quash any of the riots, and then passed the CRA. You appear to have no reference point for what an ethnocentric culture would do to these kind of race riots, which is bizarre because the US was such a country 100 years prior.

>> No.15825709


>> No.15825729

>Why would they ever allow such a thing
decades of jewish subversion including the inciting of constant riots among the niggers after brainwashing them to believe they had the capacity to steer civilization themselves

>many congruent examples
show your skin, nigger jew
reminder: jews are 5-10% african on average

>> No.15825738

it doesn't matter what the majority believe
it matters what the ones controlling them believe

but that's hard for a demented cattle beast like you to understand, you think all your thoughts are your own

>> No.15825762

that nigger is a classic example of a useful idiot

he is used for the agenda and then when his ego overtakes his purpose he's disposed of
you see this constantly in jewish designs, and it's not limited to nonjews

the collaborators always think they'll be the exception, they are truly degenerate retards

>> No.15825784


The History of African Gene Flow into Southern Europeans, Levantines, and Jews

We also detect 3%–5% sub-Saharan African ancestry in all eight of the diverse Jewish populations that we analyzed.
Levantine groups harbor 4%–15% African ancestry

>> No.15825820

MLK's speeches were written by a jewish communist called stanley levison
he was a creation of the jewish media

>> No.15825843

'Antisemites' seriously don't talk enough about how elite Jews use prole Jews as pawns, sometimes even as a sacrifice.

>> No.15825916

>why would they try to bring about a marxist revolution, if by your own beliefs they already control the press, the world, everything? Wouldn't they be the main targets of a marxist revolution, because most of the elite are jewish?
how many Marxists do you know today who are redpilled on the JQ? this should answer your question.

>> No.15825950

>>The ones controlling then
>>9/120 seats
>>0.075% control over Israeli parliament
>>At the height of his parties power (17/120 seats) still only hold 0.14% of parliament.

>> No.15825975

>>he is used for the agenda and then when his ego overtakes his purpose he's disposed of
you see this constantly in jewish designs, and it's not limited to nonjews

I dont see how the Jews were responsible for the assassination of MLK.

>> No.15826020


>> No.15826680

a marxist revolution would still be bad for jews. that's not a very good question.

>> No.15827195
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>starts with a kernel of truth "we are subverters"
>then exaggerates (though only somewhat) to generate an air of absurdity around the initial premise

Gotta jew fast...

>> No.15827253

Zizek wrote a critique of it

>> No.15827258

It's not about actual marxist revolution (these so-called 'marxist' protesters are interesting in UBI, not in giving up iphones), it's about disrupting nationalism (everywhere except Israel). Although I do agree that they're foolishly complacement about their protected status, especially as the West is 'browning'.

>> No.15827296
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>> No.15827303


>> No.15827529

>So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?
Because the book can be true while this being false.

>> No.15827662

Isn’t that what everybody does with their ethnic group in a diverse setting?

>> No.15827740

I find it funny that this book depicts Jews as being clannish from an evolutionary perspective, when Macdonald expresses that exact same quality on Occidental Observer all the time. His article on Nietzsche there revealed that about him to me clearly.

>> No.15828231

>bad for jews
for what jews?
in case you missed the "holocaust" and several proofs of sentiment like >>15824102
the elite jews think absolutely nothing of disposing of the retarded insect-hive masses that claim to be of the same race as them

jews are not just the most cruel to other races, but the most cruel to their own

they knew very well how many of their "own" people were in a precarious situation in prison camps, but they bombed the supply lines ON PURPOSE not just to hobble German production but to PURPOSELY cause the prisoners to die so they could create the holocaust and use it to demoralize not just Germany but all of the Western European peoples.

>A sacrifice that is completely burned to ashes
In that context who is doing the sacrifice here? In historical context the one who owns the sacrifice is the one burning it, implying the jews sacrificed their own.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef:
“The six million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things which should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.”

now would also be a good time to spam all the pre-WW2 jewish publication talking about 6,000,000 jews again and again and again

>> No.15828264

Fucking based Pound dabbing on the Christ killers

>> No.15828281
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>> No.15828302

>Slobberjob Zizek
is a retarded meme

>"reading authors like MacDonald, one often cannot decide if one is reading a satire or a “serious” line of argumentation."
This guy is seriously fucking retarded, that's his entire "argument"

>> No.15828314

Please google 'The World Jewish Congress' and stop pretending that people organising themselves on a global scale is some impossible feat.
How retarded do you have to be to believe this?
It has literally never been easier considering the current state of globalisation.

>> No.15828320
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>> No.15828330

It's impossible for any particular family to have absolute and perfect control over any of the first world superpowers due to their size, let alone the whole world. It physically can't be done. There may be families with a scope of influence that outdoes all others, but even those families can't possess absolute control or anything close to it because of this.

>> No.15828367

>absolute and perfect control over any of the first world superpowers
What are you even talking about?
The matter is simply that Jewish people are the richest people in the world and that they bankroll political parties and campaigns in dozens of countries (see AIPAC) in order to get favours that are beneficial for them or their country (Israel).
I don't know what the hell "absolute and perfect control" is since this is just an arbitrary measurement, but Jewish power is certainly ascendent.

>> No.15828401

>What are you even talking about?
I'm talking about any conspiracy that considers a particular family or set of families as running any of the top superpowers, let alone all of them. It's not physically possible. Even the influence that you're talking about, that you THINK is real and immense and unbreakable and without conflict and without limit, is very virtual, sporadic, fragile, fragmented, and limited in society.

