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/lit/ - Literature

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15826207 No.15826207 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about the positive sides of being alone?

>> No.15826213

People can't disappoint you!
Just read and forget about it

>> No.15826216

my diary desu

>> No.15826472

My diary desu but unironically. Unwanted attention is worse especially when they come in your life and try to dictate when and who and that you should have sex w ppl

>> No.15826584

I feel like I'm lossing grip with reality, so there's that fun side I guess

>> No.15826619

Letters to a young poet

>> No.15826653

Is this a product of loneliness, I feel the same way.

>> No.15827088

I'd guess it likely is

>> No.15827093


>> No.15827098
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You aren't alone, you have us.

What do you guys like to read

>> No.15827109

it is, the fun part is that I got there almost logically. Like I rationally thought my way into madness

>> No.15827116

Schopenhauer wrote on this subject very persuasively

>> No.15827121
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>> No.15827122
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anon. You are not alone :) You are your friend, and get a job and be a cool person and you will make a friend :) trust me.

>> No.15827272

Seems interesting. I plan on reading it :)

>> No.15827274

When it comes to people, it’s quality not quantity.

People are like dirt. They can either nourish you or make you wither.

>> No.15827300

I find it very hard to actually try and connect with people. Small talk seems like a huge chore and breaking the ice and trying to to know someone seem like a huge obstacle. I'm not entirely opposed to living alone the rest of my life but I fear for the side effects it might leave on my mental health.

>> No.15827325

Yes but there in lies the problem. How does one find "quality" friends?

>> No.15827338

"hey man you like x?"
"x eh"
"well I bough an extra one, if you want it."
"oh nice! Yeah I'll take it, Thank you man"
"no problem man"
next day
"hey you likeds x right, have another extra one"
"damn thanks bro"
There I created a friendship for you, np. Just gotta invite him or her to walk up a mountain or something together now and you're friends. Pretty simple.

>> No.15827360

You're starting to sound like the Underground Man from Notes from Underground

>> No.15827432

People can act differently depending on the situation. Make yourself a valuable person, that being as wealthy, good looking and famous as possible. Then people will show you there best sides in hopes of currying your favour. But never forget that all the flattery they give you is selfish in nature and you will be good.

There are no quality people. If there are, there are likely only a few.

>> No.15827448

I have been thinking about hiring a Geisha to fulfil my social needs when it arises. Geishas are trained conversationalists, so you are more likely your time will not be wasted. But that of-course requires money.

>> No.15827456

As someone who has been alone for more time than I would like to say. I've lost any semblance of social skills, I have no idea how to connect to people anymore, I suffer compulsive day dreaming that drains me emotionally, I'm scared of intimacy although I desire it, I've started to project my failures on to women and get angry at them despite having none in my life, my memory has gotten worse, including losing a lot of memories, I have no motivation, I'm either apathetic or sad, I'm losing touch with reality and fear I can't save myself as it's been too long and can't fathom anything else.

>> No.15827482

So your solution is to buy a conversation?

>> No.15827492

A lot of the things you listed sound psycho-somatic, i.e) Self fulfilling prophecy. Social skills are over-rated. Let others talk and try to woo you not the other way round. Elon Musk has terrible social skills, but do you think that means he has a poor social life? I doubt it.

>> No.15827494
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t. Never had a gf and have no close friends.

> Dealing with other people
Have to conform to social standards
Can't reveal anything too personal lest they use it against you
Have to deal with frustrations of people not messaging you back, not wanting to hang out, etc.
Have to compromise if going out with friends.

> being alone
can do whatever you want
can be fully yourself
never have to worry about people being out to get you
can go autistically in depth with things if you want
never have to worry about pleasing other people

Why wouldn't you want to be alone as much as possible? 4chan is plenty enough social interaction for me.

>> No.15827496

How old are you? I feel like I'm going down this path as well.

>> No.15827509

All social interactions including sex are exchanges. Behind the soft pleasantries, ruthless calculation is occurring. Just think how someone who you don’t give money, like a family member, speaks to you versus a high end salesman.

>> No.15827513

do we read because we are alone? is that a bad thing?

i have 0 (zero) friends, im not necessarily unhappy, though.

>> No.15827519

My first thought was Pontypool, but not /lit/ material.

