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File: 298 KB, 677x1023, Cover-edition-Adolf-Hitler-Mein-Kampf-1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15817072 No.15817072 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read it /lit/?

>> No.15817075

Not yet

>> No.15817117

Yes, in deutsch, which im not fluent at but I am improving so I don't think I got nearly as much jew hate as I was supposed to but hey you can always read a book twice.

>> No.15817125

No. I will at some point in my life.

>> No.15817264

no but i will, i bet its an interesting read

>> No.15817281

I'm not white. Should I read it ?

>> No.15817315
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>> No.15817749


>> No.15817762

this. kinda optimistic about it but also not in plans for this year and probably the next

>> No.15817767

Yes. I feel like all of society is going through Hitler's experiences with Marxists in Vienna.

>> No.15817768

Had to. For college.

>> No.15817782

politics or history class? what was the homework read mien kampf?

>> No.15817804

We had to say hitler bad at the end

>> No.15817814

What is the best translation?

>> No.15817838

The course was "Nazi Culture." Not sure if it was history or sociology. I'm sure they couldn't teach it today. The Prof was ex-Hitler youth and funny as shit. My favorite part of the book was where Der Fuehrer was feeding mice in his cell. So cute!

>> No.15817842

Why? Hitler was a good dude

>> No.15817846


People struggle with Hitler's passion for animals, because they usually use cruelty thereto as an indicator for psychopathy. What they fail to recognize here is that Jews are lower than insects.

>> No.15817853

Not in my class we didn't. My professor even wrote on my final paper "Heil *******?" (My last name)

>> No.15817860

>the jews are lower than insects
Absolutely true anon

>> No.15817864

i thought it will be history. i heard germany back then was very anti animal cruelty and was very environmentalist.

>> No.15817869


Of course. The astute reader will no doubt have noticed that Kafka's Metamorphosis was about a Jew involuntarily reverting to his true form.

>> No.15817871

Why do you guys hate Jews? Because of communism?

>> No.15817881
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It’s on my summer stack, got a lot to work through before I get there though

>> No.15817890

And they are cruel to animals, which Hitler never was and never allowed in his presence.

The Third Reich was extremely Green for its time, and expressly anti-vivisectionist.

>> No.15817891

capitalist jews are worse

>> No.15817892
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Because they are literally demons walking the earth which is why they are lower than insects (corporeal animals)

>> No.15817900


I just hate them. Even if they were totally innocent and you had irrefutable proof of this, I would still hate them.

>> No.15817911

Yes AMA.

I would vote for him probably, keep in mind it’s not very anti-Semitic except for the second chapter, nor does to mention genocide.

-anti prostitution
-anti-smoking and other harmful vices
-pro athleticism

>> No.15817918
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Holy based! Also they aren't innocent

>> No.15817922
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This was the textbook for the course. Not very sympathetic, to be honest, but fun to carry on the subway.

>> No.15817935

What was it like for the average German? Nothing special aside from trying not to get reported to the Gestapo?

>> No.15817949
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>Even if they were totally innocent and you had irrefutable proof of this, I would still hate them.

>> No.15817951

Yes, I have.
Although I'm a NatSoc I would only recommend it for historical reasons. The first half is an autobiography with a bit of ideology and the second half is a pragmatic approach about how to build a national socialist movement and party, pretty much like Lenin's book but for natsocs.

>> No.15817953

cool cover. better than the black mein kampf.

>> No.15817957

>Is Racism a Mentall Illness?

As with all question headlines, the answer is no.

>> No.15817974

Far more important is the thing about labor backed currency, anti-capitalism, anti-marxism, etc. (If you have read the original version you would surely know it is a little bit antisemitic, although not as much as propaganda wants you to believe).

>> No.15817979

mental illness doesn't exist. even schizos are natural when you are alone and want some aliens to talk to.

>> No.15817980

For the most part, it didn't really affect them. Life went on as normal. Church and radio and movies, things like that were effected. Newspapers and magazines. But day to life went on as usual. Until the war. Then life went to shit. And of course things were tough for the Jews, but no one really cared. At least that was what I was taught. I was extremely lucky to take this course back in the 70s before anyone gave a shit about such things.

>> No.15817988

How can it be anti-capitalism and anti-marxism without it being anti-semitic? You can't just address the effects without looking at the cause

>> No.15817995

cuz it's edgy lol xD

>> No.15817997

>I was extremely lucky to take this course back in the 70s
yeah. i don't think they will allow it now and even if they do it would be heavily biased.

