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/lit/ - Literature

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15824518 No.15824518 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else use literature as a cope for loneliness? I like to pretend I’m the main character in books I’m reading. There’s a handful of other things I do but reading is one of the main ones. Anyone have any books that you can get lost in while pretending to be in them? Fren posts only pls

>> No.15824533
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No, i've always been a lonely person. reading as an habit is new for me. if i weren't doing it then i would be staring at the walls or something else

>> No.15824541

>Does anyone else use literature as a cope for loneliness?
>Anyone have any books that you can get lost in while pretending to be in them?
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
>Fren posts only pls

>> No.15824871
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I’ve started going to a few different stores once a day to buy gum for $.15 so I can have a chance to talk to someone. Even my job involves me not talking to people, and when we talk it’s only professional. No frens here fren.

>> No.15824884


>> No.15824995

I simply live with the pain.

>> No.15825024

What do you work as? Sounds wonderful

>> No.15825054
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I don't crave human interaction so i don't mind being as i am.

>> No.15825223
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>Does anyone else use literature as a cope for loneliness?
>Anyone have any books that you can get lost in while pretending to be in them?
Right now i am reading the Hyperborea cycle by Smith and it's really comfy.
>Fren posts only pls
I am not a good person.

>> No.15825337
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Book of Disquiet is the best book for loneliness imo and it's also the most life affirming and the most inviting book to action. It's so painful, and beautiful and sad, so extreme in it's philosophy that you are forced to confront your life.

>> No.15825405
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I don't feel lonely, just alienated, I just watch animals to cope. I'd suggest the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett, very comfy universe with fun characters. Something of a satirical fantasy/sci-fi setting, although if you're not British you might not appreciate the humour as much.

>> No.15825442


>> No.15825454

Pratchett knows how to have fun with his work. Can recommend it.

>> No.15825476

I've been reading the works of some biographers on Alexander Pope and they found in his library an English translation of Don Quixote in which we wrote "just like me!" but in Latin. It was in the book burning chapter where Don Quixote's niece said that being a poet was more insane than being a knight-errant.

>> No.15825531
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I got into writing so I could write myself into fantasy worlds. I read literature to get ideas and to get better at prose so I can make my stories more vivid. I've written probably 100k words of self-insertion fantasy which I keep insanely private.
One of these stories that I've put nearly all of my free time is about me in the zombie apocalypse. I'm pretty much a cringy mary-sue who slaughters everyone including human beings I don't like and I travel across the country exploring the remnants of society. I've made whole backstories and sub-plots for minor characters just to make it seem more real.

>> No.15825576

No I use it for boredom mostly. Even then it’s not very entertaining all that much. The more difficult philosophy books I will read are at least intellectually stimulating to a point that it feels halfway worthwhile, but other than that it still isn’t something I derive much pleasure from. I guess you could say I used to use reading as means to escape loneliness in that I had the intention of overcoming this personal disconnect between being and caring. Ironically, but probably not surprising, is that reading helped solidify my suspicions and overall has made me foregoing in desire for human interaction. Aboriginal basket weaving forums are at least modulated to a degree that dehumanizing what is technically a human subject is laughably easy and circumnavigates the usual hindrances of subhuman communication techniques.

>> No.15826219
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I work in accounting, I hate it.
I can definitely relate to alienation in the contemporary world. It sucks
Glad to know you all relate frens. The pandemics made it a lot worse for me, at least when I worked in person I could be around other people. If it wasn’t for going out to stores I can spend days without someone looking at me.

>> No.15826771

Just read Sound of the Waves by Mishima which is uncharacteristically comfy

>> No.15826810
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Thanks fren I’ll check it out

>> No.15826835
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LIsten, friend. ! Tue frin.d I am veryd runk, I hav not had a drink since october. Listen tothis. wait a minute I'll find it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN_DjYDHEVU
Here it is. Girls are just your imagination actually(). So basically
if you == true;
{then girls are not real}
Do you get it, girls are actually you. There are only like 100000 people alive (actually) for real.
havee a nice day :)

>> No.15826878

I'm also drinking, but I can still type coherently. You should put an effort into that, you take too much joy in announcing that you are drunk and acting accordingly. It's not a good trait.
Thank you for the song though, I'm greatly enjoying it

>> No.15826901

Basically my kyboard is broken. It takes an effort to write right on it when I'm not drink even. So when I'm drunk (not often, last time it was months ago) I sem like a retard using this broken keyboard.
Either way, np, basically just yeah.

>> No.15827132

I keep seeing the world turning from things that would once engender culture to solely supporting massive global corporations. My work sent out an email today about how the death of local small businesses is an excellent chance for us to market to corporations looking to move into the are like Walmart or Best Buy. There is almost no way for anyone to have a sense of self anymore. Only endless dividuals, energies freed to answer the liberatory question of “what am I?” The answer of course, is what you buy. There is no culture. There are no nations. There are no people. There is only consumption.

>> No.15827151

>I am not a good person.
Your facial expression also shows it, you little meowing rascal

>> No.15827153

Pretty good song but I could never get into Yugioh because it seemed like he was cheating at cards to me

Ever watch Yu Yu Hakusho? The first season is ass but when the show picks up with the tournament (second season) it rivals the Namek saga in DBZ, or the best of Jojo, for quality.

>> No.15827172

I have not seen it.
You have to watch yugioh in terms of characters and an abstract space to enjoy it. Also cool monsters.