>> No.15827524

Me too, but I am unhappy
Not sure if the two are related

>> No.15827525

There is literally nothing wrong with not having friends.
Having friends is just like having extra parasites in your life. They drain social and intellectual energy and provide little in return but social interaction. No great men ever found friendship to be of any value.

>> No.15827526

Don't you ever crave human interaction after a certain amount of time? The fact that we are here on a website means we do crave it. 4chan and online interactions are just watered down versions of real human interactions.

>> No.15827531

I agree with this. What the hell is a ‘friendship’ anyway? If a person is not providing me any benefit, what if the point of them being in my life? Friends are for woman. Men form alliances.

>> No.15827536

Not in real life interactions, no.

I like 4chan because I can shut you retards off whenever I want, I can ask exactly what I am thinking, and I can ask for recommendations and then leave exactly once I get what I want. Or I can just troll for my amusement.

>> No.15827543

Socialisation is like any other drug, expectation exceeding reality. Yes, this conversation was boring, but the next one will be better.

>> No.15827544
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>> No.15827548

I agree. I think most men are over socialised. I think the need
for friends encourages feminine qualities, such as people pleasing behaviour and becoming a jester for others.

>> No.15827558


>> No.15827559
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I found this book in the trash and salvaged it. Seems alright.

>> No.15827561

i think it's unhealthy. i have become easily agitated towards people, the slightest unwanted action provokes anger.

ill head my dad burp, and ill want to punch the wall. i hate buskers.

>> No.15827569


>> No.15827570

>ill head my dad burp, and ill want to punch the wall. i hate buskers.
fucking kek, this specific type of stupid thing and i can relate to it so very much

>> No.15827588
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>tfw convinced myself being mentally ill would solve me emotional problems by removing the responsibility of potential and now I'm actually mentally ill

>> No.15827600

>>tfw convinced myself being mentally ill would solve me emotional problems by removing the responsibility
This is where I'm at currently haha

>> No.15827626

also i will say that even us like-minded posters, if forced into close proximity on regular occurrence, would still not befriend each other.

i think that says a lot.

>> No.15827634

This is so true. Even if someone has the same hobbies or interests as me I find it hard to find any substance or value talking to them. Maybe that just speaks to how bad my social skills are.

>> No.15827646

I have a couple internet friends I talk to regularly
But even then, I grow sick of them frequently

>> No.15827760

I love you guys

>> No.15827852
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>> No.15827888

thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.15827891

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.15827900

Damn we posted that literally at the exact same time

>> No.15827917
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>> No.15827934

AHHH. This fucking killed me.

>> No.15827935

I found a way to beat loneliness, guys- I just talk to myself. Sometimes I have personalities in my head, mimicking archetypes or people I've argued with online. Just endless thinking, man. The 20-something thinker

>> No.15827939

way too general, not a real disorder

>> No.15828304

Journey to the end of the night
That's all I read, and I reread

>> No.15828319

>Expecting a true friendship based on free gibs
Gee, no wonder twitch streamers are rich as fuck.

>> No.15828366

>Just think how someone who you don’t give money, like a family member, speaks to you versus a high end salesman.
Family members are much more pleasant to speak to than a fucking vendor.

>> No.15828623

À la recherche du temps perdu

>> No.15828639

And reality was never quite the same.

>> No.15828656

Honestly the fact that you're aware of all these flaws means you're further down the road to recovery than most people in your condition.

>> No.15828665


not exactly that, but the Stoic philosophy can help you appreciate what you already have instead of bitching about everything


>> No.15828697

>No great men ever found friendship to be of any value.

>> No.15828796
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>> No.15828819

For me, it was my dad clearing his throat. OVER and OVER and OVER AGAIN. I swear to god I could have killed him, so glad I moved.

>> No.15828852

Generally i find that friendships are built on enjoyable conversations. Gift giving seems like a surefire way to jumpstart an unfulfilling pointless friendship.

The fact that im being kinda pedantic isn't lost on me. The point of your example is probably that you just need to consistently engage with the people around you.

>> No.15828907

my diary?

>> No.15828913
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literally fucking me

>> No.15828939

i very much doubt i have a schizoid personality but almost every single point, aside from the covert sexual features, fits extremely well. It's almost frightening.