>> No.15818001

What were the differences for the churches? Were there any pro-jews movements among normies?

>> No.15818004

>For the most part, it didn't really affect them. Life went on as normal.

Life actually got a lot better.

>> No.15818012

natsoc maybe anti semitic but fascism is not racial at all and its anti capitalist and anti marxist.

>> No.15818019

It's literally like that. The curious thing is how marxism became critical of antisemitism only after Lenin. The first anarchist and communist were very antisemitic but soon after the second international that antisemitic views were diluted until becoming the opposite.

In Mein Kampf Hitler adresses first the connection between jews and communism and then talks about how Feder showed him the truth about finance and capitalism and how it was eminently jewish.

>> No.15818028

>Were there any pro-jews movements among normies?

Unsurprisingly the 'radicals' against Hitler were mostly the children of the upper crust. Overeducated, too much time to kill, too full of themselves, etc. The same thing you see today. People who have never had to struggle see themselves as being freedom fighters.

>> No.15818034

I was able to hear it from an actual Nazi Youth member who lived through it. That will never happen again.

There were movements that weren't so much pro-jew as anti persecution. A lot of people disagreed with government policy towards them, especially in the churches. And they weren't shut down or silenced as much as you might think. People were allowed to express their opinion.

>> No.15818040

>In Mein Kampf Hitler adresses first the connection between jews and communism and then talks about how Feder showed him the truth about finance and capitalism and how it was eminently jewish.

Not only that, but people think that the Nazis were just terrible and beating people up and killing them for no reason. This couldn't be further from the truth. They were responding to Jewish KPD violence, same as the Friekorps before them.

>> No.15818057
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>I was extremely lucky to take this course back in the 70s before anyone gave a shit about such things.
I find it interesting that I am posting on this board with people who are old enough to be my father.

>> No.15818085

I am. My parents fought in WW2. I knew a lot of people who did back when they were young and strong and able to tell their stories. I consider it a privilege to be able to pass those on to you younger folks.

>> No.15818096

Thank you. Very based and cool, uncle Anon. What do you think of the resurgence of right-wing ideologies? There are a lot more fascists (and derivatives) than there were years ago.

>> No.15818099

Must have been a painful experience to see everything get worse every decade until today

>> No.15818107

The SA was a safety measure that became the "show-off" of the national socialist workers party.
At first communist would threat them with violent attacks if they hold a rally or a speech, and the police would intervene in favor of the communist , so they created the SA as protection. After the grow of the NSDAP the SA and the communist were sometimes rallying together when concerning workers rights or just reivindications and when not they were bashing each other's heads like skinheads and punks did in 1960 England.

>> No.15818125

>For the most part, it didn't really affect them. Life went on as normal
Then why would anyone support fascism over capitalism? My life won't change either way, I'll be wagie all my life so what do I care if white supremacists are imprisoned or jews are genocided

>> No.15818130

I tried but I only made it about a third of the way through before Hitler's musings on the history of pan-Germanic movements bored me to sleep.

>> No.15818131

>other's heads like skinheads and punks did in 1960 England.
i like both oi and punk. both are cool. i don't know what side i will join if they fight.

>> No.15818139

I think that as the war fades from memory, people allow themselves to consider alternative ideologies. As they should. That doesn't mean they should adopt them, but they should be able to think about the good and bad parts and not reject them out of hand.

Things have gone up and down since the fifties, to be honest. It's not possible to say everything got worse. Food got better. Electronics got better. Racial relations got worse. Personal relations got worse. What matters and what doesn't? It's hard to say over a lifetime.

>> No.15818147


Like i said only a fraction of the book is dedicated to anti-semtiosm

>> No.15818153

I think for most people, it didn't matter. They didn't support fascism over capitalism, they just voted for whoever they thought would make things better. Like now.

>> No.15818158

>that article

>> No.15818164

Not him but I want to answer how this has happened. The frankfurtist have gone too far with their bullshit, to the point where official narratives are illogical and nobody with an adult developed mind can believe in it. A good portion of the population get frustrated with this and being naturally free of social prejudices and being highly intuitive they start reading and investigating, until arriving at the truth.
There's differences from country to country (For example, in my country there's a supposed Stalinist-NationalSocialist pipeline while in America it's a Libertarian-NationalSocialist pipeline) but generally most of the current third positionist were involved in politics previously in some form.

