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15827620 No.15827620 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, does /lit/ - Literature like Stephen King?

>> No.15827749

I like some of his books as lowbrow entertainment

>> No.15827911

He’s a writer’s writer

>> No.15828236
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>> No.15828252

He's a reader's writer

>> No.15828261

i prefer richard bachman

>> No.15828472


>> No.15828483


>> No.15828484

Got worse when he stopped doing drugs

>> No.15828672

I liked It

>> No.15828942

i prefer dr sues

>> No.15829024
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>> No.15829037

/lit/ despises him but I like him. I see him as a Poean figure who wont be fully appreciated until much later.

>> No.15829054

How’s the Dark Tower series? I read the first two books back when I was a teenager but got bored and stopped. I heard some of my coworkers talking about it the other day and now I’m feeling like maybe I should go back and read em again.

>> No.15829055

He's okay.

>> No.15829578

The stupid ending of "The Stand" turned me off Stephen King for good. "Swan Song" by Robert McCammon is so much better than The Stand.

The Stand reads like the low fat, skim milk, zero sugar, vegan onions imitation version of "Swan Song"

>> No.15829579

>How’s the Dark Tower series?
The first book is the best, books 2-3 are not great but readable, the rest are shite.

>> No.15829585

Pathetically underwhelming content.
t. actually read one of his books

>> No.15829616

he's an airport's witter

>> No.15829628

He's a pleb's writer.

>> No.15829655


>> No.15829668

I don't particularly like him but I don't hate him. I don't know why he's the one author that writes 700+ page books that normies read without batting an eye

>> No.15829689
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>The first book is the best, books 2-3 are not great but readable, the rest are shite.

This isn't true, wizard and glass is one of the best books he's ever written. But yes, after that they get pretty shite.

>> No.15829699

Because it's normally easy to read but fun garbage. Read 11,22,63 for example. It's a great concept and a good read. Yeah it's not exactly high brow prose, but it's not much different to watching trash TV every now and again.

>> No.15829744

>wizard and glass is one of the best books he's ever written
Meh, that cheesy cliffhanger ending pissed me off, but to be fair I'd already kinda lost interest in the series and was only finishing it out of some completest obligation I've always had for better or worse.

>> No.15829746

He produces well-written trash.

>> No.15829747


>> No.15829753

On a personal level he's scum.
He's written some good books though. Easy reads, knows how to build tension.

>> No.15829770

If King actually had any writing discipline (or had a talented editor) he could have condensed the whole Dark Tower story into 3 books and it would have been a solid trilogy, a perfect portrait of unchecked self-indulgence as it is.

>> No.15830687

Every other post in this thread has pretty much nailed it.
He's fine as pure genrefic, but no one will ever mistake him for actual literature. He writes great airport books.
I really liked Duma Key, probably my favorite of his works.
Dark Tower is self-indulgent garbage, and not suprising that he considers it his magnum opus.

>> No.15831021

Great book muchacho

>> No.15831490

massively overrated, but The Stand was interesting to read in these times

>> No.15831522
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I enjoyed pic related and the Different Seasons but when I see some of the normie boomer shit he tweets I realize he’s borderline retarded.

>> No.15831537

>He writes great airport books.

Everyone says this and I have to wonder if I'm reading the same author. If I want a breezy read, I'll pick up a tightly written and plotted mystery/crime novel. King's stories are way too bloated and his attempts as pseudo-literary "poetic" prose just fail and increase the page count. 9/10 of his characters are bland yet he thinks their backstories require so much unnecessary detail. Unironically I'd rather read a Dan Brown thriller than a Stephen King book.

>> No.15831547

This is only Correct answer

>> No.15832497

I felt like duma key was 200 pages too long. Started off interesting but really started to drag

>> No.15832577

Is that the one where Roland is a teen? That’s one of my favorite contemporary books

>> No.15832607

I think he understands the process of writing, and has written brilliantly on it in the past, better than any other living writing.

Weirdly though, he's probably one of the worst living writers at the same time.

Certain books of his I used to like, but honestly going back and re-reading them I'm always irritated by how clumsily he handles most everything, and how flat out amateurish most everything he does is.

He thinks up great ideas with terrible execution, which are best used in film adaptations of his books....or....at least used to be.

>> No.15832639

He’s a great gateway to better writers. I couldn’t hand a teen dosto and expect them to get it, but I could hand them a few king books then dosto.

>> No.15833284

Yeah basically a prequel. Best of the series, and one of his best books in general.

>> No.15833491

Dr. Stephen King and Dr. Jordan Peterson are the greatest minds of our generation