>> No.15828988
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>Alternations between eloquence and inarticulateness
>Autistic thinking
i've noticed this for myself. I can get into arguments with very smart words; but other times i may even studder on easy-to-say words (i don't have any speech ticks)

>> No.15828996

I can't make friends even when I try to "put myself out there" because I am a very boring person and the truth is no-one wants to befriend a man who has nothing interesting or funny to say. I think people can sense your melancholy and grayness even when you try to put on a happy facade, and they are repelled by it.

>> No.15829013

fuck. Exactly how I feel. Especially what you said about memories. I barely remember anything about my life at all, it's just a blur.

>> No.15829028

Don't worry too much about it, anon. SPD is controversial in the fact that it's not well understood and that the diagnoses are way too broad.

>> No.15829036

I don't know if it would be interesting to write about quiet, undesturbed thought.
Maybe because before the telephone people couldn't just ring you when ever they felt like.
They would have to get up and go visit in person or write a letter.
People could think, enjoy hobbies and not worry about being rudely interupted in your works or just enjoying a drink and watching the birds.
Silence and calm are needed to think whole thoughts.
Without silence your brain can't process correctly.
Enjoy solitude and your own voice.

>> No.15829043
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that's the thing, i don't think that i'm a schizo. I find that my mental fortitude is much stronger than my family and the few neighbors that talk to me on a passing-by. Maybe im just surrounded with complete idiots, so i merely seem "normal" in comparison.

>> No.15829074

i will be your friend anon :)

>> No.15829087

Make sure you don't conflate schizophrenia with SPD. They're different disorders and entail different symptoms. People with schizophrenia are delusional, whereas people with SPD are not. Personally, I identify with quite a few symptoms presented with SPD, but I won't assume any labels without professional guidance. Anyway, best of luck anon, and don't get too down on yourself :).

>> No.15829099

thankyou anon. I don't know much about mental illnesses besides the basics, but your posts have helped enlighten me a bit.

>> No.15829110

I identify with all of it but so does everyone else. It’s not even close to being something real, it’s just a list of markers of certain moods and attitudes, that everyone experiences although some might be more prone than others

>> No.15829662
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you poor souls

if this is really how so much of /lit/ feels there is a bit of a problem, we should have social skills general or something where you guys can sperg out about your problems

people on this board should be the ones procreating and creating the next generation, not the ugly /pol/lacks or /v/irgins

>> No.15829852


Tell me more about your symptons.

>> No.15829895

I feel similarly. Although I'm not sure if I've forgotten memories due to brain fog or other physiological barriers or if I simply haven't done anything worth remembering since I have been depressed for almost a decade.

>> No.15829931


>> No.15829959

Hey friend, call it a meme all you like but I genuinely suggest checking out Academy of Ideas on youtube and looking at some of their videos on solitude.

>> No.15829974

"Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally."


I understand there are real schizos with genuine problems, but honestly I dont see anything wrong with being a schizo, as I just see reality differently than you. Maybe you are just insecure about your thoughts on reality?

>> No.15830029

i thought being alone lead to enlightenment
are all hermits and ascetics who live alone mentally ill

>> No.15830116

be strong brother

>> No.15830142

The scary thing is that I relate to this post a lot yet I've arrived to a similar point now after living somewhat like a normie for much of my early twenties, with several girlfriends and social circles. But, for the last 2 years I have gone into a total isolation. No girlfriend and barely any friends. I interract with people in the office that I work, but only professionally. I suspect they know there is something wrong with me. Anyway, on the one hand it baffles me that one can go from the previous state to this state now, on the other hand there's a glimmer of hope because I was once nornal, if only I could snap out of it. It also goes to show that gf or not it won't fix some deeply rooted problems

>> No.15830143

I laughed. Thank you anon

>> No.15830162

Gadamer has a fine essay on the difference between solitude and loneliness in The Relevance of the Beautiful and other Essays, if I recall correctly. Been a few years since I read it.

>> No.15830369

As a 28-year-old virgin NEET with next to no romantic experience, who has suffered a great deal over the past few years, mentally and physically, partly due to a lack of affection and romantic contentment, I would suggest you be honest with yourself about whether you actually want and could reasonably endure an intimate, mutually-responsible romantic relationship.