>> No.15818165

>racial relations got worse
Good. They should have never existed to begin with and it looks like this retardation is approaching its end soon.

>> No.15818167
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Read this instead. It contains a good essay on Mein Kampf

>> No.15818175
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>Food got better.
>Electronics got better.
>Racial relations got worse.
>Personal relations got worse.
Overall things got worse then. Fuck food and electronics, fuck hedonism and progress.

>> No.15818183

>It's not possible to say everything got worse.
i think to get better everything must go to worse. you can't bring big change without everything going to shit. no one rebels when they are comfortable.

>> No.15818204

I still live on the street where my family moved to in the fifties. It was all white then and it is 96% white now. I am totally in favor of separatism. To me, diversity means white genocide.

>> No.15818212

fascism is better for the people. thats how they viewed it. they were more active politically because they believed in the ideology and they won. normies don't care but political people cared heavily about fascism vs others.

>> No.15818214

Actually reading it right now, only three chapters in though. It was interesting reading how he was surrouned by socialists everywhere when he was doing labour work and how he interacted with him, or when he was eating his lunch and overheard how they talked about theory and later BTFO'd them when he actually studied it and they never returned

>> No.15818220

I fucking hate Jews for obvious reasons but the person who convinced me most of how evil they are was my father. He was a UN peacekeeper from 1968-1980 and was stationed in the Lebanon and would often have to cross into Israel, he said out of all the groups of people he has ever met in his life the Jews were the most evil of them all, pure cruelty oozed from them. He still hates them to this day.

>> No.15818221

Hitler killed lots of people though. He was kind-of a real jerk

>> No.15818222

Ok slavoj

>> No.15818231

>the Jews were the most evil of them all, pure cruelty oozed from them
Elaborate? Examples? Israel seems pretty tame

>> No.15818233


>> No.15818236

/pol/ makes some good points rarely about them. Very few of them understand sémitismes and very few still understand anti-Semitism.

The big one is understanding that the Talmud religiously teaches that gentiles are not people and should be used like cattle.

>> No.15818240


>> No.15818242

OK, but you know, here we are. Able to talk to each other. I consider that progress. Back in the day I would have had to print out a 'zine or newsletter or something and hope that you would call me or send me a letter. I am glad to be able to communicate with you like this while we still can. And I don't think it will last forever.

>> No.15818243
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No, you should actually read this instead, its a perpective you won't get ANYWHERE else

His interview with an allied officer

"You are a friend of Adolf Hitler's?"
"Since when?"
"Since 1904."
"What do you mean by that? At that time he was nobody."
"Nevertheless, I was his friend."
"How could you be his friend when he was still a nobody?"

An American officer of the Central Intelligence Corps asked: "So you are a friend of Adolf Hitler's. What did you get out of it?"
"But you admit that you were his friend. Did he give you money?"
"Or food?"
"A car, a house?"
"Not that either."
"Did he introduce you to beautiful women?"
"Nor that."
"Did he receive you again, later on?"
"Did you see him often?"
"How did you manage to see him?" "I just went to him."
"So you were with him. Really? Quite close?" "Yes, quite close."
"Without any guard?"
"Without any guard."
"So you could have killed him?" "Yes, I could have."
"And why didn't you kill him?"
"Because he was my friend."

>> No.15818249

it makes sense. why would i bother being politically active when im living comfortably with my fat ass.

>> No.15818256


>> No.15818266
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What? Its in literally in the book

>> No.15818276

really? is he not his friend?

>> No.15818279

Here's his wikipedia page

>> No.15818294

And here's the debunkment


>> No.15818295
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>It is a tragedy. I did not become Chancellor of the Greater German Reich to fight wars

>> No.15818296

Its pretty funny at times for example when he describes his interactions with jews and socialists, but I haven't read all of it yet

>> No.15818306

>Hitler killed a lot of people during a time of subversion and terrorist attacks, then during a world war
>Everyone else did nothing wrong and were saints

>> No.15818330

Its literally about one play, it doesn't debunk everything. He had no reason to lie in 1950's Germany when he published it, I don't think I need to explain why

>While earlier Hitler biographers like Joachim Fest or Werner Maser adopted Jetzinger’s criticism as their own, Jetzinger’s crushing judgment of Kubizek’s credibility has been challenged by Brigitte Hamann, author of Hitlers Wien. 'Jetzinger's scholarship is, in fact, not invariably superior to Kubizek's vivid pen-picture of the young Hitler, and contains some weaknesses of its own, both factual and interpretative.'

