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15824077 No.15824077 [Reply] [Original]

Was he the queer all along?

>> No.15824137
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>> No.15824149

He had sex with other men, so yes, I'd say he was, in fact, a big prancing fruit la la homo boy.

>> No.15824159

Are most posh anglos just secretly fags

>> No.15824169

Homo occupied government

>> No.15824200

apparently buckley had some dirt on vidal but decided not to publish it

>> No.15824440

Was it autism?

>> No.15824498

Well, his Mid-Atlantic accent was queer.

>> No.15824565

Source on both of these please.

>> No.15824591

Honestly why did he get so pissed at being called a nazi? Seems like an overreaction.

>> No.15824704

> After dessert had been set aside and Ben had gone to clean up, Buckley gathered himself up from his seat and peered down at us. “I generally take a swim after eating,” he said. “You’re all welcome to swim as well, of course.”
> Now that he mentioned it, a swim seemed just the thing. (I imagine practically anything would have sounded like just the thing at that point in the evening.) But then I considered the matter more deeply and heaved a deep and regretful sigh.
> “I’d swim, sir,” I said. “I would swim, I really would like to. But I’m afraid I didn’t bring a bathing suit.”
> It had taken me so long to reach this conclusion that Buckley had already begun to climb the ladder, and now he regarded me with unconcealed amusement. “Well, neither did I. After all, it’s quite dark out there. And we’re all men here, you know.”

>> No.15824718

I tried to take a group shower w other men and only one tried and he got a boner lololol oh dear lord

>> No.15824734
File: 215 KB, 1200x800, 032918_Vidal2_021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Vidal thing is just that he destroyed some papers instead of publishing them. nobody knows what it actually was

Buckley was definitely the bigger fag. Vidal had a fling with Anais Nin, possibly had a kid with Diana Lynn, was briefly engaged to Joanne Woodward and lived with his best bro for 53 years. Buckley just married some chick to play off as a cover story and lost debates on his own show
>mfw Buckley was destroyed not only by Vidal, but Baldwins gay, black ass like the crpto nazi he was

>> No.15824742

he fucked the little boys he invited to his yacht so yea probably

>> No.15824759

Buckley didn't lose to Baldwin. I like Baldwin lost the debate. Materially you can say the American dream helped blacks. That was never refuted. Until they quantify another metric then it was just romantic appeals. Idc how the audience reacted but to claim it was totally antithetical to them was refuted.

>> No.15824768

Actually 2 tried but in different instances, both boners.

Not anymore tho dw

>> No.15824777

>"Articulate man gaaaaay, NOT ME!"
Sounds like a normal thing men would do before mass communications made everyone overly self-aware. He obviously meant that no women were around to judge, and later gossip.

>> No.15824793

Fucking coombrains perverting innocent skinny-dipping into some gay porno.

>> No.15824843

>talks like a faggot
>looks like a faggot
>acts like a faggot
you have to be a moron not to know buckley was a faggot. vidal BTFO him because he knew this

>> No.15824866

Seriously, why am I seeing Vidal/Buckley threads nearly everyday now?

Is it just one spamming autist?

>> No.15824940
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>Materially you can say the American dream helped blacks
pic related did more than your "American Dream"

>idc how the audience reacted
of course you don't, because it was an overwhelming vote for Baldwin from a group of majority white kids
cope some more

beyond that I can't make any sense of your word vomit to even understand what the fuck you're trying to say

>> No.15824951

it's the new Guenon and yes, definitely the same fag

>> No.15824967

Buckley/Baldwin debate went viral not long ago, I'm not sure how Gore Vidal plays into things.

>> No.15825004

But why Buckley? Guenon had that obscurity and fascinating factor going for him.

Buckley is barely memeable and nobody can name a single book he wrote.

>> No.15825038

I really think its the same anon posting the same thread every few days. it's always the same pic/quote from when Vidal and Buckley famously covered the 1968 convention
Vidal famously told Buckley to "shut up a minute" and then later called him a crypto-nazi, prompting the "I'll sock in the mouth and you'll stay down" quote that OP is always posting
Buckley spurging out over it is hilarious

>> No.15825063

He’s an amusing character and it was funny when he called Vidal a faggot. It’ll die down in a week or so since there’s nothing more to it than that.

>> No.15825825

Yes because you're stupid and trying to take advantage when you're a retard cope

>> No.15825884

He served in the war.

>> No.15825919

No you misunderstand nazis is the new gay, there was no war or if there was it has nothing to do with nazism. Nazism is just a Marxist reflection on the state itself and primarily concerned with how that state relates to the holocaust. We didn't enter the war knowing there was a holocaust, just to defend from pearl harbor and other states. So you can technically still be a nazi

>> No.15825934

and have fought the nazis*. It's my definition and I'll mythologize you as much as I want and if you disagree w me then you're a nazi

>> No.15825972
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>> No.15826747

this is great

>> No.15828120