>> No.15828416

>double negative

>> No.15828433

>absolute and perfect control

also the rothschild family have come pretty close, considering how they manage a system of central banks that controls the vast majority of resources in the world

go ahead and do some basic bitch googling, you're out of your element and this is easy to learn about

>> No.15828462

We all know what's being implied. You think Jews are a global threat and have far too much power. But the amount of power being prescribed to them is simply physically impossible for any organization to maintain. And no, the Rothschild family has not come "pretty close" to it, you blow the extent of which banks have influence on society way out of proportion.

>> No.15828485

>simply physically impossible
uh....based on what
>you blow the extent of which banks have influence on society way out of proportion

how? your coping is really, really bad
they literally control the supply of money
the potential for corruption is impossible to overstate - this is a command economy with complicated implementation to fool people like you
was your head up your ass the last few months as they printed well over 6 TRILLION DOLLARS for no reason other than their subsidiary banks already ate up ALL THE FUCKING CASH IN THE WORLD while manipulating the markets?
they set the prices for everything and they do it because they have a literally infinite supply of money.

>> No.15828502

squinted to read that bullish and the first 5 examples are completely ordinary. it's about the number of jews in the world or russia. hardly some crazy zionist plot. you're kind of reaching anon

>> No.15828528

>uh....based on what
Based on my experience managing companies, traveling internationally for them and dealing with key stakeholders. These charges are based on wild imaginations and are so obviously NOT how the world works from where I'm standing. The reality is far more mundane; the world is in fact more like a comet, a burning, careless mass, flying through endless space, incapable of guiding itself, without any regard as to what direction it's going in, or what it may smash into.

>> No.15828544

one of the most insidious aspects of this monopoly is they control the racial demographic growth of western countries by controlling the housing market and literally creating parallel economies to give 'minorities' much easier access to every resource including houses so they can outbreed the native populations

the 2008 crash was caused completely by the banks and government colluding to give 'minorities' housing loans with literally NO STANDARDS with repayment and foreclosure terms so flexible it was basically just free real estate
And it was all assigned to them explicitly because of their race utilizing radical jurisprudence regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the disparate impact doctrine implemented around it.
Look that up. Disparate impact doctrine.

As if it wasn't enough to give minorities at very least 5 trillion dollars worth of free houses (this is only the amount the banks bragged about to keep regulators off their backs forcing them to do more, who knows how much they actually did up to 2007, and they are still fucking doing this to this day), they securitized these loans which they absolutely knew would be defaulted on and used them as a wrecking ball on the white middle class in the markets.

seriously, you need to wise the fuck up, this is a life and death issue

>> No.15828553

>Based on my experience
what are you even trying to say
you feel like because your ego tells you you are some kind of "international businessman" you can judge things emotionally off the top of your head?
read >>15828544

seriously you have a child's mind

>> No.15828574

>what are you even trying to say
You know damn well what I am saying. This crap >>15828544 reads like it is written by someone who watches too many movies and never leaves their armchair at home. I doubt you have any actual experience working with anyone in upper management at any major corporation, in which case, you definitely don't know how global society is running today, far from it. At best, you have guesses, and not educated ones.

>> No.15828604


>mortgage default crisis of 2008 is known to literally every breathing soul on earth
>for some reason you can't stretch your imagination to fit any explanation of how this happened

you are literally a cattle beast with zero human value

>> No.15828610

Holy shit you are literally retarded.
Disparate impact doctrine.
Do you even know what that is?

>> No.15828619

>But if that's true then I'm wrong about everything! So it can't be true.
This is the basic logic at the heart of every NPC.

>> No.15828626

>a mortgage crisis, which is a more complex matter than I am capable of fathoming, is proof that some Jewish families run the whole world, particularly after I have simplified the matter
You don't know what you're talking about and you lack the experience and knowledge. You're dishonest.

>> No.15828651

you're such a fucking kike dude holy shit

>> No.15828678

>experience and knowledge
>can't summon a single reason or piece of evidence for anything he says
the sad fact is most of the middle class is exactly like this, conceited retards who equate logical inquiry with torture
all they can do is blindly stumble along and consume

>> No.15828683

Not that anon, but do you think that your mother would have limited your screen time growing up if she had known it would turn you into a brainsick internet nazi? Yes or no answers only

>> No.15828689

The reasons can't be "summoned" on an anonymous imageboard or in any text format for that matter. You need to actually leave your bedroom occasionally and get worthwhile real life experience if you want to understand how things work.

>> No.15828710
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>> No.15828716

why are you here?
thanks for the bumps and making your position look retarded

>> No.15828763

No idea what you're talking about, but you'll never learn anything at this rate. Enjoy posting gibberish no one will ever read.

>> No.15828777

>I'm going to argue
>But since it's the internet, there is no place for reasoning
>This is meaningful and worth my time
>I'm a high-powered international businessman and know how it really is

>> No.15828922

Iranians most certainly do it.

>> No.15828929

Nice deflection— really showed him.

>> No.15829021

Why is this thread such a magnet for the most braindead trolls?
All they're doing is bumping OP's message.

>> No.15829027

>being this fucking retarded
there's no explanation as to why they constantly mention this number

>> No.15829041

OK, samefag. A non-question gets a non-answer. You don't get to throw a punch and call the one you get back assault and battery.

>> No.15829048

When did you stop beating your wife?

>> No.15829093

That's a yes

>> No.15829113

It's a legitimate question. Many young screengame addicts are easily pulled in by far right rhetoric, it's an easy hole to fall down, especially for social reject who believe themselves to be somehow superior to the people who ostracize them. My question was simply whether you're proud of this or not.

>> No.15829285

It's an illegitimate question, you slimy bad-faith kike. Pathologizing political ideals you don't hold does not invalidate them.
I'll give you an answer after you answer >>15829048's question with a date and time.

>> No.15829365

It's a good faith question, plain and simple.