>> No.15818333

He never wanted to tell me too much, but he said just the general attitude of all the people and even their army when my father and his squad would interact with them at the border, they were always arseholes for no reason. Always trying to do something to fuck up their day. He told me once when him and his friends went to visit the western wall or as he called it the headbangers wall they used to get spit at by random people for no reason, they were UN peacekeepers for fuck sake why spit at them.

>> No.15818340


And he doesn't have any authority to speak on anything either, no scholarship to back him, and he didn't even see Hitler once in all his life

>> No.15818344

>they were UN peacekeepers for fuck sake why spit at them.
I mean there are plenty of reasons https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse_by_UN_peacekeepers

>> No.15818345

by a seething (((social democrat)))

>> No.15818350

IDF shoots kids with anti-material rifles. I'm banned from posting images for some reason or else I would post some outrageous shit.

>> No.15818351

annudah shoah?

>> No.15818352

Jews killing jews? That's not THAT bad

>> No.15818354

Come on. He lied about one thing. That makes him suspect on everything else, especially anything that is hearsay (between the author and the subject with no witnesses). I'm not saying you can't or musn't believe him, I'm saying you shouldn't. By your own evidence.

>> No.15818355


>> No.15818357

Checked. Go ahead. Rope me.

>> No.15818364

they act like victims but they are worse when they get in power.

>> No.15818367


>> No.15818376


>> No.15818377

>as early as 2004
>this means they were right to spit at them during 1968-1980

>> No.15818395
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I get your point and obviously technology isn't all that bad. But the way it grows exponentially far beyond our understanding is really bad from my point of view. Let's take your example for instance, sure writing a letter would have been harder and we would have probably never exchanged, but here we are only giving quickly our opinions not really putting any thoughts in it. Sure it's fruitful and interesting, but far less than an epistolary relation. Look at the books that are made of letter (e.g. the letters between Jaspers and Heidegger), they are really interesting because there is a lot of effort here and frankly I doubt people write emails like these.

>> No.15818410

>That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

>That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.


>> No.15818434

This explains their nature completely.

>> No.15818455
File: 75 KB, 1280x922, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off topic but im kinda sad that Sieg Heil, like the pencil mustache, has been forever ruined
Sieg Heil just sounds dope

>> No.15818465

Oh, I can't tell you how much I agree. Email is still my favorite form of communication. It gives us a chance to sit down, have a drink, think it over, and consider our response. It sucks that no one does that anymore. Who was it that said "Forgive me this long response, I didn't have time to write a short one." That's my hero. But we do have this and I am grateful for it because all we had before was the telephone and I hated that then more than I hate it now. If you can tell me of a more private way to communicate now, I will connect with you, but if not, thank you for being there.

>> No.15818471

you can revive the roman salute. just say that you are a group of roman enthusiasts and you can do it. not in germany tho.

>> No.15818472

Then use something like getslowly.com which lets you send letters like pen-pals. You can do both with technology

>> No.15818478

Oh, of course not, it's really badly written. I'm sure you're aware? Man, I'm so fucking smart.

>> No.15818496

That's indeed the peak midwith response

>> No.15818503

It’s really not

>> No.15818552

Now I'm just waiting for Tucker.

>> No.15818582
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Well we can still exchange emails? It would be a pleasure.

I didn't know about this. I will have a look, thanks. Obviously you're right about we being able to do both. But the problem is that most of the time, most of the people (me included) will choose the easy way because it's easier to exchange three meaningless sentences on messenger/instagram/whatever than to sit down and think. The trick is that it does not only concern means of communication but everything from the way we get food to the way we look at art: everything is consumption. And the speed it is getting at exceed the speed of our reflexion, my problem with technology is not that we should all be cavemen but that it overtakes us. Heidegger and Hans Jonas wrote very interesting things about this if it interest you.

>> No.15818597

He was really quite the battle axe

>> No.15818601

Many doing wrong doesn't excuse him doing wrong. That's an argument only children use.