Personally, I have had to accept that this is pretty much not something I am mature or mentally attuned to being able to accommodate. The reasons are various (personal moral failings and resultant lack of self-worth, mother issues, lack of financial security, etc) but ultimately it is about finding a sense of value in a life that lacks any intimate relations. My advice would be to read books by authors who are of a similar bent, while also continuing to read more 'normal' authors (if only not to reinforce your solitariness to the point of it becoming a defining characteristic of your life).

Some recommendations:

1. Poetry of Philip Larkin
2. How to be Alone Forever by Anonymous (free online)
3. Poetry of Emily Dickinson
4. Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa
5. Recluse Literature genre of Japan (I haven't read this yet, but intend to)

I believe the fundamental nature of each person is aloneness, necessarily due to the fact a thinking entity must have a border (i.e. the boundary of the brain) and exists in a single body which itself has borders (skin, etc). It is important to acknowledge the uniqueness and distinction of each thinking entity and the fact that their perspective, experience, capacity to be hurt etc is equally as important as your own. But this needn't mean that you need to press yourself against them, or have them voice approval of you in order to be okay with existing in a state of aloneness. However, I would suggest that forming connections with others is important, and allows you to exercise empathy, selflesness, generosity and other things which if not exercised, may leave you a rather cold, uncaring person.

>> No.15830396

Good luck brother. I think the internet is like a bucket of water for a lot of existentially thirsty guys, and they come here for nourishment and end up just sitting like a frog which knows it is doomed to die in that bucket however shallow the water. Never before has a person been able to simply sit at home and be endlessly entertained without leaving their home; even reading, as pleasant as it is, has probably never occupied a single person indoors for 10+ hours each day. People were forced to go to bars, to pubs, to form groups, maintain relationships, have sex simply for want of an alternative. The kind of tacit acknowledgement that these social formations were necessary to avoid boredom probably contributed to a kind of relaxed approach to the entire thing, unlike today where talking to someone or going to a social event just feels like you are living a sub-digital life, and makes it almost clear that you are desperate for human connection, which you aren't even sure if other people need any more due to social media (especially if they have a ton of 'friends' or followers online). Human interaction, at least between young people, has become anxiety-inducing and extremely cringeworthy.

>> No.15830411

Agreed, and it is hard to accept. Though I think it is a good thing ultimately, because it only reinforces the fact that we are each individuals who personalities transcend our 4chan board affiliation or hobby. That would be too logical and would reduce human interaction to mathematics, which would be disastrous. The mystery of human interaction, the weird attraction you have to certain people, is what makes bonding so interesting.

>> No.15830457

>it is, the fun part is that I got there almost logically. Like I rationally thought my way into madness

I've been mad for fucking years, absolutely years,
Been over the edge for yonks,
Been working me buns off for bands

I've always been mad, I know I've been mad,
Like the most of us, very hard to explain why you're mad,
Even if you're not mad



>> No.15830489


>> No.15830491

too relatable. i think i'm better than i was before though...
if i lived in america i would have put a bullet in my head already

>> No.15830507

Seriously, Patrick Bateman was just eccentric. One shouldn't pathologize every little quirk.

>> No.15830555

good said

>> No.15830696

I tryed to befriend people just after the quarantine. They are so mean and worthless (service industry workers). Perhaps it's better to stay alone.

>> No.15830709

>People can act differently depending on the situation. Make yourself a valuable person, that being as wealthy, good looking and famous as possible. Then people will show you there best sides in hopes of currying your favour. But never forget that all the flattery they give you is selfish in nature and you will be good.
That's a recipe to attract the pieces of shit. I prefer to be alone than to attract those.
>There are no quality people. If there are, there are likely only a few.
There must be and there are, but yeah, perhaps one in 20 people. And you don't necessarily notice it at first.

>> No.15830724

you are alone but the only positive you could come up with is still about sex (people can't tell you when to have sex), you are so pathetic.

another I am alone but I all I want is to be with other people

>> No.15830755

That's kinda scary. Do you people have a professional life? Do you get to the gym? Because i'm anti-social, but i do those, and my memory is okay for now.

>> No.15830820

I’m 23 and this post describes me to a T. Personally I attribute the memory thing to a lack of noteworthy life events. I don’t think most people don’t remember the minute details of their daily life from years ago but rather they remember the big important events. If you’re a loser social outcast virgin like me then you probably don’t have many important or defining events in your life which is why everything kind of blends together.

>> No.15831226

Ty for the suggestion.

