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15823833 No.15823833 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had an intellectually stimulating conversation with a qt?

>> No.15823838

Yes, back when I was in college 15+ years ago. Ended up marrying her. Still have some decent conversations but they are less intellectually stimulating and more focused on the random details of life, and she isn't really a qt anymore either.

>> No.15823839

yeah but she dumped me after she picked the other guy she was going on dates with at the time

>> No.15823855

it's almost impossible to have a intellectually stimulating conversation with a women and the chance drops to zero if she's mildly attractive. They are just not used to it.

>> No.15823857

Yes, I didn't think it was possible until I did and now we're good friends. However I still don't think men and women can be just friends because I'm in love with her.

>> No.15823859

>intellectually stimulating
pick one. never met one that was interested in anything more than tik tok politics

>> No.15823901
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It's possible. My philosophy professor is a 10/10 qt who just graduated and I have to admit she's pretty intelligent or at least very very well read.

>> No.15823902


>> No.15823918

every female professor ive had has been garbage. go on rate my professor and they all get trashed. they are not funny and have no interest in higher culture. if your prof wasnt 10/10 you wouldnt think shes anything special

>> No.15823921
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>mfw too scared to talk to her after class

>> No.15823932

sadly only ugly girls get into art like a man could do

>> No.15823936

reading just takes time, it's not a matter of intelligence

>> No.15823937

what are you saying man, was marriage a mistake?

>> No.15823965

No, not saying that. Would do it again, and in general our life is pretty comfy (nice house, dog, lots of books, happy companionship and family, etc). Just also noting that things change too as people get older.

Enjoy your youths, anons.

>> No.15823968

Discussed Keats with one while on MDMA. Good times.

>> No.15823970

Do you still love her?

>> No.15823977


>> No.15824003

I never had a conversation with a qt

>> No.15824012
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I know this feel haha

>> No.15824018

Only with my older professors.

>> No.15824019

Good, that's all I needed to hear.

>> No.15824020

Curiosity is linked with intelligence and you have to be curious to read

>> No.15824032

>Enjoy your youths, anons.
How do I into this?

>> No.15824052

whenever I attempt to discuss philosophy with my gf she says its pointless or "too complicated". it disappoints me

>> No.15824055

The only way is to read lots of books.

>> No.15824056

>It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual impulses that could give the name of the fair sex to that under-sized, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race; for the whole beauty of the sex is bound up with this impulse. Instead of calling them beautiful, there would be more warrant for describing women as the un-aesthetic sex. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art, have they really and truly any sense or susceptibility; it is a mere mockery if they make a pretence of it in order to assist their endeavor to please. Hence, as a result of this, they are incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything; and the reason of it seems to me to be as follows. A man tries to acquire direct mastery over things, either by understanding them, or by forcing them to do his will. But a woman is always and everywhere reduced to obtaining this mastery indirectly, namely, through a man; and whatever direct mastery she may have is entirely confined to him. And so it lies in woman's nature to look upon everything only as a means for conquering man; and if she takes an interest in anything else, it is simulated--a mere roundabout way of gaining her ends by coquetry, and feigning what she does not feel. Hence, even Rousseau declared: Women have, in general, no love for any art; they have no proper knowledge of any; and they have no genius
Not even once. Schopenhauer was unironically correct. If a woman is interested in talking with you she'll just be probing for the "right" things to say. They simply provide you with validation. That's why people like >>15823838 and >>15823901 think they had stimulating conversations.

>> No.15824062

You don't expect a fleshlight to discuss philosphy.

>> No.15824065

I've had several female professors who were quite stimulating to talk to, and I've met a lot of very smart women in social settings. I'm usually not very attracted to them or the decorum prescribed by situation precludes really heavy conversation. I did fuck a girl eight years my junior (I'm 29) and she was quite smart despite being naive. I think she was attracted to me in the same way a student would be attracted to a young professor as we worked together in an intellectual environment and she evidently found me to be intelligent (I'm a bona fide midwit).

I hooked up with a girl when I was younger who was quite smart as well. She was a bit annoying "woke" but we were in our early 20's. She's very well read and we still follow each other on social media where she's quite funny/thoughtful. I regret being so bitter about women at that age, otherwise I may have pursued her more strongly and have been happy rather than a miserable hermit.

>> No.15824075
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The power process has not been fulfilled.

>> No.15824079

not much to do when you're born ugly

>> No.15824080

My wife, though conversation has gotten pretty symbolic as of late. Is this couples feel when they get too deep into their little inside jokes?

>> No.15824100

holy based

>> No.15824110

fair enough I suppose. it just astounds me that she has no curiosity for discussing even the most shallow philosophical ideas

>> No.15824114

it hurts bros

>> No.15824123


>> No.15824131


>> No.15824147

is it possible that she finds you overbearing and "aggressive" during discussions and doesn't want to bother with them because of that?

>> No.15824154

I will, I think I am going to keep enjoying my youth forever :p I don't need to get married, at least I don't think so.

>> No.15824182

anon, you do realise there are other women right? some women love having philosophical discussions. so you can complain about your gf on here if you like but if she's not into it she's not into it.

>> No.15824185

no I do not really hound her regarding that. she simply does not enjoy any kind of fiction. she talks about trivial shit non stop so I doubt it is due to me being overbearing

>> No.15824199

I get that. the lack of any curiosity just strikes me as odd and I enjoy complaining

>> No.15824204
File: 220 KB, 741x744, 69071CCD-5B0E-4157-9A4E-8A7387E65BE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, many. When you spend the entire conversation trying to prove how smart you are and how dumb she is, she won’t want to talk to you. Anyone who reads this thread and internalizes the retard replies will never have an intellectually stimulating conversation with a woman because you won’t be seeking intellectual stimulation, but to prove your superiority. Smart qt’s can read a man trying to show off how superior his intellect is from a mile away.

Don’t take advice on women from a message board flooded with angry incels

>unironically, respect women

>> No.15824211

I don't think I will

>> No.15824216


>> No.15824226

most of us never even come into contact with women so your point is lost there, but I do agree that women are much smarter than a lot of men on here give them credit for. the women i've talked to who lurk here were extremely well read and more interesting than the average user for sure

>> No.15824227

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