>> No.15818623

Very cool. In a manner letters have become even more potent. When I did a stint in the can I would regularly fire off letters to my friends on the outside. Very seldom would there be a response. Upon release it was easy to slough off old companions based on their predilection to responding in kind.
My belief is that my country should completely nationalize and decentralize the internet. The state should subsidize text boards intentionally to promote dialogue among it's constituents. Something like the opposite of twitter where any response under 500 characters is verboten.

>> No.15818627

He didn't do anything wrong

>> No.15818636
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>> No.15818644

Define "wrong" please.

>> No.15818648

his post was very obviously sarcastic you fags
>Man, I'm so fucking smart.

>> No.15818656 [DELETED] 

Man, you nazis are such low IQ retards

>> No.15818670

I was agreeing with the sentiment of his post?

>> No.15818706
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oh yeah I see anon, my bad

>> No.15818765

I, too, am autistic.

>> No.15818867


Mein Kampf is utter bullshit so don't bother reading it.

>> No.15818881

Arguing with nazies is like arguing with children

>> No.15818886

Deinen Kampf is probably bullshit

>> No.15818893

>calls others children
heckin cringereeno

>> No.15819389

you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs

>> No.15819447

It’s kind of boring actually. The first part is a quick summary of his life and rejection from art school and joining the Nazi party. Then it’s just a series of grievances against the Weimar Republic and raging against the terms of Germany’s surrender in WW1. He obviously blames most of it on Jews and goes into detail about the Jewish desire to subvert and manipulate for personal gain, but most of the book addresses a specific issue of a specific time. It’s a critique of German interwar politics, and without a prior knowledge most of it just goes over your head. I don’t really give a shit about the Sudentenland big man.

>> No.15819465

Murphy and Dalton translations are pretty good.

>> No.15819488

I am reading right now and feel the same way

>> No.15819699

I like him, too.

>> No.15819755
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The stalag edition is the only one officially authorized by the Nazis.

>> No.15819788

No. not yet

>> No.15819856
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I want to, but I don't trust myself enough to do buy it.
I've learned that I'm easily manipulated by charismatic people through out my life, and I really think this book could do some damage to my worldview.
I'm very fascinated by out, but I'm not going to read it before I feel more confident about my worldview.

>> No.15820265

Ford translation. Stalag was rushed out. The rest are propagandised against him and change things he says. I bought a copy at about 12 years old and it came with a gigantic foreword about 'Hitler bad' then footnotes on every page trying to say he was either lying or wrong. I had the suspicion they just copied it from another translation. Most of the footnotes were petty shit that brought nothing to the text.

>> No.15820282
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>> No.15820345

Thanks for reminding me anon, I've had it on my shelf for years but never got around to it.

>> No.15820358


>> No.15820361


You're memeing yourself. It's really not that good.
It's also really not that worth reading.

>> No.15820368

Arguing with namefags is like pissing into a hand dryer

>> No.15820402

Yes. I have read it and it was amazing.

>> No.15820414

It's weird how this guy who has zero intellectual rigor whatsoever could sway the nation of Germany, which at the time was the most rigorous center for philosophy/law/ethics/etc. Love is weird.

>> No.15820421
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I now want to eradicate everything g*Rmanic

>> No.15820664

to my fellow germans how do i get this book? it's illegal here,right?

>> No.15820698

>I don't think I got nearly as much jew hate as I was supposed to
There is not nearly as much of that in there as is commonly held. I am considering reading the Mannheim version next along with an untranslated text. I started with Ford, which can be tricky, as the early versions had some poor errors. The later Ford translation is better. Mannheim is held by many to be one of the better translations.

>> No.15820701

Current events are starting to mirror the issues against which Hitler was a reactionary. Now is the time to read it - not afterwards.

>> No.15820710

>mentally ill
please step into our new public shower system anon, the water is warm

>> No.15820719

go to bed Norm

>> No.15820727

The ethnocentricity suggested is misunderstood. His philosophy was for everyone, not just his own people. No matter who you were, he expected you to be the best that you could be, to build this in others of your race, and to have pride in your own particular culture. The fact that he lived it for his own people is what give ammunition to those that consider him to be a racist. Along this line, you may consider reading the last ten pages first to get a feel for his views on racism before you even start. He covers this elsewhere, but he recaps at the end.

>> No.15820753

>i thought it will be history
It is kind of a "how to" book with historical lessons and parables to explain his points.
>i heard germany back then was very anti animal cruelty and was very environmentalist
Eco-fascism started with Hitler. It is not new.