>> No.15831282
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what mode is it called when the "overt" and "covert" lists are swapped?

>> No.15831302

>Can't reveal anything too personal lest they use it against you
this. Every time I feel alone or left out, I just tell myself that anyone ANYONE can do this for one reason or another, and it kills my desire to interact.
Unironically read nihilistic philosophy and uncle ted, OP. You feel alone only because the culture around you is drilling in your head that you "need" to. Reminder that culture is the biggest propaganda machine ever invented by the postmodernists. Pure freedom and enlightenment is in being alone.

>> No.15831321

The Plague
The Stand
The Road

>> No.15831596

literally an echo chamber, definitely not healthy at all

>> No.15831599

Holy based I must have reread that five times. Honestly the second half could be shortened, but first 200 pages are probably the best literature ever written

>> No.15831675

Fight it all you want, the truth of humanity is that we are our biology, and our biology dictates that we partner with a woman. I am simply at my happiest when I'm involved in a long term, wholesome relationship with a woman. It is a deep, pervasive, long lasting sense of happiness and contentment which no amount of intellectualizing can replace.

>> No.15831767
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Get a load of this normalfag.

>> No.15832395

based post, I relate to this a lot and it gives me things to reflect on

>> No.15832412

You probably aren't alone. Unless you're posting from solitary confinement. Or the Siberian tundra.

>> No.15832790

ok simp

>> No.15832869

If you're actually Schizo you'd realize abnormal reality perceptions means being raped by spiders and haunted by screams.

>> No.15832879

Rilke, book with letters to young poet or something

>> No.15832966
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I found this one years ago on a /lit/ recommendation image. It's great book on the positives of solitude, written by a British psychiatrist/psychoanalyst. He criticizes the trend in modern psychology of reducing all our problems in life to interpersonal relationship problems.

>> No.15833012

>Social skills are over-rated. Let others talk and try to woo you not the other way round.

I'm a working class guy living in a warehouse town in the UK that's slowly being automated away in a world where we've had two economic crises in twelve years. Nobody wants to talk to me and if they do and see that I know about books/philosophy/history or whatever, they assuem i'm not working class because we're not supposed to know anything.

30, i've been like this a while.

Maybe, I've been like this a while, but still can't fathom a way out.

I think you're right about memory, not going to keep track of the same shit day in day out.

I'm glad in a way some people found this relatable, nice to know i'm not alone even if the situation is horrible.

>> No.15833226
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learn meditation and the butekyo breathing exercises they teach to asthmatics. you sound like you might be in perpetual fight or flight from poor breathing.
>take a GENTLE inhale and exhale through your nose
>pinch your nose hold your breath until you feel your diaphragm spasm or definite air hunger
>when you inhale again don't gasp for air and continue softly breathing
>repeat after a minute
anything below 20 seconds needs attention

>> No.15833314

Which town are you in mate, or which region at least?

>> No.15833458

You eventually get used to it and completely stop valuing the approval/disapproval of others.

>> No.15833642

I turned depressed and almost suicidal. >tfwnogf can be a very powerful force.

>> No.15833818

I do this also, but it's because i can't have conversation with average people. they are sadly too unread. With whom, in the general population can i talk about the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, or the gnosis?

>> No.15834243

I'm literally going crazy. I can feel it. I'm seeing "special" numbers and asking for dreams and receiving them. I've become whatever the opposite of sceptic is. I believe in stupid shit i never used to. I used to be an autistic logic type now i avoid saying things to tempt fate and touch wood to avoid things. I use the yiching to make decisions(which i never follow through with). Shit i even play the lottery just for the fantasy of winning and then get disappointed when i dont win.
I've been a near shut in neet for 15 years. I'm 30 now.

>> No.15834633


>> No.15834717

>You eventually get used to it
You dont though, humans are not meant to a be alone and sooner or later it will get to you no matter how mentally strong you think you are.

>> No.15834808

A lot of Herman Hesse
A rebours by Huysmans
Oblomov by Goncarov (a bit of a stretch)
Some Nietzsche
Some of William Hazlitt's essays

>> No.15834998


>> No.15836435

Look up Transformation Mastery

>> No.15836450
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Narrow Road to the Interior (Oku no Hosomichi (奥の細道, originally おくのほそ道) by Matsuo Bashō

>> No.15836501