>> No.15820776

>Because of communism?
I do not hate them, first of all. You might read Henry Ford if you want to get a different perspective other than hate. Anyways - it is not just the communism. It is also their tandem capitalism. They have no business living in a host population, bribing and blackmailing to manipulate the host society to conform to their wishes. They can do this in their home state if they wish.

>> No.15820797

>Hitler never was and never allowed in his presence
So, are the photographs of him with the Hitlerjugend faked wherein they had chased a fox on foot and bludgeoned it to death? Did he make an exception for training activities? The prosecution of the war itself was brutal and the whole thing is difficult to parse, though I know that the propaganda surrounding him is mostly false.

>> No.15820834

>Nothing special aside from trying not to get reported to the Gestapo?
Not him, but it appears, from some late reports by old people that wanted to dispel myths, to have not been so bad in this respect. Hitler specifically mentions the loyalty of the schoolyard in MK, and how people should not feel like they were constantly on-guard. I believe this to be why high ranking officials bothered hiding their friends that made it onto the list for "The Night of the Long Knives". If the terror of the Gestapo were permanent then temporarily hiding them would be of no effect because they would have been found eventually. After the event, those that were not assassinated were generally free to re-assimilate. This wave of assassinations was brutal but succinct.

>> No.15820870

>but fascism is not racial at all
There is definitely a racial component to Hitler's Blood and Soil philosophy.

>> No.15820881

Please, work on your spelling.

>> No.15820896

>when they were young and strong and able to tell their stories
I never had this experience. They just yelled at me for asking questions.

>> No.15820911

>like skinheads and punks did in 1960 England.
Please, revisit this. There is so much wrong in this small snippet that it is difficult to critique.

>> No.15820937

Skinheads have a trash, racist philosophy. They need to abandon this and find something along the lines of (actual, true) Hitlerism (not hero worship) to ever have any legitimacy. Frankly, they should start with Henry Ford and Martin Luther. Hitler is probably a little heavy for them.

>> No.15820960

>do not read the source material
>read this critique instead
Give a Gestalt or tell your story walking.

>> No.15820977

>Israel seems pretty tame
They were founded on a terror campaign that effectively depopulated large parts of the country of it's previous inhabitants.

>> No.15820985

By the same argument so was obama. Do you also say that obama was a real jerk?

>> No.15821101

I generally agree with you but you need to lead by example. I made a one word quip several years ago to a snarky poster on /pol/ and, due to the angle that I took, he knew that I had a substantial position. He wrote a detailed wall of text explaining his position and we spent the better part of a night arguing our positions in detail. In the end, we still disagreed, but mainly on practical points. This was on /pol/ of all places. Just lead, and do not be discouraged when most fail to follow.

>> No.15821137
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You'll become a National Socialist eventually. The truth of the movement is too powerful and ultimately undeniable. Just give in and start early.

>> No.15821147

No. The copyright belonged to the state government of Bavaria but once it expired it was re-printed to massive sales


This is why the German state is cracking down so hard on the nationalist wing of the AfD. There is a massive appetite for national reawakening in Germany, especially since Merkel's Million came into the country and began fucking shit up regularly.

>> No.15821346


>> No.15821861


>> No.15821925

Are we overdue for another one or do things need to get worse?

>> No.15822013

There's some issues with translation.

Most of the times Volk is translated as race, but it means people, the same happens with Herrenvolk (noble birth people) getting translated as master race, Volksgemeinshaft (Popular community) translated as racial community, or Volkstaat (popular state) translated as racist state.

Until Rosenberg, the nazis (although being racialist) were far more into their particular ethnic group than into racial groupings.

>> No.15822115


Typo, the last refuge of the man with no argument.

>> No.15822356

Which translation do you have?

>> No.15822361


Does the Ford translation suffer this?

>> No.15822738
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I have two translations. One of them is the one with commentary, which is pretty short and a lot of things are cut from the original book and also suffers from what I mentioned.
The other one is a direct machine translation (pic-related), and although they have tried to cull the inaccuracies in the text some things slip into it. I haven't read the Ford translation so I don't know.

>> No.15822746

One of the few 5 star books

>> No.15822763

Ford translation is a scam. No translation credentials, paid for good amazon reviews and the quotes on the book calling the it the best translation come from Ford's other book about MK translations. Not to mention its shoddy printing and formating.

>> No.15822974

its gonna happen in 15-20 years, probably around 10 years if we accelerate

>> No.15822990

Multiple times. Just bought the Thomas Dalton translation. Waiting for delivery.

>> No.15822994

He rally'd the Germanic peoples and did what he believed best for them. If the war turned out any differently I do not believe we would have nearly the same amount of suffering and decadence in western society today.

>> No.15822999


>> No.15823009

>outsider tribe manipulates society to their liking, and to the detriment of the general population
>"lol why u mad?"
They need to get and stay the fuck out.

>> No.15823017

of course not, thats why I can tell you that its vile garbage that really shouldnt be read by anyone

>> No.15823099

It does have an excellent audiobook, though.

>> No.15823120
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Don't listen to any of the other replies. The Thomas Dalton translation is the best.

>> No.15823170


>> No.15823216

Easier to read. The Stalag edition may be the only official authorized English translation from the NSDAP, but it wasn't finished by the guy that started it, and the language is not very digestible. Comparatively, Dalton's version is clean and accurate. He's also very accomplished author and scholar.

>> No.15823225

are you him. you sound like him

>> No.15823280

You asked why.

>> No.15823291
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I'm at the part where he dissects his time in parliament

Very good read unironically one of my top 10's

I wish he focused more of the story about this time in vienna that was the most interesting part

>> No.15823314

Yes, it's a really inspiring book. Its best if you read it in German. Otherwise you won't understand the fluidity and pure poetry.

>> No.15823319

Why must you ruin every thread

>> No.15823327
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I like seeing the natural progression of hitler and realizing his similarities to my own
Hitler is someone I would probably be friends with

>> No.15823332

>Comparatively, Dalton's version is clean and accurate. He's also very accomplished author and scholar.
What non-arguments. Is the other one not accurate? Digestible, clean? Wtf do I care I just want a faithful translation not a easy translation. Otherwise, I'd just read a wiki summary

>> No.15823333

Why must you be like this? All I'm trying to do is discuss literature and enjoy my evening.

>> No.15823334

Because of judaism.

>> No.15823339

I read it in Hindi. Absolute banger.

>> No.15823344

And just like that your opinion was forever trash.

>> No.15823346

Taking a glance at the first couple of pages Dalton doesn't seem super accurate:

original: ...wohnten am Ende der achtziger Jahre des vergangenen Jahrhunderts meine Eltern;
Dalton: ...that my parents lived, towards the end of the last century.

Hitler says at the end of the 80s, meaning the 1880s, not the century.

original: Nach fast dreiundzwanzig Jahren, glaube ich, war das Ziel erreicht.
Dalton: He was about 23 years old, I think, when he achieved his life’s dream.

Hitler is saying it took his father 23 years from his decision to achieve his goal, not that he was 23 years old.

original: ...und kehrte so im Kreislauf eines langen, arbeits-reichen Lebens wieder zum Ursprung seiner Väter zurück.
Dalton: Thus, at the end of a long and hard-working career, he came back to the life that his father had led.

Hitler says he went back to what his fathers (plural) had done, meaning his forefathers or ancestors, not his particular father.

I realize that Dalton is more readable and his philosophy has not been to translate precisely but these errors seem to change the meanings. Also looks like Murphy has the same errors but Manheim has translated them more accurately.

>> No.15823375


>> No.15823388

Well that's a shame.

>> No.15823391

>tfw you're Hitler
So.. a failure who should kill himself?

>> No.15823406

>A failure
Said bitchtits mc cheeto dust whose biggest accomplishment was flipping a couple burgers and calling milk racist on twitter.

>> No.15823426
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He succeeded with his plan of removing slavic influence from the parliaments of Germany and East Germany as well as creating a change in the minds of poor serfs that racial ideology should be put above all. He also removed the corruptness that he saw as a child in parliament and exposed the double think of jews and their willing goyim.
What came after was simply a matter of war and attrition for which Hitler did not have much knowledge off, hence why some of his battle plans included large pincer movements that simply made no logistical sense.

Why bother replying with such low iq bait? For whom?
To shit up this board because you disagree over facist ideology for no logical reason other than a dislike of your father?

Please anon

>> No.15823439


Does this mean that the Stalag translation is the best of them?

>> No.15823505

I just checked, and the Stalag version has the same errors this >>15823346 fine anon pointed out. Sounds like the Manheim version is the best.

>> No.15823538

Genetics doesnt effect personality or beliefs. Race is a social construct thatbdoesnt mean much

>> No.15823562
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>Genetics doesn't effect personality or beliefs
Anon check this out
Your beliefs are based on being very low iq, that's genetics my friend.

>> No.15823563


>> No.15823569

>read it first at 15, didn't really understand anything, wasn't reading much back then
>read it second time-super exciting
>read it third time- pretty boring

>> No.15823583

The Reynal and Hitchock version doesn't seem to have these errors.

>> No.15823585

Why is it boring the 3rd time?

>> No.15823661

Probably 'cause it isn't new anymore.

>> No.15823769

where to get a good english translation?

>> No.15823790

Reynal & Hitchcock or Manheim

>> No.15824116
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>tfw own two pre-war copies
I've also picked up a hobby of finding obscure foreign editions, mostly for their amazing covers

>> No.15824245

I took no umbrage with the post other than the spelling.

>> No.15824250
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>> No.15824255 [DELETED] 

Give me a passage and an approximate page number and I will reference it for you.

>> No.15824279

Give me a passage and an approximate page number and I will reference it for you.

>> No.15824315

>Not to mention its shoddy printing and formating.
Say what you will about the technical quality of the translation, my late Ford edition is well formatted, printed, and bound. Further, many errors are omitted that I have seen referenced to early Ford editions.

>> No.15824484

that's a really big hand

>> No.15824689

started it. didn't finish it because Hitler was a retard and couldn't write for shit. Mein Kampf being anything better than drivel is cope.

>> No.15824804

Sucidide in the face of certain defeat was always honorable throughout history

>> No.15825872

>America discovering Mein Kampf in 2020.

>> No.15825905

For what i remember, (i've read it long ago), Hitler say he had debates with Marxists in Vienna, that it was rough (they threatened to harm him), but he never explained why Marxists were right or wrong.
He even had some Marxists arguments in the book, like the part were he explained too small apartments lead to dysfunctional families.

>> No.15825926

>In Mein Kampf Hitler adresses first the connection between jews and communism and then talks about how Feder showed him the truth about finance and capitalism and how it was eminently jewish.
Okay, if you want to talk conspiracies, let's get all the way in. What about the fact that Hitler is Rotschild grandson (Jacob Hitler), and that he (Hitler) was possibly a Tavistock institute creature (Mk ultra ancestor)?

>> No.15826965

I wrote it

>> No.15827225
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Do audio books count?
I basically agreed with his ideas, except for when he goes full autist and blames everything on Jews and not on Anglos. If we ever want to understand European history and civilization we will have to put this book back on the shelves.

>> No.15828453

I'd rather ask you if you could prove Jews are not and have not been overrepresented in finance, media funding and ownership, and promotion (either through financial or creative means) of frankfurtist critical theory, communism (until 1950) social democratic, liberal and conservative parties of the western capitalist establishment, the destruction of medium to small economic units in favor of enormous global corporations and oligopolies, and degraded cultural expressions.

Also don't forget about the consistent and believable proofs that the guy who fought the Rothschild banks and lost was a Rothschild, or that he was fund by external economic powers and not medium-large german industrialist as Krupp.
About Hitler being an illuminati British agent, I don't think I have to even comment on this.

>> No.15829368
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Genetics is the largest systematic factor in creating our personality. Even something like your odds of getting divorced are 40% heritable. Read a fucking book.

>> No.15829380

Show me an internet Nazi LARPer and I'll show you a steam account and a screen addiction

>> No.15829745


>> No.15829869

Show me you and I'll show you a Jew.

>> No.15831384

Yeah, very good. People who said its style is "rambling, incoherent" are just bullshitting because it's muh ebil moustache man.
It's not the best prose, of course, but you can tell it was written in the same manner that speeches are written, and it's very gripping when he explains how certain things worked. The only boring parts are those which are only relevant to his very specific time and place, though they are historically useful to understand more about his motives too.

>> No.15831396

>wherein they had chased a fox on foot and bludgeoned it to death
What's that about?

>> No.15832095

>except for when he goes full autist and blames everything on Jews and not on Anglos
That's where you went full retard

>> No.15832706
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>Yeah, very good. People who said its style is "rambling, incoherent" are just bullshitting because it's muh ebil moustache man.

The whole "Mein Kampf is poorly written!" thing is a meme that professors read out of Shirer and have been repeating for the past 60 odd years.